[#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 41) rpm-build-ruby.git=1.0.0-alt19 gem-setup.git=5.999.6-alt1 ...

Girar awaiter (majioa) girar-builder at altlinux.org
Tue May 24 21:08:15 MSK 2022


subtask  name                             aarch64     armh     i586  ppc64le   x86_64
     #1  rpm-build-ruby                        32       44       27       37       21
   #126  gem-setup                             47     1:10       36       57       29
   #130  ruby                               30:21    47:41    23:04    34:12    12:10
   #272  gem-power-assert                    1:03     1:46       44     1:17       35
   #276  gem-net-protocol                    1:00     1:42       37     1:13       33
   #277  gem-time                            1:00     1:42       36     1:13       36
   #340  gem-net-ftp                         1:01     1:44       38     1:14       41
   #360  gem-net-imap                        1:03     1:48       39     1:19       40
   #370  gem-net-pop                         1:02     1:44       39     1:14       39
   #374  gem-net-smtp                        1:00     1:42       35     1:12       38
   #600  gem-apipie-bindings                 1:03     1:48       38     1:18       44
  #1000  gem-em-mongo                        1:02     1:47     1:02     1:18       39
  #1100  gem-hiera                           1:01     1:43       49     1:14       36
  #1140  gem-graphql                         1:44     2:57     1:06     2:23       56
  #1300  gem-flexmock                        1:04     1:49       50     1:21       41
  #1500  gem-webauthn                        1:05     1:53       46     1:21       38
  #1540  gem-twitter-text                    1:06     1:52       44     1:20       42
  #1700  gem-simple-oauth                    1:03     1:46       41     1:15       47
  #1740  gem-sidekiq                         1:10     1:57     1:19     1:26       39
  #2100  gem-sass-rails                      1:03     1:48       45     1:18       35
  #2200  gem-ruby-openid                     1:09     1:56     1:05     1:26       39
  #2300  gem-rsec                              58     1:42       48     1:12       34
  #2400  gem-rabl                            1:04     1:50       50     1:20       38
  #2500  gem-puppet-resource-api             1:02     1:48       41     1:17       35
  #2600  gem-notify                          1:04     1:46       40     1:16       39
  #2700  gem-chefstyle                       1:04     1:48       56     1:17       46
  #3000  gem-reverse-markdown                1:06     1:51       44     1:20       47
  #3200  gem-gem-release                       59     1:44       35     1:14       37
  #3300  gem-licensee                        1:08     1:59       44     1:26       44
  #3400  gem-active-record-inline-schema     1:02     1:46       45     1:14       38
  #3500  gem-cohort-analysis                 1:03     1:46       38     1:15       40
  #3600  gem-weighted-average                1:02     1:46       38     1:15       42
  #3700  gem-protocol                        1:03     1:48       40     1:18       40
  #4000  gem-mize                            1:02     1:46       39     1:15       38
  #4100  gem-amatch                          1:11     1:58       46     1:26       45
  #4200  gem-fuzzy-match                     1:05     1:52       45     1:21       42
  #4240  gem-license-scout                   1:45     3:00     1:05     2:24     1:04
  #4400  gem-codecov                         1:04     1:49       39     1:18       44
  #4500  gem-google-gax                      1:06     1:54       39     1:23       39
  #4600  gem-exception-notification          1:14     2:10       46     1:33       42
  #4700  gem-xml-simple                        59     1:42       36     1:11       32
  #5000  gem-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher          1:01     1:45       38     1:15       35
  #5100  gem-bump                            1:05     1:49       52     1:18       41
  #5200  gem-train-rest                      1:02     1:47       38     1:16       34
  #5300  gem-ohai                            1:13     2:02       47     1:32       39
  #5400  gem-corefoundation                  1:00     1:43       41     1:13       33
  #5500  gem-vault                           1:09     1:56       50     1:23       37
  #5600  gem-chef                            4:42     7:24     3:11     6:37     2:36
  #5700  gem-toxiproxy                         58     1:41       34     1:11       37
  #6000  gem-appbundler                      1:12     2:05       49     1:27       44
  #6700  google-api-ruby-client             20:10    40:41    10:57    31:34    11:01
  #7000  gapic-generator-ruby                2:23     3:38     1:40     2:53     1:43
  #7100  common-protos-ruby                  1:11     1:56       43     1:25       54
  #7200  ruby-gnome2                         9:22    14:48     6:41    13:54     6:34
  #7300  gem-puppet                          2:57     4:57     1:45     4:10     1:32
  #7640  gem-sexp-processor                  1:01     1:47       33     1:17       34
  #7660  gem-oedipus-lex                     1:00     1:42       34     1:13       35
  #7700  gem-ruby-parser                     1:34     2:37       53     2:09       51
 #10000  foreman                             3:53     6:18     2:15     6:23     2:05
 #10100  passenger                           7:37     4:23     4:05     8:06     3:55
 #10400  gem-coderay                         1:05     1:52       36     1:23       36
 #10700  gem-ptools                          1:02     1:45       34     1:14       36
 #11000  gem-mkmf-lite                       1:01     1:45       35     1:15       36
 #11100  gem-sys-filesystem                  1:02     1:47       35     1:14       35
 #11240  gem-rake                            1:02     1:47       35     1:19       36
 #11500  gem-deacon                          1:04     1:49       35     1:17       37
 #11600  azure-sdk-for-ruby               3:05:15  7:16:08  1:54:38  4:34:26  1:31:52
 #11700  gem-facter                          2:12     3:48     1:19     2:57     1:11
 #12000  gem-aliyun-sdk                      1:14     2:09       42     1:33       44
 #12100  gem-digest-crc                      1:36     2:44       53     2:00       53
 #12200  gem-bcrypt                          1:08     1:57       40     1:23       40
 #12240  gem-bcrypt-pbkdf                    1:06     1:57       39     1:22       40
 #12400  gem-fuubar                          1:04     1:49       36     1:17       36
 #12500  gem-rfc                             1:03     1:49       35     1:16       36
 #12600  gem-byebug                          1:18     2:12       44     1:37       44
 #12700  gem-kramdown-parser-gfm             1:02     1:49       33     1:15       35
 #13000  gem-mdl                             1:16     2:21       41     1:31       42
 #13100  gem-claide                          1:01     1:48       33     1:16       33
 #13200  gem-colored2                        1:07     1:51       36     1:19       37
 #13300  gem-cork                            1:07     1:51       36     1:18       36
 #13400  gem-peck                            1:03     1:50       35     1:21       35
 #13500  gem-nap                             1:05     1:51       35     1:20       37
 #13600  gem-claide-plugins                  1:06     1:56       37     1:21       38
 #13700  gem-faraday-http-cache              1:10     1:49       36     1:18       36
 #14000  gem-danger                          1:48     2:12       44     1:38       43
 #14100  gem-chandler                        1:41     2:01       40     1:28       41
 #14200  gem-md-ruby-eval                    1:22     1:50       38     1:21       39
 #14220  gem-concurrent-ruby                 2:12     3:29     1:17     2:49     1:12
 #14400  gem-ed25519                         1:12     2:02       43     1:29       40
 #14500  gem-ffi                             1:26     2:20       47     1:48       48
 #14600  gem-hiredis                         1:16     2:05       43     1:36       44
 #14700  gem-rake-compiler                   1:09     1:52       39     1:22       39
 #14740  gem-parser                          1:17     2:06       40     1:36       41
 #15000  gem-rubocop                         2:15     3:41     1:16     3:15     1:09
 #15100  gem-rubocop-ast                     1:11     1:57       38     1:37       38
 #15200  gem-rubocop-minitest                1:08     1:53       36     1:28       37
 #15300  gem-rubocop-performance             1:45     1:58       37     1:28       38
 #15400  gem-rake-compiler-dock              1:43     1:55       38     1:26       39
 #15500  gem-nokogiri                        2:31     2:54       59     2:11       58
 #15600  gem-oj                              1:31     2:31       50     1:48       51
 #16000  gem-thin                            1:13     2:04       42     1:30       43
 #16100  gem-redcloth                        1:10     1:59       39     1:25       40
 #16140  gem-rb-fsevent                      1:06     1:54       36     1:21       37
 #16240  gem-puma                            1:20     2:17       46     1:46       46
 #16500  gem-zentest                         1:09     1:53       38     1:25       39
 #16600  gem-rubyinline                      1:05     1:52       35     1:19       36
 #16700  gem-fuzzy-string-match              1:06     1:49       35     1:20       37
 #17000  gem-ffi-compiler                    1:08     1:52       36     1:26       37
 #17100  gem-hotwater                        1:13     1:58       40     1:29       40
 #17200  gem-jaro-winkler                    1:14     1:59       40     1:34       41
 #17400  gem-remix-stash                     1:11     2:01       40     1:31       40
 #17500  gem-hoe-mercurial                   1:04     1:50       36     1:19       37
 #17600  gem-hoe-highline                    1:04     1:50       35     1:18       36
 #17700  gem-hoe-deveiate                    1:06     1:50       36     1:19       37
 #20000  gem-pg                              2:39     2:48     1:09     3:20     1:35
 #20200  gem-rdoc                            1:21     2:14       47     1:46       45
 #20300  gem-rvm                             1:01     1:47       32     1:18       34
 #20400  gem-dbi-dbrc                        1:05     1:52       37     1:20       37
 #20500  gem-fast-xs                         1:04     1:52       35     1:23       36
 #20600  gem-url-escape                      1:04     1:49       36     1:26       37
 #20700  gem-glu                             1:09     1:57       37     1:25       39
 #21000  gem-glut                            1:04     1:47       35     1:19       36
 #21100  gem-opengl                          1:41     2:44       57     2:04       55
 #21200  gem-ruby-debug-ide                  1:05     1:52       36     1:24       37
 #21300  gem-minitar-cli                     1:09     1:53       38     1:24       39
 #21400  gem-debase-ruby-core-source         1:45     2:56       57     2:27       55
 #21500  gem-debase                          1:12     2:01       41     1:31       41
 #21600  gem-strong-json                     1:00     1:46       33     1:15       33
 #21700  gem-goodcheck                       1:10     2:00       39     1:28       41
 #22000  gem-rubocop-rubycw                  1:05     1:51       35     1:19       36
 #22100  gem-stackprof                       1:14     2:03       42     1:30       44
 #22200  gem-tempfile                        1:00     1:45       33     1:16       34
 #22300  gem-rbs                             1:29     2:29       51     1:53       50
 #22400  gem-tidy-ext                        1:15     2:04       40     1:29       40
 #22500  gem-bluecloth                       1:19     2:07       44     1:32       45
 #22600  gem-redcarpet                       1:18     2:05       44     1:35       45
 #22700  gem-rspec-junit-formatter           1:08     1:54       37     1:25       38
 #23000  gem-rmagick                         1:49     2:47       58     2:06       56
 #23100  gem-nio4r                           1:14     2:01       41     1:31       42
 #23140  gem-hoe-bundler                     1:05     1:51       35     1:20       37
 #23200  gem-hoe-gemspec                     1:06     1:50       35     1:19       37
 #23300  gem-sqlite3                         1:18     2:13       44     1:39       44
 #23400  gem-data-objects                    1:56     3:03     1:15     2:20     1:15
 #23500  gem-i18n                            1:08     1:56       37     1:26       38
 #23600  gem-timecop                         1:00     1:44       33     1:15       34
 #24000  gem-yard                            1:19     2:15       45     1:40       44
 #24100  gem-faker                           1:30     2:36       51     1:58       49
 #24200  gem-mysql2                          1:17     2:18       43     1:34       43

2022-May-24 01:45:57 :: test-only task #296637 for sisyphus resumed by majioa:
2022-May-24 01:45:57 :: message: test
#1 build 1.0.0-alt19 from /people/majioa/packages/rpm-build-ruby.git fetched at 2022-May-17 12:26:28
#2 removed
#4 removed
#10 removed
#20 removed
#21 removed
#22 removed
#24 removed
#30 removed
#40 removed
#50 removed
#54 removed
#56 removed
#60 removed
#61 removed
#62 removed
#64 removed
#70 removed
#71 removed
#72 removed
#74 removed
#100 removed
#110 removed
#112 removed
#113 removed
#114 removed
#115 removed
#116 removed
#117 removed
#120 removed
#124 removed
#126 build 5.999.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-setup.git fetched at 2022-May-24 01:42:59
#130 build 2.7.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/ruby.git fetched at 2022-Apr-29 13:23:51
#134 removed
#140 removed
#160 removed
#164 removed
#170 removed
#200 removed
#240 removed
#260 removed
#270 removed
#272 build 2.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-power-assert.git fetched at 2022-May-01 18:38:50
#274 removed
#276 build 0.1.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-net-protocol.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 22:54:41
#277 build 0.2.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-time.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 22:54:53
#300 removed
#340 build 0.1.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-net-ftp.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 22:53:01
#360 build 0.2.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-net-imap.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 22:53:28
#370 build 0.1.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-net-pop.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 22:53:37
#374 build 0.3.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-net-smtp.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 22:53:48
#400 removed
#500 removed
#600 build 0.4.0-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-apipie-bindings.git fetched at 2022-Apr-18 17:37:50
#700 removed
#1000 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-em-mongo.git fetched at 2022-Apr-18 20:58:44
#1100 build 3.9.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-hiera.git fetched at 2022-Apr-18 21:44:26
#1140 build 1.13.12-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-graphql.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 07:48:31
#1200 removed
#1300 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-flexmock.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 08:08:34
#1400 removed
#1500 build 2.5.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-webauthn.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 09:09:57
#1540 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-twitter-text.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 07:55:15
#1600 removed
#1700 build 0.3.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-simple-oauth.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 09:33:08
#1740 build 6.4.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-sidekiq.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 21:38:25
#2000 removed
#2100 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-sass-rails.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 09:51:18
#2200 build 2.9.2-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ruby-openid.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 10:43:55
#2300 build 1.0.0-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rsec.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 11:00:53
#2400 build 0.15.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rabl.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 11:46:46
#2500 build 1.8.14-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-puppet-resource-api.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 11:56:24
#2600 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-notify.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 13:09:26
#2700 build 2.2.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-chefstyle.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 14:05:39
#3000 build 2.1.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-reverse-markdown.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 17:10:21
#3100 removed
#3200 build 2.2.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-gem-release.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 17:37:10
#3300 build 9.15.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-licensee.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 17:46:27
#3400 build 0.6.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-active-record-inline-schema.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 18:12:00
#3500 build 1.0.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-cohort-analysis.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 18:44:37
#3600 build 2.0.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-weighted-average.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 19:04:30
#3700 build 2.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-protocol.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 19:29:15
#4000 build 0.4.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-mize.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 19:33:38
#4100 build 0.4.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-amatch.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 19:41:22
#4200 build 2.1.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fuzzy-match.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 19:44:40
#4240 build 2.6.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-license-scout.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 07:53:15
#4300 removed
#4400 build 0.6.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-codecov.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 22:36:06
#4500 build 1.8.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-google-gax.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 22:39:02
#4600 build 4.5.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-exception-notification.git fetched at 2022-Apr-19 23:01:58
#4700 build 1.1.9-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-xml-simple.git fetched at 2022-Apr-20 19:01:18
#5000 build 0.8.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 07:46:09
#5100 build 0.10.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-bump.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 19:29:18
#5200 build 0.4.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-train-rest.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 19:38:36
#5300 build 18.0.10-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ohai.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 19:57:12
#5400 build 0.3.14-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-corefoundation.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 20:34:46
#5500 build 0.16.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-vault.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 20:43:50
#5600 build 18.0.91-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-chef.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 21:11:19
#5700 build 2.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-toxiproxy.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 21:33:09
#6000 build 0.13.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-appbundler.git fetched at 2022-Apr-21 21:48:07
#6100 removed
#6200 removed
#6300 removed
#6340 removed
#6400 removed
#6500 removed
#6600 removed
#6700 build 20210602-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/google-api-ruby-client.git fetched at 2022-Apr-24 08:42:19
#7000 build 20210605-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gapic-generator-ruby.git fetched at 2022-Apr-24 08:51:44
#7100 build 20210531-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/common-protos-ruby.git fetched at 2022-Apr-24 08:51:59
#7200 build 3.5.1-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/ruby-gnome2.git fetched at 2022-Apr-24 08:52:38
#7300 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-puppet.git fetched at 2022-Apr-27 13:21:58
#7400 removed
#7500 removed
#7600 removed
#7640 build 4.16.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-sexp-processor.git fetched at 2022-May-02 19:24:53
#7660 build 2.6.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-oedipus-lex.git fetched at 2022-May-02 19:26:53
#7700 build 3.19.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ruby-parser.git fetched at 2022-May-01 18:29:11
#10000 build 3.0.0-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/foreman.git fetched at 2022-May-01 18:45:18
#10100 build 6.0.11-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/passenger.git fetched at 2022-May-01 18:57:33
#10140 removed
#10200 removed
#10300 removed
#10400 build 1.1.3-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-coderay.git fetched at 2022-May-03 17:55:50
#10500 removed
#10600 removed
#10700 build 1.4.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ptools.git fetched at 2022-May-03 20:05:12
#11000 build 0.5.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-mkmf-lite.git fetched at 2022-May-03 20:05:38
#11100 build 1.4.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-sys-filesystem.git fetched at 2022-May-03 20:08:42
#11200 removed
#11240 build 13.0.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rake.git fetched at 2022-May-04 11:01:46
#11250 removed
#11260 removed
#11300 removed
#11400 removed
#11500 build 1.0.0-alt2.1 from /gears/g/gem-deacon.git fetched at 2022-May-03 20:16:06 from sisyphus
#11600 build 20200316-alt1.4 from /people/majioa/packages/azure-sdk-for-ruby.git fetched at 2022-May-04 11:00:48
#11700 build 4.2.9-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-facter.git fetched at 2022-May-05 16:36:58
#12000 build 0.8.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-aliyun-sdk.git fetched at 2022-May-05 16:41:26
#12100 build 0.6.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-digest-crc.git fetched at 2022-May-05 16:45:43
#12200 build 3.1.17-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-bcrypt.git fetched at 2022-May-06 07:15:18
#12240 build 1.1.0-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git fetched at 2022-May-14 08:20:17
#12300 removed
#12400 build 2.5.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fuubar.git fetched at 2022-May-06 08:19:37
#12500 build 0.2.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rfc.git fetched at 2022-May-06 08:28:05
#12600 build 11.1.3-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-byebug.git fetched at 2022-May-06 08:40:37
#12700 build 1.1.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-kramdown-parser-gfm.git fetched at 2022-May-06 10:21:42
#13000 build 0.11.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-mdl.git fetched at 2022-May-06 10:32:46
#13100 build 1.1.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-claide.git fetched at 2022-May-06 11:25:17
#13200 build 3.1.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-colored2.git fetched at 2022-May-06 11:32:43
#13300 build 0.3.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-cork.git fetched at 2022-May-06 11:41:55
