[#269879] [test-only] FAILED (try 36) cmake.git=3.19.7-alt3 dwarves.git=1.20-alt2 fceux.git=2.3.0-alt2 ...
Girar awaiter (arseny)
girar-builder at altlinux.org
Mon May 10 09:12:27 MSK 2021
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#5200 eigen3 3:21 5:12 3:32 4:06 3:42
#5300 encspot 34 49 35 38 34
#5500 expected 25 37 24 28 25
#5640 fatcat 33 46 32 37 35
#5700 ffmpegthumbnailer 1:10 1:36 1:06 1:17 1:14
#6000 flare-engine 1:29 2:06 1:38 1:41 1:32
#6200 fuse-cryfs 3:05 4:15 3:13 3:21 2:56
#6300 gimagereader 2:04 2:58 4:16 2:26 1:57
#6400 glm 51 1:19 59 1:01 45
#6500 gnucash 4:09 6:50 4:47 7:03 3:53
#6600 heimdall 1:01 1:26 1:01 1:08 55
#6740 hypre 2:21 3:29 2:33 2:53 2:16
#7000 iceb 1:49 2:37 2:23 2:19 2:09
#7140 icewm 1:26 2:13 1:30 1:41 1:18
#7200 ilmbase 1:21 1:50 1:19 1:28 1:13
#7360 itk 16:17 29:05 19:57 19:00 15:46
#7440 itk4.12 14:41 26:04 18:32 16:56 14:37
#7500 json-c 41 56 37 47 37
#7600 jss 4:00 19:31 6:09 5:34 3:10
#7700 kicad-i18n 42 1:01 40 47 37
#10000 kumir2 2:43 4:16 3:02 3:10 2:38
#10100 ledger 24:52 34:36 22:57 25:52 21:02
#10260 libaom 1:50 2:20 1:37 2:05 1:47
#10300 libchipmunk 53 1:12 51 1:01 48
#10400 libclc 1:50 2:54 2:38 2:20 2:27
#10500 libcodec2 47 1:07 47 55 59
#10700 libfann 37 53 34 41 55
#11200 libglfw3 53 1:16 50 1:00 1:46
#11600 libjpeg-turbo 5:17 3:22 2:15 3:25 2:06
#11740 libleatherman 1:40 2:24 1:41 1:52 1:45
#12000 liblensfun 44 1:03 43 53 51
#12100 libmed 1:33 2:18 1:30 1:54 1:52
#12200 libmxp 36 49 32 39 38
#12340 libnss-role 35 48 32 38 43
#12440 libopencv 15:04 24:15 18:56 17:59 17:52
#12500 libopenimageio 5:34 7:59 5:57 6:13 5:52
#13100 liboqs 2:04 3:25 - - 2:43
#13200 libproxy 1:30 1:58 1:39 1:43 1:42
#13300 libqtkeychain 51 1:12 58 1:01 1:34
#13400 libqtkeychain-qt5 55 1:17 1:02 1:04 1:14
#13500 libqtspell 1:17 1:48 1:20 1:30 1:14
#13600 librabbitmq-c 47 1:07 48 56 43
#14140 libtweeny 29 41 28 33 26
#14200 libvidstab 32 46 30 37 30
#14300 libvncserver 51 1:13 50 59 46
#14400 libvxl 5:26 8:35 6:06 7:07 5:13
#14500 libwbxml 1:07 1:47 1:00 1:23 1:03
#14600 libwiiuse 41 57 39 45 37
#14700 libyajl1 35 47 31 37 33
#15000 libyuv 37 52 35 41 33
#15100 libzip 48 1:07 46 57 57
#15200 lshw 1:20 1:43 1:15 1:30 1:13
#15300 meandmyshadow 1:12 1:41 1:17 1:24 1:12
#15400 mmg 2:23 3:08 2:34 2:36 2:24
#15500 munt 38 53 37 43 46
#15600 mysql-connector-cxx 1:14 1:45 1:20 1:21 1:27
#15700 mysql-workbench-community - - 9:14 - 8:28
#16200 nlohmann-json 8:56 8:59 9:18 20:04 8:58
#16300 nss_wrapper 35 52 34 42 39
#16400 opencc 1:20 1:48 1:17 1:34 1:31
#16540 opencpn 4:23 6:31 5:02 - 4:54
#16600 openexr 1:46 2:30 2:26 2:07 1:58
#16700 openorienteering-mapper 2:57 4:50 3:42 3:35 3:05
#17040 openssl-gost-engine 43 1:02 42 2:14 44
#17200 openuds-tunnel 1:05 1:30 1:11 1:17 1:03
#17400 pam_wrapper 58 1:17 59 1:10 56
#17500 pentobi 1:15 1:44 1:16 1:27 1:06
#17640 pology 1:20 2:01 1:25 1:52 1:12
#17700 poppler97 3:38 5:08 3:51 4:24 4:25
#20000 pybind11 1:47 2:34 1:59 2:05 1:49
#20100 qmpdclient 1:06 1:32 1:15 1:14 1:01
#20200 qrab 42 1:01 45 49 39
#20300 qtcurve 2:13 3:10 2:15 2:34 2:14
#20400 quazip-qt5 55 1:19 55 1:05 1:12
#20500 qxkb 47 1:07 50 54 51
#20700 resolv_wrapper 35 50 37 41 39
#21000 ripes 2:02 3:05 2:08 2:24 2:01
#21140 rocksdb 3:01 5:03 4:34 3:51 4:12
#21200 shake 30 41 33 32 36
#21300 simplescreenrecorder 1:38 2:23 1:51 1:59 1:59
#21400 sirikali 1:35 2:18 1:42 1:54 1:52
#21500 soqt 1:11 1:43 1:15 1:25 1:10
#21600 spdlog 1:40 2:19 1:41 1:51 1:48
#21700 spirv-tools 2:07 2:55 2:33 2:21 2:20
#22000 sqliteman 1:01 1:21 1:02 1:05 59
#22100 stellarium 5:51 10:02 7:41 6:31 6:35
#22200 strawberry 2:57 4:59 4:12 3:50 4:11
#22300 stylewriter 30 42 27 33 34
#22400 superlu 1:23 2:00 1:25 1:45 1:53
#22570 supertuxkart 3:05 4:57 4:21 3:53 4:02
#22640 synergy 1:44 2:24 1:36 1:56 1:51
#22740 telepathy-qt4 3:32 5:20 3:47 4:32 3:48
#23040 telepathy-qt5 4:36 6:53 5:09 5:53 5:15
#23100 tidy 43 57 43 48 54
#23200 touchegg 1:13 1:43 1:18 1:23 1:29
#23300 transmission 3:01 4:12 3:01 3:39 3:27
#23400 uhd failed failed failed failed failed
2021-May-09 23:51:05 :: test-only task #269879 for sisyphus resumed by arseny:
#100 removed
#140 removed
#160 removed
#170 build 3.19.7-alt3 from /people/arseny/packages/cmake.git fetched at 2021-Apr-25 16:31:24
#200 removed
#300 removed
#400 removed
#440 build 1.20-alt2 from /people/arseny/packages/dwarves.git fetched at 2021-May-04 18:34:38
#500 build 2.3.0-alt2 from /people/arseny/packages/fceux.git fetched at 2021-Apr-20 17:24:24
#600 build 0.8.0-alt2 from /people/arseny/packages/flameshot.git fetched at 2021-Apr-20 17:58:50
#700 removed
#740 removed
#760 build 1.15.0-alt3 from /people/arseny/packages/ispc.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 22:19:23
#1000 build 1.3.1-alt2 from /people/arseny/packages/trackballs.git fetched at 2021-Apr-20 18:03:34
#1100 build 0.11.4-alt2 from /people/arseny/packages/bpftrace.git fetched at 2021-Apr-21 08:03:39
#1200 build 3.0.7-alt2 from /people/arseny/packages/bear.git fetched at 2021-Apr-21 13:11:16
#1300 build from /people/arseny/packages/CGenius.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:07:20
#1400 build 3.4.1-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/OpenSceneGraph.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:08:36
#1500 build 2020.3.8-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/SimGear.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:08:39
#1600 build 1.12.0-alt4.1 from /people/arseny/packages/accel-ppp.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:08:42
#1700 build 0.5.1-alt2 from /people/arseny/packages/admc.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:08:44
#2000 build 0.6.0-alt1.qa2 from /people/arseny/packages/alsamixer-qt4.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:08:47
#2100 build 0.1.5-alt2 from /people/arseny/packages/alt-csp-cryptopro.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:08:49
#2200 build 20210217.4.1-alt2 from /people/arseny/packages/auditd-plugin-clickhouse.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:08:51
#2300 build 2.3.3-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/barrier.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:08:56
#2400 removed
#2500 build 1.2.0-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/biblesync.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:09:05
#2600 removed
#2640 build 1.9.0-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/birdtray.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 06:06:58
#2700 build 2.92.0-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/blender.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:10:39
#3000 build 0.4.3-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/castxml.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:10:52
#3100 build 2.13.4-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/catch2.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:10:55
#3200 build 2.3-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/cctz.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:10:57
#3300 build 1703-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/citra.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:11:13
#3400 build 1.1.3-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/cmocka.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:11:16
#3500 build 4.0.0-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/coin3d.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:11:26
#3600 removed
#3640 build 0.50.6-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/csync.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 07:56:55
#3700 build 4.0.3-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/ctwm.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:11:33
#4000 build 2.0.0-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/cvise.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:11:36
#4100 build 1.1.3-alt1.git1d96617.1 from /people/arseny/packages/deepin-blur-effect.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:11:38
#4200 build from /people/arseny/packages/deepin-manual.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:12:20
#4300 build from /people/arseny/packages/deepin-system-monitor.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:12:26
#4400 build from /people/arseny/packages/deepin-terminal.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:12:35
#4500 build 0.0.5-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/deepin-turbo.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:12:37
#4600 removed
#4700 build 2.5.1-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/doom64ex.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:12:44
#5000 removed
#5040 build 1.8.17-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/doxygen.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 10:56:51
#5100 build 0.4-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/dwgrep.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:12:58
#5200 build 3.3.9-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/eigen3.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:13:02
#5300 build 2.01-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/encspot.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:13:05
#5400 removed
#5500 build 1.0.0-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/expected.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:13:17
#5600 removed
#5640 build 1.1.0-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/fatcat.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 14:00:07
#5700 build 2.2.0-alt3.1 from /people/arseny/packages/ffmpegthumbnailer.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:13:26
#6000 build 1.11-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/flare-engine.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:13:33
#6100 removed
#6200 build 0.9.11-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/fuse-cryfs.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:14:03
#6300 build 3.3.1-alt5.1 from /people/arseny/packages/gimagereader.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:14:06
#6400 build from /people/arseny/packages/glm.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:14:11
#6500 build 4.5-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/gnucash.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:14:37
#6600 build 1.4.2-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/heimdall.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:14:41
#6700 removed
#6740 build 2.20.0-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/hypre.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 17:02:35
#7000 build 20.0-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/iceb.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:14:54
#7100 removed
#7140 build 2.3.1-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/icewm.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 20:57:43
#7200 build 2.5.3-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/ilmbase.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:15:04
#7300 removed
#7340 removed
#7360 build 5.0.0-alt3.1 from /people/arseny/packages/itk.git fetched at 2021-Apr-29 15:52:57
#7400 removed
#7440 build 4.12.2-alt3.1 from /people/arseny/packages/itk4.12.git fetched at 2021-Apr-29 09:56:28
#7500 build 0.15-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/json-c.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:15:51
#7600 build 4.8.1-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/jss.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:15:55
#7700 build 5.1.9-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/kicad-i18n.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:16:07
#10000 build 2.1.0-alt10.git42b99b78.1 from /people/arseny/packages/kumir2.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:16:19
#10100 build 3.1.aed3709-alt5.1 from /people/arseny/packages/ledger.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:16:24
#10200 removed
#10240 removed
#10260 build 2.0.2-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libaom.git fetched at 2021-Apr-30 09:07:26
#10300 build 7.0.3-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libchipmunk.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:16:52
#10400 build 11.0.1-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libclc.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:16:56
#10500 build 0.9.2-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libcodec2.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:17:04
#10600 removed
#10700 build 2.2.0-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libfann.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:17:16
#11000 removed
#11100 removed
#11200 build 3.3-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libglfw3.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:17:37
#11300 removed
#11400 removed
#11500 removed
#11600 build 2.0.6-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libjpeg-turbo.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:18:00
#11700 removed
#11740 build 1.12.4-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libleatherman.git fetched at 2021-May-01 11:52:46
#12000 build 0.3.2-alt5.1 from /people/arseny/packages/liblensfun.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:18:09
#12100 build 4.1.0-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libmed.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:18:17
#12200 build 0.2.4-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libmxp.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:18:22
#12300 removed
#12340 build 0.5.1-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libnss-role.git fetched at 2021-May-05 05:27:43
#12400 removed
#12440 build 4.5.1-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libopencv.git fetched at 2021-May-05 08:07:54
#12500 build from /people/arseny/packages/libopenimageio.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:19:11
#12600 removed
#12700 removed
#13000 removed
#13100 build 0.5.0-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/liboqs.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:19:39
#13200 build 0.4.17-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libproxy.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:19:44
#13300 build 0.9.1-alt3.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libqtkeychain.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:19:49
#13400 build 0.12.0-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libqtkeychain-qt5.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:19:55
#13500 build 0.8.5-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libqtspell.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:20:00
#13600 build 0.9.0-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/librabbitmq-c.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:20:05
#13700 removed
#14000 removed
#14100 removed
#14140 build 3.1.1-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libtweeny.git fetched at 2021-May-05 09:36:57
#14200 build 1.1.0-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libvidstab.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:20:27
#14300 build 0.9.13-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libvncserver.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:20:32
#14400 build 2.0.2-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libvxl.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:20:50
#14500 build 0.11.7-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libwbxml.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:20:57
#14600 build 0.15.5-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libwiiuse.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:21:02
#14700 build 1.0.11-alt3.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libyajl1.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:21:08
#15000 build 0.0.1433-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libyuv.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:21:13
#15100 build 1.7.3-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/libzip.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:21:19
#15200 build B.02.19.2-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/lshw.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:21:29
#15300 build 0.4.1-alt3.2 from /people/arseny/packages/meandmyshadow.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:21:37
#15400 build 5.5.2-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/mmg.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:21:45
#15500 build 2.2.0-alt1.git.5.gb414aeb.1 from /people/arseny/packages/munt.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:21:52
#15600 build 1.1.11-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/mysql-connector-cxx.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 21:27:08
#15700 build 8.0.20-alt5.1 from /people/arseny/packages/mysql-workbench-community.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 22:26:01
#16000 removed
#16100 removed
#16140 removed
#16200 build 3.8.0-alt3.1 from /people/arseny/packages/nlohmann-json.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 22:26:32
#16300 build 1.1.11-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/nss_wrapper.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 22:26:37
#16400 build 1.1.2-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/opencc.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 22:26:42
#16500 removed
#16540 build 5.2.4-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/opencpn.git fetched at 2021-May-05 14:22:52
#16600 build 2.5.3-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/openexr.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 22:27:28
#16700 build 0.9.4-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/openorienteering-mapper.git fetched at 2021-Apr-27 22:27:40
#17000 removed
#17040 build from /people/arseny/packages/openssl-gost-engine.git fetched at 2021-May-05 18:25:51
#17100 removed
#17200 build 2.5.0-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/openuds-tunnel.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:44:13
#17300 removed
#17400 build 1.1.3-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/pam_wrapper.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:44:24
#17500 build 9.0-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/pentobi.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:44:29
#17600 removed
#17640 build 0.12-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/pology.git fetched at 2021-May-06 22:38:15
#17700 build 0.86.1-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/poppler97.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:44:42
#20000 build 2.6.2-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/pybind11.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:44:48
#20100 build 1.2.2-alt1.git20130519.2 from /people/arseny/packages/qmpdclient.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:44:53
#20200 build 0.4-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/qrab.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:44:58
#20300 build 1.9.0-alt1.git7d856c17.1 from /people/arseny/packages/qtcurve.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:45:06
#20400 build 1.1-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/quazip-qt5.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:45:11
#20500 build 0.4.4-alt1r36.1 from /people/arseny/packages/qxkb.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:45:16
#20600 removed
#20700 build 1.1.7-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/resolv_wrapper.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:45:26
#21000 build 2.1.0-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/ripes.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:45:35
#21100 removed
#21140 build 6.14.6-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/rocksdb.git fetched at 2021-May-07 20:51:54
#21200 build 1.0-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/shake.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:45:52
