[#177105] p8 FAILED (try 3) jss.git=4.2.6-alt5_42jpp8.M80P.1 pki-core.git=10.2.6-alt3_19jpp8.M80P.1 ...
Girar Builder awaiter robot
girar-builder at altlinux.org
Mon Jan 23 21:37:57 MSK 2017
2017-Jan-23 17:36:24 :: test-only task #177105 for p8 resumed by sem:
#100 build 4.2.6-alt5_42jpp8.M80P.1 from /people/sem/packages/jss.git
#140 removed
#160 build 10.2.6-alt3_19jpp8.M80P.1 from /people/sem/packages/pki-core.git
#200 removed
#300 build 9.10.4-alt0.M80P.1 from /people/sem/packages/bind.git
#400 copy bind-control from sisyphus
#500 build 4.3.3-alt3.M80P.1 from /people/sem/packages/dhcp.git
#600 build 10.1-alt1.M80P.1 from /people/sem/packages/bind-dyndb-ldap.git
#640 copy installer-feature-resolver-bind-stage3 from sisyphus
#700 build 0.78.6-alt0.M80P.1 from /people/sem/packages/certmonger.git
#1000 build 0.34.3-alt0.M80P.1 from /people/sem/packages/oddjob.git
#1100 build 1.8.19p1-alt6%ubt from /people/sin/packages/sudo.git
#1200 build 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 from /people/sin/packages/sssd.git
#1300 build 0.56.1-alt0.M80P.1 from /people/sem/packages/slapi-nis.git
#1400 copy custodia from sisyphus
#1500 copy python-module-jwcrypto from sisyphus
#1600 build 1.2.0-alt0.M80P.1 from /people/sem/packages/python-module-gssapi.git
#1700 copy python-module-kdcproxy from sisyphus
#2000 build 1.0.14-alt1.M80P.1 from /people/sem/packages/apache2-mod_nss.git
#2100 build 1.4.1-alt0.M80P.1 from /people/sem/packages/apache2-mod_auth_gssapi.git
#2200 copy python-module-yubico from sisyphus
#2300 build 4.3.2-alt4.M80P.1 from /people/sem/packages/freeipa.git
2017-Jan-23 17:36:43 :: created build repo
2017-Jan-23 17:36:44 :: copy from `sisyphus': bind-control-1.2-alt1.src.rpm
2017-Jan-23 17:36:45 :: copy from `sisyphus': installer-feature-resolver-bind-stage3-0.6-alt1.src.rpm
2017-Jan-23 17:36:46 :: copy from `sisyphus': custodia-0.1.0-alt2.src.rpm
2017-Jan-23 17:36:46 :: copy from `sisyphus': python-module-jwcrypto-0.2.1-alt1.src.rpm
2017-Jan-23 17:36:47 :: copy from `sisyphus': python-module-kdcproxy-0.3.2-alt1.src.rpm
2017-Jan-23 17:36:47 :: copy from `sisyphus': python-module-yubico-1.3.2-alt1.src.rpm
2017-Jan-23 17:36:47 :: [i586] #100 jss.git 4.2.6-alt5_42jpp8.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 17:36:47 :: [x86_64] #100 jss.git 4.2.6-alt5_42jpp8.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 17:37:26 :: [i586] jss.git 4.2.6-alt5_42jpp8.M80P.1: remote: no need to rebuild
2017-Jan-23 17:37:26 :: [i586] #100 jss.git 4.2.6-alt5_42jpp8.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 17:37:26 :: [i586] #160 pki-core.git 10.2.6-alt3_19jpp8.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 17:37:26 :: [x86_64] jss.git 4.2.6-alt5_42jpp8.M80P.1: remote: no need to rebuild
2017-Jan-23 17:37:26 :: [x86_64] #100 jss.git 4.2.6-alt5_42jpp8.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 17:37:26 :: [x86_64] #160 pki-core.git 10.2.6-alt3_19jpp8.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 17:43:09 :: [x86_64] #160 pki-core.git 10.2.6-alt3_19jpp8.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 17:43:09 :: [x86_64] #300 bind.git 9.10.4-alt0.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 17:43:15 :: [i586] #160 pki-core.git 10.2.6-alt3_19jpp8.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 17:43:15 :: [i586] #300 bind.git 9.10.4-alt0.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 17:49:12 :: [x86_64] #300 bind.git 9.10.4-alt0.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 17:49:12 :: [x86_64] #500 dhcp.git 4.3.3-alt3.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 17:49:47 :: [i586] #300 bind.git 9.10.4-alt0.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 17:49:47 :: [i586] #500 dhcp.git 4.3.3-alt3.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 17:51:59 :: [x86_64] #500 dhcp.git 4.3.3-alt3.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 17:51:59 :: [x86_64] #600 bind-dyndb-ldap.git 10.1-alt1.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 17:52:42 :: [i586] #500 dhcp.git 4.3.3-alt3.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 17:52:42 :: [i586] #600 bind-dyndb-ldap.git 10.1-alt1.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 17:53:03 :: [x86_64] #600 bind-dyndb-ldap.git 10.1-alt1.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 17:53:03 :: [x86_64] #700 certmonger.git 0.78.6-alt0.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 17:53:49 :: [i586] #600 bind-dyndb-ldap.git 10.1-alt1.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 17:53:49 :: [i586] #700 certmonger.git 0.78.6-alt0.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 18:01:33 :: [x86_64] #700 certmonger.git 0.78.6-alt0.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 18:01:33 :: [x86_64] #1000 oddjob.git 0.34.3-alt0.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 18:02:58 :: [x86_64] #1000 oddjob.git 0.34.3-alt0.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 18:02:58 :: [x86_64] #1100 sudo.git 1.8.19p1-alt6%ubt: build start
2017-Jan-23 18:04:40 :: [i586] #700 certmonger.git 0.78.6-alt0.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 18:04:40 :: [i586] #1000 oddjob.git 0.34.3-alt0.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 18:05:29 :: [x86_64] #1100 sudo.git 1.8.19p1-alt6%ubt: build OK
2017-Jan-23 18:05:29 :: [x86_64] #1200 sssd.git 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2: build start
2017-Jan-23 18:06:07 :: [i586] #1000 oddjob.git 0.34.3-alt0.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 18:06:07 :: [i586] #1100 sudo.git 1.8.19p1-alt6%ubt: build start
2017-Jan-23 18:08:48 :: [i586] #1100 sudo.git 1.8.19p1-alt6%ubt: build OK
2017-Jan-23 18:08:48 :: [i586] #1200 sssd.git 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2: build start
2017-Jan-23 18:18:31 :: [x86_64] #1200 sssd.git 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2: build OK
2017-Jan-23 18:18:31 :: [x86_64] #1300 slapi-nis.git 0.56.1-alt0.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 18:20:04 :: [x86_64] #1300 slapi-nis.git 0.56.1-alt0.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 18:20:04 :: [x86_64] #1600 python-module-gssapi.git 1.2.0-alt0.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 18:21:52 :: [x86_64] #1600 python-module-gssapi.git 1.2.0-alt0.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 18:21:52 :: [x86_64] #2000 apache2-mod_nss.git 1.0.14-alt1.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 18:22:33 :: [i586] #1200 sssd.git 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2: build OK