#13400 build 0.5.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-peck.git fetched at 2022-May-06 12:12:20
#13500 build 1.1.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-nap.git fetched at 2022-May-06 12:17:48
#13600 build 0.9.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-claide-plugins.git fetched at 2022-May-06 12:20:41
#13700 build 2.2.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-faraday-http-cache.git fetched at 2022-May-06 12:36:58
#14000 build 8.6.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-danger.git fetched at 2022-May-06 13:07:28
#14100 build 0.9.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-chandler.git fetched at 2022-May-06 13:13:51
#14200 build 0.6.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-md-ruby-eval.git fetched at 2022-May-06 14:52:55
#14220 build 1.1.9-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-concurrent-ruby.git fetched at 2022-May-18 07:27:14
#14240 removed
#14300 removed
#14400 build 1.3.0-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ed25519.git fetched at 2022-May-07 21:56:45
#14500 build 1.15.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ffi.git fetched at 2022-May-07 22:06:09
#14600 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-hiredis.git fetched at 2022-May-07 22:43:12
#14700 build 1.2.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rake-compiler.git fetched at 2022-May-07 22:57:00
#14740 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-parser.git fetched at 2022-May-18 14:42:11
#15000 build 1.27.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubocop.git fetched at 2022-May-07 22:58:36
#15100 build 1.17.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubocop-ast.git fetched at 2022-May-07 22:58:59
#15200 build 0.19.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubocop-minitest.git fetched at 2022-May-07 22:59:19
#15300 build 1.13.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubocop-performance.git fetched at 2022-May-07 22:59:32
#15400 build 1.2.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rake-compiler-dock.git fetched at 2022-May-07 22:59:54
#15500 build 1.13.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-nokogiri.git fetched at 2022-May-07 23:00:19
#15600 build 3.13.11-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-oj.git fetched at 2022-May-07 23:01:47
#15700 removed
#16000 build 1.8.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-thin.git fetched at 2022-May-07 23:29:37
#16100 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-redcloth.git fetched at 2022-May-07 23:58:24
#16140 build 0.11.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rb-fsevent.git fetched at 2022-May-16 10:47:09
#16200 removed
#16240 build 5.6.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-puma.git fetched at 2022-May-16 10:40:17
#16300 removed
#16400 removed
#16500 build 4.12.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-zentest.git fetched at 2022-May-08 14:05:25
#16600 build 3.12.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubyinline.git fetched at 2022-May-08 14:53:12
#16700 build 1.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fuzzy-string-match.git fetched at 2022-May-08 15:13:58
#17000 build 1.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ffi-compiler.git fetched at 2022-May-08 15:48:13
#17100 build 0.1.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-hotwater.git fetched at 2022-May-13 08:15:26
#17200 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-jaro-winkler.git fetched at 2022-May-13 10:51:20
#17300 removed
#17400 build 1.1.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-remix-stash.git fetched at 2022-May-13 12:33:22
#17500 build 1.4.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-hoe-mercurial.git fetched at 2022-May-13 15:19:11
#17600 build 0.2.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-hoe-highline.git fetched at 2022-May-13 16:22:34
#17700 build 0.10.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-hoe-deveiate.git fetched at 2022-May-13 16:37:08
#20000 build 1.3.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-pg.git fetched at 2022-May-13 16:49:19
#20100 removed
#20200 build 6.4.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rdoc.git fetched at 2022-May-16 09:25:40
#20300 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rvm.git fetched at 2022-May-16 10:55:51
#20400 build 1.7.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-dbi-dbrc.git fetched at 2022-May-16 11:06:24
#20500 build 0.8.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fast-xs.git fetched at 2022-May-16 11:27:39
#20600 build 2009.06.24-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-url-escape.git fetched at 2022-May-16 12:29:05
#20700 build 8.3.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-glu.git fetched at 2022-May-16 16:29:24
#21000 build 8.3.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-glut.git fetched at 2022-May-16 16:43:57
#21100 build 0.10.0-alt1.4 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-opengl.git fetched at 2022-May-16 16:48:03
#21200 build 0.7.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ruby-debug-ide.git fetched at 2022-May-16 19:14:49
#21300 build 0.6.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-minitar-cli.git fetched at 2022-May-16 20:20:38
#21400 build 0.10.15-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-debase-ruby-core-source.git fetched at 2022-May-16 20:32:15
#21500 build 0.2.5.beta2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-debase.git fetched at 2022-May-16 20:36:54
#21600 build 2.1.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-strong-json.git fetched at 2022-May-16 20:45:47
#21700 build 3.1.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-goodcheck.git fetched at 2022-May-16 20:49:12
#22000 build 0.1.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubocop-rubycw.git fetched at 2022-May-16 21:06:23
#22100 build 0.2.19-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-stackprof.git fetched at 2022-May-16 21:22:13
#22200 build 0.1.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-tempfile.git fetched at 2022-May-16 21:35:09
#22300 build 2.4.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rbs.git fetched at 2022-May-16 23:37:19
#22400 build 0.1.14-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-tidy-ext.git fetched at 2022-May-17 08:43:09
#22500 build 2.2.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-bluecloth.git fetched at 2022-May-17 09:24:48
#22600 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-redcarpet.git fetched at 2022-May-17 11:10:40
#22700 build 0.5.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rspec-junit-formatter.git fetched at 2022-May-17 11:29:13
#23000 build 4.2.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rmagick.git fetched at 2022-May-17 11:32:55
#23100 build 2.5.8-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-nio4r.git fetched at 2022-May-17 11:54:42
#23140 build 1.5.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-hoe-bundler.git fetched at 2022-May-18 07:48:02
#23200 build 1.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-hoe-gemspec.git fetched at 2022-May-18 07:46:53
#23300 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-sqlite3.git fetched at 2022-May-18 08:18:37
#23400 build 0.10.17-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-data-objects.git fetched at 2022-May-18 13:14:20
#23500 build 1.10.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-i18n.git fetched at 2022-May-18 13:24:03
#23600 build 0.9.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-timecop.git fetched at 2022-May-18 13:33:40
#23700 delete ruby-timecop
#24000 build 0.9.27-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-yard.git fetched at 2022-May-18 14:06:57
#24100 build 2.21.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-faker.git fetched at 2022-May-18 14:20:50
#24200 build 0.5.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-mysql2.git fetched at 2022-May-18 14:32:23
2022-May-24 01:45:58 :: created build repo
2022-May-24 01:45:59 :: [i586] #1 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt19: build start
2022-May-24 01:45:59 :: [ppc64le] #1 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt19: build start
2022-May-24 01:45:59 :: [aarch64] #1 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt19: build start
2022-May-24 01:45:59 :: [armh] #1 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt19: build start
2022-May-24 01:45:59 :: [x86_64] #1 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt19: build start
2022-May-24 01:46:20 :: [x86_64] #1 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt19: build OK
2022-May-24 01:46:20 :: [x86_64] #126 gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 01:46:26 :: [i586] #1 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt19: build OK
2022-May-24 01:46:26 :: [i586] #126 gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 01:46:31 :: [aarch64] #1 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt19: build OK
2022-May-24 01:46:31 :: [aarch64] #126 gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 01:46:36 :: [ppc64le] #1 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt19: build OK
2022-May-24 01:46:37 :: [ppc64le] #126 gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 01:46:43 :: [armh] #1 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt19: build OK
2022-May-24 01:46:43 :: [armh] #126 gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 01:46:49 :: [x86_64] #126 gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 01:46:49 :: [x86_64] #130 ruby.git 2.7.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 01:47:02 :: [i586] #126 gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 01:47:02 :: [i586] #130 ruby.git 2.7.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 01:47:18 :: [aarch64] #126 gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 01:47:18 :: [aarch64] #130 ruby.git 2.7.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 01:47:34 :: [ppc64le] #126 gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 01:47:34 :: [ppc64le] #130 ruby.git 2.7.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 01:47:53 :: [armh] #126 gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 01:47:53 :: [armh] #130 ruby.git 2.7.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 01:58:59 :: [x86_64] #130 ruby.git 2.7.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 01:58:59 :: [x86_64] #272 gem-power-assert.git 2.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 01:59:34 :: [x86_64] #272 gem-power-assert.git 2.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 01:59:34 :: [x86_64] #276 gem-net-protocol.git 0.1.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:00:07 :: [x86_64] #276 gem-net-protocol.git 0.1.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:00:07 :: [x86_64] #277 gem-time.git 0.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:00:43 :: [x86_64] #277 gem-time.git 0.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:00:43 :: [x86_64] #340 gem-net-ftp.git 0.1.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:01:24 :: [x86_64] #340 gem-net-ftp.git 0.1.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:01:24 :: [x86_64] #360 gem-net-imap.git 0.2.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:02:04 :: [x86_64] #360 gem-net-imap.git 0.2.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:02:04 :: [x86_64] #370 gem-net-pop.git 0.1.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:02:43 :: [x86_64] #370 gem-net-pop.git 0.1.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:02:43 :: [x86_64] #374 gem-net-smtp.git 0.3.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:03:21 :: [x86_64] #374 gem-net-smtp.git 0.3.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:03:22 :: [x86_64] #600 gem-apipie-bindings.git 0.4.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 02:04:06 :: [x86_64] #600 gem-apipie-bindings.git 0.4.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:04:06 :: [x86_64] #1000 gem-em-mongo.git build start
2022-May-24 02:04:45 :: [x86_64] #1000 gem-em-mongo.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:04:46 :: [x86_64] #1100 gem-hiera.git 3.9.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:05:22 :: [x86_64] #1100 gem-hiera.git 3.9.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:05:23 :: [x86_64] #1140 gem-graphql.git 1.13.12-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:06:19 :: [x86_64] #1140 gem-graphql.git 1.13.12-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:06:19 :: [x86_64] #1300 gem-flexmock.git build start
2022-May-24 02:07:00 :: [x86_64] #1300 gem-flexmock.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:07:00 :: [x86_64] #1500 gem-webauthn.git 2.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:07:38 :: [x86_64] #1500 gem-webauthn.git 2.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:07:38 :: [x86_64] #1540 gem-twitter-text.git build start
2022-May-24 02:08:20 :: [x86_64] #1540 gem-twitter-text.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:08:20 :: [x86_64] #1700 gem-simple-oauth.git 0.3.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:09:07 :: [x86_64] #1700 gem-simple-oauth.git 0.3.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:09:07 :: [x86_64] #1740 gem-sidekiq.git 6.4.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:09:46 :: [x86_64] #1740 gem-sidekiq.git 6.4.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:09:47 :: [x86_64] #2100 gem-sass-rails.git build start
2022-May-24 02:10:06 :: [i586] #130 ruby.git 2.7.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:10:06 :: [i586] #272 gem-power-assert.git 2.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:10:22 :: [x86_64] #2100 gem-sass-rails.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:10:22 :: [x86_64] #2200 gem-ruby-openid.git 2.9.2-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 02:10:50 :: [i586] #272 gem-power-assert.git 2.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:10:51 :: [i586] #276 gem-net-protocol.git 0.1.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:11:01 :: [x86_64] #2200 gem-ruby-openid.git 2.9.2-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:11:01 :: [x86_64] #2300 gem-rsec.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 02:11:28 :: [i586] #276 gem-net-protocol.git 0.1.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:11:28 :: [i586] #277 gem-time.git 0.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:11:35 :: [x86_64] #2300 gem-rsec.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:11:35 :: [x86_64] #2400 gem-rabl.git 0.15.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:12:04 :: [i586] #277 gem-time.git 0.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:12:04 :: [i586] #340 gem-net-ftp.git 0.1.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:12:13 :: [x86_64] #2400 gem-rabl.git 0.15.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:12:13 :: [x86_64] #2500 gem-puppet-resource-api.git 1.8.14-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:12:42 :: [i586] #340 gem-net-ftp.git 0.1.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:12:42 :: [i586] #360 gem-net-imap.git 0.2.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:12:48 :: [x86_64] #2500 gem-puppet-resource-api.git 1.8.14-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:12:48 :: [x86_64] #2600 gem-notify.git build start
2022-May-24 02:13:21 :: [i586] #360 gem-net-imap.git 0.2.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:13:21 :: [i586] #370 gem-net-pop.git 0.1.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:13:27 :: [x86_64] #2600 gem-notify.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:13:27 :: [x86_64] #2700 gem-chefstyle.git 2.2.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:14:00 :: [i586] #370 gem-net-pop.git 0.1.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:14:00 :: [i586] #374 gem-net-smtp.git 0.3.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:14:13 :: [x86_64] #2700 gem-chefstyle.git 2.2.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:14:13 :: [x86_64] #3000 gem-reverse-markdown.git 2.1.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:14:35 :: [i586] #374 gem-net-smtp.git 0.3.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:14:35 :: [i586] #600 gem-apipie-bindings.git 0.4.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 02:15:00 :: [x86_64] #3000 gem-reverse-markdown.git 2.1.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:15:01 :: [x86_64] #3200 gem-gem-release.git 2.2.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:15:13 :: [i586] #600 gem-apipie-bindings.git 0.4.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:15:13 :: [i586] #1000 gem-em-mongo.git build start
2022-May-24 02:15:38 :: [x86_64] #3200 gem-gem-release.git 2.2.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:15:38 :: [x86_64] #3300 gem-licensee.git 9.15.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:16:15 :: [i586] #1000 gem-em-mongo.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:16:15 :: [i586] #1100 gem-hiera.git 3.9.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:16:22 :: [x86_64] #3300 gem-licensee.git 9.15.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:16:22 :: [x86_64] #3400 gem-active-record-inline-schema.git 0.6.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:17:00 :: [x86_64] #3400 gem-active-record-inline-schema.git 0.6.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:17:00 :: [x86_64] #3500 gem-cohort-analysis.git 1.0.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:17:04 :: [i586] #1100 gem-hiera.git 3.9.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:17:04 :: [i586] #1140 gem-graphql.git 1.13.12-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:17:39 :: [aarch64] #130 ruby.git 2.7.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:17:39 :: [aarch64] #272 gem-power-assert.git 2.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:17:40 :: [x86_64] #3500 gem-cohort-analysis.git 1.0.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:17:40 :: [x86_64] #3600 gem-weighted-average.git 2.0.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:18:10 :: [i586] #1140 gem-graphql.git 1.13.12-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:18:10 :: [i586] #1300 gem-flexmock.git build start
2022-May-24 02:18:22 :: [x86_64] #3600 gem-weighted-average.git 2.0.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:18:22 :: [x86_64] #3700 gem-protocol.git 2.0.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:18:42 :: [aarch64] #272 gem-power-assert.git 2.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:18:42 :: [aarch64] #276 gem-net-protocol.git 0.1.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:19:00 :: [i586] #1300 gem-flexmock.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:19:00 :: [i586] #1500 gem-webauthn.git 2.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:19:02 :: [x86_64] #3700 gem-protocol.git 2.0.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:19:02 :: [x86_64] #4000 gem-mize.git 0.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:19:40 :: [x86_64] #4000 gem-mize.git 0.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:19:40 :: [x86_64] #4100 gem-amatch.git 0.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:19:42 :: [aarch64] #276 gem-net-protocol.git 0.1.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:19:43 :: [aarch64] #277 gem-time.git 0.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:19:46 :: [i586] #1500 gem-webauthn.git 2.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:19:46 :: [i586] #1540 gem-twitter-text.git build start
2022-May-24 02:20:25 :: [x86_64] #4100 gem-amatch.git 0.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:20:25 :: [x86_64] #4200 gem-fuzzy-match.git 2.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:20:30 :: [i586] #1540 gem-twitter-text.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:20:30 :: [i586] #1700 gem-simple-oauth.git 0.3.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:20:43 :: [aarch64] #277 gem-time.git 0.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:20:44 :: [aarch64] #340 gem-net-ftp.git 0.1.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:21:07 :: [x86_64] #4200 gem-fuzzy-match.git 2.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:21:07 :: [x86_64] #4240 gem-license-scout.git 2.6.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:21:11 :: [i586] #1700 gem-simple-oauth.git 0.3.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:21:11 :: [i586] #1740 gem-sidekiq.git 6.4.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:21:45 :: [aarch64] #340 gem-net-ftp.git 0.1.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:21:45 :: [aarch64] #360 gem-net-imap.git 0.2.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:21:46 :: [ppc64le] #130 ruby.git 2.7.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:21:46 :: [ppc64le] #272 gem-power-assert.git 2.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:22:11 :: [x86_64] #4240 gem-license-scout.git 2.6.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:22:11 :: [x86_64] #4400 gem-codecov.git 0.6.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:22:30 :: [i586] #1740 gem-sidekiq.git 6.4.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:22:30 :: [i586] #2100 gem-sass-rails.git build start
2022-May-24 02:22:48 :: [aarch64] #360 gem-net-imap.git 0.2.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:22:48 :: [aarch64] #370 gem-net-pop.git 0.1.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:22:55 :: [x86_64] #4400 gem-codecov.git 0.6.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:22:55 :: [x86_64] #4500 gem-google-gax.git 1.8.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:23:03 :: [ppc64le] #272 gem-power-assert.git 2.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:23:03 :: [ppc64le] #276 gem-net-protocol.git 0.1.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:23:15 :: [i586] #2100 gem-sass-rails.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:23:15 :: [i586] #2200 gem-ruby-openid.git 2.9.2-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 02:23:34 :: [x86_64] #4500 gem-google-gax.git 1.8.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:23:34 :: [x86_64] #4600 gem-exception-notification.git 4.5.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:23:50 :: [aarch64] #370 gem-net-pop.git 0.1.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:23:50 :: [aarch64] #374 gem-net-smtp.git 0.3.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:24:16 :: [ppc64le] #276 gem-net-protocol.git 0.1.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:24:16 :: [ppc64le] #277 gem-time.git 0.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:24:16 :: [x86_64] #4600 gem-exception-notification.git 4.5.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:24:16 :: [x86_64] #4700 gem-xml-simple.git 1.1.9-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 02:24:20 :: [i586] #2200 gem-ruby-openid.git 2.9.2-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:24:20 :: [i586] #2300 gem-rsec.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 02:24:48 :: [x86_64] #4700 gem-xml-simple.git 1.1.9-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:24:48 :: [x86_64] #5000 gem-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher.git 0.8.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:24:50 :: [aarch64] #374 gem-net-smtp.git 0.3.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:24:50 :: [aarch64] #600 gem-apipie-bindings.git 0.4.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 02:25:08 :: [i586] #2300 gem-rsec.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:25:08 :: [i586] #2400 gem-rabl.git 0.15.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:25:23 :: [x86_64] #5000 gem-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher.git 0.8.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:25:23 :: [x86_64] #5100 gem-bump.git 0.10.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:25:29 :: [ppc64le] #277 gem-time.git 0.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:25:30 :: [ppc64le] #340 gem-net-ftp.git 0.1.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:25:53 :: [aarch64] #600 gem-apipie-bindings.git 0.4.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:25:53 :: [aarch64] #1000 gem-em-mongo.git build start