#21300 build 0.4.3-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/simplescreenrecorder.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:45:58
#21400 build 1.4.8-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/sirikali.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:46:04
#21500 build 1.6.0-alt3.1 from /people/arseny/packages/soqt.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:46:11
#21600 build 1.8.5-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/spdlog.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:46:19
#21700 build 2020.4-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/spirv-tools.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:46:27
#22000 build 1.2.2-alt1.qa8 from /people/arseny/packages/sqliteman.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:46:33
#22100 build 0.21.0-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/stellarium.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:47:25
#22200 build 0.9.3-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/strawberry.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:47:33
#22300 build from /people/arseny/packages/stylewriter.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:47:39
#22400 build 5.2.2-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/superlu.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:47:45
#22500 removed
#22540 removed
#22560 removed
#22570 build 1.2-alt3.1 from /people/arseny/packages/supertuxkart.git fetched at 2021-May-09 10:16:36
#22600 removed
#22640 build 2.0.12-alt1.beta.1 from /people/arseny/packages/synergy.git fetched at 2021-May-09 10:25:26
#22700 removed
#22740 build 0.9.7-alt4.1 from /people/arseny/packages/telepathy-qt4.git fetched at 2021-May-09 23:37:58
#23000 removed
#23040 build 0.9.8-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/telepathy-qt5.git fetched at 2021-May-09 23:50:50
#23100 build 5.4-alt3.20170301.1 from /people/arseny/packages/tidy.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:48:42
#23200 build 2.0.9-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/touchegg.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:48:50
#23300 build 3.00-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/transmission.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:49:03
#23400 build from /people/arseny/packages/uhd.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:49:37
#23500 build 1.2.8-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/uid_wrapper.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:49:44
#23600 build 0.3.1-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/vidalia.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:49:50
#23700 build 2021.Q1.3-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/vulkan-amdgpu.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:52:21
#24000 removed
#24100 build 21.04.0-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/wxMaxima.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:52:48
#24200 build from /people/arseny/packages/wxlua.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:52:55
#24300 build 1.6.0-alt5.r3169.4 from /people/arseny/packages/wxstedit.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:53:01
#24400 build 4.2.1-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/xiphos.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:53:20
#24500 build 0.7.6-alt2.1 from /people/arseny/packages/xmount.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:53:26
#24600 build 1.0.20-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/xournalpp.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:53:33
#24700 build 4.0.3a-alt3.1 from /people/arseny/packages/xtrkcad.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:53:41
#25000 build 2.1.0-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/yajl.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:53:47
#25100 build 567-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/yuzu.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:54:41
#25200 build 2.0.2-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/zlib-ng.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:54:48
#25300 build 1.34.26-alt1.1 from /people/arseny/packages/zoneminder.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 13:55:00
2021-May-09 23:51:06 :: created build repo
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #5200: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #5300: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #5500: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #5640: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #5700: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #6000: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #6200: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #6300: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #6400: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #6500: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #6600: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #6740: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #7000: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #7140: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #7200: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #7360: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #7440: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #7500: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #7600: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #7700: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #10000: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #10100: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #10260: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #10300: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #10400: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #10500: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #10700: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #11200: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #11600: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #11740: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #12000: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #12100: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #12200: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #12340: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #12440: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #12500: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #13100: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #13200: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #13300: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #13400: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #13500: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #13600: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #14140: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #14200: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #14300: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #14400: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #14500: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #14600: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #14700: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #15000: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #15100: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #15200: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #15300: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #15400: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #15500: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #15600: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #15700: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #16200: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #16300: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #16400: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #16540: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #16600: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #16700: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #17040: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #17200: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #17400: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #17500: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #17640: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #17700: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #20000: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #20100: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #20200: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #20300: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #20400: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #20500: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #20700: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:07 :: #21000: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: #21140: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: #21200: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: #21300: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: #21400: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: #21500: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: #21600: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: #21700: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: #22000: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: #22100: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: #22200: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: #22300: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: #22400: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: #22570: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: #22640: force rebuild
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: [aarch64] #170 cmake.git 3.19.7-alt3: build start
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: [armh] #170 cmake.git 3.19.7-alt3: build start
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: [ppc64le] #170 cmake.git 3.19.7-alt3: build start
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: [x86_64] #170 cmake.git 3.19.7-alt3: build start
2021-May-09 23:51:08 :: [i586] #170 cmake.git 3.19.7-alt3: build start
2021-May-09 23:51:27 :: [i586] #170 cmake.git 3.19.7-alt3: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:51:27 :: [i586] #440 dwarves.git 1.20-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:51:28 :: [x86_64] #170 cmake.git 3.19.7-alt3: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:51:28 :: [x86_64] #440 dwarves.git 1.20-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:51:36 :: [ppc64le] #170 cmake.git 3.19.7-alt3: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:51:36 :: [ppc64le] #440 dwarves.git 1.20-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:51:36 :: [aarch64] #170 cmake.git 3.19.7-alt3: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:51:36 :: [aarch64] #440 dwarves.git 1.20-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:51:39 :: [i586] #440 dwarves.git 1.20-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:51:39 :: [i586] #500 fceux.git 2.3.0-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:51:41 :: [x86_64] #440 dwarves.git 1.20-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:51:41 :: [x86_64] #500 fceux.git 2.3.0-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:51:41 :: [armh] #170 cmake.git 3.19.7-alt3: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:51:42 :: [armh] #440 dwarves.git 1.20-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:51:51 :: [aarch64] #440 dwarves.git 1.20-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:51:51 :: [aarch64] #500 fceux.git 2.3.0-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:51:52 :: [i586] #500 fceux.git 2.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:51:52 :: [ppc64le] #440 dwarves.git 1.20-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:51:52 :: [i586] #600 flameshot.git 0.8.0-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:51:52 :: [ppc64le] #500 fceux.git 2.3.0-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:51:54 :: [x86_64] #500 fceux.git 2.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:51:54 :: [x86_64] #600 flameshot.git 0.8.0-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:04 :: [armh] #440 dwarves.git 1.20-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:52:04 :: [armh] #500 fceux.git 2.3.0-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:05 :: [i586] #600 flameshot.git 0.8.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:52:05 :: [i586] #760 ispc.git 1.15.0-alt3: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:06 :: [aarch64] #500 fceux.git 2.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:52:06 :: [aarch64] #600 flameshot.git 0.8.0-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:07 :: [x86_64] #600 flameshot.git 0.8.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:52:07 :: [x86_64] #760 ispc.git 1.15.0-alt3: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:09 :: [ppc64le] #500 fceux.git 2.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:52:09 :: [ppc64le] #600 flameshot.git 0.8.0-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:19 :: [i586] #760 ispc.git 1.15.0-alt3: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:52:19 :: [i586] #1000 trackballs.git 1.3.1-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:21 :: [x86_64] #760 ispc.git 1.15.0-alt3: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:52:21 :: [x86_64] #1000 trackballs.git 1.3.1-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:22 :: [aarch64] #600 flameshot.git 0.8.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:52:22 :: [aarch64] #760 ispc.git 1.15.0-alt3: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:25 :: [ppc64le] #600 flameshot.git 0.8.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:52:25 :: [ppc64le] #760 ispc.git 1.15.0-alt3: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:26 :: [armh] #500 fceux.git 2.3.0-alt2: build SKIPPED
2021-May-09 23:52:26 :: [armh] #600 flameshot.git 0.8.0-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:32 :: [i586] #1000 trackballs.git 1.3.1-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:52:32 :: [i586] #1100 bpftrace.git 0.11.4-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:34 :: [x86_64] #1000 trackballs.git 1.3.1-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:52:34 :: [x86_64] #1100 bpftrace.git 0.11.4-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:37 :: [aarch64] #760 ispc.git 1.15.0-alt3: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:52:37 :: [aarch64] #1000 trackballs.git 1.3.1-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:42 :: [ppc64le] #760 ispc.git 1.15.0-alt3: build SKIPPED
2021-May-09 23:52:42 :: [ppc64le] #1000 trackballs.git 1.3.1-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:46 :: [i586] #1100 bpftrace.git 0.11.4-alt2: build SKIPPED
2021-May-09 23:52:46 :: [i586] #1200 bear.git 3.0.7-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:47 :: [x86_64] #1100 bpftrace.git 0.11.4-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:52:47 :: [x86_64] #1200 bear.git 3.0.7-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:48 :: [armh] #600 flameshot.git 0.8.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:52:48 :: [armh] #760 ispc.git 1.15.0-alt3: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:53 :: [aarch64] #1000 trackballs.git 1.3.1-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:52:53 :: [aarch64] #1100 bpftrace.git 0.11.4-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:52:58 :: [i586] #1200 bear.git 3.0.7-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:52:58 :: [i586] #1300 CGenius.git build start
2021-May-09 23:52:59 :: [ppc64le] #1000 trackballs.git 1.3.1-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:52:59 :: [ppc64le] #1100 bpftrace.git 0.11.4-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:53:00 :: [x86_64] #1200 bear.git 3.0.7-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:53:00 :: [x86_64] #1300 CGenius.git build start
2021-May-09 23:53:08 :: [aarch64] #1100 bpftrace.git 0.11.4-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:53:08 :: [aarch64] #1200 bear.git 3.0.7-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:53:12 :: [i586] #1300 CGenius.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:53:12 :: [i586] #1400 OpenSceneGraph.git 3.4.1-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:53:12 :: [armh] #760 ispc.git 1.15.0-alt3: build SKIPPED
2021-May-09 23:53:12 :: [armh] #1000 trackballs.git 1.3.1-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:53:13 :: [x86_64] #1300 CGenius.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:53:13 :: [x86_64] #1400 OpenSceneGraph.git 3.4.1-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:53:15 :: [ppc64le] #1100 bpftrace.git 0.11.4-alt2: build SKIPPED
2021-May-09 23:53:15 :: [ppc64le] #1200 bear.git 3.0.7-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:53:23 :: [aarch64] #1200 bear.git 3.0.7-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:53:23 :: [aarch64] #1300 CGenius.git build start
2021-May-09 23:53:26 :: [i586] #1400 OpenSceneGraph.git 3.4.1-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:53:26 :: [i586] #1500 SimGear.git 2020.3.8-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:53:27 :: [x86_64] #1400 OpenSceneGraph.git 3.4.1-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:53:27 :: [x86_64] #1500 SimGear.git 2020.3.8-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:53:31 :: [ppc64le] #1200 bear.git 3.0.7-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:53:31 :: [ppc64le] #1300 CGenius.git build start
2021-May-09 23:53:35 :: [armh] #1000 trackballs.git 1.3.1-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:53:35 :: [armh] #1100 bpftrace.git 0.11.4-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:53:39 :: [i586] #1500 SimGear.git 2020.3.8-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:53:39 :: [i586] #1600 accel-ppp.git 1.12.0-alt4.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:53:39 :: [aarch64] #1300 CGenius.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:53:39 :: [aarch64] #1400 OpenSceneGraph.git 3.4.1-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:53:40 :: [x86_64] #1500 SimGear.git 2020.3.8-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:53:40 :: [x86_64] #1600 accel-ppp.git 1.12.0-alt4.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:53:48 :: [ppc64le] #1300 CGenius.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:53:48 :: [ppc64le] #1400 OpenSceneGraph.git 3.4.1-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:53:51 :: [i586] #1600 accel-ppp.git 1.12.0-alt4.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:53:51 :: [i586] #1700 admc.git 0.5.1-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:53:53 :: [x86_64] #1600 accel-ppp.git 1.12.0-alt4.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:53:53 :: [x86_64] #1700 admc.git 0.5.1-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:53:55 :: [aarch64] #1400 OpenSceneGraph.git 3.4.1-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:53:55 :: [aarch64] #1500 SimGear.git 2020.3.8-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:53:58 :: [armh] #1100 bpftrace.git 0.11.4-alt2: build SKIPPED
