[#280540] [test-only] FAILED mkvtoolnix.git=59.0.0-alt1

Girar awaiter (darktemplar) girar-builder at altlinux.org
Fri Jul 23 16:53:46 MSK 2021


subtask  name        aarch64    armh    i586  ppc64le  x86_64
   #100  mkvtoolnix   failed  failed  failed   failed  failed

2021-Jul-23 13:50:28 :: test-only task #280540 for sisyphus started by darktemplar:
#100 build 59.0.0-alt1 from /people/darktemplar/packages/mkvtoolnix.git fetched at 2021-Jul-23 13:29:06
2021-Jul-23 13:50:29 :: [i586] #100 mkvtoolnix.git 59.0.0-alt1: build start
2021-Jul-23 13:50:29 :: [x86_64] #100 mkvtoolnix.git 59.0.0-alt1: build start
2021-Jul-23 13:50:29 :: [armh] #100 mkvtoolnix.git 59.0.0-alt1: build start
2021-Jul-23 13:50:29 :: [aarch64] #100 mkvtoolnix.git 59.0.0-alt1: build start
2021-Jul-23 13:50:29 :: [ppc64le] #100 mkvtoolnix.git 59.0.0-alt1: build start
[x86_64] checking for qmake-qt5... /usr/bin/qmake-qt5
[x86_64] checking for qmake's version... 5.15.2
[x86_64] checking for lconvert... /usr/share/qt5/bin/lconvert
[x86_64] checking for moc... /usr/share/qt5/bin/moc
[x86_64] checking for rcc... /usr/share/qt5/bin/rcc
[x86_64] checking for uic... /usr/share/qt5/bin/uic
[x86_64] checking for Qt 5... yes
[x86_64] checking for libcmark... yes
[x86_64] checking for boostlib >= 1.66.0... yes
[x86_64] checking for Boost's multi-precision library with GMP backend... no: a test program for Boost's multi-precision library with GMP backend could not be linked, probably because the gmp library wasn't found
2021-Jul-23 13:51:49 :: [x86_64] mkvtoolnix.git 59.0.0-alt1: remote: build failed
2021-Jul-23 13:51:49 :: [x86_64] #100 mkvtoolnix.git 59.0.0-alt1: build FAILED
2021-Jul-23 13:51:49 :: [x86_64] requesting cancellation of task processing
[aarch64] checking for qmake-qt5... /usr/bin/qmake-qt5
[aarch64] checking for qmake's version... 5.15.2
[aarch64] checking for lconvert... /usr/share/qt5/bin/lconvert
[aarch64] checking for moc... /usr/share/qt5/bin/moc
[aarch64] checking for rcc... /usr/share/qt5/bin/rcc
[aarch64] checking for uic... /usr/share/qt5/bin/uic
[aarch64] checking for Qt 5... yes
[aarch64] checking for libcmark... yes
[aarch64] checking for boostlib >= 1.66.0... yes
[aarch64] checking for Boost's multi-precision library with GMP backend... no: a test program for Boost's multi-precision library with GMP backend could not be linked, probably because the gmp library wasn't found
2021-Jul-23 13:52:00 :: [aarch64] mkvtoolnix.git 59.0.0-alt1: remote: build failed
2021-Jul-23 13:52:00 :: [aarch64] #100 mkvtoolnix.git 59.0.0-alt1: build FAILED
[ppc64le] checking for qmake-qt5... /usr/bin/qmake-qt5
[ppc64le] checking for qmake's version... 5.15.2
[ppc64le] checking for lconvert... /usr/share/qt5/bin/lconvert
[ppc64le] checking for moc... /usr/share/qt5/bin/moc
[ppc64le] checking for rcc... /usr/share/qt5/bin/rcc
[ppc64le] checking for uic... /usr/share/qt5/bin/uic
[ppc64le] checking for Qt 5... yes
[ppc64le] checking for libcmark... yes
[ppc64le] checking for boostlib >= 1.66.0... yes
[ppc64le] checking for Boost's multi-precision library with GMP backend... no: a test program for Boost's multi-precision library with GMP backend could not be linked, probably because the gmp library wasn't found
2021-Jul-23 13:52:15 :: [ppc64le] mkvtoolnix.git 59.0.0-alt1: remote: build failed
2021-Jul-23 13:52:15 :: [ppc64le] #100 mkvtoolnix.git 59.0.0-alt1: build FAILED
[armh] checking for qmake-qt5... /usr/bin/qmake-qt5
[armh] checking for qmake's version... 5.15.2
[armh] checking for lconvert... /usr/share/qt5/bin/lconvert
[armh] checking for moc... /usr/share/qt5/bin/moc
[armh] checking for rcc... /usr/share/qt5/bin/rcc
[armh] checking for uic... /usr/share/qt5/bin/uic
[armh] checking for Qt 5... yes
[armh] checking for libcmark... yes
[armh] checking for boostlib >= 1.66.0... yes
[armh] checking for Boost's multi-precision library with GMP backend... no: a test program for Boost's multi-precision library with GMP backend could not be linked, probably because the gmp library wasn't found
2021-Jul-23 13:52:41 :: [armh] mkvtoolnix.git 59.0.0-alt1: remote: build failed
2021-Jul-23 13:52:41 :: [armh] #100 mkvtoolnix.git 59.0.0-alt1: build FAILED
[i586] checking for qmake-qt5... /usr/bin/qmake-qt5
[i586] checking for qmake's version... 5.15.2
[i586] checking for lconvert... /usr/share/qt5/bin/lconvert
[i586] checking for moc... /usr/share/qt5/bin/moc
[i586] checking for rcc... /usr/share/qt5/bin/rcc
[i586] checking for uic... /usr/share/qt5/bin/uic
[i586] checking for Qt 5... yes
[i586] checking for libcmark... yes
[i586] checking for boostlib >= 1.66.0... yes
[i586] checking for Boost's multi-precision library with GMP backend... no: a test program for Boost's multi-precision library with GMP backend could not be linked, probably because the gmp library wasn't found
2021-Jul-23 13:53:46 :: [i586] mkvtoolnix.git 59.0.0-alt1: remote: build failed
2021-Jul-23 13:53:46 :: [i586] #100 mkvtoolnix.git 59.0.0-alt1: build FAILED
2021-Jul-23 13:51:49 :: [x86_64] build FAILED
2021-Jul-23 13:52:00 :: [aarch64] build FAILED
2021-Jul-23 13:52:15 :: [ppc64le] build FAILED
2021-Jul-23 13:52:41 :: [armh] build FAILED
2021-Jul-23 13:53:46 :: [i586] build FAILED
2021-Jul-23 13:53:46 :: task #280540 for sisyphus FAILED

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