2022-May-24 02:25:58 :: [i586] #2400 gem-rabl.git 0.15.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:25:58 :: [i586] #2500 gem-puppet-resource-api.git 1.8.14-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:26:04 :: [x86_64] #5100 gem-bump.git 0.10.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:26:04 :: [x86_64] #5200 gem-train-rest.git 0.4.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:26:38 :: [x86_64] #5200 gem-train-rest.git 0.4.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:26:38 :: [x86_64] #5300 gem-ohai.git 18.0.10-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:26:39 :: [i586] #2500 gem-puppet-resource-api.git 1.8.14-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:26:39 :: [i586] #2600 gem-notify.git build start
2022-May-24 02:26:44 :: [ppc64le] #340 gem-net-ftp.git 0.1.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:26:44 :: [ppc64le] #360 gem-net-imap.git 0.2.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:26:55 :: [aarch64] #1000 gem-em-mongo.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:26:55 :: [aarch64] #1100 gem-hiera.git 3.9.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:27:17 :: [x86_64] #5300 gem-ohai.git 18.0.10-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:27:17 :: [x86_64] #5400 gem-corefoundation.git 0.3.14-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:27:19 :: [i586] #2600 gem-notify.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:27:19 :: [i586] #2700 gem-chefstyle.git 2.2.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:27:50 :: [x86_64] #5400 gem-corefoundation.git 0.3.14-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:27:50 :: [x86_64] #5500 gem-vault.git 0.16.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:27:56 :: [aarch64] #1100 gem-hiera.git 3.9.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:27:56 :: [aarch64] #1140 gem-graphql.git 1.13.12-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:28:03 :: [ppc64le] #360 gem-net-imap.git 0.2.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:28:03 :: [ppc64le] #370 gem-net-pop.git 0.1.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:28:15 :: [i586] #2700 gem-chefstyle.git 2.2.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:28:15 :: [i586] #3000 gem-reverse-markdown.git 2.1.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:28:27 :: [x86_64] #5500 gem-vault.git 0.16.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:28:27 :: [x86_64] #5600 gem-chef.git 18.0.91-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:28:59 :: [i586] #3000 gem-reverse-markdown.git 2.1.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:28:59 :: [i586] #3200 gem-gem-release.git 2.2.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:29:17 :: [ppc64le] #370 gem-net-pop.git 0.1.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:29:18 :: [ppc64le] #374 gem-net-smtp.git 0.3.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:29:34 :: [i586] #3200 gem-gem-release.git 2.2.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:29:34 :: [i586] #3300 gem-licensee.git 9.15.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:29:40 :: [aarch64] #1140 gem-graphql.git 1.13.12-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:29:40 :: [aarch64] #1300 gem-flexmock.git build start
2022-May-24 02:30:18 :: [i586] #3300 gem-licensee.git 9.15.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:30:18 :: [i586] #3400 gem-active-record-inline-schema.git 0.6.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:30:30 :: [ppc64le] #374 gem-net-smtp.git 0.3.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:30:30 :: [ppc64le] #600 gem-apipie-bindings.git 0.4.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 02:30:44 :: [aarch64] #1300 gem-flexmock.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:30:44 :: [aarch64] #1500 gem-webauthn.git 2.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:31:03 :: [x86_64] #5600 gem-chef.git 18.0.91-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:31:03 :: [x86_64] #5700 gem-toxiproxy.git 2.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:31:03 :: [i586] #3400 gem-active-record-inline-schema.git 0.6.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:31:04 :: [i586] #3500 gem-cohort-analysis.git 1.0.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:31:40 :: [x86_64] #5700 gem-toxiproxy.git 2.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:31:40 :: [x86_64] #6000 gem-appbundler.git 0.13.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:31:42 :: [i586] #3500 gem-cohort-analysis.git 1.0.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:31:43 :: [i586] #3600 gem-weighted-average.git 2.0.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:31:48 :: [ppc64le] #600 gem-apipie-bindings.git 0.4.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:31:48 :: [ppc64le] #1000 gem-em-mongo.git build start
2022-May-24 02:31:49 :: [aarch64] #1500 gem-webauthn.git 2.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:31:49 :: [aarch64] #1540 gem-twitter-text.git build start
2022-May-24 02:32:21 :: [i586] #3600 gem-weighted-average.git 2.0.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:32:21 :: [i586] #3700 gem-protocol.git 2.0.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:32:24 :: [x86_64] #6000 gem-appbundler.git 0.13.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:32:24 :: [x86_64] #6700 google-api-ruby-client.git 20210602-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:32:55 :: [aarch64] #1540 gem-twitter-text.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:32:55 :: [aarch64] #1700 gem-simple-oauth.git 0.3.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:33:01 :: [i586] #3700 gem-protocol.git 2.0.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:33:01 :: [i586] #4000 gem-mize.git 0.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:33:06 :: [ppc64le] #1000 gem-em-mongo.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:33:06 :: [ppc64le] #1100 gem-hiera.git 3.9.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:33:40 :: [i586] #4000 gem-mize.git 0.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:33:40 :: [i586] #4100 gem-amatch.git 0.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:33:58 :: [aarch64] #1700 gem-simple-oauth.git 0.3.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:33:58 :: [aarch64] #1740 gem-sidekiq.git 6.4.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:34:20 :: [ppc64le] #1100 gem-hiera.git 3.9.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:34:20 :: [ppc64le] #1140 gem-graphql.git 1.13.12-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:34:26 :: [i586] #4100 gem-amatch.git 0.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:34:26 :: [i586] #4200 gem-fuzzy-match.git 2.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:35:08 :: [aarch64] #1740 gem-sidekiq.git 6.4.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:35:08 :: [aarch64] #2100 gem-sass-rails.git build start
2022-May-24 02:35:11 :: [i586] #4200 gem-fuzzy-match.git 2.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:35:11 :: [i586] #4240 gem-license-scout.git 2.6.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:35:34 :: [armh] #130 ruby.git 2.7.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:35:34 :: [armh] #272 gem-power-assert.git 2.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:36:11 :: [aarch64] #2100 gem-sass-rails.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:36:11 :: [aarch64] #2200 gem-ruby-openid.git 2.9.2-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 02:36:16 :: [i586] #4240 gem-license-scout.git 2.6.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:36:16 :: [i586] #4400 gem-codecov.git 0.6.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:36:43 :: [ppc64le] #1140 gem-graphql.git 1.13.12-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:36:43 :: [ppc64le] #1300 gem-flexmock.git build start
2022-May-24 02:36:55 :: [i586] #4400 gem-codecov.git 0.6.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:36:55 :: [i586] #4500 gem-google-gax.git 1.8.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:37:20 :: [armh] #272 gem-power-assert.git 2.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:37:20 :: [armh] #276 gem-net-protocol.git 0.1.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:37:20 :: [aarch64] #2200 gem-ruby-openid.git 2.9.2-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:37:20 :: [aarch64] #2300 gem-rsec.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 02:37:34 :: [i586] #4500 gem-google-gax.git 1.8.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:37:34 :: [i586] #4600 gem-exception-notification.git 4.5.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:38:04 :: [ppc64le] #1300 gem-flexmock.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:38:04 :: [ppc64le] #1500 gem-webauthn.git 2.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:38:18 :: [aarch64] #2300 gem-rsec.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:38:19 :: [aarch64] #2400 gem-rabl.git 0.15.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:38:20 :: [i586] #4600 gem-exception-notification.git 4.5.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:38:20 :: [i586] #4700 gem-xml-simple.git 1.1.9-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 02:38:56 :: [i586] #4700 gem-xml-simple.git 1.1.9-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:38:56 :: [i586] #5000 gem-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher.git 0.8.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:39:02 :: [armh] #276 gem-net-protocol.git 0.1.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:39:03 :: [armh] #277 gem-time.git 0.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:39:23 :: [aarch64] #2400 gem-rabl.git 0.15.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:39:23 :: [aarch64] #2500 gem-puppet-resource-api.git 1.8.14-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:39:25 :: [ppc64le] #1500 gem-webauthn.git 2.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:39:25 :: [ppc64le] #1540 gem-twitter-text.git build start
2022-May-24 02:39:34 :: [i586] #5000 gem-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher.git 0.8.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:39:34 :: [i586] #5100 gem-bump.git 0.10.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:40:25 :: [aarch64] #2500 gem-puppet-resource-api.git 1.8.14-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:40:25 :: [aarch64] #2600 gem-notify.git build start
2022-May-24 02:40:26 :: [i586] #5100 gem-bump.git 0.10.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:40:26 :: [i586] #5200 gem-train-rest.git 0.4.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:40:45 :: [ppc64le] #1540 gem-twitter-text.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:40:45 :: [ppc64le] #1700 gem-simple-oauth.git 0.3.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:40:45 :: [armh] #277 gem-time.git 0.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:40:45 :: [armh] #340 gem-net-ftp.git 0.1.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:41:04 :: [i586] #5200 gem-train-rest.git 0.4.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:41:04 :: [i586] #5300 gem-ohai.git 18.0.10-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:41:29 :: [aarch64] #2600 gem-notify.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:41:29 :: [aarch64] #2700 gem-chefstyle.git 2.2.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:41:51 :: [i586] #5300 gem-ohai.git 18.0.10-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:41:51 :: [i586] #5400 gem-corefoundation.git 0.3.14-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:42:00 :: [ppc64le] #1700 gem-simple-oauth.git 0.3.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:42:00 :: [ppc64le] #1740 gem-sidekiq.git 6.4.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:42:29 :: [armh] #340 gem-net-ftp.git 0.1.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:42:29 :: [armh] #360 gem-net-imap.git 0.2.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:42:32 :: [i586] #5400 gem-corefoundation.git 0.3.14-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:42:32 :: [i586] #5500 gem-vault.git 0.16.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:42:33 :: [aarch64] #2700 gem-chefstyle.git 2.2.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:42:33 :: [aarch64] #3000 gem-reverse-markdown.git 2.1.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:43:22 :: [i586] #5500 gem-vault.git 0.16.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:43:22 :: [i586] #5600 gem-chef.git 18.0.91-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:43:25 :: [x86_64] #6700 google-api-ruby-client.git 20210602-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:43:25 :: [x86_64] #7000 gapic-generator-ruby.git 20210605-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:43:26 :: [ppc64le] #1740 gem-sidekiq.git 6.4.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:43:26 :: [ppc64le] #2100 gem-sass-rails.git build start
2022-May-24 02:43:39 :: [aarch64] #3000 gem-reverse-markdown.git 2.1.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:43:39 :: [aarch64] #3200 gem-gem-release.git 2.2.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:44:17 :: [armh] #360 gem-net-imap.git 0.2.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:44:17 :: [armh] #370 gem-net-pop.git 0.1.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:44:38 :: [aarch64] #3200 gem-gem-release.git 2.2.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:44:38 :: [aarch64] #3300 gem-licensee.git 9.15.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:44:44 :: [ppc64le] #2100 gem-sass-rails.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:44:44 :: [ppc64le] #2200 gem-ruby-openid.git 2.9.2-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 02:45:08 :: [x86_64] #7000 gapic-generator-ruby.git 20210605-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:45:09 :: [x86_64] #7100 common-protos-ruby.git 20210531-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:45:46 :: [aarch64] #3300 gem-licensee.git 9.15.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:45:46 :: [aarch64] #3400 gem-active-record-inline-schema.git 0.6.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:46:01 :: [armh] #370 gem-net-pop.git 0.1.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:46:02 :: [armh] #374 gem-net-smtp.git 0.3.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:46:03 :: [x86_64] #7100 common-protos-ruby.git 20210531-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:46:03 :: [x86_64] #7200 ruby-gnome2.git 3.5.1-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 02:46:10 :: [ppc64le] #2200 gem-ruby-openid.git 2.9.2-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:46:10 :: [ppc64le] #2300 gem-rsec.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 02:46:33 :: [i586] #5600 gem-chef.git 18.0.91-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:46:33 :: [i586] #5700 gem-toxiproxy.git 2.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:46:48 :: [aarch64] #3400 gem-active-record-inline-schema.git 0.6.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:46:48 :: [aarch64] #3500 gem-cohort-analysis.git 1.0.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:47:07 :: [i586] #5700 gem-toxiproxy.git 2.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:47:07 :: [i586] #6000 gem-appbundler.git 0.13.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:47:22 :: [ppc64le] #2300 gem-rsec.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:47:22 :: [ppc64le] #2400 gem-rabl.git 0.15.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:47:44 :: [armh] #374 gem-net-smtp.git 0.3.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:47:44 :: [armh] #600 gem-apipie-bindings.git 0.4.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 02:47:51 :: [aarch64] #3500 gem-cohort-analysis.git 1.0.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:47:51 :: [aarch64] #3600 gem-weighted-average.git 2.0.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:47:56 :: [i586] #6000 gem-appbundler.git 0.13.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:47:56 :: [i586] #6700 google-api-ruby-client.git 20210602-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:48:42 :: [ppc64le] #2400 gem-rabl.git 0.15.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:48:43 :: [ppc64le] #2500 gem-puppet-resource-api.git 1.8.14-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:48:53 :: [aarch64] #3600 gem-weighted-average.git 2.0.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:48:53 :: [aarch64] #3700 gem-protocol.git 2.0.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:49:32 :: [armh] #600 gem-apipie-bindings.git 0.4.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:49:32 :: [armh] #1000 gem-em-mongo.git build start
2022-May-24 02:49:56 :: [aarch64] #3700 gem-protocol.git 2.0.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:49:56 :: [aarch64] #4000 gem-mize.git 0.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:50:00 :: [ppc64le] #2500 gem-puppet-resource-api.git 1.8.14-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:50:00 :: [ppc64le] #2600 gem-notify.git build start
2022-May-24 02:50:58 :: [aarch64] #4000 gem-mize.git 0.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:50:58 :: [aarch64] #4100 gem-amatch.git 0.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:51:16 :: [ppc64le] #2600 gem-notify.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:51:16 :: [ppc64le] #2700 gem-chefstyle.git 2.2.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:51:19 :: [armh] #1000 gem-em-mongo.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:51:19 :: [armh] #1100 gem-hiera.git 3.9.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:52:09 :: [aarch64] #4100 gem-amatch.git 0.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:52:10 :: [aarch64] #4200 gem-fuzzy-match.git 2.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:52:33 :: [ppc64le] #2700 gem-chefstyle.git 2.2.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:52:33 :: [ppc64le] #3000 gem-reverse-markdown.git 2.1.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:52:37 :: [x86_64] #7200 ruby-gnome2.git 3.5.1-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:52:37 :: [x86_64] #7300 gem-puppet.git build start
2022-May-24 02:53:02 :: [armh] #1100 gem-hiera.git 3.9.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:53:02 :: [armh] #1140 gem-graphql.git 1.13.12-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:53:15 :: [aarch64] #4200 gem-fuzzy-match.git 2.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:53:15 :: [aarch64] #4240 gem-license-scout.git 2.6.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:53:53 :: [ppc64le] #3000 gem-reverse-markdown.git 2.1.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:53:53 :: [ppc64le] #3200 gem-gem-release.git 2.2.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:54:09 :: [x86_64] #7300 gem-puppet.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:54:09 :: [x86_64] #7640 gem-sexp-processor.git 4.16.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:54:43 :: [x86_64] #7640 gem-sexp-processor.git 4.16.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:54:43 :: [x86_64] #7660 gem-oedipus-lex.git 2.6.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:55:00 :: [aarch64] #4240 gem-license-scout.git 2.6.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:55:00 :: [aarch64] #4400 gem-codecov.git 0.6.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:55:07 :: [ppc64le] #3200 gem-gem-release.git 2.2.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:55:07 :: [ppc64le] #3300 gem-licensee.git 9.15.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:55:18 :: [x86_64] #7660 gem-oedipus-lex.git 2.6.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:55:18 :: [x86_64] #7700 gem-ruby-parser.git 3.19.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:55:59 :: [armh] #1140 gem-graphql.git 1.13.12-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:55:59 :: [armh] #1300 gem-flexmock.git build start
2022-May-24 02:56:04 :: [aarch64] #4400 gem-codecov.git 0.6.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:56:04 :: [aarch64] #4500 gem-google-gax.git 1.8.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:56:09 :: [x86_64] #7700 gem-ruby-parser.git 3.19.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:56:09 :: [x86_64] #10000 foreman.git 3.0.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 02:56:33 :: [ppc64le] #3300 gem-licensee.git 9.15.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:56:33 :: [ppc64le] #3400 gem-active-record-inline-schema.git 0.6.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:57:10 :: [aarch64] #4500 gem-google-gax.git 1.8.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:57:10 :: [aarch64] #4600 gem-exception-notification.git 4.5.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:57:47 :: [ppc64le] #3400 gem-active-record-inline-schema.git 0.6.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:57:47 :: [ppc64le] #3500 gem-cohort-analysis.git 1.0.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:57:48 :: [armh] #1300 gem-flexmock.git build OK
2022-May-24 02:57:48 :: [armh] #1500 gem-webauthn.git 2.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:58:14 :: [x86_64] #10000 foreman.git 3.0.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:58:14 :: [x86_64] #10100 passenger.git 6.0.11-alt2: build start
2022-May-24 02:58:24 :: [aarch64] #4600 gem-exception-notification.git 4.5.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:58:24 :: [aarch64] #4700 gem-xml-simple.git 1.1.9-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 02:58:53 :: [i586] #6700 google-api-ruby-client.git 20210602-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:58:53 :: [i586] #7000 gapic-generator-ruby.git 20210605-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:59:02 :: [ppc64le] #3500 gem-cohort-analysis.git 1.0.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:59:02 :: [ppc64le] #3600 gem-weighted-average.git 2.0.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:59:23 :: [aarch64] #4700 gem-xml-simple.git 1.1.9-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:59:23 :: [aarch64] #5000 gem-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher.git 0.8.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 02:59:41 :: [armh] #1500 gem-webauthn.git 2.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 02:59:41 :: [armh] #1540 gem-twitter-text.git build start
2022-May-24 03:00:17 :: [ppc64le] #3600 gem-weighted-average.git 2.0.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:00:17 :: [ppc64le] #3700 gem-protocol.git 2.0.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:00:24 :: [aarch64] #5000 gem-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher.git 0.8.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:00:25 :: [aarch64] #5100 gem-bump.git 0.10.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:00:33 :: [i586] #7000 gapic-generator-ruby.git 20210605-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:00:33 :: [i586] #7100 common-protos-ruby.git 20210531-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:01:16 :: [i586] #7100 common-protos-ruby.git 20210531-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:01:16 :: [i586] #7200 ruby-gnome2.git 3.5.1-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 03:01:30 :: [aarch64] #5100 gem-bump.git 0.10.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:01:30 :: [aarch64] #5200 gem-train-rest.git 0.4.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:01:33 :: [armh] #1540 gem-twitter-text.git build OK
2022-May-24 03:01:33 :: [armh] #1700 gem-simple-oauth.git 0.3.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:01:35 :: [ppc64le] #3700 gem-protocol.git 2.0.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:01:35 :: [ppc64le] #4000 gem-mize.git 0.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:02:09 :: [x86_64] #10100 passenger.git 6.0.11-alt2: build OK