2017-Jan-23 18:22:33 :: [i586] #1300 slapi-nis.git 0.56.1-alt0.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 18:23:07 :: [x86_64] #2000 apache2-mod_nss.git 1.0.14-alt1.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 18:23:07 :: [x86_64] #2100 apache2-mod_auth_gssapi.git 1.4.1-alt0.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 18:24:10 :: [i586] #1300 slapi-nis.git 0.56.1-alt0.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 18:24:10 :: [i586] #1600 python-module-gssapi.git 1.2.0-alt0.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 18:24:22 :: [x86_64] #2100 apache2-mod_auth_gssapi.git 1.4.1-alt0.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 18:24:22 :: [x86_64] #2300 freeipa.git 4.3.2-alt4.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 18:26:03 :: [i586] #1600 python-module-gssapi.git 1.2.0-alt0.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 18:26:03 :: [i586] #2000 apache2-mod_nss.git 1.0.14-alt1.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 18:27:22 :: [i586] #2000 apache2-mod_nss.git 1.0.14-alt1.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 18:27:22 :: [i586] #2100 apache2-mod_auth_gssapi.git 1.4.1-alt0.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 18:28:38 :: [i586] #2100 apache2-mod_auth_gssapi.git 1.4.1-alt0.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 18:28:38 :: [i586] #2300 freeipa.git 4.3.2-alt4.M80P.1: build start
2017-Jan-23 18:30:05 :: [x86_64] #2300 freeipa.git 4.3.2-alt4.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 18:34:38 :: [i586] #2300 freeipa.git 4.3.2-alt4.M80P.1: build OK
2017-Jan-23 18:37:32 :: build check OK
warning (#1000): oddjob-sample-0.34.3-alt0.M80P.1.i586.rpm should be .noarch.rpm
warning (#1100): sudo-devel-1.8.19p1-alt6.M80P.1.i586.rpm should be .noarch.rpm
2017-Jan-23 18:37:54 :: noarch check OK
2017-Jan-23 18:37:56 :: plan: src +20 -12 =17555, i586 +107 -92 =33930, noarch +27 -14 =17179, x86_64 +107 -92 =33879
*** source package version is either the same or older than existing
jss 4.2.6-alt6_37jpp8 4.2.6-alt5_42jpp8.M80P.1
*** new and existing source packages have the same filename
python-module-yubico python-module-yubico-1.3.2-alt1.src.rpm
*** new and existing source packages have the same filename
sssd sssd-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.src.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
jss 4.2.6-alt6_37jpp8 4.2.6-alt5_42jpp8.M80P.1
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
jss 4.2.6-alt6_37jpp8 4.2.6-alt5_42jpp8.M80P.1
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
jss-debuginfo 4.2.6-alt6_37jpp8 4.2.6-alt5_42jpp8.M80P.1
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
jss-debuginfo 4.2.6-alt6_37jpp8 4.2.6-alt5_42jpp8.M80P.1
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
jss-javadoc 4.2.6-alt6_37jpp8 4.2.6-alt5_42jpp8.M80P.1
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libipa_hbac libipa_hbac-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libipa_hbac 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libipa_hbac libipa_hbac-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libipa_hbac 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libipa_hbac-debuginfo libipa_hbac-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libipa_hbac-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libipa_hbac-debuginfo libipa_hbac-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libipa_hbac-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libipa_hbac-devel libipa_hbac-devel-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libipa_hbac-devel 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libipa_hbac-devel libipa_hbac-devel-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libipa_hbac-devel 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_autofs libsss_autofs-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_autofs 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_autofs libsss_autofs-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_autofs 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_autofs-debuginfo libsss_autofs-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_autofs-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_autofs-debuginfo libsss_autofs-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_autofs-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_idmap libsss_idmap-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_idmap 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_idmap libsss_idmap-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_idmap 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_idmap-debuginfo libsss_idmap-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_idmap-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_idmap-debuginfo libsss_idmap-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_idmap-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_idmap-devel libsss_idmap-devel-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_idmap-devel 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_idmap-devel libsss_idmap-devel-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_idmap-devel 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_nss_idmap libsss_nss_idmap-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_nss_idmap 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_nss_idmap libsss_nss_idmap-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_nss_idmap 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_nss_idmap-debuginfo libsss_nss_idmap-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_nss_idmap-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_nss_idmap-debuginfo libsss_nss_idmap-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_nss_idmap-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_nss_idmap-devel libsss_nss_idmap-devel-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_nss_idmap-devel 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_nss_idmap-devel libsss_nss_idmap-devel-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_nss_idmap-devel 