2021-May-09 23:53:58 :: [armh] #1200 bear.git 3.0.7-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:04 :: [i586] #1700 admc.git 0.5.1-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:04 :: [i586] #2000 alsamixer-qt4.git 0.6.0-alt1.qa2: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:05 :: [ppc64le] #1400 OpenSceneGraph.git 3.4.1-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:06 :: [ppc64le] #1500 SimGear.git 2020.3.8-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:06 :: [x86_64] #1700 admc.git 0.5.1-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:06 :: [x86_64] #2000 alsamixer-qt4.git 0.6.0-alt1.qa2: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:10 :: [aarch64] #1500 SimGear.git 2020.3.8-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:10 :: [aarch64] #1600 accel-ppp.git 1.12.0-alt4.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:16 :: [i586] #2000 alsamixer-qt4.git 0.6.0-alt1.qa2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:16 :: [i586] #2100 alt-csp-cryptopro.git 0.1.5-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:19 :: [x86_64] #2000 alsamixer-qt4.git 0.6.0-alt1.qa2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:19 :: [x86_64] #2100 alt-csp-cryptopro.git 0.1.5-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:20 :: [armh] #1200 bear.git 3.0.7-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:20 :: [armh] #1300 CGenius.git build start
2021-May-09 23:54:22 :: [ppc64le] #1500 SimGear.git 2020.3.8-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:22 :: [ppc64le] #1600 accel-ppp.git 1.12.0-alt4.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:25 :: [aarch64] #1600 accel-ppp.git 1.12.0-alt4.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:25 :: [aarch64] #1700 admc.git 0.5.1-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:29 :: [i586] #2100 alt-csp-cryptopro.git 0.1.5-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:29 :: [i586] #2200 auditd-plugin-clickhouse.git 20210217.4.1-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:32 :: [x86_64] #2100 alt-csp-cryptopro.git 0.1.5-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:32 :: [x86_64] #2200 auditd-plugin-clickhouse.git 20210217.4.1-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:38 :: [ppc64le] #1600 accel-ppp.git 1.12.0-alt4.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:38 :: [ppc64le] #1700 admc.git 0.5.1-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:40 :: [aarch64] #1700 admc.git 0.5.1-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:40 :: [aarch64] #2000 alsamixer-qt4.git 0.6.0-alt1.qa2: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:42 :: [i586] #2200 auditd-plugin-clickhouse.git 20210217.4.1-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:42 :: [i586] #2300 barrier.git 2.3.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:44 :: [armh] #1300 CGenius.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:44 :: [armh] #1400 OpenSceneGraph.git 3.4.1-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:45 :: [x86_64] #2200 auditd-plugin-clickhouse.git 20210217.4.1-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:45 :: [x86_64] #2300 barrier.git 2.3.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:54 :: [ppc64le] #1700 admc.git 0.5.1-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:54 :: [ppc64le] #2000 alsamixer-qt4.git 0.6.0-alt1.qa2: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:55 :: [aarch64] #2000 alsamixer-qt4.git 0.6.0-alt1.qa2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:55 :: [aarch64] #2100 alt-csp-cryptopro.git 0.1.5-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:55 :: [i586] #2300 barrier.git 2.3.3-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:55 :: [i586] #2500 biblesync.git 1.2.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:54:59 :: [x86_64] #2300 barrier.git 2.3.3-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:54:59 :: [x86_64] #2500 biblesync.git 1.2.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:55:08 :: [armh] #1400 OpenSceneGraph.git 3.4.1-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:55:08 :: [armh] #1500 SimGear.git 2020.3.8-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:55:09 :: [i586] #2500 biblesync.git 1.2.0-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:55:09 :: [i586] #2640 birdtray.git 1.9.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:55:10 :: [aarch64] #2100 alt-csp-cryptopro.git 0.1.5-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:55:10 :: [aarch64] #2200 auditd-plugin-clickhouse.git 20210217.4.1-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:55:10 :: [ppc64le] #2000 alsamixer-qt4.git 0.6.0-alt1.qa2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:55:10 :: [ppc64le] #2100 alt-csp-cryptopro.git 0.1.5-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:55:11 :: [x86_64] #2500 biblesync.git 1.2.0-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:55:11 :: [x86_64] #2640 birdtray.git 1.9.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:55:21 :: [i586] #2640 birdtray.git 1.9.0-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:55:21 :: [i586] #2700 blender.git 2.92.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:55:24 :: [x86_64] #2640 birdtray.git 1.9.0-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:55:24 :: [x86_64] #2700 blender.git 2.92.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:55:26 :: [aarch64] #2200 auditd-plugin-clickhouse.git 20210217.4.1-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:55:26 :: [aarch64] #2300 barrier.git 2.3.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:55:27 :: [ppc64le] #2100 alt-csp-cryptopro.git 0.1.5-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:55:27 :: [ppc64le] #2200 auditd-plugin-clickhouse.git 20210217.4.1-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:55:31 :: [armh] #1500 SimGear.git 2020.3.8-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:55:31 :: [armh] #1600 accel-ppp.git 1.12.0-alt4.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:55:37 :: [i586] #2700 blender.git 2.92.0-alt1.1: build SKIPPED
2021-May-09 23:55:37 :: [i586] #3000 castxml.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:55:41 :: [aarch64] #2300 barrier.git 2.3.3-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:55:41 :: [aarch64] #2500 biblesync.git 1.2.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:55:42 :: [x86_64] #2700 blender.git 2.92.0-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:55:42 :: [x86_64] #3000 castxml.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:55:44 :: [ppc64le] #2200 auditd-plugin-clickhouse.git 20210217.4.1-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:55:44 :: [ppc64le] #2300 barrier.git 2.3.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:55:50 :: [i586] #3000 castxml.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:55:50 :: [i586] #3100 catch2.git 2.13.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:55:53 :: [armh] #1600 accel-ppp.git 1.12.0-alt4.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:55:53 :: [armh] #1700 admc.git 0.5.1-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:55:56 :: [aarch64] #2500 biblesync.git 1.2.0-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:55:56 :: [aarch64] #2640 birdtray.git 1.9.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:55:56 :: [x86_64] #3000 castxml.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:55:56 :: [x86_64] #3100 catch2.git 2.13.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:56:01 :: [ppc64le] #2300 barrier.git 2.3.3-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:56:01 :: [ppc64le] #2500 biblesync.git 1.2.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:56:03 :: [i586] #3100 catch2.git 2.13.4-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:56:03 :: [i586] #3200 cctz.git 2.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:56:09 :: [x86_64] #3100 catch2.git 2.13.4-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:56:09 :: [x86_64] #3200 cctz.git 2.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:56:11 :: [aarch64] #2640 birdtray.git 1.9.0-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:56:11 :: [aarch64] #2700 blender.git 2.92.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:56:15 :: [i586] #3200 cctz.git 2.3-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:56:15 :: [i586] #3300 citra.git 1703-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:56:16 :: [armh] #1700 admc.git 0.5.1-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:56:16 :: [armh] #2000 alsamixer-qt4.git 0.6.0-alt1.qa2: build start
2021-May-09 23:56:17 :: [ppc64le] #2500 biblesync.git 1.2.0-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:56:17 :: [ppc64le] #2640 birdtray.git 1.9.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:56:22 :: [x86_64] #3200 cctz.git 2.3-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:56:22 :: [x86_64] #3300 citra.git 1703-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:56:28 :: [i586] #3300 citra.git 1703-alt1.1: build SKIPPED
2021-May-09 23:56:28 :: [i586] #3400 cmocka.git 1.1.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:56:31 :: [aarch64] #2700 blender.git 2.92.0-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:56:31 :: [aarch64] #3000 castxml.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:56:33 :: [ppc64le] #2640 birdtray.git 1.9.0-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:56:33 :: [ppc64le] #2700 blender.git 2.92.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:56:37 :: [x86_64] #3300 citra.git 1703-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:56:37 :: [x86_64] #3400 cmocka.git 1.1.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:56:38 :: [armh] #2000 alsamixer-qt4.git 0.6.0-alt1.qa2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:56:38 :: [armh] #2100 alt-csp-cryptopro.git 0.1.5-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:56:41 :: [i586] #3400 cmocka.git 1.1.3-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:56:41 :: [i586] #3500 coin3d.git 4.0.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:56:47 :: [aarch64] #3000 castxml.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:56:47 :: [aarch64] #3100 catch2.git 2.13.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:56:49 :: [x86_64] #3400 cmocka.git 1.1.3-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:56:49 :: [x86_64] #3500 coin3d.git 4.0.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:56:53 :: [i586] #3500 coin3d.git 4.0.0-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:56:54 :: [i586] #3640 csync.git 0.50.6-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:56:54 :: [ppc64le] #2700 blender.git 2.92.0-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:56:54 :: [ppc64le] #3000 castxml.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:57:01 :: [armh] #2100 alt-csp-cryptopro.git 0.1.5-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:01 :: [armh] #2200 auditd-plugin-clickhouse.git 20210217.4.1-alt2: build start
2021-May-09 23:57:02 :: [aarch64] #3100 catch2.git 2.13.4-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:02 :: [aarch64] #3200 cctz.git 2.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:57:03 :: [x86_64] #3500 coin3d.git 4.0.0-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:03 :: [x86_64] #3640 csync.git 0.50.6-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:57:06 :: [i586] #3640 csync.git 0.50.6-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:06 :: [i586] #3700 ctwm.git 4.0.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:57:12 :: [ppc64le] #3000 castxml.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:12 :: [ppc64le] #3100 catch2.git 2.13.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:57:16 :: [x86_64] #3640 csync.git 0.50.6-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:16 :: [x86_64] #3700 ctwm.git 4.0.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:57:17 :: [aarch64] #3200 cctz.git 2.3-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:17 :: [aarch64] #3300 citra.git 1703-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:57:19 :: [i586] #3700 ctwm.git 4.0.3-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:19 :: [i586] #4000 cvise.git 2.0.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:57:24 :: [armh] #2200 auditd-plugin-clickhouse.git 20210217.4.1-alt2: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:24 :: [armh] #2300 barrier.git 2.3.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:57:29 :: [ppc64le] #3100 catch2.git 2.13.4-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:29 :: [ppc64le] #3200 cctz.git 2.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:57:29 :: [x86_64] #3700 ctwm.git 4.0.3-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:29 :: [x86_64] #4000 cvise.git 2.0.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:57:33 :: [i586] #4000 cvise.git 2.0.0-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:33 :: [i586] #4100 deepin-blur-effect.git 1.1.3-alt1.git1d96617.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:57:34 :: [aarch64] #3300 citra.git 1703-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:34 :: [aarch64] #3400 cmocka.git 1.1.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:57:43 :: [x86_64] #4000 cvise.git 2.0.0-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:43 :: [x86_64] #4100 deepin-blur-effect.git 1.1.3-alt1.git1d96617.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:57:45 :: [ppc64le] #3200 cctz.git 2.3-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:45 :: [ppc64le] #3300 citra.git 1703-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:57:45 :: [i586] #4100 deepin-blur-effect.git 1.1.3-alt1.git1d96617.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:46 :: [i586] #4200 deepin-manual.git build start
2021-May-09 23:57:47 :: [armh] #2300 barrier.git 2.3.3-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:47 :: [armh] #2500 biblesync.git 1.2.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:57:49 :: [aarch64] #3400 cmocka.git 1.1.3-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:49 :: [aarch64] #3500 coin3d.git 4.0.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:57:56 :: [x86_64] #4100 deepin-blur-effect.git 1.1.3-alt1.git1d96617.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:57:56 :: [x86_64] #4200 deepin-manual.git build start
2021-May-09 23:58:00 :: [ppc64le] #3300 citra.git 1703-alt1.1: build SKIPPED
2021-May-09 23:58:00 :: [ppc64le] #3400 cmocka.git 1.1.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:58:04 :: [aarch64] #3500 coin3d.git 4.0.0-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:58:04 :: [aarch64] #3640 csync.git 0.50.6-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:58:04 :: [i586] #4200 deepin-manual.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:58:04 :: [i586] #4300 deepin-system-monitor.git build start
2021-May-09 23:58:09 :: [armh] #2500 biblesync.git 1.2.0-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:58:09 :: [armh] #2640 birdtray.git 1.9.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:58:14 :: [x86_64] #4200 deepin-manual.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:58:14 :: [x86_64] #4300 deepin-system-monitor.git build start
2021-May-09 23:58:16 :: [ppc64le] #3400 cmocka.git 1.1.3-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:58:16 :: [ppc64le] #3500 coin3d.git 4.0.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:58:19 :: [aarch64] #3640 csync.git 0.50.6-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:58:19 :: [aarch64] #3700 ctwm.git 4.0.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:58:32 :: [armh] #2640 birdtray.git 1.9.0-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:58:32 :: [armh] #2700 blender.git 2.92.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:58:32 :: [ppc64le] #3500 coin3d.git 4.0.0-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:58:32 :: [ppc64le] #3640 csync.git 0.50.6-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:58:34 :: [aarch64] #3700 ctwm.git 4.0.3-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:58:34 :: [aarch64] #4000 cvise.git 2.0.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:58:48 :: [ppc64le] #3640 csync.git 0.50.6-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:58:48 :: [ppc64le] #3700 ctwm.git 4.0.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:58:48 :: [i586] #4300 deepin-system-monitor.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:58:49 :: [i586] #4400 deepin-terminal.git build start
2021-May-09 23:58:50 :: [aarch64] #4000 cvise.git 2.0.0-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:58:50 :: [aarch64] #4100 deepin-blur-effect.git 1.1.3-alt1.git1d96617.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:58:56 :: [x86_64] #4300 deepin-system-monitor.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:58:56 :: [x86_64] #4400 deepin-terminal.git build start
2021-May-09 23:58:59 :: [armh] #2700 blender.git 2.92.0-alt1.1: build SKIPPED
2021-May-09 23:58:59 :: [armh] #3000 castxml.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:59:02 :: [i586] #4400 deepin-terminal.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:59:02 :: [i586] #4500 deepin-turbo.git 0.0.5-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:59:05 :: [ppc64le] #3700 ctwm.git 4.0.3-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:59:05 :: [ppc64le] #4000 cvise.git 2.0.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:59:05 :: [aarch64] #4100 deepin-blur-effect.git 1.1.3-alt1.git1d96617.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:59:05 :: [aarch64] #4200 deepin-manual.git build start
2021-May-09 23:59:09 :: [x86_64] #4400 deepin-terminal.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:59:09 :: [x86_64] #4500 deepin-turbo.git 0.0.5-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:59:15 :: [i586] #4500 deepin-turbo.git 0.0.5-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:59:15 :: [i586] #4700 doom64ex.git 2.5.1-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:59:22 :: [x86_64] #4500 deepin-turbo.git 0.0.5-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:59:22 :: [x86_64] #4700 doom64ex.git 2.5.1-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:59:23 :: [ppc64le] #4000 cvise.git 2.0.0-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:59:23 :: [ppc64le] #4100 deepin-blur-effect.git 1.1.3-alt1.git1d96617.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:59:23 :: [armh] #3000 castxml.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:59:23 :: [armh] #3100 catch2.git 2.13.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:59:26 :: [aarch64] #4200 deepin-manual.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:59:26 :: [aarch64] #4300 deepin-system-monitor.git build start
2021-May-09 23:59:27 :: [i586] #4700 doom64ex.git 2.5.1-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:59:27 :: [i586] #5040 doxygen.git 1.8.17-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:59:35 :: [x86_64] #4700 doom64ex.git 2.5.1-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:59:35 :: [x86_64] #5040 doxygen.git 1.8.17-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:59:39 :: [ppc64le] #4100 deepin-blur-effect.git 1.1.3-alt1.git1d96617.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:59:39 :: [ppc64le] #4200 deepin-manual.git build start
2021-May-09 23:59:40 :: [i586] #5040 doxygen.git 1.8.17-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:59:40 :: [i586] #5100 dwgrep.git 0.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:59:46 :: [armh] #3100 catch2.git 2.13.4-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:59:46 :: [armh] #3200 cctz.git 2.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:59:50 :: [x86_64] #5040 doxygen.git 1.8.17-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:59:50 :: [x86_64] #5100 dwgrep.git 0.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-09 23:59:54 :: [i586] #5100 dwgrep.git 0.4-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-09 23:59:54 :: [i586] #5200 eigen3.git 3.3.9-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:00:01 :: [ppc64le] #4200 deepin-manual.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:00:01 :: [ppc64le] #4300 deepin-system-monitor.git build start
2021-May-10 00:00:03 :: [x86_64] #5100 dwgrep.git 0.4-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:00:03 :: [x86_64] #5200 eigen3.git 3.3.9-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:00:08 :: [armh] #3200 cctz.git 2.3-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:00:08 :: [armh] #3300 citra.git 1703-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:00:10 :: [aarch64] #4300 deepin-system-monitor.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:00:10 :: [aarch64] #4400 deepin-terminal.git build start
