[#303441] TESTED mkimage-profiles.git=1.4.31-alt1
Girar awaiter (antohami)
girar-builder at altlinux.org
Mon Jul 11 11:25:40 MSK 2022
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 mkimage-profiles 54 1:25 32 1:06 31
2022-Jul-11 08:21:25 :: test-only task #303441 for sisyphus started by antohami:
#100 build 1.4.31-alt1 from /people/antohami/packages/mkimage-profiles.git fetched at 2022-Jul-11 08:21:24
2022-Jul-11 08:21:26 :: [x86_64] #100 mkimage-profiles.git 1.4.31-alt1: build start
2022-Jul-11 08:21:26 :: [aarch64] #100 mkimage-profiles.git 1.4.31-alt1: build start
2022-Jul-11 08:21:26 :: [i586] #100 mkimage-profiles.git 1.4.31-alt1: build start
2022-Jul-11 08:21:26 :: [ppc64le] #100 mkimage-profiles.git 1.4.31-alt1: build start
2022-Jul-11 08:21:26 :: [armh] #100 mkimage-profiles.git 1.4.31-alt1: build start
2022-Jul-11 08:21:57 :: [x86_64] #100 mkimage-profiles.git 1.4.31-alt1: build OK
2022-Jul-11 08:21:58 :: [i586] #100 mkimage-profiles.git 1.4.31-alt1: build OK
2022-Jul-11 08:22:20 :: [aarch64] #100 mkimage-profiles.git 1.4.31-alt1: build OK
2022-Jul-11 08:22:32 :: [ppc64le] #100 mkimage-profiles.git 1.4.31-alt1: build OK
2022-Jul-11 08:22:51 :: [armh] #100 mkimage-profiles.git 1.4.31-alt1: build OK
2022-Jul-11 08:23:07 :: #100: mkimage-profiles.git 1.4.31-alt1: build check OK
2022-Jul-11 08:23:07 :: build check OK
2022-Jul-11 08:23:11 :: noarch check OK
2022-Jul-11 08:23:13 :: plan: src +1 -1 =17518, noarch +2 -2 =17654
#100 mkimage-profiles 1.4.30-alt1 -> 1.4.31-alt1
Mon Jul 11 2022 Anton Midyukov <antohami at altlinux> 1.4.31-alt1
- arm-rpi4: add disabled option 'max_framebuffers=2' to config.txt
- init: add startup to use/init
- grub: add lowmem for nfs, samba methods to 88netinstall.cfg
- kernel: add the same modules to initrd for riscv64 as for aarch64
- regular-builder: add qemu support for non-ix86 platforms
- dev: add systemd-settings-disable-kill-user-processes to
- stage2: add copy devicetree in 95-copy-kernel, if $GLOBAL_COPY_DTB
is set
2022-Jul-11 08:23:36 :: patched apt indices
2022-Jul-11 08:23:47 :: created next repo
2022-Jul-11 08:23:55 :: duplicate provides check OK
2022-Jul-11 08:24:27 :: dependencies check OK
2022-Jul-11 08:24:40 :: [x86_64] #100 mkimage-profiles: install check OK
2022-Jul-11 08:24:40 :: [i586] #100 mkimage-profiles: install check OK
2022-Jul-11 08:24:42 :: [x86_64] #100 mkimage-profiles-doc: install check OK
2022-Jul-11 08:24:43 :: [i586] #100 mkimage-profiles-doc: install check OK
2022-Jul-11 08:24:50 :: [aarch64] #100 mkimage-profiles: install check OK
2022-Jul-11 08:24:55 :: [aarch64] #100 mkimage-profiles-doc: install check OK
2022-Jul-11 08:24:55 :: [ppc64le] #100 mkimage-profiles: install check OK
2022-Jul-11 08:25:00 :: [ppc64le] #100 mkimage-profiles-doc: install check OK
2022-Jul-11 08:25:01 :: [armh] #100 mkimage-profiles: install check OK
2022-Jul-11 08:25:09 :: [armh] #100 mkimage-profiles-doc: install check OK
2022-Jul-11 08:25:09 :: gears inheritance check OK
2022-Jul-11 08:25:10 :: srpm inheritance check OK
girar-check-perms: access to mkimage-profiles ALLOWED for antohami: project leader
check-subtask-perms: #100: mkimage-profiles: allowed for antohami
2022-Jul-11 08:25:10 :: acl check OK
2022-Jul-11 08:25:28 :: created contents_index files
2022-Jul-11 08:25:37 :: created hash files: noarch src
2022-Jul-11 08:25:39 :: task #303441 for sisyphus TESTED
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