[#255607] [test-only] FAILED (try 34) cctag.git=0.1-alt0.1 libcoinutils.git=2.11.4-alt1 libosi.git=0.108.6-alt1 ...
Girar awaiter (majioa)
girar-builder at altlinux.org
Fri Aug 21 04:18:00 MSK 2020
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#340 cctag 3:26 4:41 3:46 3:52 3:06
#1000 libcoinutils 2:31 3:26 3:03 2:53 2:06
#1140 libosi 2:40 3:38 3:35 2:58 2:21
#1250 clp 4:53 6:12 5:10 5:22 4:14
#1424 libopengv 2:07 ? 2:17 failed 1:52
#1700 alembic 3:05 ? ? ? 2:52
2020-Aug-21 00:58:55 :: test-only task #255607 for sisyphus resumed by majioa:
#100 removed
#200 removed
#300 removed
#340 build 0.1-alt0.1 from /people/majioa/packages/cctag.git fetched at 2020-Aug-21 00:04:40
#400 removed
#440 removed
#500 removed
#600 removed
#700 removed
#1000 build 2.11.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/libcoinutils.git fetched at 2020-Aug-07 12:04:44
#1100 removed
#1140 build 0.108.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/libosi.git fetched at 2020-Aug-10 13:02:13
#1200 removed
#1240 removed
#1250 build 1.17.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/clp.git fetched at 2020-Aug-10 16:06:12
#1260 removed
#1300 removed
#1400 removed
#1420 removed
#1424 build 0.0.1-alt0.1 from /people/majioa/packages/libopengv.git fetched at 2020-Aug-21 00:13:18
#1430 removed
#1440 removed
#1500 removed
#1600 removed
#1700 build 1.7.13-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/alembic.git fetched at 2020-Aug-11 13:46:36
#2000 removed
#2100 removed
#2200 removed
#2300 removed
#2400 removed
#2500 removed
#2600 removed
#2700 build 1.7.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/geogram.git fetched at 2020-Aug-14 19:03:04
#3000 removed
#3100 removed
#3200 removed
#3240 build 8.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/openmesh.git fetched at 2020-Aug-21 00:21:10
#3300 removed
#3400 removed
#3500 removed
#3600 removed
#3700 removed
#4000 removed
#4100 removed
#4200 removed
#4300 removed
#4340 build 0.1-alt0.1 from /people/majioa/packages/meshsdfilter.git fetched at 2020-Aug-21 00:15:05
#4400 removed
#4500 build 1.3.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/nanoflann.git fetched at 2020-Aug-18 07:31:57
#4600 build 2019.2.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/qmlalembic.git fetched at 2020-Aug-18 21:27:55
#4700 build 2019.2.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/qtoiio.git fetched at 2020-Aug-18 22:06:48
2020-Aug-21 00:59:15 :: created build repo
2020-Aug-21 00:59:17 :: [x86_64] #340 cctag.git 0.1-alt0.1: build start
2020-Aug-21 00:59:17 :: [aarch64] #340 cctag.git 0.1-alt0.1: build start
2020-Aug-21 00:59:17 :: [ppc64le] #340 cctag.git 0.1-alt0.1: build start
2020-Aug-21 00:59:17 :: [armh] #340 cctag.git 0.1-alt0.1: build start
2020-Aug-21 00:59:17 :: [i586] #340 cctag.git 0.1-alt0.1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:02:23 :: [x86_64] #340 cctag.git 0.1-alt0.1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:02:23 :: [x86_64] #1000 libcoinutils.git 2.11.4-alt1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:02:43 :: [aarch64] #340 cctag.git 0.1-alt0.1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:02:43 :: [aarch64] #1000 libcoinutils.git 2.11.4-alt1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:03:03 :: [i586] #340 cctag.git 0.1-alt0.1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:03:03 :: [i586] #1000 libcoinutils.git 2.11.4-alt1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:03:09 :: [ppc64le] #340 cctag.git 0.1-alt0.1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:03:09 :: [ppc64le] #1000 libcoinutils.git 2.11.4-alt1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:03:58 :: [armh] #340 cctag.git 0.1-alt0.1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:03:58 :: [armh] #1000 libcoinutils.git 2.11.4-alt1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:04:29 :: [x86_64] #1000 libcoinutils.git 2.11.4-alt1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:04:29 :: [x86_64] #1140 libosi.git 0.108.6-alt1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:05:14 :: [aarch64] #1000 libcoinutils.git 2.11.4-alt1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:05:14 :: [aarch64] #1140 libosi.git 0.108.6-alt1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:06:02 :: [ppc64le] #1000 libcoinutils.git 2.11.4-alt1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:06:02 :: [ppc64le] #1140 libosi.git 0.108.6-alt1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:06:06 :: [i586] #1000 libcoinutils.git 2.11.4-alt1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:06:06 :: [i586] #1140 libosi.git 0.108.6-alt1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:06:50 :: [x86_64] #1140 libosi.git 0.108.6-alt1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:06:50 :: [x86_64] #1250 clp.git 1.17.6-alt1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:07:24 :: [armh] #1000 libcoinutils.git 2.11.4-alt1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:07:24 :: [armh] #1140 libosi.git 0.108.6-alt1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:07:54 :: [aarch64] #1140 libosi.git 0.108.6-alt1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:07:54 :: [aarch64] #1250 clp.git 1.17.6-alt1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:09:00 :: [ppc64le] #1140 libosi.git 0.108.6-alt1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:09:00 :: [ppc64le] #1250 clp.git 1.17.6-alt1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:09:41 :: [i586] #1140 libosi.git 0.108.6-alt1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:09:41 :: [i586] #1250 clp.git 1.17.6-alt1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:11:02 :: [armh] #1140 