2021-May-10 00:00:26 :: [aarch64] #4400 deepin-terminal.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:00:26 :: [aarch64] #4500 deepin-turbo.git 0.0.5-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:00:29 :: [armh] #3300 citra.git 1703-alt1.1: build SKIPPED
2021-May-10 00:00:29 :: [armh] #3400 cmocka.git 1.1.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:00:41 :: [aarch64] #4500 deepin-turbo.git 0.0.5-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:00:41 :: [aarch64] #4700 doom64ex.git 2.5.1-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:00:51 :: [armh] #3400 cmocka.git 1.1.3-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:00:51 :: [armh] #3500 coin3d.git 4.0.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:00:53 :: [ppc64le] #4300 deepin-system-monitor.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:00:53 :: [ppc64le] #4400 deepin-terminal.git build start
2021-May-10 00:00:56 :: [aarch64] #4700 doom64ex.git 2.5.1-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:00:56 :: [aarch64] #5040 doxygen.git 1.8.17-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:01:12 :: [aarch64] #5040 doxygen.git 1.8.17-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:01:12 :: [aarch64] #5100 dwgrep.git 0.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:01:12 :: [ppc64le] #4400 deepin-terminal.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:01:12 :: [ppc64le] #4500 deepin-turbo.git 0.0.5-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:01:14 :: [armh] #3500 coin3d.git 4.0.0-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:01:14 :: [armh] #3640 csync.git 0.50.6-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:01:27 :: [aarch64] #5100 dwgrep.git 0.4-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:01:27 :: [aarch64] #5200 eigen3.git 3.3.9-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:01:29 :: [ppc64le] #4500 deepin-turbo.git 0.0.5-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:01:29 :: [ppc64le] #4700 doom64ex.git 2.5.1-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:01:36 :: [armh] #3640 csync.git 0.50.6-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:01:36 :: [armh] #3700 ctwm.git 4.0.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:01:45 :: [ppc64le] #4700 doom64ex.git 2.5.1-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:01:45 :: [ppc64le] #5040 doxygen.git 1.8.17-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:01:58 :: [armh] #3700 ctwm.git 4.0.3-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:01:58 :: [armh] #4000 cvise.git 2.0.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:02:02 :: [ppc64le] #5040 doxygen.git 1.8.17-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:02:02 :: [ppc64le] #5100 dwgrep.git 0.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:02:18 :: [ppc64le] #5100 dwgrep.git 0.4-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:02:19 :: [ppc64le] #5200 eigen3.git 3.3.9-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:02:23 :: [armh] #4000 cvise.git 2.0.0-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:02:23 :: [armh] #4100 deepin-blur-effect.git 1.1.3-alt1.git1d96617.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:02:45 :: [armh] #4100 deepin-blur-effect.git 1.1.3-alt1.git1d96617.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:02:45 :: [armh] #4200 deepin-manual.git build start
2021-May-10 00:03:16 :: [armh] #4200 deepin-manual.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:03:16 :: [armh] #4300 deepin-system-monitor.git build start
2021-May-10 00:03:26 :: [i586] #5200 eigen3.git 3.3.9-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:03:26 :: [i586] #5300 encspot.git 2.01-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:03:45 :: [x86_64] #5200 eigen3.git 3.3.9-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:03:45 :: [x86_64] #5300 encspot.git 2.01-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:04:01 :: [i586] #5300 encspot.git 2.01-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:04:01 :: [i586] #5500 expected.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:04:19 :: [x86_64] #5300 encspot.git 2.01-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:04:20 :: [x86_64] #5500 expected.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:04:20 :: [armh] #4300 deepin-system-monitor.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:04:20 :: [armh] #4400 deepin-terminal.git build start
2021-May-10 00:04:25 :: [i586] #5500 expected.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:04:25 :: [i586] #5640 fatcat.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:04:45 :: [armh] #4400 deepin-terminal.git build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:04:45 :: [armh] #4500 deepin-turbo.git 0.0.5-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:04:45 :: [x86_64] #5500 expected.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:04:45 :: [x86_64] #5640 fatcat.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:04:48 :: [aarch64] #5200 eigen3.git 3.3.9-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:04:48 :: [aarch64] #5300 encspot.git 2.01-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:04:57 :: [i586] #5640 fatcat.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:04:57 :: [i586] #5700 ffmpegthumbnailer.git 2.2.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:05:08 :: [armh] #4500 deepin-turbo.git 0.0.5-alt1.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:05:08 :: [armh] #4700 doom64ex.git 2.5.1-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:05:20 :: [x86_64] #5640 fatcat.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:05:20 :: [x86_64] #5700 ffmpegthumbnailer.git 2.2.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:05:22 :: [aarch64] #5300 encspot.git 2.01-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:05:22 :: [aarch64] #5500 expected.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:05:30 :: [armh] #4700 doom64ex.git 2.5.1-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:05:30 :: [armh] #5040 doxygen.git 1.8.17-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:05:47 :: [aarch64] #5500 expected.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:05:47 :: [aarch64] #5640 fatcat.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:05:53 :: [armh] #5040 doxygen.git 1.8.17-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:05:53 :: [armh] #5100 dwgrep.git 0.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:06:03 :: [i586] #5700 ffmpegthumbnailer.git 2.2.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:06:03 :: [i586] #6000 flare-engine.git 1.11-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:06:15 :: [armh] #5100 dwgrep.git 0.4-alt2.1: build OK (cached)
2021-May-10 00:06:15 :: [armh] #5200 eigen3.git 3.3.9-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:06:20 :: [aarch64] #5640 fatcat.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:06:20 :: [aarch64] #5700 ffmpegthumbnailer.git 2.2.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:06:25 :: [ppc64le] #5200 eigen3.git 3.3.9-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:06:25 :: [ppc64le] #5300 encspot.git 2.01-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:06:34 :: [x86_64] #5700 ffmpegthumbnailer.git 2.2.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:06:34 :: [x86_64] #6000 flare-engine.git 1.11-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:07:03 :: [ppc64le] #5300 encspot.git 2.01-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:07:03 :: [ppc64le] #5500 expected.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:07:30 :: [aarch64] #5700 ffmpegthumbnailer.git 2.2.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:07:30 :: [aarch64] #6000 flare-engine.git 1.11-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:07:31 :: [ppc64le] #5500 expected.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:07:31 :: [ppc64le] #5640 fatcat.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:07:41 :: [i586] #6000 flare-engine.git 1.11-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:07:41 :: [i586] #6200 fuse-cryfs.git 0.9.11-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:08:06 :: [x86_64] #6000 flare-engine.git 1.11-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:08:06 :: [x86_64] #6200 fuse-cryfs.git 0.9.11-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:08:08 :: [ppc64le] #5640 fatcat.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:08:08 :: [ppc64le] #5700 ffmpegthumbnailer.git 2.2.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:08:59 :: [aarch64] #6000 flare-engine.git 1.11-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:08:59 :: [aarch64] #6200 fuse-cryfs.git 0.9.11-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:09:25 :: [ppc64le] #5700 ffmpegthumbnailer.git 2.2.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:09:25 :: [ppc64le] #6000 flare-engine.git 1.11-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:10:54 :: [i586] #6200 fuse-cryfs.git 0.9.11-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:10:54 :: [i586] #6300 gimagereader.git 3.3.1-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:11:02 :: [x86_64] #6200 fuse-cryfs.git 0.9.11-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:11:02 :: [x86_64] #6300 gimagereader.git 3.3.1-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:11:06 :: [ppc64le] #6000 flare-engine.git 1.11-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:11:06 :: [ppc64le] #6200 fuse-cryfs.git 0.9.11-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:11:27 :: [armh] #5200 eigen3.git 3.3.9-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:11:27 :: [armh] #5300 encspot.git 2.01-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:12:04 :: [aarch64] #6200 fuse-cryfs.git 0.9.11-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:12:04 :: [aarch64] #6300 gimagereader.git 3.3.1-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:12:16 :: [armh] #5300 encspot.git 2.01-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:12:16 :: [armh] #5500 expected.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:12:53 :: [armh] #5500 expected.git 1.0.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:12:53 :: [armh] #5640 fatcat.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:12:59 :: [x86_64] #6300 gimagereader.git 3.3.1-alt5.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:12:59 :: [x86_64] #6400 glm.git build start
2021-May-10 00:13:39 :: [armh] #5640 fatcat.git 1.1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:13:39 :: [armh] #5700 ffmpegthumbnailer.git 2.2.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:13:44 :: [x86_64] #6400 glm.git build OK
2021-May-10 00:13:44 :: [x86_64] #6500 gnucash.git 4.5-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:14:08 :: [aarch64] #6300 gimagereader.git 3.3.1-alt5.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:14:08 :: [aarch64] #6400 glm.git build start
2021-May-10 00:14:27 :: [ppc64le] #6200 fuse-cryfs.git 0.9.11-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:14:27 :: [ppc64le] #6300 gimagereader.git 3.3.1-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:14:59 :: [aarch64] #6400 glm.git build OK
2021-May-10 00:14:59 :: [aarch64] #6500 gnucash.git 4.5-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:15:10 :: [i586] #6300 gimagereader.git 3.3.1-alt5.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:15:10 :: [i586] #6400 glm.git build start
2021-May-10 00:15:15 :: [armh] #5700 ffmpegthumbnailer.git 2.2.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:15:15 :: [armh] #6000 flare-engine.git 1.11-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:16:09 :: [i586] #6400 glm.git build OK
2021-May-10 00:16:09 :: [i586] #6500 gnucash.git 4.5-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:16:53 :: [ppc64le] #6300 gimagereader.git 3.3.1-alt5.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:16:53 :: [ppc64le] #6400 glm.git build start
2021-May-10 00:17:21 :: [armh] #6000 flare-engine.git 1.11-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:17:21 :: [armh] #6200 fuse-cryfs.git 0.9.11-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:17:37 :: [x86_64] #6500 gnucash.git 4.5-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:17:37 :: [x86_64] #6600 heimdall.git 1.4.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:17:54 :: [ppc64le] #6400 glm.git build OK
2021-May-10 00:17:54 :: [ppc64le] #6500 gnucash.git 4.5-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:18:32 :: [x86_64] #6600 heimdall.git 1.4.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:18:32 :: [x86_64] #6740 hypre.git 2.20.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:19:08 :: [aarch64] #6500 gnucash.git 4.5-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:19:08 :: [aarch64] #6600 heimdall.git 1.4.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:20:09 :: [aarch64] #6600 heimdall.git 1.4.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:20:09 :: [aarch64] #6740 hypre.git 2.20.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:20:48 :: [x86_64] #6740 hypre.git 2.20.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:20:48 :: [x86_64] #7000 iceb.git 20.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:20:56 :: [i586] #6500 gnucash.git 4.5-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:20:56 :: [i586] #6600 heimdall.git 1.4.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:21:36 :: [armh] #6200 fuse-cryfs.git 0.9.11-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:21:36 :: [armh] #6300 gimagereader.git 3.3.1-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:21:57 :: [i586] #6600 heimdall.git 1.4.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:21:57 :: [i586] #6740 hypre.git 2.20.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:22:30 :: [aarch64] #6740 hypre.git 2.20.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:22:30 :: [aarch64] #7000 iceb.git 20.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:22:57 :: [x86_64] #7000 iceb.git 20.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:22:57 :: [x86_64] #7140 icewm.git 2.3.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:24:15 :: [x86_64] #7140 icewm.git 2.3.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:24:15 :: [x86_64] #7200 ilmbase.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:24:19 :: [aarch64] #7000 iceb.git 20.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:24:19 :: [aarch64] #7140 icewm.git 2.3.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:24:30 :: [i586] #6740 hypre.git 2.20.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:24:30 :: [i586] #7000 iceb.git 20.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:24:34 :: [armh] #6300 gimagereader.git 3.3.1-alt5.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:24:34 :: [armh] #6400 glm.git build start
2021-May-10 00:24:57 :: [ppc64le] #6500 gnucash.git 4.5-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:24:57 :: [ppc64le] #6600 heimdall.git 1.4.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:25:28 :: [x86_64] #7200 ilmbase.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:25:28 :: [x86_64] #7360 itk.git 5.0.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:25:45 :: [aarch64] #7140 icewm.git 2.3.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:25:45 :: [aarch64] #7200 ilmbase.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:25:53 :: [armh] #6400 glm.git build OK
2021-May-10 00:25:53 :: [armh] #6500 gnucash.git 4.5-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:26:05 :: [ppc64le] #6600 heimdall.git 1.4.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:26:05 :: [ppc64le] #6740 hypre.git 2.20.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:26:53 :: [i586] #7000 iceb.git 20.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:26:53 :: [i586] #7140 icewm.git 2.3.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:27:06 :: [aarch64] #7200 ilmbase.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:27:06 :: [aarch64] #7360 itk.git 5.0.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:28:23 :: [i586] #7140 icewm.git 2.3.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:28:23 :: [i586] #7200 ilmbase.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:28:58 :: [ppc64le] #6740 hypre.git 2.20.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:28:58 :: [ppc64le] #7000 iceb.git 20.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:29:42 :: [i586] #7200 ilmbase.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:29:42 :: [i586] #7360 itk.git 5.0.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:31:17 :: [ppc64le] #7000 iceb.git 20.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:31:17 :: [ppc64le] #7140 icewm.git 2.3.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:32:43 :: [armh] #6500 gnucash.git 4.5-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:32:43 :: [armh] #6600 heimdall.git 1.4.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:32:58 :: [ppc64le] #7140 icewm.git 2.3.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:32:58 :: [ppc64le] #7200 ilmbase.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:34:09 :: [armh] #6600 heimdall.git 1.4.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:34:09 :: [armh] #6740 hypre.git 2.20.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:34:26 :: [ppc64le] #7200 ilmbase.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:34:26 :: [ppc64le] #7360 itk.git 5.0.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:37:38 :: [armh] #6740 hypre.git 2.20.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:37:38 :: [armh] #7000 iceb.git 20.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:40:15 :: [armh] #7000 iceb.git 20.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:40:15 :: [armh] #7140 icewm.git 2.3.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:41:14 :: [x86_64] #7360 itk.git 5.0.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:41:14 :: [x86_64] #7440 itk4.12.git 4.12.2-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:42:28 :: [armh] #7140 icewm.git 2.3.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:42:28 :: [armh] #7200 ilmbase.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:43:23 :: [aarch64] #7360 itk.git 5.0.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:43:23 :: [aarch64] #7440 itk4.12.git 4.12.2-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:44:18 :: [armh] #7200 ilmbase.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:44:18 :: [armh] #7360 itk.git 5.0.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:49:39 :: [i586] #7360 itk.git 5.0.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:49:39 :: [i586] #7440 itk4.12.git 4.12.2-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:53:26 :: [ppc64le] #7360 itk.git 5.0.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:53:26 :: [ppc64le] #7440 itk4.12.git 4.12.2-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:55:51 :: [x86_64] #7440 itk4.12.git 4.12.2-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:55:51 :: [x86_64] #7500 json-c.git 0.15-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:56:28 :: [x86_64] #7500 json-c.git 0.15-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:56:28 :: [x86_64] #7600 jss.git 4.8.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:58:04 :: [aarch64] #7440 itk4.12.git 4.12.2-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:58:04 :: [aarch64] #7500 json-c.git 0.15-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:58:45 :: [aarch64] #7500 json-c.git 0.15-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:58:45 :: [aarch64] #7600 jss.git 4.8.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 00:59:38 :: [x86_64] #7600 jss.git 4.8.