2022-May-24 03:02:09 :: [x86_64] #10400 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 03:02:32 :: [aarch64] #5200 gem-train-rest.git 0.4.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:02:32 :: [aarch64] #5300 gem-ohai.git 18.0.10-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:02:45 :: [x86_64] #10400 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:02:45 :: [x86_64] #10700 gem-ptools.git 1.4.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:02:50 :: [ppc64le] #4000 gem-mize.git 0.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:02:51 :: [ppc64le] #4100 gem-amatch.git 0.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:03:19 :: [armh] #1700 gem-simple-oauth.git 0.3.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:03:19 :: [armh] #1740 gem-sidekiq.git 6.4.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:03:21 :: [x86_64] #10700 gem-ptools.git 1.4.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:03:21 :: [x86_64] #11000 gem-mkmf-lite.git 0.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:03:45 :: [aarch64] #5300 gem-ohai.git 18.0.10-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:03:45 :: [aarch64] #5400 gem-corefoundation.git 0.3.14-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:03:57 :: [x86_64] #11000 gem-mkmf-lite.git 0.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:03:57 :: [x86_64] #11100 gem-sys-filesystem.git 1.4.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:04:17 :: [ppc64le] #4100 gem-amatch.git 0.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:04:17 :: [ppc64le] #4200 gem-fuzzy-match.git 2.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:04:32 :: [x86_64] #11100 gem-sys-filesystem.git 1.4.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:04:32 :: [x86_64] #11240 gem-rake.git 13.0.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:04:45 :: [aarch64] #5400 gem-corefoundation.git 0.3.14-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:04:45 :: [aarch64] #5500 gem-vault.git 0.16.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:05:08 :: [x86_64] #11240 gem-rake.git 13.0.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:05:08 :: [x86_64] #11500 gem-deacon.git 1.0.0-alt2.1: build start
2022-May-24 03:05:16 :: [armh] #1740 gem-sidekiq.git 6.4.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:05:16 :: [armh] #2100 gem-sass-rails.git build start
2022-May-24 03:05:38 :: [ppc64le] #4200 gem-fuzzy-match.git 2.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:05:38 :: [ppc64le] #4240 gem-license-scout.git 2.6.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:05:45 :: [x86_64] #11500 gem-deacon.git 1.0.0-alt2.1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:05:45 :: [x86_64] #11600 azure-sdk-for-ruby.git 20200316-alt1.4: build start
2022-May-24 03:05:54 :: [aarch64] #5500 gem-vault.git 0.16.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:05:54 :: [aarch64] #5600 gem-chef.git 18.0.91-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:07:04 :: [armh] #2100 gem-sass-rails.git build OK
2022-May-24 03:07:04 :: [armh] #2200 gem-ruby-openid.git 2.9.2-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 03:07:57 :: [i586] #7200 ruby-gnome2.git 3.5.1-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:07:57 :: [i586] #7300 gem-puppet.git build start
2022-May-24 03:08:02 :: [ppc64le] #4240 gem-license-scout.git 2.6.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:08:02 :: [ppc64le] #4400 gem-codecov.git 0.6.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:09:00 :: [armh] #2200 gem-ruby-openid.git 2.9.2-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:09:00 :: [armh] #2300 gem-rsec.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 03:09:20 :: [ppc64le] #4400 gem-codecov.git 0.6.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:09:20 :: [ppc64le] #4500 gem-google-gax.git 1.8.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:09:42 :: [i586] #7300 gem-puppet.git build OK
2022-May-24 03:09:42 :: [i586] #7640 gem-sexp-processor.git 4.16.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:10:15 :: [i586] #7640 gem-sexp-processor.git 4.16.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:10:15 :: [i586] #7660 gem-oedipus-lex.git 2.6.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:10:36 :: [aarch64] #5600 gem-chef.git 18.0.91-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:10:36 :: [aarch64] #5700 gem-toxiproxy.git 2.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:10:42 :: [armh] #2300 gem-rsec.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:10:42 :: [armh] #2400 gem-rabl.git 0.15.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:10:43 :: [ppc64le] #4500 gem-google-gax.git 1.8.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:10:43 :: [ppc64le] #4600 gem-exception-notification.git 4.5.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:10:49 :: [i586] #7660 gem-oedipus-lex.git 2.6.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:10:49 :: [i586] #7700 gem-ruby-parser.git 3.19.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:11:34 :: [aarch64] #5700 gem-toxiproxy.git 2.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:11:34 :: [aarch64] #6000 gem-appbundler.git 0.13.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:11:42 :: [i586] #7700 gem-ruby-parser.git 3.19.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:11:43 :: [i586] #10000 foreman.git 3.0.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 03:12:16 :: [ppc64le] #4600 gem-exception-notification.git 4.5.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:12:16 :: [ppc64le] #4700 gem-xml-simple.git 1.1.9-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 03:12:32 :: [armh] #2400 gem-rabl.git 0.15.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:12:32 :: [armh] #2500 gem-puppet-resource-api.git 1.8.14-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:12:46 :: [aarch64] #6000 gem-appbundler.git 0.13.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:12:46 :: [aarch64] #6700 google-api-ruby-client.git 20210602-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:13:27 :: [ppc64le] #4700 gem-xml-simple.git 1.1.9-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:13:27 :: [ppc64le] #5000 gem-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher.git 0.8.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:13:58 :: [i586] #10000 foreman.git 3.0.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:13:58 :: [i586] #10100 passenger.git 6.0.11-alt2: build start
2022-May-24 03:14:20 :: [armh] #2500 gem-puppet-resource-api.git 1.8.14-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:14:20 :: [armh] #2600 gem-notify.git build start
2022-May-24 03:14:42 :: [ppc64le] #5000 gem-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher.git 0.8.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:14:42 :: [ppc64le] #5100 gem-bump.git 0.10.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:16:00 :: [ppc64le] #5100 gem-bump.git 0.10.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:16:00 :: [ppc64le] #5200 gem-train-rest.git 0.4.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:16:06 :: [armh] #2600 gem-notify.git build OK
2022-May-24 03:16:06 :: [armh] #2700 gem-chefstyle.git 2.2.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:17:16 :: [ppc64le] #5200 gem-train-rest.git 0.4.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:17:16 :: [ppc64le] #5300 gem-ohai.git 18.0.10-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:17:54 :: [armh] #2700 gem-chefstyle.git 2.2.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:17:54 :: [armh] #3000 gem-reverse-markdown.git 2.1.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:18:03 :: [i586] #10100 passenger.git 6.0.11-alt2: build OK
2022-May-24 03:18:03 :: [i586] #10400 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 03:18:39 :: [i586] #10400 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:18:40 :: [i586] #10700 gem-ptools.git 1.4.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:18:48 :: [ppc64le] #5300 gem-ohai.git 18.0.10-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:18:48 :: [ppc64le] #5400 gem-corefoundation.git 0.3.14-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:19:14 :: [i586] #10700 gem-ptools.git 1.4.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:19:14 :: [i586] #11000 gem-mkmf-lite.git 0.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:19:45 :: [armh] #3000 gem-reverse-markdown.git 2.1.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:19:45 :: [armh] #3200 gem-gem-release.git 2.2.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:19:49 :: [i586] #11000 gem-mkmf-lite.git 0.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:19:49 :: [i586] #11100 gem-sys-filesystem.git 1.4.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:20:01 :: [ppc64le] #5400 gem-corefoundation.git 0.3.14-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:20:01 :: [ppc64le] #5500 gem-vault.git 0.16.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:20:24 :: [i586] #11100 gem-sys-filesystem.git 1.4.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:20:24 :: [i586] #11240 gem-rake.git 13.0.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:20:59 :: [i586] #11240 gem-rake.git 13.0.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:20:59 :: [i586] #11500 gem-deacon.git 1.0.0-alt2.1: build start
2022-May-24 03:21:24 :: [ppc64le] #5500 gem-vault.git 0.16.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:21:24 :: [ppc64le] #5600 gem-chef.git 18.0.91-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:21:29 :: [armh] #3200 gem-gem-release.git 2.2.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:21:29 :: [armh] #3300 gem-licensee.git 9.15.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:21:34 :: [i586] #11500 gem-deacon.git 1.0.0-alt2.1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:21:34 :: [i586] #11600 azure-sdk-for-ruby.git 20200316-alt1.4: build start
2022-May-24 03:23:28 :: [armh] #3300 gem-licensee.git 9.15.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:23:28 :: [armh] #3400 gem-active-record-inline-schema.git 0.6.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:25:14 :: [armh] #3400 gem-active-record-inline-schema.git 0.6.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:25:14 :: [armh] #3500 gem-cohort-analysis.git 1.0.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:27:00 :: [armh] #3500 gem-cohort-analysis.git 1.0.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:27:00 :: [armh] #3600 gem-weighted-average.git 2.0.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:28:01 :: [ppc64le] #5600 gem-chef.git 18.0.91-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:28:01 :: [ppc64le] #5700 gem-toxiproxy.git 2.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:28:46 :: [armh] #3600 gem-weighted-average.git 2.0.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:28:46 :: [armh] #3700 gem-protocol.git 2.0.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:29:12 :: [ppc64le] #5700 gem-toxiproxy.git 2.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:29:12 :: [ppc64le] #6000 gem-appbundler.git 0.13.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:30:34 :: [armh] #3700 gem-protocol.git 2.0.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:30:34 :: [armh] #4000 gem-mize.git 0.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:30:39 :: [ppc64le] #6000 gem-appbundler.git 0.13.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:30:39 :: [ppc64le] #6700 google-api-ruby-client.git 20210602-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:32:20 :: [armh] #4000 gem-mize.git 0.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:32:21 :: [armh] #4100 gem-amatch.git 0.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:32:56 :: [aarch64] #6700 google-api-ruby-client.git 20210602-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:32:56 :: [aarch64] #7000 gapic-generator-ruby.git 20210605-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:34:19 :: [armh] #4100 gem-amatch.git 0.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:34:19 :: [armh] #4200 gem-fuzzy-match.git 2.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:35:19 :: [aarch64] #7000 gapic-generator-ruby.git 20210605-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:35:19 :: [aarch64] #7100 common-protos-ruby.git 20210531-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:36:11 :: [armh] #4200 gem-fuzzy-match.git 2.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:36:11 :: [armh] #4240 gem-license-scout.git 2.6.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:36:30 :: [aarch64] #7100 common-protos-ruby.git 20210531-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:36:30 :: [aarch64] #7200 ruby-gnome2.git 3.5.1-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 03:39:11 :: [armh] #4240 gem-license-scout.git 2.6.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:39:11 :: [armh] #4400 gem-codecov.git 0.6.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:41:00 :: [armh] #4400 gem-codecov.git 0.6.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:41:00 :: [armh] #4500 gem-google-gax.git 1.8.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:42:54 :: [armh] #4500 gem-google-gax.git 1.8.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:42:54 :: [armh] #4600 gem-exception-notification.git 4.5.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:45:04 :: [armh] #4600 gem-exception-notification.git 4.5.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:45:04 :: [armh] #4700 gem-xml-simple.git 1.1.9-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 03:45:52 :: [aarch64] #7200 ruby-gnome2.git 3.5.1-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:45:52 :: [aarch64] #7300 gem-puppet.git build start
2022-May-24 03:46:46 :: [armh] #4700 gem-xml-simple.git 1.1.9-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:46:46 :: [armh] #5000 gem-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher.git 0.8.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:48:31 :: [armh] #5000 gem-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher.git 0.8.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:48:31 :: [armh] #5100 gem-bump.git 0.10.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:48:49 :: [aarch64] #7300 gem-puppet.git build OK
2022-May-24 03:48:49 :: [aarch64] #7640 gem-sexp-processor.git 4.16.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:49:50 :: [aarch64] #7640 gem-sexp-processor.git 4.16.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:49:51 :: [aarch64] #7660 gem-oedipus-lex.git 2.6.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:50:20 :: [armh] #5100 gem-bump.git 0.10.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:50:20 :: [armh] #5200 gem-train-rest.git 0.4.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:50:51 :: [aarch64] #7660 gem-oedipus-lex.git 2.6.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:50:51 :: [aarch64] #7700 gem-ruby-parser.git 3.19.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:52:07 :: [armh] #5200 gem-train-rest.git 0.4.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:52:07 :: [armh] #5300 gem-ohai.git 18.0.10-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:52:25 :: [aarch64] #7700 gem-ruby-parser.git 3.19.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:52:25 :: [aarch64] #10000 foreman.git 3.0.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 03:54:09 :: [armh] #5300 gem-ohai.git 18.0.10-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:54:10 :: [armh] #5400 gem-corefoundation.git 0.3.14-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:55:53 :: [armh] #5400 gem-corefoundation.git 0.3.14-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:55:53 :: [armh] #5500 gem-vault.git 0.16.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 03:56:18 :: [aarch64] #10000 foreman.git 3.0.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:56:18 :: [aarch64] #10100 passenger.git 6.0.11-alt2: build start
2022-May-24 03:57:49 :: [armh] #5500 gem-vault.git 0.16.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 03:57:49 :: [armh] #5600 gem-chef.git 18.0.91-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:02:13 :: [ppc64le] #6700 google-api-ruby-client.git 20210602-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:02:13 :: [ppc64le] #7000 gapic-generator-ruby.git 20210605-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:03:55 :: [aarch64] #10100 passenger.git 6.0.11-alt2: build OK
2022-May-24 04:03:55 :: [aarch64] #10400 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 04:05:00 :: [aarch64] #10400 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:05:00 :: [aarch64] #10700 gem-ptools.git 1.4.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:05:06 :: [ppc64le] #7000 gapic-generator-ruby.git 20210605-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:05:06 :: [ppc64le] #7100 common-protos-ruby.git 20210531-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:05:13 :: [armh] #5600 gem-chef.git 18.0.91-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:05:13 :: [armh] #5700 gem-toxiproxy.git 2.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:06:02 :: [aarch64] #10700 gem-ptools.git 1.4.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:06:02 :: [aarch64] #11000 gem-mkmf-lite.git 0.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:06:31 :: [ppc64le] #7100 common-protos-ruby.git 20210531-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:06:31 :: [ppc64le] #7200 ruby-gnome2.git 3.5.1-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 04:06:54 :: [armh] #5700 gem-toxiproxy.git 2.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:06:54 :: [armh] #6000 gem-appbundler.git 0.13.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:07:03 :: [aarch64] #11000 gem-mkmf-lite.git 0.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:07:03 :: [aarch64] #11100 gem-sys-filesystem.git 1.4.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:08:05 :: [aarch64] #11100 gem-sys-filesystem.git 1.4.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:08:05 :: [aarch64] #11240 gem-rake.git 13.0.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:08:59 :: [armh] #6000 gem-appbundler.git 0.13.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:08:59 :: [armh] #6700 google-api-ruby-client.git 20210602-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:09:07 :: [aarch64] #11240 gem-rake.git 13.0.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:09:07 :: [aarch64] #11500 gem-deacon.git 1.0.0-alt2.1: build start
2022-May-24 04:10:11 :: [aarch64] #11500 gem-deacon.git 1.0.0-alt2.1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:10:11 :: [aarch64] #11600 azure-sdk-for-ruby.git 20200316-alt1.4: build start
2022-May-24 04:20:25 :: [ppc64le] #7200 ruby-gnome2.git 3.5.1-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:20:25 :: [ppc64le] #7300 gem-puppet.git build start
2022-May-24 04:24:35 :: [ppc64le] #7300 gem-puppet.git build OK
2022-May-24 04:24:35 :: [ppc64le] #7640 gem-sexp-processor.git 4.16.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:25:52 :: [ppc64le] #7640 gem-sexp-processor.git 4.16.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:25:52 :: [ppc64le] #7660 gem-oedipus-lex.git 2.6.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:27:05 :: [ppc64le] #7660 gem-oedipus-lex.git 2.6.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:27:05 :: [ppc64le] #7700 gem-ruby-parser.git 3.19.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:29:14 :: [ppc64le] #7700 gem-ruby-parser.git 3.19.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:29:15 :: [ppc64le] #10000 foreman.git 3.0.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 04:35:38 :: [ppc64le] #10000 foreman.git 3.0.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:35:38 :: [ppc64le] #10100 passenger.git 6.0.11-alt2: build start
2022-May-24 04:37:37 :: [x86_64] #11600 azure-sdk-for-ruby.git 20200316-alt1.4: build OK
2022-May-24 04:37:38 :: [x86_64] #11700 gem-facter.git 4.2.9-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:38:49 :: [x86_64] #11700 gem-facter.git 4.2.9-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:38:49 :: [x86_64] #12000 gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:39:33 :: [x86_64] #12000 gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:39:33 :: [x86_64] #12100 gem-digest-crc.git 0.6.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:40:26 :: [x86_64] #12100 gem-digest-crc.git 0.6.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:40:26 :: [x86_64] #12200 gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.17-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:41:06 :: [x86_64] #12200 gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.17-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:41:06 :: [x86_64] #12240 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 04:41:46 :: [x86_64] #12240 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:41:46 :: [x86_64] #12400 gem-fuubar.git 2.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:42:22 :: [x86_64] #12400 gem-fuubar.git 2.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:42:22 :: [x86_64] #12500 gem-rfc.git 0.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:42:58 :: [x86_64] #12500 gem-rfc.git 0.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:42:59 :: [x86_64] #12600 gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 04:43:43 :: [x86_64] #12600 gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:43:43 :: [x86_64] #12700 gem-kramdown-parser-gfm.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:43:44 :: [ppc64le] #10100 passenger.git 6.0.11-alt2: build OK
2022-May-24 04:43:44 :: [ppc64le] #10400 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 04:44:18 :: [x86_64] #12700 gem-kramdown-parser-gfm.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:44:18 :: [x86_64] #13000 gem-mdl.git 0.11.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:45:00 :: [x86_64] #13000 gem-mdl.git 0.11.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:45:00 :: [x86_64] #13100 gem-claide.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:45:07 :: [ppc64le] #10400 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:45:08 :: [ppc64le] #10700 gem-ptools.git 1.4.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:45:33 :: [x86_64] #13100 gem-claide.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:45:33 :: [x86_64] #13200 gem-colored2.git 3.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:46:10 :: [x86_64] #13200 gem-colored2.git 3.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:46:11 :: [x86_64] #13300 gem-cork.git 0.3.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:46:22 :: [ppc64le] #10700 gem-ptools.git 1.4.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:46:22 :: [ppc64le] #11000 gem-mkmf-lite.git 0.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:46:47 :: [x86_64] #13300 gem-cork.git 0.3.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:46:48 :: [x86_64] #13400 gem-peck.git 0.5.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:47:23 :: [x86_64] #13400 gem-peck.git 0.5.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:47:23 :: [x86_64] #13500 gem-nap.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:47:37 :: [ppc64le] #11000 gem-mkmf-lite.git 0.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:47:37 :: [ppc64le] #11100 gem-sys-filesystem.git 1.4.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:48:00 :: [x86_64] #13500 gem-nap.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:48:00 :: [x86_64] #13600 gem-claide-plugins.git 0.9.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:48:38 :: [x86_64] #13600 gem-claide-plugins.git 0.9.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:48:38 :: [x86_64] #13700 gem-faraday-http-cache.git 2.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:48:51 :: [ppc64le] #11100 gem-sys-filesystem.git 1.4.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:48:52 :: [ppc64le] #11240 gem-rake.git 13.0.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:49:14 :: [x86_64] #13700 gem-faraday-http-cache.git 2.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:49:14 :: [x86_64] #14000 gem-danger.git 8.6.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:49:40 :: [armh] #6700 google-api-ruby-client.git 20210602-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:49:40 :: [armh] #7000 gapic-generator-ruby.git 20210605-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:49:57 :: [x86_64] #14000 gem-danger.git 8.6.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:49:58 :: [x86_64] #14100 gem-chandler.git 0.9.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:50:11 :: [ppc64le] #11240 gem-rake.git 13.0.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:50:11 :: [ppc64le] #11500 gem-deacon.git 1.0.0-alt2.1: build start
