[#5008] FAILED srpm=python-module-Epsilon-0.5.12-alt1.src.rpm ...

Girar Builder robot girar-builder на altlinux.org
Пн Апр 20 15:01:04 MSD 2009


2009-Apr-20 14:48:06 :: task #5008 for sisyphus started:
#1 build python-module-Epsilon-0.5.12-alt1.src.rpm
#2 build python-module-Axiom-0.5.31-alt1.src.rpm
#3 build python-module-Nevow-0.9.33-alt1.src.rpm
#4 build python-module-apsw-3.6.11-alt1.r1.src.rpm
#5 build python-module-vobject-0.8.1c-alt1.src.rpm
#6 build firefox-gm-notifier-
#7 build libgoocanvas-0.14-alt1.src.rpm
#8 build perl-Net-CIDR-0.13-alt1.src.rpm
#9 build purple-plugin_pack-2.5.1-alt1.src.rpm
#10 build shorewall-common-4.2.8-alt1.src.rpm
#11 build shorewall-compiler-perl-
#12 build shorewall-compiler-shell-4.2.8-alt1.src.rpm
#13 build shorewall-docs-html-4.2.8-alt1.src.rpm
2009-Apr-20 14:48:07 :: [x86_64] python-module-Epsilon-0.5.12-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:48:07 :: [i586] python-module-Epsilon-0.5.12-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:49:11 :: [x86_64] python-module-Epsilon-0.5.12-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:49:11 :: [x86_64] python-module-Axiom-0.5.31-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:49:14 :: [i586] python-module-Epsilon-0.5.12-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:49:14 :: [i586] python-module-Axiom-0.5.31-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:50:06 :: [x86_64] python-module-Axiom-0.5.31-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:50:06 :: [x86_64] python-module-Nevow-0.9.33-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:50:09 :: [i586] python-module-Axiom-0.5.31-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:50:09 :: [i586] python-module-Nevow-0.9.33-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:51:02 :: [x86_64] python-module-Nevow-0.9.33-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:51:02 :: [x86_64] python-module-apsw-3.6.11-alt1.r1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:51:09 :: [i586] python-module-Nevow-0.9.33-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:51:09 :: [i586] python-module-apsw-3.6.11-alt1.r1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:52:50 :: [x86_64] python-module-apsw-3.6.11-alt1.r1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:52:51 :: [x86_64] python-module-vobject-0.8.1c-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:52:55 :: [i586] python-module-apsw-3.6.11-alt1.r1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:52:55 :: [i586] python-module-vobject-0.8.1c-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:53:16 :: [x86_64] python-module-vobject-0.8.1c-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:53:16 :: [x86_64] firefox-gm-notifier- build start
2009-Apr-20 14:53:22 :: [i586] python-module-vobject-0.8.1c-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:53:22 :: [i586] firefox-gm-notifier- build start
2009-Apr-20 14:53:39 :: [x86_64] firefox-gm-notifier- build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:53:39 :: [x86_64] libgoocanvas-0.14-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:53:46 :: [i586] firefox-gm-notifier- build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:53:46 :: [i586] libgoocanvas-0.14-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:55:12 :: [x86_64] libgoocanvas-0.14-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:55:12 :: [x86_64] perl-Net-CIDR-0.13-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:55:22 :: [i586] libgoocanvas-0.14-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:55:22 :: [i586] perl-Net-CIDR-0.13-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:55:35 :: [x86_64] perl-Net-CIDR-0.13-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:55:35 :: [x86_64] purple-plugin_pack-2.5.1-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:55:44 :: [i586] perl-Net-CIDR-0.13-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:55:44 :: [i586] purple-plugin_pack-2.5.1-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:58:09 :: [x86_64] purple-plugin_pack-2.5.1-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:58:09 :: [x86_64] shorewall-common-4.2.8-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:58:15 :: [i586] purple-plugin_pack-2.5.1-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:58:15 :: [i586] shorewall-common-4.2.8-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:58:53 :: [x86_64] shorewall-common-4.2.8-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:58:53 :: [x86_64] shorewall-compiler-perl- build start
2009-Apr-20 14:58:59 :: [i586] shorewall-common-4.2.8-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:58:59 :: [i586] shorewall-compiler-perl- build start
2009-Apr-20 14:59:15 :: [x86_64] shorewall-compiler-perl- build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:59:15 :: [x86_64] shorewall-compiler-shell-4.2.8-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:59:21 :: [i586] shorewall-compiler-perl- build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:59:21 :: [i586] shorewall-compiler-shell-4.2.8-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:59:51 :: [x86_64] shorewall-compiler-shell-4.2.8-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:59:51 :: [x86_64] shorewall-docs-html-4.2.8-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 14:59:56 :: [i586] shorewall-compiler-shell-4.2.8-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 14:59:56 :: [i586] shorewall-docs-html-4.2.8-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2009-Apr-20 15:00:18 :: [x86_64] shorewall-docs-html-4.2.8-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 15:00:23 :: [i586] shorewall-docs-html-4.2.8-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2009-Apr-20 15:01:02 :: build check OK
2009-Apr-20 15:01:04 :: plan OK
 *** new and existing source packages have the same filename
python-module-Axiom	python-module-Axiom-0.5.31-alt1.src.rpm
 *** new and existing source packages have the same filename
python-module-Epsilon	python-module-Epsilon-0.5.12-alt1.src.rpm
 *** new and existing source packages have the same filename
python-module-Nevow	python-module-Nevow-0.9.33-alt1.src.rpm
 *** new and existing source packages have the same filename
python-module-apsw	python-module-apsw-3.6.11-alt1.r1.src.rpm
 *** new and existing source packages have the same filename
python-module-vobject	python-module-vobject-0.8.1c-alt1.src.rpm
 *** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-Axiom	python-module-Axiom-0.5.31-alt1.noarch.rpm
 *** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-Axiom	0.5.31-alt1	0.5.31-alt1
 *** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-Epsilon	python-module-Epsilon-0.5.12-alt1.noarch.rpm
 *** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-Epsilon	0.5.12-alt1	0.5.12-alt1
 *** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-Nevow	python-module-Nevow-0.9.33-alt1.noarch.rpm
 *** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-Nevow	0.9.33-alt1	0.9.33-alt1
 *** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-apsw	python-module-apsw-3.6.11-alt1.r1.i586.rpm
 *** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-apsw	3.6.11-alt1.r1	3.6.11-alt1.r1
 *** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-apsw	python-module-apsw-3.6.11-alt1.r1.x86_64.rpm
 *** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-apsw	3.6.11-alt1.r1	3.6.11-alt1.r1
 *** new and existing binary packages have the same filename
python-module-vobject	python-module-vobject-0.8.1c-alt1.noarch.rpm
 *** binary package version is either the same or older than existing
python-module-vobject	0.8.1c-alt1	0.8.1c-alt1
2009-Apr-20 15:01:04 :: version check FAILED
2009-Apr-20 15:01:04 :: task #5008 for sisyphus FAILED

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