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 00:59:38 :: [x86_64] #7700 kicad-i18n.git 5.1.9-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:00:15 :: [x86_64] #7700 kicad-i18n.git 5.1.9-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:00:15 :: [x86_64] #10000 kumir2.git 2.1.0-alt10.git42b99b78.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:02:45 :: [aarch64] #7600 jss.git 4.8.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:02:45 :: [aarch64] #7700 kicad-i18n.git 5.1.9-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:02:53 :: [x86_64] #10000 kumir2.git 2.1.0-alt10.git42b99b78.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:02:53 :: [x86_64] #10100 ledger.git 3.1.aed3709-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:03:27 :: [aarch64] #7700 kicad-i18n.git 5.1.9-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:03:27 :: [aarch64] #10000 kumir2.git 2.1.0-alt10.git42b99b78.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:06:10 :: [aarch64] #10000 kumir2.git 2.1.0-alt10.git42b99b78.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:06:10 :: [aarch64] #10100 ledger.git 3.1.aed3709-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:08:11 :: [i586] #7440 itk4.12.git 4.12.2-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:08:11 :: [i586] #7500 json-c.git 0.15-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:08:48 :: [i586] #7500 json-c.git 0.15-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:08:48 :: [i586] #7600 jss.git 4.8.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:10:22 :: [ppc64le] #7440 itk4.12.git 4.12.2-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:10:22 :: [ppc64le] #7500 json-c.git 0.15-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:11:09 :: [ppc64le] #7500 json-c.git 0.15-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:11:09 :: [ppc64le] #7600 jss.git 4.8.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:13:23 :: [armh] #7360 itk.git 5.0.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:13:23 :: [armh] #7440 itk4.12.git 4.12.2-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:14:57 :: [i586] #7600 jss.git 4.8.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:14:57 :: [i586] #7700 kicad-i18n.git 5.1.9-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:15:37 :: [i586] #7700 kicad-i18n.git 5.1.9-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:15:37 :: [i586] #10000 kumir2.git 2.1.0-alt10.git42b99b78.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:16:43 :: [ppc64le] #7600 jss.git 4.8.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:16:43 :: [ppc64le] #7700 kicad-i18n.git 5.1.9-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:17:30 :: [ppc64le] #7700 kicad-i18n.git 5.1.9-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:17:30 :: [ppc64le] #10000 kumir2.git 2.1.0-alt10.git42b99b78.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:18:39 :: [i586] #10000 kumir2.git 2.1.0-alt10.git42b99b78.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:18:40 :: [i586] #10100 ledger.git 3.1.aed3709-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:20:40 :: [ppc64le] #10000 kumir2.git 2.1.0-alt10.git42b99b78.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:20:40 :: [ppc64le] #10100 ledger.git 3.1.aed3709-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:23:55 :: [x86_64] #10100 ledger.git 3.1.aed3709-alt5.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:23:55 :: [x86_64] #10260 libaom.git 2.0.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:25:42 :: [x86_64] #10260 libaom.git 2.0.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:25:42 :: [x86_64] #10300 libchipmunk.git 7.0.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:26:30 :: [x86_64] #10300 libchipmunk.git 7.0.3-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:26:30 :: [x86_64] #10400 libclc.git 11.0.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:28:57 :: [x86_64] #10400 libclc.git 11.0.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:28:57 :: [x86_64] #10500 libcodec2.git 0.9.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:29:56 :: [x86_64] #10500 libcodec2.git 0.9.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:29:56 :: [x86_64] #10700 libfann.git 2.2.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:30:51 :: [x86_64] #10700 libfann.git 2.2.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:30:51 :: [x86_64] #11200 libglfw3.git 3.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:31:02 :: [aarch64] #10100 ledger.git 3.1.aed3709-alt5.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:31:02 :: [aarch64] #10260 libaom.git 2.0.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:32:37 :: [x86_64] #11200 libglfw3.git 3.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:32:37 :: [x86_64] #11600 libjpeg-turbo.git 2.0.6-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:32:52 :: [aarch64] #10260 libaom.git 2.0.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:32:52 :: [aarch64] #10300 libchipmunk.git 7.0.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:33:45 :: [aarch64] #10300 libchipmunk.git 7.0.3-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:33:45 :: [aarch64] #10400 libclc.git 11.0.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:34:43 :: [x86_64] #11600 libjpeg-turbo.git 2.0.6-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:34:43 :: [x86_64] #11740 libleatherman.git 1.12.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:35:35 :: [aarch64] #10400 libclc.git 11.0.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:35:35 :: [aarch64] #10500 libcodec2.git 0.9.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:36:22 :: [aarch64] #10500 libcodec2.git 0.9.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:36:22 :: [aarch64] #10700 libfann.git 2.2.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:36:28 :: [x86_64] #11740 libleatherman.git 1.12.4-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:36:28 :: [x86_64] #12000 liblensfun.git 0.3.2-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:36:59 :: [aarch64] #10700 libfann.git 2.2.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:36:59 :: [aarch64] #11200 libglfw3.git 3.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:37:19 :: [x86_64] #12000 liblensfun.git 0.3.2-alt5.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:37:19 :: [x86_64] #12100 libmed.git 4.1.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:37:52 :: [aarch64] #11200 libglfw3.git 3.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:37:52 :: [aarch64] #11600 libjpeg-turbo.git 2.0.6-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:39:11 :: [x86_64] #12100 libmed.git 4.1.0-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:39:11 :: [x86_64] #12200 libmxp.git 0.2.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:39:27 :: [armh] #7440 itk4.12.git 4.12.2-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:39:27 :: [armh] #7500 json-c.git 0.15-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:39:49 :: [x86_64] #12200 libmxp.git 0.2.4-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:39:49 :: [x86_64] #12340 libnss-role.git 0.5.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:40:23 :: [armh] #7500 json-c.git 0.15-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:40:23 :: [armh] #7600 jss.git 4.8.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:40:32 :: [x86_64] #12340 libnss-role.git 0.5.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:40:32 :: [x86_64] #12440 libopencv.git 4.5.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:41:37 :: [i586] #10100 ledger.git 3.1.aed3709-alt5.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:41:37 :: [i586] #10260 libaom.git 2.0.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:43:09 :: [aarch64] #11600 libjpeg-turbo.git 2.0.6-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:43:09 :: [aarch64] #11740 libleatherman.git 1.12.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:43:14 :: [i586] #10260 libaom.git 2.0.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:43:14 :: [i586] #10300 libchipmunk.git 7.0.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:44:05 :: [i586] #10300 libchipmunk.git 7.0.3-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:44:05 :: [i586] #10400 libclc.git 11.0.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:44:49 :: [aarch64] #11740 libleatherman.git 1.12.4-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:44:49 :: [aarch64] #12000 liblensfun.git 0.3.2-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:45:33 :: [aarch64] #12000 liblensfun.git 0.3.2-alt5.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:45:33 :: [aarch64] #12100 libmed.git 4.1.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:46:32 :: [ppc64le] #10100 ledger.git 3.1.aed3709-alt5.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:46:32 :: [ppc64le] #10260 libaom.git 2.0.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:46:43 :: [i586] #10400 libclc.git 11.0.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:46:43 :: [i586] #10500 libcodec2.git 0.9.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:47:06 :: [aarch64] #12100 libmed.git 4.1.0-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:47:06 :: [aarch64] #12200 libmxp.git 0.2.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:47:30 :: [i586] #10500 libcodec2.git 0.9.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:47:30 :: [i586] #10700 libfann.git 2.2.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:47:42 :: [aarch64] #12200 libmxp.git 0.2.4-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:47:42 :: [aarch64] #12340 libnss-role.git 0.5.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:48:04 :: [i586] #10700 libfann.git 2.2.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:48:04 :: [i586] #11200 libglfw3.git 3.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:48:17 :: [aarch64] #12340 libnss-role.git 0.5.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:48:17 :: [aarch64] #12440 libopencv.git 4.5.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:48:37 :: [ppc64le] #10260 libaom.git 2.0.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:48:37 :: [ppc64le] #10300 libchipmunk.git 7.0.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:48:54 :: [i586] #11200 libglfw3.git 3.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:48:54 :: [i586] #11600 libjpeg-turbo.git 2.0.6-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:49:38 :: [ppc64le] #10300 libchipmunk.git 7.0.3-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:49:38 :: [ppc64le] #10400 libclc.git 11.0.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:51:09 :: [i586] #11600 libjpeg-turbo.git 2.0.6-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:51:09 :: [i586] #11740 libleatherman.git 1.12.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:51:58 :: [ppc64le] #10400 libclc.git 11.0.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:51:58 :: [ppc64le] #10500 libcodec2.git 0.9.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:52:50 :: [i586] #11740 libleatherman.git 1.12.4-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:52:50 :: [i586] #12000 liblensfun.git 0.3.2-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:52:53 :: [ppc64le] #10500 libcodec2.git 0.9.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:52:53 :: [ppc64le] #10700 libfann.git 2.2.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:53:33 :: [i586] #12000 liblensfun.git 0.3.2-alt5.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:53:33 :: [i586] #12100 libmed.git 4.1.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:53:34 :: [ppc64le] #10700 libfann.git 2.2.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:53:34 :: [ppc64le] #11200 libglfw3.git 3.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:54:34 :: [ppc64le] #11200 libglfw3.git 3.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:54:34 :: [ppc64le] #11600 libjpeg-turbo.git 2.0.6-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:55:03 :: [i586] #12100 libmed.git 4.1.0-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:55:03 :: [i586] #12200 libmxp.git 0.2.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:55:35 :: [i586] #12200 libmxp.git 0.2.4-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:55:35 :: [i586] #12340 libnss-role.git 0.5.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:56:07 :: [i586] #12340 libnss-role.git 0.5.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:56:07 :: [i586] #12440 libopencv.git 4.5.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:57:59 :: [ppc64le] #11600 libjpeg-turbo.git 2.0.6-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:57:59 :: [ppc64le] #11740 libleatherman.git 1.12.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:58:24 :: [x86_64] #12440 libopencv.git 4.5.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:58:24 :: [x86_64] #12500 libopenimageio.git build start
2021-May-10 01:59:51 :: [ppc64le] #11740 libleatherman.git 1.12.4-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:59:51 :: [ppc64le] #12000 liblensfun.git 0.3.2-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 01:59:54 :: [armh] #7600 jss.git 4.8.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 01:59:54 :: [armh] #7700 kicad-i18n.git 5.1.9-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:00:44 :: [ppc64le] #12000 liblensfun.git 0.3.2-alt5.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:00:44 :: [ppc64le] #12100 libmed.git 4.1.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:00:55 :: [armh] #7700 kicad-i18n.git 5.1.9-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:00:55 :: [armh] #10000 kumir2.git 2.1.0-alt10.git42b99b78.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:02:38 :: [ppc64le] #12100 libmed.git 4.1.0-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:02:38 :: [ppc64le] #12200 libmxp.git 0.2.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:03:17 :: [ppc64le] #12200 libmxp.git 0.2.4-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:03:17 :: [ppc64le] #12340 libnss-role.git 0.5.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:03:21 :: [aarch64] #12440 libopencv.git 4.5.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:03:21 :: [aarch64] #12500 libopenimageio.git build start
2021-May-10 02:03:55 :: [ppc64le] #12340 libnss-role.git 0.5.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:03:55 :: [ppc64le] #12440 libopencv.git 4.5.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:04:16 :: [x86_64] #12500 libopenimageio.git build OK
2021-May-10 02:04:16 :: [x86_64] #13100 liboqs.git 0.5.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:05:11 :: [armh] #10000 kumir2.git 2.1.0-alt10.git42b99b78.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:05:11 :: [armh] #10100 ledger.git 3.1.aed3709-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:06:59 :: [x86_64] #13100 liboqs.git 0.5.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:06:59 :: [x86_64] #13200 libproxy.git 0.4.17-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:08:41 :: [x86_64] #13200 libproxy.git 0.4.17-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:08:41 :: [x86_64] #13300 libqtkeychain.git 0.9.1-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:08:55 :: [aarch64] #12500 libopenimageio.git build OK
2021-May-10 02:08:55 :: [aarch64] #13100 liboqs.git 0.5.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:10:15 :: [x86_64] #13300 libqtkeychain.git 0.9.1-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:10:15 :: [x86_64] #13400 libqtkeychain-qt5.git 0.12.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:10:59 :: [aarch64] #13100 liboqs.git 0.5.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:10:59 :: [aarch64] #13200 libproxy.git 0.4.17-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:11:29 :: [x86_64] #13400 libqtkeychain-qt5.git 0.12.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:11:29 :: [x86_64] #13500 libqtspell.git 0.8.5-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:12:29 :: [aarch64] #13200 libproxy.git 0.4.17-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:12:29 :: [aarch64] #13300 libqtkeychain.git 0.9.1-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:12:43 :: [x86_64] #13500 libqtspell.git 0.8.5-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:12:43 :: [x86_64] #13600 librabbitmq-c.git 0.9.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:13:20 :: [aarch64] #13300 libqtkeychain.git 0.9.1-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:13:20 :: [aarch64] #13400 libqtkeychain-qt5.git 0.12.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:13:26 :: [x86_64] #13600 librabbitmq-c.git 0.9.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:13:26 :: [x86_64] #14140 libtweeny.git 3.1.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:13:52 :: [x86_64] #14140 libtweeny.git 3.1.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:13:52 :: [x86_64] #14200 libvidstab.git 1.1.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:14:15 :: [aarch64] #13400 libqtkeychain-qt5.git 0.12.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:14:15 :: [aarch64] #13500 libqtspell.git 0.8.5-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:14:22 :: [x86_64] #14200 libvidstab.git 1.1.0-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:14:22 :: [x86_64] #14300 libvncserver.git 0.9.13-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:15:03 :: [i586] #12440 libopencv.git 4.5.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:15:03 :: [i586] #12500 libopenimageio.git build start
2021-May-10 02:15:08 :: [x86_64] #14300 libvncserver.git 0.9.13-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:15:08 :: [x86_64] #14400 libvxl.git 2.0.2-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:15:32 :: [aarch64] #13500 libqtspell.git 0.8.5-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:15:32 :: [aarch64] #13600 librabbitmq-c.git 0.9.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:16:19 :: [aarch64] #13600 librabbitmq-c.git 0.9.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:16:19 :: [aarch64] #14140 libtweeny.git 3.1.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:16:48 :: [aarch64] #14140 libtweeny.git 3.1.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:16:48 :: [aarch64] #14200 libvidstab.git 1.1.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:17:20 :: [aarch64] #14200 libvidstab.git 1.1.0-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:17:20 :: [aarch64] #14300 libvncserver.git 0.9.13-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:18:11 :: [aarch64] #14300 libvncserver.git 0.9.13-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:18:11 :: [aarch64] #14400 libvxl.git 2.0.2-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:20:21 :: [x86_64] #14400 libvxl.git 2.0.2-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:20:21 :: [x86_64] #14500 libwbxml.git 0.11.7-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:21:00 :: [i586] #12500 libopenimageio.git build OK
2021-May-10 02:21:00 :: [i586] #13100 liboqs.git 0.5.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:21:15 :: [i586] #13100 liboqs.git 0.5.0-alt1.1: build SKIPPED
2021-May-10 02:21:15 :: [i586] #13200 libproxy.git 0.4.17-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:21:24 :: [x86_64] #14500 libwbxml.git 0.11.7-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:21:24 :: [x86_64] #14600 libwiiuse.git 0.15.5-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:21:54 :: [ppc64le] #12440 libopencv.git 4.5.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:21:54 :: [ppc64le] #12500 libopenimageio.git build start
