[#187982] FAILED springrts.git=103.0-alt1

Girar Builder awaiter robot girar-builder at altlinux.org
Fri Sep 8 18:15:47 MSK 2017


2017-Sep-08 13:43:26 :: task #187982 for sisyphus started by darktemplar:
#100 build 103.0-alt1 from /people/darktemplar/packages/springrts.git
2017-Sep-08 13:43:26 :: [i586] #100 springrts.git 103.0-alt1: build start
2017-Sep-08 13:43:26 :: [x86_64] #100 springrts.git 103.0-alt1: build start
either the file containing the function '_ZNSt6vectorIfSaIfEE14_M_fill_insertEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPfS1_EEjRKf' or the file containing the function '_ZNSt6vectorIS_IfSaIfEESaIS1_EED1Ev' is not compiled with -fpic/-fPIC
verify-elf: ERROR: ./usr/lib/spring/AI/Skirmish/AAI/0.9/libSkirmishAI.so: TEXTREL entry found: 0x00000000
verify-elf: WARNING: ./usr/lib/spring/AI/Skirmish/AAI/0.9/libSkirmishAI.so: uses non-LFS functions: __xstat alphasort fopen scandir
either the file containing the function '_init' or the file containing the function '_ZStplIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIT_T0_T1_EEPKS5_RKS8_' is not compiled with -fpic/-fPIC
verify-elf: ERROR: ./usr/lib/spring/AI/Interfaces/C/0.1/libAIInterface.so: TEXTREL entry found: 0x00000000
2017-Sep-08 15:11:21 :: [i586] springrts.git 103.0-alt1: remote: build failed
2017-Sep-08 15:11:21 :: [i586] #100 springrts.git 103.0-alt1: build FAILED
2017-Sep-08 15:15:46 :: [x86_64] #100 springrts.git 103.0-alt1: build OK
2017-Sep-08 15:11:21 :: [i586] build FAILED
2017-Sep-08 15:15:46 :: task #187982 for sisyphus FAILED

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