[#308693] [test-only] FAILED protobuf.git=3.20.3-alt1

Girar awaiter (shaba) girar-builder at altlinux.org
Wed Oct 19 16:37:15 MSK 2022


subtask  name      aarch64    armh  i586  ppc64le  x86_64
   #100  protobuf    12:04  failed  9:36    12:27    7:19

2022-Oct-19 13:24:46 :: test-only task #308693 for sisyphus started by shaba:
#100 build 3.20.3-alt1 from /people/shaba/packages/protobuf.git fetched at 2022-Oct-19 13:24:44
2022-Oct-19 13:24:47 :: [i586] #100 protobuf.git 3.20.3-alt1: build start
2022-Oct-19 13:24:47 :: [aarch64] #100 protobuf.git 3.20.3-alt1: build start
2022-Oct-19 13:24:47 :: [armh] #100 protobuf.git 3.20.3-alt1: build start
2022-Oct-19 13:24:47 :: [x86_64] #100 protobuf.git 3.20.3-alt1: build start
2022-Oct-19 13:24:47 :: [ppc64le] #100 protobuf.git 3.20.3-alt1: build start
[armh] [ERROR] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 2, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.289 s <<< FAILURE! - in com.google.protobuf.Proto3LiteSchemaTest
[armh] [ERROR] com.google.protobuf.Proto3LiteSchemaTest.oneofFieldsShouldRoundtrip  Time elapsed: 0.015 s  <<< ERROR!
[armh] java.lang.InternalError: a fault occurred in a recent unsafe memory access operation in compiled Java code
[armh] [ERROR] com.google.protobuf.Proto3LiteSchemaTest.randomMessageShouldRoundtrip  Time elapsed: 0.008 s  <<< ERROR!
[armh] java.lang.InternalError: a fault occurred in a recent unsafe memory access operation in compiled Java code
[armh] [INFO] Running com.google.protobuf.Proto3SchemaTest
[armh] [ERROR] Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 2, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.263 s <<< FAILURE! - in com.google.protobuf.Proto3SchemaTest
[armh] [ERROR] com.google.protobuf.Proto3SchemaTest.oneofFieldsShouldRoundtrip  Time elapsed: 0.115 s  <<< ERROR!
[armh] java.lang.InternalError: a fault occurred in a recent unsafe memory access operation in compiled Java code
[armh] [ERROR] com.google.protobuf.Proto3SchemaTest.randomMessageShouldRoundtrip  Time elapsed: 0.006 s  <<< ERROR!
[armh] java.lang.InternalError: a fault occurred in a recent unsafe memory access operation in compiled Java code
[armh] [INFO] Running com.google.protobuf.FloatArrayListTest
[armh] --
[armh] [ERROR] Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.014 s <<< FAILURE! - in com.google.protobuf.CheckUtf8Test
[armh] [ERROR] com.google.protobuf.CheckUtf8Test.testParseRequiredStringWithGoodUtf8  Time elapsed: 0.001 s  <<< ERROR!
[armh] java.lang.InternalError: a fault occurred in a recent unsafe memory access operation in compiled Java code
[armh] 	at com.google.protobuf.CheckUtf8Test.testParseRequiredStringWithGoodUtf8(CheckUtf8Test.java:67)
2022-Oct-19 13:29:40 :: [armh] protobuf.git 3.20.3-alt1: remote: build failed
2022-Oct-19 13:29:40 :: [armh] #100 protobuf.git 3.20.3-alt1: build FAILED
2022-Oct-19 13:29:40 :: [armh] requesting cancellation of task processing
2022-Oct-19 13:32:06 :: [x86_64] #100 protobuf.git 3.20.3-alt1: build OK
2022-Oct-19 13:34:23 :: [i586] #100 protobuf.git 3.20.3-alt1: build OK
2022-Oct-19 13:36:51 :: [aarch64] #100 protobuf.git 3.20.3-alt1: build OK
2022-Oct-19 13:37:14 :: [ppc64le] #100 protobuf.git 3.20.3-alt1: build OK
2022-Oct-19 13:29:40 :: [armh] build FAILED
2022-Oct-19 13:37:14 :: task #308693 for sisyphus FAILED

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