2021-May-10 02:22:01 :: [x86_64] #14600 libwiiuse.git 0.15.5-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:22:01 :: [x86_64] #14700 libyajl1.git 1.0.11-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:22:34 :: [x86_64] #14700 libyajl1.git 1.0.11-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:22:34 :: [x86_64] #15000 libyuv.git 0.0.1433-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:22:54 :: [i586] #13200 libproxy.git 0.4.17-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:22:54 :: [i586] #13300 libqtkeychain.git 0.9.1-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:23:07 :: [x86_64] #15000 libyuv.git 0.0.1433-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:23:07 :: [x86_64] #15100 libzip.git 1.7.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:23:37 :: [aarch64] #14400 libvxl.git 2.0.2-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:23:37 :: [aarch64] #14500 libwbxml.git 0.11.7-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:23:52 :: [i586] #13300 libqtkeychain.git 0.9.1-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:23:52 :: [i586] #13400 libqtkeychain-qt5.git 0.12.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:24:04 :: [x86_64] #15100 libzip.git 1.7.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:24:05 :: [x86_64] #15200 lshw.git B.02.19.2-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:24:44 :: [aarch64] #14500 libwbxml.git 0.11.7-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:24:44 :: [aarch64] #14600 libwiiuse.git 0.15.5-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:24:54 :: [i586] #13400 libqtkeychain-qt5.git 0.12.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:24:54 :: [i586] #13500 libqtspell.git 0.8.5-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:25:18 :: [x86_64] #15200 lshw.git B.02.19.2-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:25:18 :: [x86_64] #15300 meandmyshadow.git 0.4.1-alt3.2: build start
2021-May-10 02:25:25 :: [aarch64] #14600 libwiiuse.git 0.15.5-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:25:25 :: [aarch64] #14700 libyajl1.git 1.0.11-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:26:00 :: [aarch64] #14700 libyajl1.git 1.0.11-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:26:00 :: [aarch64] #15000 libyuv.git 0.0.1433-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:26:14 :: [i586] #13500 libqtspell.git 0.8.5-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:26:14 :: [i586] #13600 librabbitmq-c.git 0.9.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:26:30 :: [x86_64] #15300 meandmyshadow.git 0.4.1-alt3.2: build OK
2021-May-10 02:26:30 :: [x86_64] #15400 mmg.git 5.5.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:26:37 :: [aarch64] #15000 libyuv.git 0.0.1433-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:26:37 :: [aarch64] #15100 libzip.git 1.7.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:27:02 :: [i586] #13600 librabbitmq-c.git 0.9.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:27:02 :: [i586] #14140 libtweeny.git 3.1.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:27:25 :: [aarch64] #15100 libzip.git 1.7.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:27:25 :: [aarch64] #15200 lshw.git B.02.19.2-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:27:30 :: [i586] #14140 libtweeny.git 3.1.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:27:30 :: [i586] #14200 libvidstab.git 1.1.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:28:00 :: [i586] #14200 libvidstab.git 1.1.0-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:28:00 :: [i586] #14300 libvncserver.git 0.9.13-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:28:07 :: [ppc64le] #12500 libopenimageio.git build OK
2021-May-10 02:28:07 :: [ppc64le] #13100 liboqs.git 0.5.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:28:24 :: [ppc64le] #13100 liboqs.git 0.5.0-alt1.1: build SKIPPED
2021-May-10 02:28:24 :: [ppc64le] #13200 libproxy.git 0.4.17-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:28:45 :: [aarch64] #15200 lshw.git B.02.19.2-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:28:45 :: [aarch64] #15300 meandmyshadow.git 0.4.1-alt3.2: build start
2021-May-10 02:28:50 :: [i586] #14300 libvncserver.git 0.9.13-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:28:50 :: [i586] #14400 libvxl.git 2.0.2-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:28:54 :: [x86_64] #15400 mmg.git 5.5.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:28:54 :: [x86_64] #15500 munt.git 2.2.0-alt1.git.5.gb414aeb.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:29:40 :: [x86_64] #15500 munt.git 2.2.0-alt1.git.5.gb414aeb.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:29:40 :: [x86_64] #15600 mysql-connector-cxx.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:29:57 :: [aarch64] #15300 meandmyshadow.git 0.4.1-alt3.2: build OK
2021-May-10 02:29:57 :: [aarch64] #15400 mmg.git 5.5.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:30:07 :: [ppc64le] #13200 libproxy.git 0.4.17-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:30:07 :: [ppc64le] #13300 libqtkeychain.git 0.9.1-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:31:07 :: [x86_64] #15600 mysql-connector-cxx.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:31:07 :: [x86_64] #15700 mysql-workbench-community.git 8.0.20-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:31:08 :: [ppc64le] #13300 libqtkeychain.git 0.9.1-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:31:08 :: [ppc64le] #13400 libqtkeychain-qt5.git 0.12.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:32:12 :: [ppc64le] #13400 libqtkeychain-qt5.git 0.12.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:32:13 :: [ppc64le] #13500 libqtspell.git 0.8.5-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:32:20 :: [aarch64] #15400 mmg.git 5.5.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:32:20 :: [aarch64] #15500 munt.git 2.2.0-alt1.git.5.gb414aeb.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:32:58 :: [aarch64] #15500 munt.git 2.2.0-alt1.git.5.gb414aeb.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:32:58 :: [aarch64] #15600 mysql-connector-cxx.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:33:43 :: [ppc64le] #13500 libqtspell.git 0.8.5-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:33:43 :: [ppc64le] #13600 librabbitmq-c.git 0.9.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:34:12 :: [aarch64] #15600 mysql-connector-cxx.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:34:12 :: [aarch64] #15700 mysql-workbench-community.git 8.0.20-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:34:28 :: [aarch64] #15700 mysql-workbench-community.git 8.0.20-alt5.1: build SKIPPED
2021-May-10 02:34:28 :: [aarch64] #16200 nlohmann-json.git 3.8.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:34:39 :: [ppc64le] #13600 librabbitmq-c.git 0.9.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:34:39 :: [ppc64le] #14140 libtweeny.git 3.1.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:34:56 :: [i586] #14400 libvxl.git 2.0.2-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:34:56 :: [i586] #14500 libwbxml.git 0.11.7-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:35:12 :: [ppc64le] #14140 libtweeny.git 3.1.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:35:12 :: [ppc64le] #14200 libvidstab.git 1.1.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:35:49 :: [ppc64le] #14200 libvidstab.git 1.1.0-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:35:49 :: [ppc64le] #14300 libvncserver.git 0.9.13-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:35:56 :: [i586] #14500 libwbxml.git 0.11.7-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:35:56 :: [i586] #14600 libwiiuse.git 0.15.5-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:36:35 :: [i586] #14600 libwiiuse.git 0.15.5-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:36:35 :: [i586] #14700 libyajl1.git 1.0.11-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:36:48 :: [ppc64le] #14300 libvncserver.git 0.9.13-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:36:48 :: [ppc64le] #14400 libvxl.git 2.0.2-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:37:06 :: [i586] #14700 libyajl1.git 1.0.11-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:37:06 :: [i586] #15000 libyuv.git 0.0.1433-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:37:41 :: [i586] #15000 libyuv.git 0.0.1433-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:37:41 :: [i586] #15100 libzip.git 1.7.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:38:27 :: [i586] #15100 libzip.git 1.7.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:38:27 :: [i586] #15200 lshw.git B.02.19.2-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:39:35 :: [x86_64] #15700 mysql-workbench-community.git 8.0.20-alt5.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:39:35 :: [x86_64] #16200 nlohmann-json.git 3.8.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:39:42 :: [i586] #15200 lshw.git B.02.19.2-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:39:42 :: [i586] #15300 meandmyshadow.git 0.4.1-alt3.2: build start
2021-May-10 02:39:47 :: [armh] #10100 ledger.git 3.1.aed3709-alt5.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:39:47 :: [armh] #10260 libaom.git 2.0.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:40:59 :: [i586] #15300 meandmyshadow.git 0.4.1-alt3.2: build OK
2021-May-10 02:40:59 :: [i586] #15400 mmg.git 5.5.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:42:07 :: [armh] #10260 libaom.git 2.0.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:42:07 :: [armh] #10300 libchipmunk.git 7.0.3-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:43:19 :: [armh] #10300 libchipmunk.git 7.0.3-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:43:19 :: [armh] #10400 libclc.git 11.0.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:43:24 :: [aarch64] #16200 nlohmann-json.git 3.8.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:43:24 :: [aarch64] #16300 nss_wrapper.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:43:33 :: [i586] #15400 mmg.git 5.5.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:43:33 :: [i586] #15500 munt.git 2.2.0-alt1.git.5.gb414aeb.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:43:55 :: [ppc64le] #14400 libvxl.git 2.0.2-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:43:55 :: [ppc64le] #14500 libwbxml.git 0.11.7-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:43:59 :: [aarch64] #16300 nss_wrapper.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:43:59 :: [aarch64] #16400 opencc.git 1.1.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:44:10 :: [i586] #15500 munt.git 2.2.0-alt1.git.5.gb414aeb.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:44:10 :: [i586] #15600 mysql-connector-cxx.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:45:18 :: [ppc64le] #14500 libwbxml.git 0.11.7-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:45:18 :: [ppc64le] #14600 libwiiuse.git 0.15.5-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:45:19 :: [aarch64] #16400 opencc.git 1.1.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:45:19 :: [aarch64] #16540 opencpn.git 5.2.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:45:30 :: [i586] #15600 mysql-connector-cxx.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:45:30 :: [i586] #15700 mysql-workbench-community.git 8.0.20-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:46:03 :: [ppc64le] #14600 libwiiuse.git 0.15.5-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:46:03 :: [ppc64le] #14700 libyajl1.git 1.0.11-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:46:13 :: [armh] #10400 libclc.git 11.0.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:46:13 :: [armh] #10500 libcodec2.git 0.9.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:46:40 :: [ppc64le] #14700 libyajl1.git 1.0.11-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:46:40 :: [ppc64le] #15000 libyuv.git 0.0.1433-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:47:20 :: [armh] #10500 libcodec2.git 0.9.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:47:20 :: [armh] #10700 libfann.git 2.2.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:47:21 :: [ppc64le] #15000 libyuv.git 0.0.1433-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:47:21 :: [ppc64le] #15100 libzip.git 1.7.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:48:13 :: [armh] #10700 libfann.git 2.2.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:48:13 :: [armh] #11200 libglfw3.git 3.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:48:18 :: [ppc64le] #15100 libzip.git 1.7.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:48:18 :: [ppc64le] #15200 lshw.git B.02.19.2-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:48:33 :: [x86_64] #16200 nlohmann-json.git 3.8.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:48:33 :: [x86_64] #16300 nss_wrapper.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:49:12 :: [x86_64] #16300 nss_wrapper.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:49:12 :: [x86_64] #16400 opencc.git 1.1.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:49:29 :: [armh] #11200 libglfw3.git 3.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:49:29 :: [armh] #11600 libjpeg-turbo.git 2.0.6-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:49:42 :: [aarch64] #16540 opencpn.git 5.2.4-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:49:42 :: [aarch64] #16600 openexr.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:49:48 :: [ppc64le] #15200 lshw.git B.02.19.2-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:49:48 :: [ppc64le] #15300 meandmyshadow.git 0.4.1-alt3.2: build start
2021-May-10 02:50:43 :: [x86_64] #16400 opencc.git 1.1.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:50:43 :: [x86_64] #16540 opencpn.git 5.2.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:51:12 :: [ppc64le] #15300 meandmyshadow.git 0.4.1-alt3.2: build OK
2021-May-10 02:51:12 :: [ppc64le] #15400 mmg.git 5.5.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:51:28 :: [aarch64] #16600 openexr.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:51:28 :: [aarch64] #16700 openorienteering-mapper.git 0.9.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:52:51 :: [armh] #11600 libjpeg-turbo.git 2.0.6-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:52:51 :: [armh] #11740 libleatherman.git 1.12.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:53:48 :: [ppc64le] #15400 mmg.git 5.5.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:53:48 :: [ppc64le] #15500 munt.git 2.2.0-alt1.git.5.gb414aeb.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:54:25 :: [aarch64] #16700 openorienteering-mapper.git 0.9.4-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:54:25 :: [aarch64] #17040 openssl-gost-engine.git build start
2021-May-10 02:54:31 :: [ppc64le] #15500 munt.git 2.2.0-alt1.git.5.gb414aeb.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:54:31 :: [ppc64le] #15600 mysql-connector-cxx.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:54:44 :: [i586] #15700 mysql-workbench-community.git 8.0.20-alt5.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:54:44 :: [i586] #16200 nlohmann-json.git 3.8.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:55:08 :: [aarch64] #17040 openssl-gost-engine.git build OK
2021-May-10 02:55:08 :: [aarch64] #17200 openuds-tunnel.git 2.5.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:55:15 :: [armh] #11740 libleatherman.git 1.12.4-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:55:15 :: [armh] #12000 liblensfun.git 0.3.2-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:55:37 :: [x86_64] #16540 opencpn.git 5.2.4-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:55:37 :: [x86_64] #16600 openexr.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:55:52 :: [ppc64le] #15600 mysql-connector-cxx.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:55:52 :: [ppc64le] #15700 mysql-workbench-community.git 8.0.20-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:56:09 :: [ppc64le] #15700 mysql-workbench-community.git 8.0.20-alt5.1: build SKIPPED
2021-May-10 02:56:09 :: [ppc64le] #16200 nlohmann-json.git 3.8.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:56:13 :: [aarch64] #17200 openuds-tunnel.git 2.5.0-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:56:13 :: [aarch64] #17400 pam_wrapper.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:56:18 :: [armh] #12000 liblensfun.git 0.3.2-alt5.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:56:18 :: [armh] #12100 libmed.git 4.1.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:57:11 :: [aarch64] #17400 pam_wrapper.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:57:11 :: [aarch64] #17500 pentobi.git 9.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:57:35 :: [x86_64] #16600 openexr.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:57:35 :: [x86_64] #16700 openorienteering-mapper.git 0.9.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:58:26 :: [aarch64] #17500 pentobi.git 9.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:58:26 :: [aarch64] #17640 pology.git 0.12-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:58:36 :: [armh] #12100 libmed.git 4.1.0-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:58:36 :: [armh] #12200 libmxp.git 0.2.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:59:25 :: [armh] #12200 libmxp.git 0.2.4-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:59:25 :: [armh] #12340 libnss-role.git 0.5.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 02:59:46 :: [aarch64] #17640 pology.git 0.12-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 02:59:46 :: [aarch64] #17700 poppler97.git 0.86.1-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:00:13 :: [armh] #12340 libnss-role.git 0.5.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:00:13 :: [armh] #12440 libopencv.git 4.5.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:00:40 :: [x86_64] #16700 openorienteering-mapper.git 0.9.4-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:00:41 :: [x86_64] #17040 openssl-gost-engine.git build start
2021-May-10 03:01:25 :: [x86_64] #17040 openssl-gost-engine.git build OK
2021-May-10 03:01:25 :: [x86_64] #17200 openuds-tunnel.git 2.5.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:02:28 :: [x86_64] #17200 openuds-tunnel.git 2.5.0-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:02:28 :: [x86_64] #17400 pam_wrapper.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:03:24 :: [x86_64] #17400 pam_wrapper.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:03:24 :: [x86_64] #17500 pentobi.git 9.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:03:24 :: [aarch64] #17700 poppler97.git 0.86.1-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:03:24 :: [aarch64] #20000 pybind11.git 2.6.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:04:02 :: [i586] #16200 nlohmann-json.git 3.8.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:04:02 :: [i586] #16300 nss_wrapper.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:04:30 :: [x86_64] #17500 pentobi.git 9.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:04:30 :: [x86_64] #17640 pology.git 0.12-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:04:36 :: [i586] #16300 nss_wrapper.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:04:36 :: [i586] #16400 opencc.git 1.1.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:05:11 :: [aarch64] #20000 pybind11.git 2.6.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:05:11 :: [aarch64] #20100 qmpdclient.git 1.2.2-alt1.git20130519.2: build start
2021-May-10 03:05:42 :: [x86_64] #17640 pology.git 0.12-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:05:42 :: [x86_64] #17700 poppler97.git 0.86.1-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:05:53 :: [i586] #16400 opencc.git 1.1.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:05:53 :: [i586] #16540 opencpn.git 5.2.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:06:17 :: [aarch64] #20100 qmpdclient.git 1.2.2-alt1.git20130519.2: build OK
