[cyber] I: Sisyphus-20240923 REBUILD x86_64 status

ALT beekeeper hiver на altlinux.org
Пн Сен 23 09:18:01 MSK 2024

This is a summary of the x86_64 package rebuild test finished at 23.09.2024.

Numbers in [square brackets] describe how many weeks corresponding
packages cannot be rebuilt.

Orphaned packages that cannot be rebuilt for 14+ weeks are
usually removed from the repository without further warnings.

List of 26 orphaned packages that cannot be rebuilt for a very long time:

SimplePAMApps-0.60-alt36 [15] (@core)
canl-java-2.8.2-alt1_1jpp11 [30] (@nobody)
dotnet-runtime-6.0-6.0.25-alt1 [22] (@nobody)
dotnet-runtime-9.0-9.0.0.preview.2-alt1 [22] (@nobody)
faketime-0.2.8-alt1 [52] (@core)
fonts-ttf-material-icons-4.0.0-alt1_6 [19] (@nobody)
foomatic-db-engine-4.0.12-alt1 [21] (@nobody)
fpc-3:3.2.2-alt4 [27] (@nobody)
itest- [15] (@nobody)
libdtkwm-2.0.12-alt1 [38] (@nobody)
libmozjs78-78.11.0-alt2.1 [35] (@nobody)
linux-pam-1.6.1-alt1 [15] (@nobody)
manaworld-0.5.2-alt5_9 [40] (@nobody)
netgen-6.2.2303-alt1 [28] (@nobody)
opennebula- [24] (@nobody)
perl-IO-All-0.87-alt1 [24] (@nobody)
perl-Jcode-2.07-alt1.1 [24] (@nobody)
perl-Pegex-0.75-alt1 [32] (@nobody)
perl-SOAP-WSDL-3.004-alt2 [24] (@nobody)
perl-XXX-0.38-alt2 [32] (@nobody)
perl-YAML-PP-LibYAML-0.005-alt2 [32] (@nobody)
perl-YAML-PP-Ref-0.02-alt1 [32] (@nobody)
pngcrush-1.8.13-alt2 [33] (@nobody)
sphinx-2.3.2-alt4 [21] (@nobody)
tcl-img-1.4.14-alt1 [32] (@nobody)
x11spice-1.2-alt1 [15] (@nobody)

List of 5 orphaned packages that have no assignee to send information
about rebuild failures:

apt-conf-tmp-cache-1.0-alt1 [13]
cargo-release-0.24.5-alt2 [7]
mISDN-1.1.5-alt3.1 [13]
qflipper-1.2.1-alt1 [13]
slim-1.3.6-alt4 [13]

List of 51 packages that cannot be rebuilt for more than one week:

btrfs-compsize-1.5-alt1 [4] (lav, на everybody)
dos2unix-7.5.2-alt1 [9] (oddity, на everybody)
gd3-2.3.3-alt2 [1] (rider, на everybody)
grpc-1.53.0-alt1 [3] (arseny, на everybody)
gtk-theme-MyOffice-5.24.5-alt1 [5] (cas, на everybody)
kcollectd-0.12.1-alt1.1 [4] (naf, на everybody)
kiwix-lib-12.0.0-alt1 [3] (cas, на everybody)
libcapypdf-0.10.0-alt1 [4] (aris)
libftgl2-2.4.0-alt1 [4] (mike, на everybody)
liblief-0.12.3-alt1 [9] (kovalev, на everybody)
mercurial-6.6.3-alt1 [5] (grenka, на python)
miniserve-0.26.0-alt1 [7] (amakeenk, на everybody)
mopidy-3.4.2-alt2 [1] (lola, на everybody)
node-canvas-2.11.2-alt1 [10] (lav, на everybody)
node-nyc-15.1.0-alt2 [4] (lav, на everybody)
onefetch-2.20.0-alt1 [7] (smasher, на everybody)
opencascade-7.7.2-alt2 [4] (cas, на everybody)
plasma5-breeze-gtk-education-5.24.5-alt1 [5] (cas, на everybody)
proxmox-backup-1: [8] (shaba,shrek,andy, на everybody)
python3-module-aiohttp-wsgi-0.10.0-alt2 [2] (grenka, на python)
python3-module-beautifulsoup4-4.12.3-alt1 [5] (lav, на everybody)
python3-module-bugzilla-3.2.0-alt1 [1] (@python, на everybody)
python3-module-cattrs-23.2.3-alt1 [4] (grenka, на python)
python3-module-commentjson-0.9.0-alt1 [5] (@python, на everybody)
python3-module-dbusmock-0.30.2-alt1 [2] (aris)
python3-module-devtools-0.12.2-alt1 [10] (ancieg, на everybody)
python3-module-executing-2.1.0-alt1 [1] (rider, на everybody)
python3-module-fs-2.4.16-alt1.2 [11] (grenka, на python, на everybody)
python3-module-furl-2.1.3-alt2 [5] (grenka, на python)
python3-module-future-1.0.0-alt1 [5] (grenka, на python)
python3-module-kobo-0.30.1-alt1 [7] (snowmix, на everybody)
python3-module-novaclient-18.6.0-alt1 [5] (grenka, на python)
python3-module-openstackclient-6.6.0-alt1 [8] (grenka, на python, на everybody)
python3-module-oslo.config-9.5.0-alt1 [5] (grenka, на python)
python3-module-pdm-backend-2.3.3-alt1 [5] (slev, на everybody)
python3-module-poetry-core-1.9.0-alt1 [1] (slev, на python)
python3-module-pydantic-extra-types-2.9.0-alt1 [1] (dutyrok, на everybody)
python3-module-pymdown-extensions-10.9-alt1 [1] (ancieg, на everybody)
python3-module-setuptools_scm-8.1.0-alt1 [5] (slev, на python)
python3-module-toolz-0.12.1-alt1 [5] (@python, на everybody)
python3-module-tooz-4.2.0-alt1 [5] (grenka, на python)
python3-module-unyt-2.9.4-alt2 [2] (rider, на everybody)
python3-module-xmlschema-3.3.2-alt1 [5] (@python, на everybody)
ripasso-0.6.5-alt2 [7] (naf, на qa, на everybody)
scummvm-2.8.0-alt1 [4] (george, на everybody)
suricata-7.0.5-alt1 [3] (shaba, на everybody)
texlive-2022-alt0_11 [5] (viy, на everybody)
wireguard-go-0.0.20230223-alt1 [3] (nenderus, на everybody)
xcp-0.17.0-alt1 [7] (amakeenk, на everybody)
xinitrc-2.4.47-alt3 [13] (@core)
zerotier-one-1.12.2-alt1 [7] (lav, на everybody)

Sincerely yours,
ALT beekeeper

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