2022-May-24 04:50:39 :: [x86_64] #14100 gem-chandler.git 0.9.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:50:39 :: [x86_64] #14200 gem-md-ruby-eval.git 0.6.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:51:18 :: [x86_64] #14200 gem-md-ruby-eval.git 0.6.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:51:18 :: [x86_64] #14220 gem-concurrent-ruby.git 1.1.9-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:51:28 :: [ppc64le] #11500 gem-deacon.git 1.0.0-alt2.1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:51:28 :: [ppc64le] #11600 azure-sdk-for-ruby.git 20200316-alt1.4: build start
2022-May-24 04:52:30 :: [x86_64] #14220 gem-concurrent-ruby.git 1.1.9-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:52:31 :: [x86_64] #14400 gem-ed25519.git 1.3.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 04:53:11 :: [x86_64] #14400 gem-ed25519.git 1.3.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:53:11 :: [x86_64] #14500 gem-ffi.git 1.15.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:53:18 :: [armh] #7000 gapic-generator-ruby.git 20210605-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:53:18 :: [armh] #7100 common-protos-ruby.git 20210531-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:53:59 :: [x86_64] #14500 gem-ffi.git 1.15.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:53:59 :: [x86_64] #14600 gem-hiredis.git build start
2022-May-24 04:54:43 :: [x86_64] #14600 gem-hiredis.git build OK
2022-May-24 04:54:43 :: [x86_64] #14700 gem-rake-compiler.git 1.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:55:14 :: [armh] #7100 common-protos-ruby.git 20210531-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:55:14 :: [armh] #7200 ruby-gnome2.git 3.5.1-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 04:55:22 :: [x86_64] #14700 gem-rake-compiler.git 1.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:55:22 :: [x86_64] #14740 gem-parser.git build start
2022-May-24 04:56:03 :: [x86_64] #14740 gem-parser.git build OK
2022-May-24 04:56:03 :: [x86_64] #15000 gem-rubocop.git 1.27.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:57:12 :: [x86_64] #15000 gem-rubocop.git 1.27.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:57:12 :: [x86_64] #15100 gem-rubocop-ast.git 1.17.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:57:50 :: [x86_64] #15100 gem-rubocop-ast.git 1.17.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:57:51 :: [x86_64] #15200 gem-rubocop-minitest.git 0.19.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:58:28 :: [x86_64] #15200 gem-rubocop-minitest.git 0.19.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:58:28 :: [x86_64] #15300 gem-rubocop-performance.git 1.13.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:59:06 :: [x86_64] #15300 gem-rubocop-performance.git 1.13.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:59:06 :: [x86_64] #15400 gem-rake-compiler-dock.git 1.2.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 04:59:45 :: [x86_64] #15400 gem-rake-compiler-dock.git 1.2.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 04:59:46 :: [x86_64] #15500 gem-nokogiri.git 1.13.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:00:44 :: [x86_64] #15500 gem-nokogiri.git 1.13.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:00:44 :: [x86_64] #15600 gem-oj.git 3.13.11-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:01:35 :: [x86_64] #15600 gem-oj.git 3.13.11-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:01:35 :: [x86_64] #16000 gem-thin.git 1.8.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:02:18 :: [x86_64] #16000 gem-thin.git 1.8.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:02:18 :: [x86_64] #16100 gem-redcloth.git build start
2022-May-24 05:02:58 :: [x86_64] #16100 gem-redcloth.git build OK
2022-May-24 05:02:58 :: [x86_64] #16140 gem-rb-fsevent.git 0.11.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:03:35 :: [x86_64] #16140 gem-rb-fsevent.git 0.11.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:03:35 :: [x86_64] #16240 gem-puma.git 5.6.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:04:21 :: [x86_64] #16240 gem-puma.git 5.6.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:04:21 :: [x86_64] #16500 gem-zentest.git 4.12.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:05:00 :: [x86_64] #16500 gem-zentest.git 4.12.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:05:00 :: [x86_64] #16600 gem-rubyinline.git 3.12.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:05:36 :: [x86_64] #16600 gem-rubyinline.git 3.12.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:05:36 :: [x86_64] #16700 gem-fuzzy-string-match.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:06:13 :: [x86_64] #16700 gem-fuzzy-string-match.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:06:13 :: [x86_64] #17000 gem-ffi-compiler.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:06:50 :: [x86_64] #17000 gem-ffi-compiler.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:06:50 :: [x86_64] #17100 gem-hotwater.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:07:30 :: [x86_64] #17100 gem-hotwater.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:07:31 :: [x86_64] #17200 gem-jaro-winkler.git build start
2022-May-24 05:08:12 :: [x86_64] #17200 gem-jaro-winkler.git build OK
2022-May-24 05:08:12 :: [x86_64] #17400 gem-remix-stash.git 1.1.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:08:52 :: [x86_64] #17400 gem-remix-stash.git 1.1.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:08:52 :: [x86_64] #17500 gem-hoe-mercurial.git 1.4.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:09:29 :: [x86_64] #17500 gem-hoe-mercurial.git 1.4.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:09:29 :: [x86_64] #17600 gem-hoe-highline.git 0.2.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:10:02 :: [armh] #7200 ruby-gnome2.git 3.5.1-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:10:02 :: [armh] #7300 gem-puppet.git build start
2022-May-24 05:10:05 :: [x86_64] #17600 gem-hoe-highline.git 0.2.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:10:05 :: [x86_64] #17700 gem-hoe-deveiate.git 0.10.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:10:42 :: [x86_64] #17700 gem-hoe-deveiate.git 0.10.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:10:42 :: [x86_64] #20000 gem-pg.git 1.3.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:12:17 :: [x86_64] #20000 gem-pg.git 1.3.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:12:17 :: [x86_64] #20200 gem-rdoc.git 6.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:13:02 :: [x86_64] #20200 gem-rdoc.git 6.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:13:02 :: [x86_64] #20300 gem-rvm.git build start
2022-May-24 05:13:36 :: [x86_64] #20300 gem-rvm.git build OK
2022-May-24 05:13:36 :: [x86_64] #20400 gem-dbi-dbrc.git 1.7.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:14:13 :: [x86_64] #20400 gem-dbi-dbrc.git 1.7.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:14:13 :: [x86_64] #20500 gem-fast-xs.git 0.8.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:14:49 :: [x86_64] #20500 gem-fast-xs.git 0.8.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:14:49 :: [x86_64] #20600 gem-url-escape.git 2009.06.24-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:14:59 :: [armh] #7300 gem-puppet.git build OK
2022-May-24 05:14:59 :: [armh] #7640 gem-sexp-processor.git 4.16.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:15:26 :: [x86_64] #20600 gem-url-escape.git 2009.06.24-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:15:26 :: [x86_64] #20700 gem-glu.git 8.3.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:16:05 :: [x86_64] #20700 gem-glu.git 8.3.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:16:05 :: [x86_64] #21000 gem-glut.git 8.3.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:16:12 :: [i586] #11600 azure-sdk-for-ruby.git 20200316-alt1.4: build OK
2022-May-24 05:16:12 :: [i586] #11700 gem-facter.git 4.2.9-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:16:41 :: [x86_64] #21000 gem-glut.git 8.3.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:16:41 :: [x86_64] #21100 gem-opengl.git 0.10.0-alt1.4: build start
2022-May-24 05:16:46 :: [armh] #7640 gem-sexp-processor.git 4.16.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:16:46 :: [armh] #7660 gem-oedipus-lex.git 2.6.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:17:31 :: [i586] #11700 gem-facter.git 4.2.9-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:17:31 :: [i586] #12000 gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:17:36 :: [x86_64] #21100 gem-opengl.git 0.10.0-alt1.4: build OK
2022-May-24 05:17:36 :: [x86_64] #21200 gem-ruby-debug-ide.git 0.7.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:18:13 :: [x86_64] #21200 gem-ruby-debug-ide.git 0.7.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:18:13 :: [x86_64] #21300 gem-minitar-cli.git 0.6.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:18:13 :: [i586] #12000 gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:18:13 :: [i586] #12100 gem-digest-crc.git 0.6.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:18:28 :: [armh] #7660 gem-oedipus-lex.git 2.6.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:18:29 :: [armh] #7700 gem-ruby-parser.git 3.19.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:18:52 :: [x86_64] #21300 gem-minitar-cli.git 0.6.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:18:53 :: [x86_64] #21400 gem-debase-ruby-core-source.git 0.10.15-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:19:06 :: [i586] #12100 gem-digest-crc.git 0.6.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:19:06 :: [i586] #12200 gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.17-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:19:46 :: [i586] #12200 gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.17-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:19:46 :: [i586] #12240 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 05:19:48 :: [x86_64] #21400 gem-debase-ruby-core-source.git 0.10.15-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:19:48 :: [x86_64] #21500 gem-debase.git 0.2.5.beta2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:20:25 :: [i586] #12240 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:20:25 :: [i586] #12400 gem-fuubar.git 2.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:20:29 :: [x86_64] #21500 gem-debase.git 0.2.5.beta2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:20:30 :: [x86_64] #21600 gem-strong-json.git 2.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:21:01 :: [i586] #12400 gem-fuubar.git 2.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:21:01 :: [i586] #12500 gem-rfc.git 0.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:21:03 :: [x86_64] #21600 gem-strong-json.git 2.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:21:03 :: [x86_64] #21700 gem-goodcheck.git 3.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:21:06 :: [armh] #7700 gem-ruby-parser.git 3.19.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:21:06 :: [armh] #10000 foreman.git 3.0.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 05:21:36 :: [i586] #12500 gem-rfc.git 0.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:21:36 :: [i586] #12600 gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 05:21:44 :: [x86_64] #21700 gem-goodcheck.git 3.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:21:44 :: [x86_64] #22000 gem-rubocop-rubycw.git 0.1.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:22:20 :: [i586] #12600 gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:22:20 :: [i586] #12700 gem-kramdown-parser-gfm.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:22:20 :: [x86_64] #22000 gem-rubocop-rubycw.git 0.1.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:22:20 :: [x86_64] #22100 gem-stackprof.git 0.2.19-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:22:53 :: [i586] #12700 gem-kramdown-parser-gfm.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:22:54 :: [i586] #13000 gem-mdl.git 0.11.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:23:04 :: [x86_64] #22100 gem-stackprof.git 0.2.19-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:23:04 :: [x86_64] #22200 gem-tempfile.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:23:35 :: [i586] #13000 gem-mdl.git 0.11.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:23:35 :: [i586] #13100 gem-claide.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:23:38 :: [x86_64] #22200 gem-tempfile.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:23:38 :: [x86_64] #22300 gem-rbs.git 2.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:24:08 :: [i586] #13100 gem-claide.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:24:08 :: [i586] #13200 gem-colored2.git 3.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:24:28 :: [x86_64] #22300 gem-rbs.git 2.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:24:28 :: [x86_64] #22400 gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:24:44 :: [i586] #13200 gem-colored2.git 3.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:24:44 :: [i586] #13300 gem-cork.git 0.3.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:25:08 :: [x86_64] #22400 gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:25:08 :: [x86_64] #22500 gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:25:20 :: [i586] #13300 gem-cork.git 0.3.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:25:20 :: [i586] #13400 gem-peck.git 0.5.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:25:53 :: [x86_64] #22500 gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:25:54 :: [x86_64] #22600 gem-redcarpet.git build start
2022-May-24 05:25:55 :: [i586] #13400 gem-peck.git 0.5.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:25:55 :: [i586] #13500 gem-nap.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:26:30 :: [i586] #13500 gem-nap.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:26:30 :: [i586] #13600 gem-claide-plugins.git 0.9.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:26:39 :: [x86_64] #22600 gem-redcarpet.git build OK
2022-May-24 05:26:39 :: [x86_64] #22700 gem-rspec-junit-formatter.git 0.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:27:07 :: [i586] #13600 gem-claide-plugins.git 0.9.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:27:07 :: [i586] #13700 gem-faraday-http-cache.git 2.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:27:17 :: [x86_64] #22700 gem-rspec-junit-formatter.git 0.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:27:17 :: [x86_64] #23000 gem-rmagick.git 4.2.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:27:24 :: [armh] #10000 foreman.git 3.0.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:27:24 :: [armh] #10100 passenger.git 6.0.11-alt2: build start
2022-May-24 05:27:43 :: [i586] #13700 gem-faraday-http-cache.git 2.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:27:43 :: [i586] #14000 gem-danger.git 8.6.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:28:13 :: [x86_64] #23000 gem-rmagick.git 4.2.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:28:13 :: [x86_64] #23100 gem-nio4r.git 2.5.8-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:28:27 :: [i586] #14000 gem-danger.git 8.6.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:28:27 :: [i586] #14100 gem-chandler.git 0.9.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:28:55 :: [x86_64] #23100 gem-nio4r.git 2.5.8-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:28:55 :: [x86_64] #23140 gem-hoe-bundler.git 1.5.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:29:07 :: [i586] #14100 gem-chandler.git 0.9.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:29:07 :: [i586] #14200 gem-md-ruby-eval.git 0.6.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:29:32 :: [x86_64] #23140 gem-hoe-bundler.git 1.5.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:29:32 :: [x86_64] #23200 gem-hoe-gemspec.git 1.0.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:29:45 :: [i586] #14200 gem-md-ruby-eval.git 0.6.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:29:45 :: [i586] #14220 gem-concurrent-ruby.git 1.1.9-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:30:09 :: [x86_64] #23200 gem-hoe-gemspec.git 1.0.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:30:09 :: [x86_64] #23300 gem-sqlite3.git build start
2022-May-24 05:30:53 :: [x86_64] #23300 gem-sqlite3.git build OK
2022-May-24 05:30:53 :: [x86_64] #23400 gem-data-objects.git 0.10.17-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:31:02 :: [i586] #14220 gem-concurrent-ruby.git 1.1.9-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:31:02 :: [i586] #14400 gem-ed25519.git 1.3.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 05:31:45 :: [i586] #14400 gem-ed25519.git 1.3.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:31:45 :: [i586] #14500 gem-ffi.git 1.15.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:31:47 :: [armh] #10100 passenger.git 6.0.11-alt2: build OK
2022-May-24 05:31:47 :: [armh] #10400 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 05:32:08 :: [x86_64] #23400 gem-data-objects.git 0.10.17-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:32:08 :: [x86_64] #23500 gem-i18n.git 1.10.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:32:32 :: [i586] #14500 gem-ffi.git 1.15.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:32:32 :: [i586] #14600 gem-hiredis.git build start
2022-May-24 05:32:46 :: [x86_64] #23500 gem-i18n.git 1.10.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:32:46 :: [x86_64] #23600 gem-timecop.git 0.9.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:33:15 :: [i586] #14600 gem-hiredis.git build OK
2022-May-24 05:33:15 :: [i586] #14700 gem-rake-compiler.git 1.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:33:20 :: [x86_64] #23600 gem-timecop.git 0.9.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:33:20 :: [x86_64] #24000 gem-yard.git 0.9.27-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:33:39 :: [armh] #10400 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:33:39 :: [armh] #10700 gem-ptools.git 1.4.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:33:54 :: [i586] #14700 gem-rake-compiler.git 1.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:33:54 :: [i586] #14740 gem-parser.git build start
2022-May-24 05:34:04 :: [x86_64] #24000 gem-yard.git 0.9.27-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:34:04 :: [x86_64] #24100 gem-faker.git 2.21.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:34:34 :: [i586] #14740 gem-parser.git build OK
2022-May-24 05:34:34 :: [i586] #15000 gem-rubocop.git 1.27.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:34:53 :: [x86_64] #24100 gem-faker.git 2.21.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:34:54 :: [x86_64] #24200 gem-mysql2.git 0.5.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:35:24 :: [armh] #10700 gem-ptools.git 1.4.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:35:25 :: [armh] #11000 gem-mkmf-lite.git 0.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:35:37 :: [x86_64] #24200 gem-mysql2.git 0.5.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:35:50 :: [i586] #15000 gem-rubocop.git 1.27.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:35:50 :: [i586] #15100 gem-rubocop-ast.git 1.17.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:36:28 :: [i586] #15100 gem-rubocop-ast.git 1.17.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:36:28 :: [i586] #15200 gem-rubocop-minitest.git 0.19.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:37:04 :: [i586] #15200 gem-rubocop-minitest.git 0.19.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:37:04 :: [i586] #15300 gem-rubocop-performance.git 1.13.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:37:10 :: [armh] #11000 gem-mkmf-lite.git 0.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:37:10 :: [armh] #11100 gem-sys-filesystem.git 1.4.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:37:41 :: [i586] #15300 gem-rubocop-performance.git 1.13.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:37:41 :: [i586] #15400 gem-rake-compiler-dock.git 1.2.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:38:19 :: [i586] #15400 gem-rake-compiler-dock.git 1.2.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:38:19 :: [i586] #15500 gem-nokogiri.git 1.13.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:38:57 :: [armh] #11100 gem-sys-filesystem.git 1.4.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:38:58 :: [armh] #11240 gem-rake.git 13.0.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:39:18 :: [i586] #15500 gem-nokogiri.git 1.13.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:39:18 :: [i586] #15600 gem-oj.git 3.13.11-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:40:08 :: [i586] #15600 gem-oj.git 3.13.11-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:40:09 :: [i586] #16000 gem-thin.git 1.8.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:40:45 :: [armh] #11240 gem-rake.git 13.0.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:40:46 :: [armh] #11500 gem-deacon.git 1.0.0-alt2.1: build start
2022-May-24 05:40:51 :: [i586] #16000 gem-thin.git 1.8.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:40:51 :: [i586] #16100 gem-redcloth.git build start
2022-May-24 05:41:30 :: [i586] #16100 gem-redcloth.git build OK
2022-May-24 05:41:30 :: [i586] #16140 gem-rb-fsevent.git 0.11.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:42:06 :: [i586] #16140 gem-rb-fsevent.git 0.11.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:42:06 :: [i586] #16240 gem-puma.git 5.6.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:42:35 :: [armh] #11500 gem-deacon.git 1.0.0-alt2.1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:42:35 :: [armh] #11600 azure-sdk-for-ruby.git 20200316-alt1.4: build start
2022-May-24 05:42:52 :: [i586] #16240 gem-puma.git 5.6.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:42:52 :: [i586] #16500 gem-zentest.git 4.12.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:43:30 :: [i586] #16500 gem-zentest.git 4.12.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:43:30 :: [i586] #16600 gem-rubyinline.git 3.12.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:44:05 :: [i586] #16600 gem-rubyinline.git 3.12.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:44:06 :: [i586] #16700 gem-fuzzy-string-match.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:44:41 :: [i586] #16700 gem-fuzzy-string-match.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:44:41 :: [i586] #17000 gem-ffi-compiler.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:45:17 :: [i586] #17000 gem-ffi-compiler.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:45:17 :: [i586] #17100 gem-hotwater.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:45:57 :: [i586] #17100 gem-hotwater.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:45:57 :: [i586] #17200 gem-jaro-winkler.git build start
2022-May-24 05:46:37 :: [i586] #17200 gem-jaro-winkler.git build OK