2021-May-10 03:06:17 :: [aarch64] #20200 qrab.git 0.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:06:59 :: [aarch64] #20200 qrab.git 0.4-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:06:59 :: [aarch64] #20300 qtcurve.git 1.9.0-alt1.git7d856c17.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:09:12 :: [aarch64] #20300 qtcurve.git 1.9.0-alt1.git7d856c17.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:09:12 :: [aarch64] #20400 quazip-qt5.git 1.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:10:07 :: [x86_64] #17700 poppler97.git 0.86.1-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:10:07 :: [x86_64] #20000 pybind11.git 2.6.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:10:07 :: [aarch64] #20400 quazip-qt5.git 1.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:10:07 :: [aarch64] #20500 qxkb.git 0.4.4-alt1r36.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:10:54 :: [aarch64] #20500 qxkb.git 0.4.4-alt1r36.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:10:54 :: [aarch64] #20700 resolv_wrapper.git 1.1.7-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:10:55 :: [i586] #16540 opencpn.git 5.2.4-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:10:55 :: [i586] #16600 openexr.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:11:29 :: [aarch64] #20700 resolv_wrapper.git 1.1.7-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:11:29 :: [aarch64] #21000 ripes.git 2.1.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:11:56 :: [x86_64] #20000 pybind11.git 2.6.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:11:56 :: [x86_64] #20100 qmpdclient.git 1.2.2-alt1.git20130519.2: build start
2021-May-10 03:12:57 :: [x86_64] #20100 qmpdclient.git 1.2.2-alt1.git20130519.2: build OK
2021-May-10 03:12:57 :: [x86_64] #20200 qrab.git 0.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:13:21 :: [i586] #16600 openexr.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:13:21 :: [i586] #16700 openorienteering-mapper.git 0.9.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:13:31 :: [aarch64] #21000 ripes.git 2.1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:13:31 :: [aarch64] #21140 rocksdb.git 6.14.6-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:13:36 :: [x86_64] #20200 qrab.git 0.4-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:13:36 :: [x86_64] #20300 qtcurve.git 1.9.0-alt1.git7d856c17.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:15:50 :: [x86_64] #20300 qtcurve.git 1.9.0-alt1.git7d856c17.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:15:50 :: [x86_64] #20400 quazip-qt5.git 1.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:16:13 :: [ppc64le] #16200 nlohmann-json.git 3.8.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:16:13 :: [ppc64le] #16300 nss_wrapper.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:16:32 :: [aarch64] #21140 rocksdb.git 6.14.6-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:16:32 :: [aarch64] #21200 shake.git 1.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:16:55 :: [ppc64le] #16300 nss_wrapper.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:16:55 :: [ppc64le] #16400 opencc.git 1.1.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:17:02 :: [x86_64] #20400 quazip-qt5.git 1.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:17:02 :: [x86_64] #20500 qxkb.git 0.4.4-alt1r36.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:17:02 :: [aarch64] #21200 shake.git 1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:17:02 :: [aarch64] #21300 simplescreenrecorder.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:17:03 :: [i586] #16700 openorienteering-mapper.git 0.9.4-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:17:03 :: [i586] #17040 openssl-gost-engine.git build start
2021-May-10 03:17:45 :: [i586] #17040 openssl-gost-engine.git build OK
2021-May-10 03:17:45 :: [i586] #17200 openuds-tunnel.git 2.5.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:17:53 :: [x86_64] #20500 qxkb.git 0.4.4-alt1r36.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:17:53 :: [x86_64] #20700 resolv_wrapper.git 1.1.7-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:18:29 :: [ppc64le] #16400 opencc.git 1.1.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:18:29 :: [ppc64le] #16540 opencpn.git 5.2.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:18:32 :: [x86_64] #20700 resolv_wrapper.git 1.1.7-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:18:32 :: [x86_64] #21000 ripes.git 2.1.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:18:40 :: [aarch64] #21300 simplescreenrecorder.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:18:41 :: [aarch64] #21400 sirikali.git 1.4.8-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:18:44 :: [ppc64le] #16540 opencpn.git 5.2.4-alt1.1: build SKIPPED
2021-May-10 03:18:44 :: [ppc64le] #16600 openexr.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:18:56 :: [i586] #17200 openuds-tunnel.git 2.5.0-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:18:56 :: [i586] #17400 pam_wrapper.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:19:55 :: [i586] #17400 pam_wrapper.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:19:55 :: [i586] #17500 pentobi.git 9.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:20:16 :: [aarch64] #21400 sirikali.git 1.4.8-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:20:16 :: [aarch64] #21500 soqt.git 1.6.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:20:33 :: [x86_64] #21000 ripes.git 2.1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:20:33 :: [x86_64] #21140 rocksdb.git 6.14.6-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:20:51 :: [ppc64le] #16600 openexr.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:20:51 :: [ppc64le] #16700 openorienteering-mapper.git 0.9.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:21:11 :: [i586] #17500 pentobi.git 9.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:21:11 :: [i586] #17640 pology.git 0.12-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:21:27 :: [aarch64] #21500 soqt.git 1.6.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:21:27 :: [aarch64] #21600 spdlog.git 1.8.5-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:22:36 :: [i586] #17640 pology.git 0.12-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:22:37 :: [i586] #17700 poppler97.git 0.86.1-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:23:07 :: [aarch64] #21600 spdlog.git 1.8.5-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:23:07 :: [aarch64] #21700 spirv-tools.git 2020.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:24:26 :: [ppc64le] #16700 openorienteering-mapper.git 0.9.4-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:24:26 :: [ppc64le] #17040 openssl-gost-engine.git build start
2021-May-10 03:24:28 :: [armh] #12440 libopencv.git 4.5.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:24:28 :: [armh] #12500 libopenimageio.git build start
2021-May-10 03:24:45 :: [x86_64] #21140 rocksdb.git 6.14.6-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:24:45 :: [x86_64] #21200 shake.git 1.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:25:14 :: [aarch64] #21700 spirv-tools.git 2020.4-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:25:14 :: [aarch64] #22000 sqliteman.git 1.2.2-alt1.qa8: build start
2021-May-10 03:25:21 :: [x86_64] #21200 shake.git 1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:25:21 :: [x86_64] #21300 simplescreenrecorder.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:26:15 :: [aarch64] #22000 sqliteman.git 1.2.2-alt1.qa8: build OK
2021-May-10 03:26:15 :: [aarch64] #22100 stellarium.git 0.21.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:26:28 :: [i586] #17700 poppler97.git 0.86.1-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:26:28 :: [i586] #20000 pybind11.git 2.6.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:26:40 :: [ppc64le] #17040 openssl-gost-engine.git build OK
2021-May-10 03:26:40 :: [ppc64le] #17200 openuds-tunnel.git 2.5.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:27:20 :: [x86_64] #21300 simplescreenrecorder.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:27:20 :: [x86_64] #21400 sirikali.git 1.4.8-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:27:57 :: [ppc64le] #17200 openuds-tunnel.git 2.5.0-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:27:57 :: [ppc64le] #17400 pam_wrapper.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:28:27 :: [i586] #20000 pybind11.git 2.6.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:28:28 :: [i586] #20100 qmpdclient.git 1.2.2-alt1.git20130519.2: build start
2021-May-10 03:29:07 :: [ppc64le] #17400 pam_wrapper.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:29:07 :: [ppc64le] #17500 pentobi.git 9.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:29:12 :: [x86_64] #21400 sirikali.git 1.4.8-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:29:12 :: [x86_64] #21500 soqt.git 1.6.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:29:43 :: [i586] #20100 qmpdclient.git 1.2.2-alt1.git20130519.2: build OK
2021-May-10 03:29:43 :: [i586] #20200 qrab.git 0.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:30:22 :: [x86_64] #21500 soqt.git 1.6.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:30:22 :: [x86_64] #21600 spdlog.git 1.8.5-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:30:28 :: [i586] #20200 qrab.git 0.4-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:30:28 :: [i586] #20300 qtcurve.git 1.9.0-alt1.git7d856c17.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:30:34 :: [ppc64le] #17500 pentobi.git 9.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:30:34 :: [ppc64le] #17640 pology.git 0.12-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:32:06 :: [aarch64] #22100 stellarium.git 0.21.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:32:06 :: [aarch64] #22200 strawberry.git 0.9.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:32:10 :: [x86_64] #21600 spdlog.git 1.8.5-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:32:10 :: [x86_64] #21700 spirv-tools.git 2020.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:32:26 :: [ppc64le] #17640 pology.git 0.12-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:32:26 :: [ppc64le] #17700 poppler97.git 0.86.1-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:32:27 :: [armh] #12500 libopenimageio.git build OK
2021-May-10 03:32:27 :: [armh] #13100 liboqs.git 0.5.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:32:43 :: [i586] #20300 qtcurve.git 1.9.0-alt1.git7d856c17.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:32:43 :: [i586] #20400 quazip-qt5.git 1.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:33:38 :: [i586] #20400 quazip-qt5.git 1.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:33:38 :: [i586] #20500 qxkb.git 0.4.4-alt1r36.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:34:28 :: [i586] #20500 qxkb.git 0.4.4-alt1r36.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:34:28 :: [i586] #20700 resolv_wrapper.git 1.1.7-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:34:30 :: [x86_64] #21700 spirv-tools.git 2020.4-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:34:30 :: [x86_64] #22000 sqliteman.git 1.2.2-alt1.qa8: build start
2021-May-10 03:35:03 :: [aarch64] #22200 strawberry.git 0.9.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:35:03 :: [aarch64] #22300 stylewriter.git build start
2021-May-10 03:35:05 :: [i586] #20700 resolv_wrapper.git 1.1.7-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:35:05 :: [i586] #21000 ripes.git 2.1.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:35:29 :: [x86_64] #22000 sqliteman.git 1.2.2-alt1.qa8: build OK
2021-May-10 03:35:29 :: [x86_64] #22100 stellarium.git 0.21.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:35:33 :: [aarch64] #22300 stylewriter.git build OK
2021-May-10 03:35:33 :: [aarch64] #22400 superlu.git 5.2.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:35:52 :: [armh] #13100 liboqs.git 0.5.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:35:52 :: [armh] #13200 libproxy.git 0.4.17-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:36:50 :: [ppc64le] #17700 poppler97.git 0.86.1-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:36:50 :: [ppc64le] #20000 pybind11.git 2.6.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:36:56 :: [aarch64] #22400 superlu.git 5.2.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:36:56 :: [aarch64] #22570 supertuxkart.git 1.2-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:37:13 :: [i586] #21000 ripes.git 2.1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:37:13 :: [i586] #21140 rocksdb.git 6.14.6-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:37:50 :: [armh] #13200 libproxy.git 0.4.17-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:37:50 :: [armh] #13300 libqtkeychain.git 0.9.1-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:38:55 :: [ppc64le] #20000 pybind11.git 2.6.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:38:55 :: [ppc64le] #20100 qmpdclient.git 1.2.2-alt1.git20130519.2: build start
2021-May-10 03:39:02 :: [armh] #13300 libqtkeychain.git 0.9.1-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:39:02 :: [armh] #13400 libqtkeychain-qt5.git 0.12.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:40:01 :: [aarch64] #22570 supertuxkart.git 1.2-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:40:01 :: [aarch64] #22640 synergy.git 2.0.12-alt1.beta.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:40:09 :: [ppc64le] #20100 qmpdclient.git 1.2.2-alt1.git20130519.2: build OK
2021-May-10 03:40:09 :: [ppc64le] #20200 qrab.git 0.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:40:19 :: [armh] #13400 libqtkeychain-qt5.git 0.12.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:40:19 :: [armh] #13500 libqtspell.git 0.8.5-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:40:58 :: [ppc64le] #20200 qrab.git 0.4-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:40:58 :: [ppc64le] #20300 qtcurve.git 1.9.0-alt1.git7d856c17.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:41:45 :: [aarch64] #22640 synergy.git 2.0.12-alt1.beta.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:41:45 :: [aarch64] #22740 telepathy-qt4.git 0.9.7-alt4.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:41:47 :: [i586] #21140 rocksdb.git 6.14.6-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:41:47 :: [i586] #21200 shake.git 1.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:42:04 :: [x86_64] #22100 stellarium.git 0.21.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:42:04 :: [x86_64] #22200 strawberry.git 0.9.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:42:07 :: [armh] #13500 libqtspell.git 0.8.5-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:42:07 :: [armh] #13600 librabbitmq-c.git 0.9.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:42:20 :: [i586] #21200 shake.git 1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:42:20 :: [i586] #21300 simplescreenrecorder.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:43:14 :: [armh] #13600 librabbitmq-c.git 0.9.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:43:14 :: [armh] #14140 libtweeny.git 3.1.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:43:32 :: [ppc64le] #20300 qtcurve.git 1.9.0-alt1.git7d856c17.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:43:32 :: [ppc64le] #20400 quazip-qt5.git 1.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:43:55 :: [armh] #14140 libtweeny.git 3.1.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:43:55 :: [armh] #14200 libvidstab.git 1.1.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:44:11 :: [i586] #21300 simplescreenrecorder.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:44:11 :: [i586] #21400 sirikali.git 1.4.8-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:44:37 :: [ppc64le] #20400 quazip-qt5.git 1.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:44:37 :: [ppc64le] #20500 qxkb.git 0.4.4-alt1r36.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:44:41 :: [armh] #14200 libvidstab.git 1.1.0-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:44:41 :: [armh] #14300 libvncserver.git 0.9.13-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:45:17 :: [aarch64] #22740 telepathy-qt4.git 0.9.7-alt4.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:45:17 :: [aarch64] #23040 telepathy-qt5.git 0.9.8-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:45:31 :: [ppc64le] #20500 qxkb.git 0.4.4-alt1r36.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:45:31 :: [ppc64le] #20700 resolv_wrapper.git 1.1.7-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:45:53 :: [i586] #21400 sirikali.git 1.4.8-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:45:53 :: [i586] #21500 soqt.git 1.6.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:45:54 :: [armh] #14300 libvncserver.git 0.9.13-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:45:54 :: [armh] #14400 libvxl.git 2.0.2-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:46:12 :: [ppc64le] #20700 resolv_wrapper.git 1.1.7-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:46:12 :: [ppc64le] #21000 ripes.git 2.1.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:46:15 :: [x86_64] #22200 strawberry.git 0.9.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:46:15 :: [x86_64] #22300 stylewriter.git build start
2021-May-10 03:46:49 :: [x86_64] #22300 stylewriter.git build OK
2021-May-10 03:46:49 :: [x86_64] #22400 superlu.git 5.2.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:47:08 :: [i586] #21500 soqt.git 1.6.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:47:08 :: [i586] #21600 spdlog.git 1.8.5-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:48:36 :: [ppc64le] #21000 ripes.git 2.1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:48:36 :: [ppc64le] #21140 rocksdb.git 6.14.6-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:48:42 :: [x86_64] #22400 superlu.git 5.2.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:48:42 :: [x86_64] #22570 supertuxkart.git 1.2-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:48:49 :: [i586] #21600 spdlog.git 1.8.5-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:48:49 :: [i586] #21700 spirv-tools.git 2020.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:49:53 :: [aarch64] #23040 telepathy-qt5.git 0.9.8-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:49:53 :: [aarch64] #23100 tidy.git 5.4-alt3.20170301.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:50:36 :: [aarch64] #23100 tidy.git 5.4-alt3.20170301.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:50:36 :: [aarch64] #23200 touchegg.git 2.0.9-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:51:22 :: [i586] #21700 spirv-tools.git 2020.4-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:51:23 :: [i586] #22000 sqliteman.git 1.2.2-alt1.qa8: build start
2021-May-10 03:51:49 :: [aarch64] #23200 touchegg.git 2.0.9-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:51:49 :: [aarch64] #23300 transmission.git 3.00-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:52:25 :: [i586] #22000 sqliteman.git 1.2.2-alt1.qa8: build OK
2021-May-10 03:52:26 :: [i586] #22100 stellarium.git 0.21.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:52:27 :: [ppc64le] #21140 rocksdb.git 6.14.6-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:52:27 :: [ppc64le] #21200 shake.git 1.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:52:44 :: [x86_64] #22570 supertuxkart.git 1.2-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:52:44 :: [x86_64] #22640 synergy.git 2.0.12-alt1.beta.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:52:59 :: [ppc64le] #21200 shake.git 1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:52:59 :: [ppc64le] #21300 simplescreenrecorder.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:54:29 :: [armh] #14400 libvxl.git 2.0.2-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:54:29 :: [armh] #14500 libwbxml.git 0.11.7-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:54:35 :: [x86_64] #22640 synergy.git 2.0.12-alt1.beta.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:54:35 :: [x86_64] #22740 telepathy-qt4.git 0.9.7-alt4.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:54:50 :: [aarch64] #23300 transmission.git 3.00-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:54:50 :: [aarch64] #23400 uhd.git build start