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_simpleifp libsss_simpleifp-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_simpleifp 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_simpleifp libsss_simpleifp-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_simpleifp 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_simpleifp-debuginfo libsss_simpleifp-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_simpleifp-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_simpleifp-debuginfo libsss_simpleifp-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_simpleifp-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_simpleifp-devel libsss_simpleifp-devel-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_simpleifp-devel 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_simpleifp-devel libsss_simpleifp-devel-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_simpleifp-devel 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_sudo libsss_sudo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_sudo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_sudo libsss_sudo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_sudo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_sudo-debuginfo libsss_sudo-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_sudo-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libsss_sudo-debuginfo libsss_sudo-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libsss_sudo-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libwbclient-sssd libwbclient-sssd-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libwbclient-sssd 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libwbclient-sssd libwbclient-sssd-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libwbclient-sssd 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libwbclient-sssd-debuginfo libwbclient-sssd-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libwbclient-sssd-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libwbclient-sssd-debuginfo libwbclient-sssd-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libwbclient-sssd-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libwbclient-sssd-devel libwbclient-sssd-devel-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libwbclient-sssd-devel 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
libwbclient-sssd-devel libwbclient-sssd-devel-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
libwbclient-sssd-devel 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-ipa_hbac python-module-ipa_hbac-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-ipa_hbac 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-ipa_hbac python-module-ipa_hbac-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-ipa_hbac 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-ipa_hbac-debuginfo python-module-ipa_hbac-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-ipa_hbac-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-ipa_hbac-debuginfo python-module-ipa_hbac-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-ipa_hbac-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-sss python-module-sss-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-sss 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-sss python-module-sss-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-sss 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-sss-debuginfo python-module-sss-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-sss-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-sss-debuginfo python-module-sss-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-sss-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-sss-murmur python-module-sss-murmur-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-sss-murmur 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-sss-murmur python-module-sss-murmur-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-sss-murmur 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-sss-murmur-debuginfo python-module-sss-murmur-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-sss-murmur-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-sss-murmur-debuginfo python-module-sss-murmur-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-sss-murmur-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-sss_nss_idmap python-module-sss_nss_idmap-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-sss_nss_idmap 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-sss_nss_idmap python-module-sss_nss_idmap-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-sss_nss_idmap 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-sss_nss_idmap-debuginfo python-module-sss_nss_idmap-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-sss_nss_idmap-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-sss_nss_idmap-debuginfo python-module-sss_nss_idmap-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-sss_nss_idmap-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-sssdconfig python-module-sssdconfig-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.noarch.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-sssdconfig 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-yubico python-module-yubico-1.3.2-alt1.noarch.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-yubico 1.3.2-alt1 1.3.2-alt1
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd sssd-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd sssd-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-ad sssd-ad-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-ad 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-ad sssd-ad-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-ad 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-ad-debuginfo sssd-ad-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-ad-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-ad-debuginfo sssd-ad-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-ad-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-client sssd-client-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-client 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-client sssd-client-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-client 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-client-debuginfo