2022-May-24 05:46:37 :: [i586] #17400 gem-remix-stash.git 1.1.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:47:17 :: [i586] #17400 gem-remix-stash.git 1.1.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:47:17 :: [i586] #17500 gem-hoe-mercurial.git 1.4.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:47:53 :: [i586] #17500 gem-hoe-mercurial.git 1.4.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:47:53 :: [i586] #17600 gem-hoe-highline.git 0.2.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:48:28 :: [i586] #17600 gem-hoe-highline.git 0.2.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:48:28 :: [i586] #17700 gem-hoe-deveiate.git 0.10.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:49:04 :: [i586] #17700 gem-hoe-deveiate.git 0.10.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:49:04 :: [i586] #20000 gem-pg.git 1.3.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:50:13 :: [i586] #20000 gem-pg.git 1.3.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:50:13 :: [i586] #20200 gem-rdoc.git 6.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:51:00 :: [i586] #20200 gem-rdoc.git 6.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:51:00 :: [i586] #20300 gem-rvm.git build start
2022-May-24 05:51:32 :: [i586] #20300 gem-rvm.git build OK
2022-May-24 05:51:32 :: [i586] #20400 gem-dbi-dbrc.git 1.7.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:52:09 :: [i586] #20400 gem-dbi-dbrc.git 1.7.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:52:09 :: [i586] #20500 gem-fast-xs.git 0.8.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:52:44 :: [i586] #20500 gem-fast-xs.git 0.8.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:52:44 :: [i586] #20600 gem-url-escape.git 2009.06.24-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:53:20 :: [i586] #20600 gem-url-escape.git 2009.06.24-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:53:20 :: [i586] #20700 gem-glu.git 8.3.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:53:57 :: [i586] #20700 gem-glu.git 8.3.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:53:58 :: [i586] #21000 gem-glut.git 8.3.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:54:33 :: [i586] #21000 gem-glut.git 8.3.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:54:33 :: [i586] #21100 gem-opengl.git 0.10.0-alt1.4: build start
2022-May-24 05:55:30 :: [i586] #21100 gem-opengl.git 0.10.0-alt1.4: build OK
2022-May-24 05:55:30 :: [i586] #21200 gem-ruby-debug-ide.git 0.7.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:56:06 :: [i586] #21200 gem-ruby-debug-ide.git 0.7.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:56:06 :: [i586] #21300 gem-minitar-cli.git 0.6.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:56:44 :: [i586] #21300 gem-minitar-cli.git 0.6.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:56:45 :: [i586] #21400 gem-debase-ruby-core-source.git 0.10.15-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:57:42 :: [i586] #21400 gem-debase-ruby-core-source.git 0.10.15-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:57:42 :: [i586] #21500 gem-debase.git 0.2.5.beta2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:58:23 :: [i586] #21500 gem-debase.git 0.2.5.beta2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:58:23 :: [i586] #21600 gem-strong-json.git 2.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:58:56 :: [i586] #21600 gem-strong-json.git 2.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:58:56 :: [i586] #21700 gem-goodcheck.git 3.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 05:59:35 :: [i586] #21700 gem-goodcheck.git 3.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 05:59:36 :: [i586] #22000 gem-rubocop-rubycw.git 0.1.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 06:00:11 :: [i586] #22000 gem-rubocop-rubycw.git 0.1.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 06:00:12 :: [i586] #22100 gem-stackprof.git 0.2.19-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 06:00:54 :: [i586] #22100 gem-stackprof.git 0.2.19-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 06:00:54 :: [i586] #22200 gem-tempfile.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 06:01:27 :: [i586] #22200 gem-tempfile.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 06:01:27 :: [i586] #22300 gem-rbs.git 2.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 06:02:18 :: [i586] #22300 gem-rbs.git 2.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 06:02:18 :: [i586] #22400 gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 06:02:58 :: [i586] #22400 gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 06:02:58 :: [i586] #22500 gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 06:03:42 :: [i586] #22500 gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 06:03:43 :: [i586] #22600 gem-redcarpet.git build start
2022-May-24 06:04:27 :: [i586] #22600 gem-redcarpet.git build OK
2022-May-24 06:04:27 :: [i586] #22700 gem-rspec-junit-formatter.git 0.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 06:05:04 :: [i586] #22700 gem-rspec-junit-formatter.git 0.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 06:05:04 :: [i586] #23000 gem-rmagick.git 4.2.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 06:06:02 :: [i586] #23000 gem-rmagick.git 4.2.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 06:06:02 :: [i586] #23100 gem-nio4r.git 2.5.8-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 06:06:43 :: [i586] #23100 gem-nio4r.git 2.5.8-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 06:06:44 :: [i586] #23140 gem-hoe-bundler.git 1.5.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 06:07:19 :: [i586] #23140 gem-hoe-bundler.git 1.5.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 06:07:20 :: [i586] #23200 gem-hoe-gemspec.git 1.0.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 06:07:55 :: [i586] #23200 gem-hoe-gemspec.git 1.0.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 06:07:55 :: [i586] #23300 gem-sqlite3.git build start
2022-May-24 06:08:39 :: [i586] #23300 gem-sqlite3.git build OK
2022-May-24 06:08:39 :: [i586] #23400 gem-data-objects.git 0.10.17-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 06:09:54 :: [i586] #23400 gem-data-objects.git 0.10.17-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 06:09:54 :: [i586] #23500 gem-i18n.git 1.10.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 06:10:31 :: [i586] #23500 gem-i18n.git 1.10.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 06:10:31 :: [i586] #23600 gem-timecop.git 0.9.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 06:11:04 :: [i586] #23600 gem-timecop.git 0.9.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 06:11:04 :: [i586] #24000 gem-yard.git 0.9.27-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 06:11:49 :: [i586] #24000 gem-yard.git 0.9.27-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 06:11:49 :: [i586] #24100 gem-faker.git 2.21.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 06:12:40 :: [i586] #24100 gem-faker.git 2.21.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 06:12:40 :: [i586] #24200 gem-mysql2.git 0.5.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 06:13:23 :: [i586] #24200 gem-mysql2.git 0.5.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:15:26 :: [aarch64] #11600 azure-sdk-for-ruby.git 20200316-alt1.4: build OK
2022-May-24 07:15:26 :: [aarch64] #11700 gem-facter.git 4.2.9-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:17:38 :: [aarch64] #11700 gem-facter.git 4.2.9-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:17:38 :: [aarch64] #12000 gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:18:52 :: [aarch64] #12000 gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:18:52 :: [aarch64] #12100 gem-digest-crc.git 0.6.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:20:28 :: [aarch64] #12100 gem-digest-crc.git 0.6.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:20:28 :: [aarch64] #12200 gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.17-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:21:36 :: [aarch64] #12200 gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.17-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:21:37 :: [aarch64] #12240 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 07:22:43 :: [aarch64] #12240 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:22:43 :: [aarch64] #12400 gem-fuubar.git 2.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:23:47 :: [aarch64] #12400 gem-fuubar.git 2.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:23:47 :: [aarch64] #12500 gem-rfc.git 0.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:24:50 :: [aarch64] #12500 gem-rfc.git 0.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:24:50 :: [aarch64] #12600 gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 07:26:08 :: [aarch64] #12600 gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:26:08 :: [aarch64] #12700 gem-kramdown-parser-gfm.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:27:10 :: [aarch64] #12700 gem-kramdown-parser-gfm.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:27:10 :: [aarch64] #13000 gem-mdl.git 0.11.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:28:26 :: [aarch64] #13000 gem-mdl.git 0.11.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:28:26 :: [aarch64] #13100 gem-claide.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:29:27 :: [aarch64] #13100 gem-claide.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:29:27 :: [aarch64] #13200 gem-colored2.git 3.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:30:34 :: [aarch64] #13200 gem-colored2.git 3.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:30:34 :: [aarch64] #13300 gem-cork.git 0.3.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:31:41 :: [aarch64] #13300 gem-cork.git 0.3.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:31:41 :: [aarch64] #13400 gem-peck.git 0.5.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:32:44 :: [aarch64] #13400 gem-peck.git 0.5.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:32:44 :: [aarch64] #13500 gem-nap.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:33:49 :: [aarch64] #13500 gem-nap.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:33:49 :: [aarch64] #13600 gem-claide-plugins.git 0.9.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:34:55 :: [aarch64] #13600 gem-claide-plugins.git 0.9.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:34:55 :: [aarch64] #13700 gem-faraday-http-cache.git 2.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:36:05 :: [aarch64] #13700 gem-faraday-http-cache.git 2.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:36:05 :: [aarch64] #14000 gem-danger.git 8.6.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:37:53 :: [aarch64] #14000 gem-danger.git 8.6.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:37:53 :: [aarch64] #14100 gem-chandler.git 0.9.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:39:34 :: [aarch64] #14100 gem-chandler.git 0.9.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:39:34 :: [aarch64] #14200 gem-md-ruby-eval.git 0.6.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:40:56 :: [aarch64] #14200 gem-md-ruby-eval.git 0.6.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:40:56 :: [aarch64] #14220 gem-concurrent-ruby.git 1.1.9-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:43:08 :: [aarch64] #14220 gem-concurrent-ruby.git 1.1.9-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:43:08 :: [aarch64] #14400 gem-ed25519.git 1.3.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 07:44:20 :: [aarch64] #14400 gem-ed25519.git 1.3.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:44:20 :: [aarch64] #14500 gem-ffi.git 1.15.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:45:46 :: [aarch64] #14500 gem-ffi.git 1.15.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:45:46 :: [aarch64] #14600 gem-hiredis.git build start
2022-May-24 07:47:02 :: [aarch64] #14600 gem-hiredis.git build OK
2022-May-24 07:47:02 :: [aarch64] #14700 gem-rake-compiler.git 1.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:48:11 :: [aarch64] #14700 gem-rake-compiler.git 1.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:48:11 :: [aarch64] #14740 gem-parser.git build start
2022-May-24 07:49:28 :: [aarch64] #14740 gem-parser.git build OK
2022-May-24 07:49:28 :: [aarch64] #15000 gem-rubocop.git 1.27.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:51:43 :: [aarch64] #15000 gem-rubocop.git 1.27.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:51:43 :: [aarch64] #15100 gem-rubocop-ast.git 1.17.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:52:54 :: [aarch64] #15100 gem-rubocop-ast.git 1.17.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:52:54 :: [aarch64] #15200 gem-rubocop-minitest.git 0.19.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:54:02 :: [aarch64] #15200 gem-rubocop-minitest.git 0.19.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:54:02 :: [aarch64] #15300 gem-rubocop-performance.git 1.13.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:55:47 :: [aarch64] #15300 gem-rubocop-performance.git 1.13.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:55:47 :: [aarch64] #15400 gem-rake-compiler-dock.git 1.2.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 07:57:30 :: [aarch64] #15400 gem-rake-compiler-dock.git 1.2.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 07:57:31 :: [aarch64] #15500 gem-nokogiri.git 1.13.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:00:02 :: [aarch64] #15500 gem-nokogiri.git 1.13.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:00:02 :: [aarch64] #15600 gem-oj.git 3.13.11-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:01:33 :: [aarch64] #15600 gem-oj.git 3.13.11-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:01:33 :: [aarch64] #16000 gem-thin.git 1.8.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:02:46 :: [aarch64] #16000 gem-thin.git 1.8.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:02:46 :: [aarch64] #16100 gem-redcloth.git build start
2022-May-24 08:03:56 :: [aarch64] #16100 gem-redcloth.git build OK
2022-May-24 08:03:56 :: [aarch64] #16140 gem-rb-fsevent.git 0.11.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:05:02 :: [aarch64] #16140 gem-rb-fsevent.git 0.11.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:05:02 :: [aarch64] #16240 gem-puma.git 5.6.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:06:22 :: [aarch64] #16240 gem-puma.git 5.6.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:06:22 :: [aarch64] #16500 gem-zentest.git 4.12.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:07:31 :: [aarch64] #16500 gem-zentest.git 4.12.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:07:31 :: [aarch64] #16600 gem-rubyinline.git 3.12.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:08:36 :: [aarch64] #16600 gem-rubyinline.git 3.12.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:08:36 :: [aarch64] #16700 gem-fuzzy-string-match.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:09:42 :: [aarch64] #16700 gem-fuzzy-string-match.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:09:42 :: [aarch64] #17000 gem-ffi-compiler.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:10:50 :: [aarch64] #17000 gem-ffi-compiler.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:10:50 :: [aarch64] #17100 gem-hotwater.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:12:03 :: [aarch64] #17100 gem-hotwater.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:12:03 :: [aarch64] #17200 gem-jaro-winkler.git build start
2022-May-24 08:13:17 :: [aarch64] #17200 gem-jaro-winkler.git build OK
2022-May-24 08:13:17 :: [aarch64] #17400 gem-remix-stash.git 1.1.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:14:28 :: [aarch64] #17400 gem-remix-stash.git 1.1.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:14:28 :: [aarch64] #17500 gem-hoe-mercurial.git 1.4.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:15:32 :: [aarch64] #17500 gem-hoe-mercurial.git 1.4.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:15:32 :: [aarch64] #17600 gem-hoe-highline.git 0.2.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:16:36 :: [aarch64] #17600 gem-hoe-highline.git 0.2.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:16:36 :: [aarch64] #17700 gem-hoe-deveiate.git 0.10.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:17:42 :: [aarch64] #17700 gem-hoe-deveiate.git 0.10.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:17:42 :: [aarch64] #20000 gem-pg.git 1.3.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:20:21 :: [aarch64] #20000 gem-pg.git 1.3.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:20:21 :: [aarch64] #20200 gem-rdoc.git 6.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:21:42 :: [aarch64] #20200 gem-rdoc.git 6.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:21:42 :: [aarch64] #20300 gem-rvm.git build start
2022-May-24 08:22:43 :: [aarch64] #20300 gem-rvm.git build OK
2022-May-24 08:22:43 :: [aarch64] #20400 gem-dbi-dbrc.git 1.7.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:23:48 :: [aarch64] #20400 gem-dbi-dbrc.git 1.7.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:23:48 :: [aarch64] #20500 gem-fast-xs.git 0.8.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:24:52 :: [aarch64] #20500 gem-fast-xs.git 0.8.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:24:52 :: [aarch64] #20600 gem-url-escape.git 2009.06.24-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:25:56 :: [aarch64] #20600 gem-url-escape.git 2009.06.24-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:25:56 :: [aarch64] #20700 gem-glu.git 8.3.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:27:05 :: [aarch64] #20700 gem-glu.git 8.3.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:27:05 :: [aarch64] #21000 gem-glut.git 8.3.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:28:09 :: [aarch64] #21000 gem-glut.git 8.3.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:28:09 :: [aarch64] #21100 gem-opengl.git 0.10.0-alt1.4: build start
2022-May-24 08:29:50 :: [aarch64] #21100 gem-opengl.git 0.10.0-alt1.4: build OK
2022-May-24 08:29:50 :: [aarch64] #21200 gem-ruby-debug-ide.git 0.7.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:30:55 :: [aarch64] #21200 gem-ruby-debug-ide.git 0.7.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:30:55 :: [aarch64] #21300 gem-minitar-cli.git 0.6.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:32:04 :: [aarch64] #21300 gem-minitar-cli.git 0.6.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:32:04 :: [aarch64] #21400 gem-debase-ruby-core-source.git 0.10.15-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:33:49 :: [aarch64] #21400 gem-debase-ruby-core-source.git 0.10.15-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:33:49 :: [aarch64] #21500 gem-debase.git 0.2.5.beta2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:35:01 :: [aarch64] #21500 gem-debase.git 0.2.5.beta2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:35:01 :: [aarch64] #21600 gem-strong-json.git 2.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:36:01 :: [aarch64] #21600 gem-strong-json.git 2.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:36:02 :: [aarch64] #21700 gem-goodcheck.git 3.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:37:12 :: [aarch64] #21700 gem-goodcheck.git 3.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:37:12 :: [aarch64] #22000 gem-rubocop-rubycw.git 0.1.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:38:17 :: [aarch64] #22000 gem-rubocop-rubycw.git 0.1.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:38:17 :: [aarch64] #22100 gem-stackprof.git 0.2.19-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:39:31 :: [aarch64] #22100 gem-stackprof.git 0.2.19-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:39:31 :: [aarch64] #22200 gem-tempfile.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:40:31 :: [aarch64] #22200 gem-tempfile.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:40:31 :: [aarch64] #22300 gem-rbs.git 2.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:42:00 :: [aarch64] #22300 gem-rbs.git 2.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:42:00 :: [aarch64] #22400 gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:43:15 :: [aarch64] #22400 gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:43:15 :: [aarch64] #22500 gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:44:34 :: [aarch64] #22500 gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:44:34 :: [aarch64] #22600 gem-redcarpet.git build start
2022-May-24 08:45:52 :: [aarch64] #22600 gem-redcarpet.git build OK
2022-May-24 08:45:52 :: [aarch64] #22700 gem-rspec-junit-formatter.git 0.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:47:00 :: [aarch64] #22700 gem-rspec-junit-formatter.git 0.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:47:01 :: [aarch64] #23000 gem-rmagick.git 4.2.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:48:50 :: [aarch64] #23000 gem-rmagick.git 4.2.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:48:50 :: [aarch64] #23100 gem-nio4r.git 2.5.8-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:50:04 :: [aarch64] #23100 gem-nio4r.git 2.5.8-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:50:04 :: [aarch64] #23140 gem-hoe-bundler.git 1.5.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:51:09 :: [aarch64] #23140 gem-hoe-bundler.git 1.5.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:51:09 :: [aarch64] #23200 gem-hoe-gemspec.git 1.0.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:52:15 :: [aarch64] #23200 gem-hoe-gemspec.git 1.0.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:52:16 :: [aarch64] #23300 gem-sqlite3.git build start
2022-May-24 08:53:34 :: [aarch64] #23300 gem-sqlite3.git build OK
2022-May-24 08:53:34 :: [aarch64] #23400 gem-data-objects.git 0.10.17-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:55:30 :: [aarch64] #23400 gem-data-objects.git 0.10.17-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:55:30 :: [aarch64] #23500 gem-i18n.git 1.10.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:56:38 :: [aarch64] #23500 gem-i18n.git 1.10.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:56:38 :: [aarch64] #23600 gem-timecop.git 0.9.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:57:38 :: [aarch64] #23600 gem-timecop.git 0.9.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:57:38 :: [aarch64] #24000 gem-yard.git 0.9.27-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 08:58:57 :: [aarch64] #24000 gem-yard.git 0.9.27-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 08:58:57 :: [aarch64] #24100 gem-faker.git 2.21.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:00:27 :: [aarch64] #24100 gem-faker.git 2.21.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:00:27 :: [aarch64] #24200 gem-mysql2.git 0.5.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:01:44 :: [aarch64] #24200 gem-mysql2.git 0.5.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:25:54 :: [ppc64le] #11600 azure-sdk-for-ruby.git 20200316-alt1.4: build OK