2021-May-10 03:54:58 :: [ppc64le] #21300 simplescreenrecorder.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:54:58 :: [ppc64le] #21400 sirikali.git 1.4.8-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:56:16 :: [armh] #14500 libwbxml.git 0.11.7-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:56:16 :: [armh] #14600 libwiiuse.git 0.15.5-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:56:52 :: [ppc64le] #21400 sirikali.git 1.4.8-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:56:52 :: [ppc64le] #21500 soqt.git 1.6.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:57:13 :: [armh] #14600 libwiiuse.git 0.15.5-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:57:13 :: [armh] #14700 libyajl1.git 1.0.11-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:58:00 :: [armh] #14700 libyajl1.git 1.0.11-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:58:00 :: [armh] #15000 libyuv.git 0.0.1433-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:58:17 :: [ppc64le] #21500 soqt.git 1.6.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:58:17 :: [ppc64le] #21600 spdlog.git 1.8.5-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:58:23 :: [x86_64] #22740 telepathy-qt4.git 0.9.7-alt4.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:58:23 :: [x86_64] #23040 telepathy-qt5.git 0.9.8-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 03:58:52 :: [armh] #15000 libyuv.git 0.0.1433-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:58:52 :: [armh] #15100 libzip.git 1.7.3-alt1.1: build start
[aarch64] Verifying ELF objects in /usr/src/tmp/uhd-buildroot (arch=normal,fhs=normal,lfs=relaxed,lint=relaxed,rpath=normal,stack=normal,textrel=normal,unresolved=normal)
[aarch64] verify-elf: ERROR: ./usr/lib64/python3/site-packages/uhd/libpyuhd.so: RPATH contains illegal absolute entry "/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/uhd-": /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/uhd-
[aarch64] verify-elf: ERROR: ./usr/lib64/python3/site-packages/uhd/libpyuhd.so: RPATH contains illegal entry "/usr/src/RPM/BUILD": /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/uhd-
2021-May-10 03:59:09 :: [aarch64] uhd.git remote: build failed
2021-May-10 03:59:09 :: [aarch64] #23400 uhd.git build FAILED
2021-May-10 03:59:59 :: [armh] #15100 libzip.git 1.7.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 03:59:59 :: [armh] #15200 lshw.git B.02.19.2-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:00:07 :: [i586] #22100 stellarium.git 0.21.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:00:07 :: [i586] #22200 strawberry.git 0.9.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:00:08 :: [ppc64le] #21600 spdlog.git 1.8.5-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:00:08 :: [ppc64le] #21700 spirv-tools.git 2020.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:01:42 :: [armh] #15200 lshw.git B.02.19.2-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:01:42 :: [armh] #15300 meandmyshadow.git 0.4.1-alt3.2: build start
2021-May-10 04:02:29 :: [ppc64le] #21700 spirv-tools.git 2020.4-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:02:29 :: [ppc64le] #22000 sqliteman.git 1.2.2-alt1.qa8: build start
2021-May-10 04:03:23 :: [armh] #15300 meandmyshadow.git 0.4.1-alt3.2: build OK
2021-May-10 04:03:23 :: [armh] #15400 mmg.git 5.5.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:03:34 :: [ppc64le] #22000 sqliteman.git 1.2.2-alt1.qa8: build OK
2021-May-10 04:03:34 :: [ppc64le] #22100 stellarium.git 0.21.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:03:38 :: [x86_64] #23040 telepathy-qt5.git 0.9.8-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:03:38 :: [x86_64] #23100 tidy.git 5.4-alt3.20170301.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:04:19 :: [i586] #22200 strawberry.git 0.9.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:04:19 :: [i586] #22300 stylewriter.git build start
2021-May-10 04:04:32 :: [x86_64] #23100 tidy.git 5.4-alt3.20170301.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:04:32 :: [x86_64] #23200 touchegg.git 2.0.9-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:04:46 :: [i586] #22300 stylewriter.git build OK
2021-May-10 04:04:46 :: [i586] #22400 superlu.git 5.2.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:06:01 :: [x86_64] #23200 touchegg.git 2.0.9-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:06:01 :: [x86_64] #23300 transmission.git 3.00-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:06:11 :: [i586] #22400 superlu.git 5.2.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:06:11 :: [i586] #22570 supertuxkart.git 1.2-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:06:31 :: [armh] #15400 mmg.git 5.5.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:06:31 :: [armh] #15500 munt.git 2.2.0-alt1.git.5.gb414aeb.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:07:24 :: [armh] #15500 munt.git 2.2.0-alt1.git.5.gb414aeb.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:07:24 :: [armh] #15600 mysql-connector-cxx.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:09:09 :: [armh] #15600 mysql-connector-cxx.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:09:09 :: [armh] #15700 mysql-workbench-community.git 8.0.20-alt5.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:09:28 :: [x86_64] #23300 transmission.git 3.00-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:09:28 :: [x86_64] #23400 uhd.git build start
2021-May-10 04:09:32 :: [armh] #15700 mysql-workbench-community.git 8.0.20-alt5.1: build SKIPPED
2021-May-10 04:09:32 :: [armh] #16200 nlohmann-json.git 3.8.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:10:05 :: [ppc64le] #22100 stellarium.git 0.21.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:10:05 :: [ppc64le] #22200 strawberry.git 0.9.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:10:32 :: [i586] #22570 supertuxkart.git 1.2-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:10:32 :: [i586] #22640 synergy.git 2.0.12-alt1.beta.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:12:08 :: [i586] #22640 synergy.git 2.0.12-alt1.beta.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:12:08 :: [i586] #22740 telepathy-qt4.git 0.9.7-alt4.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:13:55 :: [ppc64le] #22200 strawberry.git 0.9.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:13:55 :: [ppc64le] #22300 stylewriter.git build start
2021-May-10 04:14:28 :: [ppc64le] #22300 stylewriter.git build OK
2021-May-10 04:14:28 :: [ppc64le] #22400 superlu.git 5.2.2-alt1.1: build start
[x86_64] Verifying ELF objects in /usr/src/tmp/uhd-buildroot (arch=normal,fhs=normal,lfs=relaxed,lint=relaxed,rpath=normal,stack=normal,textrel=normal,unresolved=normal)
[x86_64] verify-elf: ERROR: ./usr/lib64/python3/site-packages/uhd/libpyuhd.so: RPATH contains illegal absolute entry "/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/uhd-": /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/uhd-
[x86_64] verify-elf: ERROR: ./usr/lib64/python3/site-packages/uhd/libpyuhd.so: RPATH contains illegal entry "/usr/src/RPM/BUILD": /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/uhd-
[x86_64] section [ 3] '.dynsym': symbol 2280 (_ZN5boost4asio6detail15keyword_tss_ptrINS1_10call_stackINS1_14strand_service11strand_implEhE7contextEE6value_E): unique symbol not of object type
2021-May-10 04:14:53 :: [x86_64] uhd.git remote: build failed
2021-May-10 04:14:53 :: [x86_64] #23400 uhd.git build FAILED
2021-May-10 04:15:55 :: [i586] #22740 telepathy-qt4.git 0.9.7-alt4.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:15:55 :: [i586] #23040 telepathy-qt5.git 0.9.8-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:16:13 :: [ppc64le] #22400 superlu.git 5.2.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:16:13 :: [ppc64le] #22570 supertuxkart.git 1.2-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:18:31 :: [armh] #16200 nlohmann-json.git 3.8.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:18:31 :: [armh] #16300 nss_wrapper.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:19:23 :: [armh] #16300 nss_wrapper.git 1.1.11-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:19:23 :: [armh] #16400 opencc.git 1.1.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:20:06 :: [ppc64le] #22570 supertuxkart.git 1.2-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:20:06 :: [ppc64le] #22640 synergy.git 2.0.12-alt1.beta.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:21:04 :: [i586] #23040 telepathy-qt5.git 0.9.8-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:21:04 :: [i586] #23100 tidy.git 5.4-alt3.20170301.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:21:11 :: [armh] #16400 opencc.git 1.1.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:21:11 :: [armh] #16540 opencpn.git 5.2.4-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:21:47 :: [i586] #23100 tidy.git 5.4-alt3.20170301.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:21:47 :: [i586] #23200 touchegg.git 2.0.9-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:22:02 :: [ppc64le] #22640 synergy.git 2.0.12-alt1.beta.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:22:02 :: [ppc64le] #22740 telepathy-qt4.git 0.9.7-alt4.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:23:05 :: [i586] #23200 touchegg.git 2.0.9-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:23:05 :: [i586] #23300 transmission.git 3.00-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:26:06 :: [i586] #23300 transmission.git 3.00-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:26:06 :: [i586] #23400 uhd.git build start
2021-May-10 04:26:34 :: [ppc64le] #22740 telepathy-qt4.git 0.9.7-alt4.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:26:34 :: [ppc64le] #23040 telepathy-qt5.git 0.9.8-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:27:42 :: [armh] #16540 opencpn.git 5.2.4-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:27:42 :: [armh] #16600 openexr.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:30:12 :: [armh] #16600 openexr.git 2.5.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:30:12 :: [armh] #16700 openorienteering-mapper.git 0.9.4-alt1.1: build start
[i586] Verifying ELF objects in /usr/src/tmp/uhd-buildroot (arch=normal,fhs=normal,lfs=relaxed,lint=relaxed,rpath=normal,stack=normal,textrel=normal,unresolved=normal)
[i586] verify-elf: ERROR: ./usr/lib/python3/site-packages/uhd/libpyuhd.so: RPATH contains illegal absolute entry "/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/uhd-": /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/uhd-
[i586] verify-elf: ERROR: ./usr/lib/python3/site-packages/uhd/libpyuhd.so: RPATH contains illegal entry "/usr/src/RPM/BUILD": /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/uhd-
[i586] section [ 3] '.dynsym': symbol 2279 (_ZN5boost4asio6detail15keyword_tss_ptrINS1_10call_stackINS1_14strand_service11strand_implEhE7contextEE6value_E): unique symbol not of object type
2021-May-10 04:31:51 :: [i586] uhd.git remote: build failed
2021-May-10 04:31:51 :: [i586] #23400 uhd.git build FAILED
2021-May-10 04:32:27 :: [ppc64le] #23040 telepathy-qt5.git 0.9.8-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:32:27 :: [ppc64le] #23100 tidy.git 5.4-alt3.20170301.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:33:15 :: [ppc64le] #23100 tidy.git 5.4-alt3.20170301.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:33:15 :: [ppc64le] #23200 touchegg.git 2.0.9-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:34:38 :: [ppc64le] #23200 touchegg.git 2.0.9-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:34:38 :: [ppc64le] #23300 transmission.git 3.00-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:35:02 :: [armh] #16700 openorienteering-mapper.git 0.9.4-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:35:02 :: [armh] #17040 openssl-gost-engine.git build start
2021-May-10 04:36:04 :: [armh] #17040 openssl-gost-engine.git build OK
2021-May-10 04:36:04 :: [armh] #17200 openuds-tunnel.git 2.5.0-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:37:34 :: [armh] #17200 openuds-tunnel.git 2.5.0-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:37:34 :: [armh] #17400 pam_wrapper.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:38:17 :: [ppc64le] #23300 transmission.git 3.00-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:38:17 :: [ppc64le] #23400 uhd.git build start
2021-May-10 04:38:51 :: [armh] #17400 pam_wrapper.git 1.1.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:38:51 :: [armh] #17500 pentobi.git 9.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:40:35 :: [armh] #17500 pentobi.git 9.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:40:35 :: [armh] #17640 pology.git 0.12-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:42:36 :: [armh] #17640 pology.git 0.12-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:42:36 :: [armh] #17700 poppler97.git 0.86.1-alt2.1: build start
[ppc64le] Verifying ELF objects in /usr/src/tmp/uhd-buildroot (arch=normal,fhs=normal,lfs=relaxed,lint=relaxed,rpath=normal,stack=normal,textrel=normal,unresolved=normal)
[ppc64le] verify-elf: ERROR: ./usr/lib64/python3/site-packages/uhd/libpyuhd.so: RPATH contains illegal absolute entry "/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/uhd-": /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/uhd-
[ppc64le] verify-elf: ERROR: ./usr/lib64/python3/site-packages/uhd/libpyuhd.so: RPATH contains illegal entry "/usr/src/RPM/BUILD": /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/uhd-
2021-May-10 04:43:29 :: [ppc64le] uhd.git remote: build failed
2021-May-10 04:43:29 :: [ppc64le] #23400 uhd.git build FAILED
2021-May-10 04:47:44 :: [armh] #17700 poppler97.git 0.86.1-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:47:44 :: [armh] #20000 pybind11.git 2.6.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:50:18 :: [armh] #20000 pybind11.git 2.6.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:50:18 :: [armh] #20100 qmpdclient.git 1.2.2-alt1.git20130519.2: build start
2021-May-10 04:51:50 :: [armh] #20100 qmpdclient.git 1.2.2-alt1.git20130519.2: build OK
2021-May-10 04:51:50 :: [armh] #20200 qrab.git 0.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:52:51 :: [armh] #20200 qrab.git 0.4-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:52:51 :: [armh] #20300 qtcurve.git 1.9.0-alt1.git7d856c17.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:56:01 :: [armh] #20300 qtcurve.git 1.9.0-alt1.git7d856c17.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:56:01 :: [armh] #20400 quazip-qt5.git 1.1-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:57:20 :: [armh] #20400 quazip-qt5.git 1.1-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:57:20 :: [armh] #20500 qxkb.git 0.4.4-alt1r36.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:58:27 :: [armh] #20500 qxkb.git 0.4.4-alt1r36.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:58:27 :: [armh] #20700 resolv_wrapper.git 1.1.7-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 04:59:17 :: [armh] #20700 resolv_wrapper.git 1.1.7-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 04:59:17 :: [armh] #21000 ripes.git 2.1.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 05:02:22 :: [armh] #21000 ripes.git 2.1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 05:02:22 :: [armh] #21140 rocksdb.git 6.14.6-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 05:07:25 :: [armh] #21140 rocksdb.git 6.14.6-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 05:07:25 :: [armh] #21200 shake.git 1.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 05:08:06 :: [armh] #21200 shake.git 1.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 05:08:06 :: [armh] #21300 simplescreenrecorder.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 05:10:29 :: [armh] #21300 simplescreenrecorder.git 0.4.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 05:10:29 :: [armh] #21400 sirikali.git 1.4.8-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 05:12:47 :: [armh] #21400 sirikali.git 1.4.8-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 05:12:47 :: [armh] #21500 soqt.git 1.6.0-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 05:14:30 :: [armh] #21500 soqt.git 1.6.0-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 05:14:30 :: [armh] #21600 spdlog.git 1.8.5-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 05:16:49 :: [armh] #21600 spdlog.git 1.8.5-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 05:16:49 :: [armh] #21700 spirv-tools.git 2020.4-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 05:19:44 :: [armh] #21700 spirv-tools.git 2020.4-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 05:19:44 :: [armh] #22000 sqliteman.git 1.2.2-alt1.qa8: build start
2021-May-10 05:21:05 :: [armh] #22000 sqliteman.git 1.2.2-alt1.qa8: build OK
2021-May-10 05:21:05 :: [armh] #22100 stellarium.git 0.21.0-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 05:31:07 :: [armh] #22100 stellarium.git 0.21.0-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 05:31:08 :: [armh] #22200 strawberry.git 0.9.3-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 05:36:07 :: [armh] #22200 strawberry.git 0.9.3-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 05:36:07 :: [armh] #22300 stylewriter.git build start
2021-May-10 05:36:49 :: [armh] #22300 stylewriter.git build OK
2021-May-10 05:36:49 :: [armh] #22400 superlu.git 5.2.2-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 05:38:49 :: [armh] #22400 superlu.git 5.2.2-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 05:38:49 :: [armh] #22570 supertuxkart.git 1.2-alt3.1: build start
2021-May-10 05:43:46 :: [armh] #22570 supertuxkart.git 1.2-alt3.1: build OK
2021-May-10 05:43:46 :: [armh] #22640 synergy.git 2.0.12-alt1.beta.1: build start
2021-May-10 05:46:10 :: [armh] #22640 synergy.git 2.0.12-alt1.beta.1: build OK
2021-May-10 05:46:11 :: [armh] #22740 telepathy-qt4.git 0.9.7-alt4.1: build start
2021-May-10 05:51:31 :: [armh] #22740 telepathy-qt4.git 0.9.7-alt4.1: build OK
2021-May-10 05:51:31 :: [armh] #23040 telepathy-qt5.git 0.9.8-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 05:58:24 :: [armh] #23040 telepathy-qt5.git 0.9.8-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 05:58:24 :: [armh] #23100 tidy.git 5.4-alt3.20170301.1: build start
2021-May-10 05:59:21 :: [armh] #23100 tidy.git 5.4-alt3.20170301.1: build OK
2021-May-10 05:59:21 :: [armh] #23200 touchegg.git 2.0.9-alt1.1: build start
2021-May-10 06:01:04 :: [armh] #23200 touchegg.git 2.0.9-alt1.1: build OK
2021-May-10 06:01:04 :: [armh] #23300 transmission.git 3.00-alt2.1: build start
2021-May-10 06:05:16 :: [armh] #23300 transmission.git 3.00-alt2.1: build OK
2021-May-10 06:05:16 :: [armh] #23400 uhd.git build start
[armh] verify-elf: WARNING: ./usr/lib/python3/site-packages/uhd/libpyuhd.so: skipping eu-elflint by request
[armh] verify-elf: ERROR: ./usr/lib/python3/site-packages/uhd/libpyuhd.so: RPATH contains illegal absolute entry "/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/uhd-": /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/uhd-
[armh] verify-elf: ERROR: ./usr/lib/python3/site-packages/uhd/libpyuhd.so: RPATH contains illegal entry "/usr/src/RPM/BUILD": /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/uhd-
[armh] verify-elf: WARNING: ./usr/lib/uhd/usrp_burn_mb_eeprom: skipping eu-elflint by request
2021-May-10 06:12:26 :: [armh] uhd.git remote: build failed
2021-May-10 06:12:26 :: [armh] #23400 uhd.git build FAILED
2021-May-10 03:59:09 :: [aarch64] build FAILED
2021-May-10 04:14:53 :: [x86_64] build FAILED
2021-May-10 04:31:51 :: [i586] build FAILED
2021-May-10 04:43:29 :: [ppc64le] build FAILED
2021-May-10 06:12:26 :: [armh] build FAILED
2021-May-10 06:12:26 :: task #269879 for sisyphus FAILED
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