sssd-client-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-client-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-client-debuginfo sssd-client-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-client-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-dbus sssd-dbus-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-dbus 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-dbus sssd-dbus-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-dbus 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-dbus-debuginfo sssd-dbus-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-dbus-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-dbus-debuginfo sssd-dbus-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-dbus-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-debuginfo sssd-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-debuginfo sssd-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-ipa sssd-ipa-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-ipa 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-ipa sssd-ipa-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-ipa 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-ipa-debuginfo sssd-ipa-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-ipa-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-ipa-debuginfo sssd-ipa-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-ipa-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-krb5 sssd-krb5-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-krb5 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-krb5 sssd-krb5-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-krb5 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-krb5-common sssd-krb5-common-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-krb5-common 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-krb5-common sssd-krb5-common-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-krb5-common 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-krb5-common-debuginfo sssd-krb5-common-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-krb5-common-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-krb5-common-debuginfo sssd-krb5-common-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-krb5-common-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-krb5-debuginfo sssd-krb5-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-krb5-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-krb5-debuginfo sssd-krb5-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-krb5-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-ldap sssd-ldap-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-ldap 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-ldap sssd-ldap-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-ldap 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-ldap-debuginfo sssd-ldap-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-ldap-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-ldap-debuginfo sssd-ldap-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-ldap-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-nfs-idmap sssd-nfs-idmap-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-nfs-idmap 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-nfs-idmap sssd-nfs-idmap-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-nfs-idmap 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-nfs-idmap-debuginfo sssd-nfs-idmap-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-nfs-idmap-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-nfs-idmap-debuginfo sssd-nfs-idmap-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-nfs-idmap-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-pac sssd-pac-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-pac 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-pac sssd-pac-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-pac 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-pac-debuginfo sssd-pac-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-pac-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-pac-debuginfo sssd-pac-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-pac-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-proxy sssd-proxy-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-proxy 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-proxy sssd-proxy-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-proxy 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-proxy-debuginfo sssd-proxy-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-proxy-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-proxy-debuginfo sssd-proxy-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-proxy-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-tools sssd-tools-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-tools 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-tools sssd-tools-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-tools 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-tools-debuginfo sssd-tools-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-tools-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-tools-debuginfo sssd-tools-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-tools-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-winbind-idmap sssd-winbind-idmap-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-winbind-idmap 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-winbind-idmap sssd-winbind-idmap-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-winbind-idmap 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-winbind-idmap-debuginfo sssd-winbind-idmap-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.i586.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-winbind-idmap-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
*** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
sssd-winbind-idmap-debuginfo sssd-winbind-idmap-debuginfo-1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64.rpm
*** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
sssd-winbind-idmap-debuginfo 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2 1.14.2-alt1.M80P.2
2017-Jan-23 18:37:56 :: version check FAILED
2017-Jan-23 18:37:56 :: task #177105 for p8 FAILED
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