2022-May-24 09:25:54 :: [ppc64le] #11700 gem-facter.git 4.2.9-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:28:51 :: [ppc64le] #11700 gem-facter.git 4.2.9-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:28:51 :: [ppc64le] #12000 gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:30:24 :: [ppc64le] #12000 gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:30:24 :: [ppc64le] #12100 gem-digest-crc.git 0.6.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:32:24 :: [ppc64le] #12100 gem-digest-crc.git 0.6.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:32:24 :: [ppc64le] #12200 gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.17-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:33:47 :: [ppc64le] #12200 gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.17-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:33:47 :: [ppc64le] #12240 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 09:35:09 :: [ppc64le] #12240 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:35:09 :: [ppc64le] #12400 gem-fuubar.git 2.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:36:26 :: [ppc64le] #12400 gem-fuubar.git 2.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:36:26 :: [ppc64le] #12500 gem-rfc.git 0.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:37:42 :: [ppc64le] #12500 gem-rfc.git 0.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:37:42 :: [ppc64le] #12600 gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 09:39:19 :: [ppc64le] #12600 gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:39:19 :: [ppc64le] #12700 gem-kramdown-parser-gfm.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:40:34 :: [ppc64le] #12700 gem-kramdown-parser-gfm.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:40:34 :: [ppc64le] #13000 gem-mdl.git 0.11.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:42:05 :: [ppc64le] #13000 gem-mdl.git 0.11.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:42:05 :: [ppc64le] #13100 gem-claide.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:43:21 :: [ppc64le] #13100 gem-claide.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:43:21 :: [ppc64le] #13200 gem-colored2.git 3.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:44:40 :: [ppc64le] #13200 gem-colored2.git 3.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:44:40 :: [ppc64le] #13300 gem-cork.git 0.3.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:45:58 :: [ppc64le] #13300 gem-cork.git 0.3.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:45:58 :: [ppc64le] #13400 gem-peck.git 0.5.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:47:19 :: [ppc64le] #13400 gem-peck.git 0.5.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:47:19 :: [ppc64le] #13500 gem-nap.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:48:39 :: [ppc64le] #13500 gem-nap.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:48:39 :: [ppc64le] #13600 gem-claide-plugins.git 0.9.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:50:00 :: [ppc64le] #13600 gem-claide-plugins.git 0.9.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:50:00 :: [ppc64le] #13700 gem-faraday-http-cache.git 2.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:51:18 :: [ppc64le] #13700 gem-faraday-http-cache.git 2.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:51:19 :: [ppc64le] #14000 gem-danger.git 8.6.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:52:57 :: [ppc64le] #14000 gem-danger.git 8.6.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:52:57 :: [ppc64le] #14100 gem-chandler.git 0.9.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:54:25 :: [ppc64le] #14100 gem-chandler.git 0.9.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:54:25 :: [ppc64le] #14200 gem-md-ruby-eval.git 0.6.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:55:46 :: [ppc64le] #14200 gem-md-ruby-eval.git 0.6.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:55:46 :: [ppc64le] #14220 gem-concurrent-ruby.git 1.1.9-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 09:58:35 :: [ppc64le] #14220 gem-concurrent-ruby.git 1.1.9-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 09:58:35 :: [ppc64le] #14400 gem-ed25519.git 1.3.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 10:00:04 :: [ppc64le] #14400 gem-ed25519.git 1.3.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:00:04 :: [ppc64le] #14500 gem-ffi.git 1.15.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:01:52 :: [ppc64le] #14500 gem-ffi.git 1.15.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:01:52 :: [ppc64le] #14600 gem-hiredis.git build start
2022-May-24 10:03:28 :: [ppc64le] #14600 gem-hiredis.git build OK
2022-May-24 10:03:29 :: [ppc64le] #14700 gem-rake-compiler.git 1.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:04:51 :: [ppc64le] #14700 gem-rake-compiler.git 1.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:04:51 :: [ppc64le] #14740 gem-parser.git build start
2022-May-24 10:06:27 :: [ppc64le] #14740 gem-parser.git build OK
2022-May-24 10:06:27 :: [ppc64le] #15000 gem-rubocop.git 1.27.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:09:42 :: [ppc64le] #15000 gem-rubocop.git 1.27.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:09:42 :: [ppc64le] #15100 gem-rubocop-ast.git 1.17.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:11:19 :: [ppc64le] #15100 gem-rubocop-ast.git 1.17.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:11:19 :: [ppc64le] #15200 gem-rubocop-minitest.git 0.19.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:12:47 :: [ppc64le] #15200 gem-rubocop-minitest.git 0.19.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:12:47 :: [ppc64le] #15300 gem-rubocop-performance.git 1.13.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:14:15 :: [ppc64le] #15300 gem-rubocop-performance.git 1.13.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:14:15 :: [ppc64le] #15400 gem-rake-compiler-dock.git 1.2.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:15:41 :: [ppc64le] #15400 gem-rake-compiler-dock.git 1.2.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:15:41 :: [ppc64le] #15500 gem-nokogiri.git 1.13.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:17:52 :: [ppc64le] #15500 gem-nokogiri.git 1.13.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:17:52 :: [ppc64le] #15600 gem-oj.git 3.13.11-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:19:40 :: [ppc64le] #15600 gem-oj.git 3.13.11-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:19:40 :: [ppc64le] #16000 gem-thin.git 1.8.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:21:10 :: [ppc64le] #16000 gem-thin.git 1.8.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:21:10 :: [ppc64le] #16100 gem-redcloth.git build start
2022-May-24 10:22:35 :: [ppc64le] #16100 gem-redcloth.git build OK
2022-May-24 10:22:35 :: [ppc64le] #16140 gem-rb-fsevent.git 0.11.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:23:56 :: [ppc64le] #16140 gem-rb-fsevent.git 0.11.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:23:56 :: [ppc64le] #16240 gem-puma.git 5.6.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:25:42 :: [ppc64le] #16240 gem-puma.git 5.6.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:25:42 :: [ppc64le] #16500 gem-zentest.git 4.12.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:27:07 :: [ppc64le] #16500 gem-zentest.git 4.12.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:27:07 :: [ppc64le] #16600 gem-rubyinline.git 3.12.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:28:26 :: [ppc64le] #16600 gem-rubyinline.git 3.12.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:28:26 :: [ppc64le] #16700 gem-fuzzy-string-match.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:29:46 :: [ppc64le] #16700 gem-fuzzy-string-match.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:29:46 :: [ppc64le] #17000 gem-ffi-compiler.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:31:12 :: [ppc64le] #17000 gem-ffi-compiler.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:31:12 :: [ppc64le] #17100 gem-hotwater.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:32:41 :: [ppc64le] #17100 gem-hotwater.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:32:41 :: [ppc64le] #17200 gem-jaro-winkler.git build start
2022-May-24 10:34:15 :: [ppc64le] #17200 gem-jaro-winkler.git build OK
2022-May-24 10:34:15 :: [ppc64le] #17400 gem-remix-stash.git 1.1.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:35:46 :: [ppc64le] #17400 gem-remix-stash.git 1.1.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:35:46 :: [ppc64le] #17500 gem-hoe-mercurial.git 1.4.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:37:05 :: [ppc64le] #17500 gem-hoe-mercurial.git 1.4.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:37:05 :: [ppc64le] #17600 gem-hoe-highline.git 0.2.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:38:23 :: [ppc64le] #17600 gem-hoe-highline.git 0.2.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:38:23 :: [ppc64le] #17700 gem-hoe-deveiate.git 0.10.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:39:42 :: [ppc64le] #17700 gem-hoe-deveiate.git 0.10.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:39:43 :: [ppc64le] #20000 gem-pg.git 1.3.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:43:03 :: [ppc64le] #20000 gem-pg.git 1.3.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:43:03 :: [ppc64le] #20200 gem-rdoc.git 6.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:44:49 :: [ppc64le] #20200 gem-rdoc.git 6.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:44:49 :: [ppc64le] #20300 gem-rvm.git build start
2022-May-24 10:46:07 :: [ppc64le] #20300 gem-rvm.git build OK
2022-May-24 10:46:07 :: [ppc64le] #20400 gem-dbi-dbrc.git 1.7.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:47:27 :: [ppc64le] #20400 gem-dbi-dbrc.git 1.7.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:47:27 :: [ppc64le] #20500 gem-fast-xs.git 0.8.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:48:50 :: [ppc64le] #20500 gem-fast-xs.git 0.8.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:48:50 :: [ppc64le] #20600 gem-url-escape.git 2009.06.24-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:50:16 :: [ppc64le] #20600 gem-url-escape.git 2009.06.24-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:50:16 :: [ppc64le] #20700 gem-glu.git 8.3.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:51:41 :: [ppc64le] #20700 gem-glu.git 8.3.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:51:41 :: [ppc64le] #21000 gem-glut.git 8.3.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:53:00 :: [ppc64le] #21000 gem-glut.git 8.3.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:53:00 :: [ppc64le] #21100 gem-opengl.git 0.10.0-alt1.4: build start
2022-May-24 10:55:04 :: [ppc64le] #21100 gem-opengl.git 0.10.0-alt1.4: build OK
2022-May-24 10:55:04 :: [ppc64le] #21200 gem-ruby-debug-ide.git 0.7.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:56:28 :: [ppc64le] #21200 gem-ruby-debug-ide.git 0.7.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:56:28 :: [ppc64le] #21300 gem-minitar-cli.git 0.6.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 10:57:52 :: [ppc64le] #21300 gem-minitar-cli.git 0.6.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 10:57:52 :: [ppc64le] #21400 gem-debase-ruby-core-source.git 0.10.15-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:00:19 :: [ppc64le] #21400 gem-debase-ruby-core-source.git 0.10.15-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:00:19 :: [ppc64le] #21500 gem-debase.git 0.2.5.beta2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:01:50 :: [ppc64le] #21500 gem-debase.git 0.2.5.beta2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:01:50 :: [ppc64le] #21600 gem-strong-json.git 2.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:03:05 :: [ppc64le] #21600 gem-strong-json.git 2.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:03:05 :: [ppc64le] #21700 gem-goodcheck.git 3.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:04:33 :: [ppc64le] #21700 gem-goodcheck.git 3.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:04:33 :: [ppc64le] #22000 gem-rubocop-rubycw.git 0.1.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:05:52 :: [ppc64le] #22000 gem-rubocop-rubycw.git 0.1.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:05:52 :: [ppc64le] #22100 gem-stackprof.git 0.2.19-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:07:22 :: [ppc64le] #22100 gem-stackprof.git 0.2.19-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:07:23 :: [ppc64le] #22200 gem-tempfile.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:08:39 :: [ppc64le] #22200 gem-tempfile.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:08:39 :: [ppc64le] #22300 gem-rbs.git 2.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:10:32 :: [ppc64le] #22300 gem-rbs.git 2.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:10:32 :: [ppc64le] #22400 gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:12:01 :: [ppc64le] #22400 gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:12:01 :: [ppc64le] #22500 gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:13:33 :: [ppc64le] #22500 gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:13:33 :: [ppc64le] #22600 gem-redcarpet.git build start
2022-May-24 11:15:08 :: [ppc64le] #22600 gem-redcarpet.git build OK
2022-May-24 11:15:08 :: [ppc64le] #22700 gem-rspec-junit-formatter.git 0.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:16:33 :: [ppc64le] #22700 gem-rspec-junit-formatter.git 0.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:16:33 :: [ppc64le] #23000 gem-rmagick.git 4.2.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:18:39 :: [ppc64le] #23000 gem-rmagick.git 4.2.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:18:39 :: [ppc64le] #23100 gem-nio4r.git 2.5.8-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:20:10 :: [ppc64le] #23100 gem-nio4r.git 2.5.8-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:20:10 :: [ppc64le] #23140 gem-hoe-bundler.git 1.5.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:21:30 :: [ppc64le] #23140 gem-hoe-bundler.git 1.5.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:21:30 :: [ppc64le] #23200 gem-hoe-gemspec.git 1.0.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:22:49 :: [ppc64le] #23200 gem-hoe-gemspec.git 1.0.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:22:49 :: [ppc64le] #23300 gem-sqlite3.git build start
2022-May-24 11:24:28 :: [ppc64le] #23300 gem-sqlite3.git build OK
2022-May-24 11:24:28 :: [ppc64le] #23400 gem-data-objects.git 0.10.17-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:26:48 :: [ppc64le] #23400 gem-data-objects.git 0.10.17-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:26:48 :: [ppc64le] #23500 gem-i18n.git 1.10.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:28:14 :: [ppc64le] #23500 gem-i18n.git 1.10.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:28:14 :: [ppc64le] #23600 gem-timecop.git 0.9.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:29:29 :: [ppc64le] #23600 gem-timecop.git 0.9.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:29:29 :: [ppc64le] #24000 gem-yard.git 0.9.27-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:31:09 :: [ppc64le] #24000 gem-yard.git 0.9.27-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:31:09 :: [ppc64le] #24100 gem-faker.git 2.21.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:33:07 :: [ppc64le] #24100 gem-faker.git 2.21.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 11:33:07 :: [ppc64le] #24200 gem-mysql2.git 0.5.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 11:34:41 :: [ppc64le] #24200 gem-mysql2.git 0.5.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 12:58:43 :: [armh] #11600 azure-sdk-for-ruby.git 20200316-alt1.4: build OK
2022-May-24 12:58:43 :: [armh] #11700 gem-facter.git 4.2.9-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:02:31 :: [armh] #11700 gem-facter.git 4.2.9-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:02:31 :: [armh] #12000 gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:04:40 :: [armh] #12000 gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:04:40 :: [armh] #12100 gem-digest-crc.git 0.6.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:07:24 :: [armh] #12100 gem-digest-crc.git 0.6.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:07:24 :: [armh] #12200 gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.17-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:09:21 :: [armh] #12200 gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.17-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:09:21 :: [armh] #12240 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 13:11:18 :: [armh] #12240 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:11:18 :: [armh] #12400 gem-fuubar.git 2.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:13:07 :: [armh] #12400 gem-fuubar.git 2.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:13:07 :: [armh] #12500 gem-rfc.git 0.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:14:56 :: [armh] #12500 gem-rfc.git 0.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:14:56 :: [armh] #12600 gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 13:17:08 :: [armh] #12600 gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:17:08 :: [armh] #12700 gem-kramdown-parser-gfm.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:18:57 :: [armh] #12700 gem-kramdown-parser-gfm.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:18:57 :: [armh] #13000 gem-mdl.git 0.11.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:21:18 :: [armh] #13000 gem-mdl.git 0.11.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:21:18 :: [armh] #13100 gem-claide.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:23:06 :: [armh] #13100 gem-claide.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:23:06 :: [armh] #13200 gem-colored2.git 3.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:24:57 :: [armh] #13200 gem-colored2.git 3.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:24:57 :: [armh] #13300 gem-cork.git 0.3.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:26:48 :: [armh] #13300 gem-cork.git 0.3.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:26:48 :: [armh] #13400 gem-peck.git 0.5.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:28:38 :: [armh] #13400 gem-peck.git 0.5.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:28:38 :: [armh] #13500 gem-nap.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:30:29 :: [armh] #13500 gem-nap.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:30:29 :: [armh] #13600 gem-claide-plugins.git 0.9.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:32:25 :: [armh] #13600 gem-claide-plugins.git 0.9.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:32:25 :: [armh] #13700 gem-faraday-http-cache.git 2.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:34:14 :: [armh] #13700 gem-faraday-http-cache.git 2.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:34:14 :: [armh] #14000 gem-danger.git 8.6.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:36:26 :: [armh] #14000 gem-danger.git 8.6.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:36:26 :: [armh] #14100 gem-chandler.git 0.9.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:38:27 :: [armh] #14100 gem-chandler.git 0.9.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:38:27 :: [armh] #14200 gem-md-ruby-eval.git 0.6.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:40:17 :: [armh] #14200 gem-md-ruby-eval.git 0.6.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:40:18 :: [armh] #14220 gem-concurrent-ruby.git 1.1.9-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:43:47 :: [armh] #14220 gem-concurrent-ruby.git 1.1.9-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:43:47 :: [armh] #14400 gem-ed25519.git 1.3.0-alt1.1: build start
2022-May-24 13:45:49 :: [armh] #14400 gem-ed25519.git 1.3.0-alt1.1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:45:49 :: [armh] #14500 gem-ffi.git 1.15.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:48:09 :: [armh] #14500 gem-ffi.git 1.15.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:48:09 :: [armh] #14600 gem-hiredis.git build start
2022-May-24 13:50:14 :: [armh] #14600 gem-hiredis.git build OK
2022-May-24 13:50:14 :: [armh] #14700 gem-rake-compiler.git 1.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:52:06 :: [armh] #14700 gem-rake-compiler.git 1.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:52:06 :: [armh] #14740 gem-parser.git build start
2022-May-24 13:54:12 :: [armh] #14740 gem-parser.git build OK
2022-May-24 13:54:13 :: [armh] #15000 gem-rubocop.git 1.27.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:57:54 :: [armh] #15000 gem-rubocop.git 1.27.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:57:55 :: [armh] #15100 gem-rubocop-ast.git 1.17.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 13:59:52 :: [armh] #15100 gem-rubocop-ast.git 1.17.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 13:59:52 :: [armh] #15200 gem-rubocop-minitest.git 0.19.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:01:45 :: [armh] #15200 gem-rubocop-minitest.git 0.19.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:01:45 :: [armh] #15300 gem-rubocop-performance.git 1.13.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:03:43 :: [armh] #15300 gem-rubocop-performance.git 1.13.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:03:43 :: [armh] #15400 gem-rake-compiler-dock.git 1.2.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:05:38 :: [armh] #15400 gem-rake-compiler-dock.git 1.2.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:05:39 :: [armh] #15500 gem-nokogiri.git 1.13.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:08:33 :: [armh] #15500 gem-nokogiri.git 1.13.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:08:34 :: [armh] #15600 gem-oj.git 3.13.11-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:11:05 :: [armh] #15600 gem-oj.git 3.13.11-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:11:05 :: [armh] #16000 gem-thin.git 1.8.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:13:09 :: [armh] #16000 gem-thin.git 1.8.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:13:09 :: [armh] #16100 gem-redcloth.git build start
2022-May-24 14:15:08 :: [armh] #16100 gem-redcloth.git build OK
2022-May-24 14:15:08 :: [armh] #16140 gem-rb-fsevent.git 0.11.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:17:02 :: [armh] #16140 gem-rb-fsevent.git 0.11.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:17:02 :: [armh] #16240 gem-puma.git 5.6.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:19:19 :: [armh] #16240 gem-puma.git 5.6.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:19:19 :: [armh] #16500 gem-zentest.git 4.12.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:21:12 :: [armh] #16500 gem-zentest.git 4.12.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:21:12 :: [armh] #16600 gem-rubyinline.git 3.12.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:23:04 :: [armh] #16600 gem-rubyinline.git 3.12.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:23:04 :: [armh] #16700 gem-fuzzy-string-match.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:24:53 :: [armh] #16700 gem-fuzzy-string-match.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:24:53 :: [armh] #17000 gem-ffi-compiler.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:26:45 :: [armh] #17000 gem-ffi-compiler.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:26:45 :: [armh] #17100 gem-hotwater.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:28:43 :: [armh] #17100 gem-hotwater.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:28:43 :: [armh] #17200 gem-jaro-winkler.git build start
2022-May-24 14:30:42 :: [armh] #17200 gem-jaro-winkler.git build OK
2022-May-24 14:30:42 :: [armh] #17400 gem-remix-stash.git 1.1.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:32:43 :: [armh] #17400 gem-remix-stash.git 1.1.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:32:43 :: [armh] #17500 gem-hoe-mercurial.git 1.4.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:34:33 :: [armh] #17500 gem-hoe-mercurial.git 1.4.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:34:33 :: [armh] #17600 gem-hoe-highline.git 0.2.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:36:23 :: [armh] #17600 gem-hoe-highline.git 0.2.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:36:23 :: [armh] #17700 gem-hoe-deveiate.git 0.10.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:38:13 :: [armh] #17700 gem-hoe-deveiate.git 0.10.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:38:13 :: [armh] #20000 gem-pg.git 1.3.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:41:01 :: [armh] #20000 gem-pg.git 1.3.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:41:01 :: [armh] #20200 gem-rdoc.git 6.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:43:15 :: [armh] #20200 gem-rdoc.git 6.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:43:16 :: [armh] #20300 gem-rvm.git build start
2022-May-24 14:45:03 :: [armh] #20300 gem-rvm.git build OK