libosi.git 0.108.6-alt1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:11:02 :: [armh] #1250 clp.git 1.17.6-alt1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:11:04 :: [x86_64] #1250 clp.git 1.17.6-alt1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:11:04 :: [x86_64] #1424 libopengv.git 0.0.1-alt0.1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:12:47 :: [aarch64] #1250 clp.git 1.17.6-alt1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:12:47 :: [aarch64] #1424 libopengv.git 0.0.1-alt0.1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:12:56 :: [x86_64] #1424 libopengv.git 0.0.1-alt0.1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:12:56 :: [x86_64] #1700 alembic.git 1.7.13-alt1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:14:22 :: [ppc64le] #1250 clp.git 1.17.6-alt1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:14:22 :: [ppc64le] #1424 libopengv.git 0.0.1-alt0.1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:14:51 :: [i586] #1250 clp.git 1.17.6-alt1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:14:51 :: [i586] #1424 libopengv.git 0.0.1-alt0.1: build start
2020-Aug-21 01:14:54 :: [aarch64] #1424 libopengv.git 0.0.1-alt0.1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:14:54 :: [aarch64] #1700 alembic.git 1.7.13-alt1: build start
[ppc64le] [ 0%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/main.cpp.o
[ppc64le] cc1plus: error: '-m64' requires a PowerPC64 cpu
[ppc64le] make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/build.make:82: CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/main.cpp.o] Error 1
[ppc64le] --
[ppc64le] [ 1%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/gp3p/code.cpp.o
[ppc64le] cc1plus: error: '-m64' requires a PowerPC64 cpu
[ppc64le] make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/build.make:95: CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/gp3p/code.cpp.o] Error 1
[ppc64le] --
[ppc64le] [ 4%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/gp3p/reductors.cpp.o
[ppc64le] cc1plus: error: '-m64' requires a PowerPC64 cpu
[ppc64le] make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/build.make:121: CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/gp3p/reductors.cpp.o] Error 1
[ppc64le] --
[ppc64le] [ 5%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/gp3p/spolynomials.cpp.o
[ppc64le] cc1plus: error: '-m64' requires a PowerPC64 cpu
[ppc64le] make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/build.make:134: CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/gp3p/spolynomials.cpp.o] Error 1
[ppc64le] --
[ppc64le] [ 3%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/gpnp1/code.cpp.o
[ppc64le] cc1plus: error: '-m64' requires a PowerPC64 cpu
[ppc64le] make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/build.make:160: CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/gpnp1/code.cpp.o] Error 1
[ppc64le] --
[ppc64le] [ 2%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/gp3p/init.cpp.o
[ppc64le] cc1plus: error: '-m64' requires a PowerPC64 cpu
[ppc64le] make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/build.make:108: CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/gp3p/init.cpp.o] Error 1
[ppc64le] --
[ppc64le] [ 6%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/Epnp.cpp.o
[ppc64le] cc1plus: error: '-m64' requires a PowerPC64 cpu
[ppc64le] make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/build.make:147: CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/Epnp.cpp.o] Error 1
[ppc64le] --
[ppc64le] [ 7%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/gpnp1/init.cpp.o
[ppc64le] cc1plus: error: '-m64' requires a PowerPC64 cpu
[ppc64le] make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/build.make:173: CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/gpnp1/init.cpp.o] Error 1
[ppc64le] --
[ppc64le] [ 8%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/gpnp1/spolynomials.cpp.o
[ppc64le] cc1plus: error: '-m64' requires a PowerPC64 cpu
[ppc64le] make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/build.make:199: CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/gpnp1/spolynomials.cpp.o] Error 1
[ppc64le] --
[ppc64le] [ 5%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/gpnp1/reductors.cpp.o
[ppc64le] cc1plus: error: '-m64' requires a PowerPC64 cpu
[ppc64le] make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/build.make:186: CMakeFiles/opengv.dir/src/absolute_pose/modules/gpnp1/reductors.cpp.o] Error 1
2020-Aug-21 01:14:56 :: [ppc64le] libopengv.git 0.0.1-alt0.1: remote: build failed
2020-Aug-21 01:14:56 :: [ppc64le] #1424 libopengv.git 0.0.1-alt0.1: build FAILED
2020-Aug-21 01:14:56 :: [ppc64le] requesting cancellation of task processing
2020-Aug-21 01:15:48 :: [x86_64] #1700 alembic.git 1.7.13-alt1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:15:48 :: [x86_64] task processing CANCELLED
2020-Aug-21 01:17:08 :: [i586] #1424 libopengv.git 0.0.1-alt0.1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:17:08 :: [i586] task processing CANCELLED
2020-Aug-21 01:17:14 :: [armh] #1250 clp.git 1.17.6-alt1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:17:14 :: [armh] task processing CANCELLED
2020-Aug-21 01:17:59 :: [aarch64] #1700 alembic.git 1.7.13-alt1: build OK
2020-Aug-21 01:17:59 :: [aarch64] task processing CANCELLED
2020-Aug-21 01:14:56 :: [ppc64le] build FAILED
2020-Aug-21 01:15:48 :: [x86_64] build FAILED
2020-Aug-21 01:17:08 :: [i586] build FAILED
2020-Aug-21 01:17:14 :: [armh] build FAILED
2020-Aug-21 01:17:59 :: [aarch64] build FAILED
2020-Aug-21 01:17:59 :: task #255607 for sisyphus FAILED
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