2022-May-24 14:45:03 :: [armh] #20400 gem-dbi-dbrc.git 1.7.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:46:55 :: [armh] #20400 gem-dbi-dbrc.git 1.7.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:46:55 :: [armh] #20500 gem-fast-xs.git 0.8.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:48:47 :: [armh] #20500 gem-fast-xs.git 0.8.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:48:47 :: [armh] #20600 gem-url-escape.git 2009.06.24-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:50:36 :: [armh] #20600 gem-url-escape.git 2009.06.24-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:50:36 :: [armh] #20700 gem-glu.git 8.3.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:52:33 :: [armh] #20700 gem-glu.git 8.3.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:52:33 :: [armh] #21000 gem-glut.git 8.3.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:54:20 :: [armh] #21000 gem-glut.git 8.3.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:54:20 :: [armh] #21100 gem-opengl.git 0.10.0-alt1.4: build start
2022-May-24 14:57:04 :: [armh] #21100 gem-opengl.git 0.10.0-alt1.4: build OK
2022-May-24 14:57:04 :: [armh] #21200 gem-ruby-debug-ide.git 0.7.3-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 14:58:56 :: [armh] #21200 gem-ruby-debug-ide.git 0.7.3-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 14:58:56 :: [armh] #21300 gem-minitar-cli.git 0.6.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:00:49 :: [armh] #21300 gem-minitar-cli.git 0.6.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:00:49 :: [armh] #21400 gem-debase-ruby-core-source.git 0.10.15-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:03:45 :: [armh] #21400 gem-debase-ruby-core-source.git 0.10.15-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:03:45 :: [armh] #21500 gem-debase.git 0.2.5.beta2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:05:46 :: [armh] #21500 gem-debase.git 0.2.5.beta2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:05:46 :: [armh] #21600 gem-strong-json.git 2.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:07:32 :: [armh] #21600 gem-strong-json.git 2.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:07:32 :: [armh] #21700 gem-goodcheck.git 3.1.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:09:32 :: [armh] #21700 gem-goodcheck.git 3.1.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:09:32 :: [armh] #22000 gem-rubocop-rubycw.git 0.1.6-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:11:23 :: [armh] #22000 gem-rubocop-rubycw.git 0.1.6-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:11:23 :: [armh] #22100 gem-stackprof.git 0.2.19-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:13:26 :: [armh] #22100 gem-stackprof.git 0.2.19-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:13:26 :: [armh] #22200 gem-tempfile.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:15:11 :: [armh] #22200 gem-tempfile.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:15:11 :: [armh] #22300 gem-rbs.git 2.4.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:17:40 :: [armh] #22300 gem-rbs.git 2.4.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:17:40 :: [armh] #22400 gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:19:44 :: [armh] #22400 gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:19:44 :: [armh] #22500 gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:21:51 :: [armh] #22500 gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:21:51 :: [armh] #22600 gem-redcarpet.git build start
2022-May-24 15:23:56 :: [armh] #22600 gem-redcarpet.git build OK
2022-May-24 15:23:56 :: [armh] #22700 gem-rspec-junit-formatter.git 0.5.1-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:25:50 :: [armh] #22700 gem-rspec-junit-formatter.git 0.5.1-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:25:50 :: [armh] #23000 gem-rmagick.git 4.2.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:28:37 :: [armh] #23000 gem-rmagick.git 4.2.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:28:38 :: [armh] #23100 gem-nio4r.git 2.5.8-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:30:39 :: [armh] #23100 gem-nio4r.git 2.5.8-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:30:39 :: [armh] #23140 gem-hoe-bundler.git 1.5.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:32:30 :: [armh] #23140 gem-hoe-bundler.git 1.5.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:32:30 :: [armh] #23200 gem-hoe-gemspec.git 1.0.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:34:20 :: [armh] #23200 gem-hoe-gemspec.git 1.0.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:34:20 :: [armh] #23300 gem-sqlite3.git build start
2022-May-24 15:36:33 :: [armh] #23300 gem-sqlite3.git build OK
2022-May-24 15:36:33 :: [armh] #23400 gem-data-objects.git 0.10.17-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:39:36 :: [armh] #23400 gem-data-objects.git 0.10.17-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:39:36 :: [armh] #23500 gem-i18n.git 1.10.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:41:32 :: [armh] #23500 gem-i18n.git 1.10.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:41:32 :: [armh] #23600 gem-timecop.git 0.9.5-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:43:16 :: [armh] #23600 gem-timecop.git 0.9.5-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:43:16 :: [armh] #24000 gem-yard.git 0.9.27-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:45:31 :: [armh] #24000 gem-yard.git 0.9.27-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:45:31 :: [armh] #24100 gem-faker.git 2.21.0-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:48:07 :: [armh] #24100 gem-faker.git 2.21.0-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:48:07 :: [armh] #24200 gem-mysql2.git 0.5.4-alt1: build start
2022-May-24 15:50:25 :: [armh] #24200 gem-mysql2.git 0.5.4-alt1: build OK
2022-May-24 15:51:08 :: #1: rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt19: build check OK
2022-May-24 15:51:26 :: #126: gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 15:53:44 :: #130: ruby.git 2.7.6-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 15:54:02 :: #272: gem-power-assert.git 2.0.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 15:54:19 :: #276: gem-net-protocol.git 0.1.3-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 15:54:36 :: #277: gem-time.git 0.2.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 15:54:53 :: #340: gem-net-ftp.git 0.1.3-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 15:55:11 :: #360: gem-net-imap.git 0.2.3-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 15:55:28 :: #370: gem-net-pop.git 0.1.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 15:55:45 :: #374: gem-net-smtp.git 0.3.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 15:56:03 :: #600: gem-apipie-bindings.git 0.4.0-alt1.1: build check OK
2022-May-24 15:56:20 :: #1000: gem-em-mongo.git build check OK
2022-May-24 15:56:42 :: #1100: gem-hiera.git 3.9.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 15:57:02 :: #1140: gem-graphql.git 1.13.12-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 15:57:20 :: #1300: gem-flexmock.git build check OK
2022-May-24 15:57:38 :: #1500: gem-webauthn.git 2.5.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 15:57:56 :: #1540: gem-twitter-text.git build check OK
2022-May-24 15:58:14 :: #1700: gem-simple-oauth.git 0.3.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 15:58:36 :: #1740: gem-sidekiq.git 6.4.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 15:58:54 :: #2100: gem-sass-rails.git build check OK
2022-May-24 15:59:12 :: #2200: gem-ruby-openid.git 2.9.2-alt1.1: build check OK
2022-May-24 15:59:26 :: #2300: gem-rsec.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build check OK
2022-May-24 15:59:44 :: #2400: gem-rabl.git 0.15.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:00:01 :: #2500: gem-puppet-resource-api.git 1.8.14-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:00:23 :: #2600: gem-notify.git build check OK
2022-May-24 16:00:45 :: #2700: gem-chefstyle.git 2.2.2-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:01:07 :: #3000: gem-reverse-markdown.git 2.1.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:01:21 :: #3200: gem-gem-release.git 2.2.2-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:01:43 :: #3300: gem-licensee.git 9.15.2-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:02:01 :: #3400: gem-active-record-inline-schema.git 0.6.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:02:18 :: #3500: gem-cohort-analysis.git 1.0.3-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:02:36 :: #3600: gem-weighted-average.git 2.0.2-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:02:53 :: #3700: gem-protocol.git 2.0.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:03:10 :: #4000: gem-mize.git 0.4.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:03:35 :: #4100: gem-amatch.git 0.4.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:03:56 :: #4200: gem-fuzzy-match.git 2.1.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:04:18 :: #4240: gem-license-scout.git 2.6.2-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:04:35 :: #4400: gem-codecov.git 0.6.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:04:52 :: #4500: gem-google-gax.git 1.8.2-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:05:09 :: #4600: gem-exception-notification.git 4.5.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:05:26 :: #4700: gem-xml-simple.git 1.1.9-alt1.1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:05:43 :: #5000: gem-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher.git 0.8.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:06:05 :: #5100: gem-bump.git 0.10.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:06:21 :: #5200: gem-train-rest.git 0.4.2-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:06:44 :: #5300: gem-ohai.git 18.0.10-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:07:01 :: #5400: gem-corefoundation.git 0.3.14-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:07:19 :: #5500: gem-vault.git 0.16.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:08:46 :: #5600: gem-chef.git 18.0.91-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:08:59 :: #5700: gem-toxiproxy.git 2.0.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:09:21 :: #6000: gem-appbundler.git 0.13.5-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:10:55 :: #6700: google-api-ruby-client.git 20210602-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:12:23 :: #7000: gapic-generator-ruby.git 20210605-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:12:57 :: #7100: common-protos-ruby.git 20210531-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:19:59 :: #7200: ruby-gnome2.git 3.5.1-alt1.1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:20:31 :: #7300: gem-puppet.git build check OK
2022-May-24 16:20:45 :: #7640: gem-sexp-processor.git 4.16.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:21:02 :: #7660: gem-oedipus-lex.git 2.6.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:21:23 :: #7700: gem-ruby-parser.git 3.19.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:21:39 :: #10000: foreman.git 3.0.0-alt1.1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:22:18 :: #10100: passenger.git 6.0.11-alt2: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:22:36 :: #10400: gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:22:54 :: #10700: gem-ptools.git 1.4.2-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:23:12 :: #11000: gem-mkmf-lite.git 0.5.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:23:30 :: #11100: gem-sys-filesystem.git 1.4.3-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:23:48 :: #11240: gem-rake.git 13.0.6-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 16:24:06 :: #11500: gem-deacon.git 1.0.0-alt2.1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:13:41 :: #11600: azure-sdk-for-ruby.git 20200316-alt1.4: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:14:26 :: #11700: gem-facter.git 4.2.9-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:14:48 :: #12000: gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:15:10 :: #12100: gem-digest-crc.git 0.6.4-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:15:32 :: #12200: gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.17-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:15:54 :: #12240: gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:16:11 :: #12400: gem-fuubar.git 2.5.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:16:28 :: #12500: gem-rfc.git 0.2.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:16:54 :: #12600: gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:17:10 :: #12700: gem-kramdown-parser-gfm.git 1.1.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:17:32 :: #13000: gem-mdl.git 0.11.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:17:44 :: #13100: gem-claide.git 1.1.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:18:02 :: #13200: gem-colored2.git 3.1.2-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:18:20 :: #13300: gem-cork.git 0.3.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:18:37 :: #13400: gem-peck.git 0.5.4-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:18:53 :: #13500: gem-nap.git 1.1.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:19:10 :: #13600: gem-claide-plugins.git 0.9.2-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:19:28 :: #13700: gem-faraday-http-cache.git 2.2.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:19:50 :: #14000: gem-danger.git 8.6.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:20:12 :: #14100: gem-chandler.git 0.9.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:20:34 :: #14200: gem-md-ruby-eval.git 0.6.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:21:20 :: #14220: gem-concurrent-ruby.git 1.1.9-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:21:42 :: #14400: gem-ed25519.git 1.3.0-alt1.1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:22:05 :: #14500: gem-ffi.git 1.15.5-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:22:28 :: #14600: gem-hiredis.git build check OK
2022-May-24 17:22:51 :: #14700: gem-rake-compiler.git 1.2.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:23:14 :: #14740: gem-parser.git build check OK
2022-May-24 17:23:40 :: #15000: gem-rubocop.git 1.27.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:23:58 :: #15100: gem-rubocop-ast.git 1.17.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:24:16 :: #15200: gem-rubocop-minitest.git 0.19.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:24:34 :: #15300: gem-rubocop-performance.git 1.13.3-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:24:56 :: #15400: gem-rake-compiler-dock.git 1.2.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:25:24 :: #15500: gem-nokogiri.git 1.13.4-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:25:46 :: #15600: gem-oj.git 3.13.11-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:26:11 :: #16000: gem-thin.git 1.8.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:26:33 :: #16100: gem-redcloth.git build check OK
2022-May-24 17:26:50 :: #16140: gem-rb-fsevent.git 0.11.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:27:16 :: #16240: gem-puma.git 5.6.2-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:27:37 :: #16500: gem-zentest.git 4.12.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:27:54 :: #16600: gem-rubyinline.git 3.12.5-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:28:12 :: #16700: gem-fuzzy-string-match.git 1.0.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:28:29 :: #17000: gem-ffi-compiler.git 1.0.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:28:50 :: #17100: gem-hotwater.git 0.1.2-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:29:11 :: #17200: gem-jaro-winkler.git build check OK
2022-May-24 17:29:28 :: #17400: gem-remix-stash.git 1.1.5-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:29:46 :: #17500: gem-hoe-mercurial.git 1.4.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:30:04 :: #17600: gem-hoe-highline.git 0.2.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:30:21 :: #17700: gem-hoe-deveiate.git 0.10.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:30:42 :: #20000: gem-pg.git 1.3.5-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:31:04 :: #20200: gem-rdoc.git 6.4.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:31:17 :: #20300: gem-rvm.git build check OK
2022-May-24 17:31:35 :: #20400: gem-dbi-dbrc.git 1.7.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:31:52 :: #20500: gem-fast-xs.git 0.8.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:32:10 :: #20600: gem-url-escape.git 2009.06.24-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:32:28 :: #20700: gem-glu.git 8.3.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:32:46 :: #21000: gem-glut.git 8.3.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:33:08 :: #21100: gem-opengl.git 0.10.0-alt1.4: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:33:29 :: #21200: gem-ruby-debug-ide.git 0.7.3-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:33:50 :: #21300: gem-minitar-cli.git 0.6.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:34:09 :: #21400: gem-debase-ruby-core-source.git 0.10.15-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:34:30 :: #21500: gem-debase.git 0.2.5.beta2-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:34:44 :: #21600: gem-strong-json.git 2.1.2-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:35:05 :: #21700: gem-goodcheck.git 3.1.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:35:22 :: #22000: gem-rubocop-rubycw.git 0.1.6-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:35:47 :: #22100: gem-stackprof.git 0.2.19-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:36:00 :: #22200: gem-tempfile.git 0.1.2-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:36:27 :: #22300: gem-rbs.git 2.4.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:36:39 :: #22400: gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:37:04 :: #22500: gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:37:30 :: #22600: gem-redcarpet.git build check OK
2022-May-24 17:37:47 :: #22700: gem-rspec-junit-formatter.git 0.5.1-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:38:09 :: #23000: gem-rmagick.git 4.2.4-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:38:31 :: #23100: gem-nio4r.git 2.5.8-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:38:49 :: #23140: gem-hoe-bundler.git 1.5.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:39:07 :: #23200: gem-hoe-gemspec.git 1.0.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:39:29 :: #23300: gem-sqlite3.git build check OK
2022-May-24 17:40:42 :: #23400: gem-data-objects.git 0.10.17-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:40:59 :: #23500: gem-i18n.git 1.10.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:41:12 :: #23600: gem-timecop.git 0.9.5-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:41:35 :: #24000: gem-yard.git 0.9.27-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:41:58 :: #24100: gem-faker.git 2.21.0-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:42:19 :: #24200: gem-mysql2.git 0.5.4-alt1: build check OK
2022-May-24 17:42:35 :: build check OK
--- gem-rvm-	2022-05-24 18:06:07.101226949 +0000
+++ gem-rvm-	2022-05-24 18:06:07.276228502 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,2 @@
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	40755	directory
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII English text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII English text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII English text
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	40755	directory
@@ -33,3 +29,3 @@
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100755	ASCII text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/specifications/rvm-	100644	ASCII text, with very long lines
+/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/specifications/rvm-	100644	ASCII text
 Requires: ruby >= 0
error (#20300): non-identical noarch packages
--- gem-rvm-	2022-05-24 18:06:08.091235735 +0000
+++ gem-rvm-	2022-05-24 18:06:08.259237226 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,2 @@
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	40755	directory
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII English text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII English text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII English text
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	40755	directory
@@ -33,3 +29,3 @@
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100755	ASCII text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/specifications/rvm-	100644	ASCII text, with very long lines
+/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/specifications/rvm-	100644	ASCII text
 Requires: ruby >= 0
error (#20300): non-identical noarch packages
--- gem-rvm-	2022-05-24 18:06:08.496239330 +0000
+++ gem-rvm-	2022-05-24 18:06:08.676240927 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,2 @@
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	40755	directory
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII English text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII English text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII English text
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	40755	directory
@@ -33,3 +29,3 @@
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100755	ASCII text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/specifications/rvm-	100644	ASCII text, with very long lines
+/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/specifications/rvm-	100644	ASCII text
 Requires: ruby >= 0
error (#20300): non-identical noarch packages
--- gem-rvm-	2022-05-24 18:06:08.892242844 +0000
+++ gem-rvm-	2022-05-24 18:06:08.894242862 +0000
@@ -1,2 +1,6 @@
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	40755	directory
+/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII English text
+/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII text
+/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII English text
+/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII English text
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	40755	directory
@@ -29,3 +33,3 @@
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100755	ASCII text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/specifications/rvm-	100644	ASCII text
+/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/specifications/rvm-	100644	ASCII text, with very long lines
 Requires: ruby >= 0
error (#20300): non-identical noarch packages
--- gem-rvm-	2022-05-24 18:06:08.938243253 +0000
+++ gem-rvm-	2022-05-24 18:06:08.940243270 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,2 @@
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	40755	directory
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII English text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII English text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII English text
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	40755	directory
@@ -33,3 +29,3 @@
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100755	ASCII text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/specifications/rvm-	100644	ASCII text, with very long lines
+/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/specifications/rvm-	100644	ASCII text
 Requires: ruby >= 0
error (#20300): non-identical noarch packages
--- gem-rvm-	2022-05-24 18:06:08.954243395 +0000
+++ gem-rvm-	2022-05-24 18:06:08.956243412 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,2 @@
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	40755	directory
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII English text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII English text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100644	ASCII English text
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	40755	directory
@@ -33,3 +29,3 @@
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rvm-	100755	ASCII text
-/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/specifications/rvm-	100644	ASCII text, with very long lines
+/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/specifications/rvm-	100644	ASCII text
 Requires: ruby >= 0
error (#20300): non-identical noarch packages
2022-May-24 18:08:13 :: noarch check FAILED
2022-May-24 18:08:13 :: task #296637 for sisyphus FAILED

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