[cyber] I: Sisyphus-20240628 REBUILD x86_64 status

ALT beekeeper hiver на altlinux.org
Пт Июн 28 08:29:22 MSK 2024

This is a summary of the x86_64 package rebuild test finished at 28.06.2024.

Numbers in [square brackets] describe how many weeks corresponding
packages cannot be rebuilt.

Orphaned packages that cannot be rebuilt for 14+ weeks are
usually removed from the repository without further warnings.

List of 16 orphaned packages that cannot be rebuilt for a very long time:

canl-java-2.8.2-alt1_1jpp11 [18] (@nobody)
faketime-0.2.8-alt1 [40] (@core)
fpc-3:3.2.2-alt4 [15] (@nobody)
gpsd-3.23.1-alt2.1 [15] (@nobody)
libdtkwm-2.0.12-alt1 [25] (@nobody)
libmozjs78-78.11.0-alt2.1 [22] (@nobody)
libprelude-5.2.0-alt1_15 [15] (@nobody)
manaworld-0.5.2-alt5_9 [27] (@nobody)
netgen-6.2.2303-alt1 [15] (@nobody)
perl-Pegex-0.75-alt1 [20] (@nobody)
perl-Wx-Perl-ProcessStream-0.32-alt1 [30] (@nobody)
perl-XXX-0.38-alt2 [20] (@nobody)
perl-YAML-PP-LibYAML-0.005-alt2 [20] (@nobody)
perl-YAML-PP-Ref-0.02-alt1 [20] (@nobody)
pngcrush-1.8.13-alt2 [21] (@nobody)
tcl-img-1.4.14-alt1 [20] (@nobody)

List of 5 orphaned packages that have no assignee to send information
about rebuild failures:

crosti-1.14.0-alt1 [3]
itest- [3]
mISDN-1.1.5-alt3.1 [0]
qt3-3.3.8d-alt16.1 [4]
yices-2.3.0-alt4 [9]

List of 95 packages that cannot be rebuilt for more than one week:

SimplePAMApps-0.60-alt36 [3] (ldv, на norebuild)
basqet-0.2.0-alt2 [3] (cas, на everybody)
bsc-4.1.0-alt1.qa1 [3] (cas, на everybody)
dataquay-0.9-alt1 [3] (manowar, на everybody)
deepin-control-center-6.0.47-alt2 [3] (lvol, на everybody)
dotnet-runtime-6.0-6.0.25-alt1 [10] (lav, на everybody)
dotnet-runtime-7.0-7.0.17-alt1 [10] (lav, на everybody)
dotnet-runtime-8.0-8.0.3-alt1 [10] (lav, на everybody)
dotnet-runtime-9.0-9.0.0.preview.2-alt1 [10] (lav, на everybody)
eggwm-0.2-alt1.qa1 [3] (cas, на qa)
firefox-esr-115.11.0-alt1 [5] (pav,cas, на everybody)
fonts-otf-fontawesome5-5.15.4-alt1_2 [7] (viy, на everybody)
fonts-otf-marcsabatella-campania-2.009-alt1_5 [7] (viy, на everybody)
fonts-otf-steinberg-bravura-1.392-alt1_2 [7] (viy, на everybody)
fonts-otf-steinberg-petaluma-1.065-alt1_2 [7] (viy, на everybody)
fonts-ttf-material-icons-4.0.0-alt1_6 [7] (viy, на everybody)
foomatic-db-engine-4.0.12-alt1 [9] (viy, на qa, на everybody)
gimagereader-3.4.2-alt1 [4] (lav)
gle-4.2.5-alt3 [3] (viy, на everybody)
hexalate-1.0.1-alt1.qa1 [3] (george, на qa)
hexglass-1.2.1-alt1.1 [3] (george, на everybody)
howdy-3.0.0-alt11.beta1.gitc5b1766 [3] (lvol, на everybody)
immix-1.3-alt15 [3] (mike, на everybody)
include-what-you-use-0.21-alt1 [10] (vkni, на everybody)
instead-launcher-0.6.3-alt1 [3] (george, на everybody)
jag-0.3.2-alt2 [3] (george, на qa)
jal-0.3-alt1.rc1.1 [3] (@mobile, на everybody)
jicofo-1.1.9258-alt1 [9] (viy, на everybody)
jreen-7:1.3.0-alt1 [3] (nenderus, на everybody)
jss-5.4.2-alt2 [2] (viy,slev, на java, на qa, на everybody)
kitsune-3.0-alt1_8 [3] (viy, на everybody)
kontakter-0.2-alt1 [3] (cas, на everybody)
kseg-qt4-1.0-alt2 [3] (george, на everybody)
libgspell-1.12.2-alt1 [4] (aris)
libkolabxml-1.2.0-alt1 [3] (rider, на everybody)
linux-pam-1.6.1-alt1 [3] (ldv, на norebuild)
m-ping-0.4-alt2.qa1 [3] (alex, на everybody)
manticore-5.0.2-alt2 [8] (lav, на everybody)
memory-monitor-1.1-alt2.qa1 [3] (drool)
mosh-1.4.0-alt1 [11] (evg, на everybody)
mp3diags-1.2.03-alt2.1 [3] (aris, на everybody)
mu-1.10.7-alt1 [4] (mithraen, на everybody)
mysqltuner-1.7.2-alt1 [11] (evg, на everybody)
ncnn-20240102-alt2 [3] (lvol, на everybody)
ndpi-netfilter-3.2-alt1 [10] (boyarsh, на everybody)
netemul-1.0-alt1 [3] (mcpain,underwit, на everybody)
netfleet-0.2.1-alt1.qa1 [3] (drool)
node-nan-2.18.0-alt1 [11] (lav, на everybody)
node-sass-9.0.0-alt1 [11] (lav, на everybody)
node-tap-16.0.0-alt1 [5] (lav, на everybody)
opennebula- [11] (shaba,obirvalger,andy, на qa, на everybody)
perl-Digest-Haval256-1.0.5-alt3.2 [11] (viy, на everybody)
perl-IO-All-0.87-alt1 [11] (lav, на cpan, на qa, на everybody)
perl-Jcode-2.07-alt1.1 [11] (@cpan, на qa, на everybody)
perl-Net-Patricia-1.22-alt1.2 [11] (crux, на cpan, на everybody)
perl-Padre-1.02-alt2 [11] (crux,viy, на everybody)
perl-Parse-ErrorString-Perl-0.27-alt1 [11] (crux, на cpan, на everybody)
perl-SOAP-WSDL-3.004-alt2 [11] (viy, на everybody)
ptbatterysystemtray-0.8.0-alt1 [3] (mike, на everybody)
python3-module-flaky-3.8.1-alt1 [3] (grenka, на python)
python3-module-jupyter_client-8.6.1-alt2 [3] (toni, на everybody)
python3-module-pymeeus-0.5.12-alt1 [3] (aris)
python3-module-pytest-rerunfailures-14.0-alt1 [3] (grenka, на python)
python3-module-pythran-0.15.0-alt2 [1] (rider, на everybody)
python3-module-svglib-1.5.1-alt1 [4] (antohami, на everybody)
python3-module-tenacity-8.0.1-alt1 [5] (grenka, на python)
qcat-0.5-alt6 [3] (drool)
qconnman-1.24-alt1 [3] (mike, на everybody)
qconnman-ui-0-alt1.20140513 [3] (mike, на everybody)
qeven-0.3.2-alt1 [3] (drool, на everybody)
qfsm-0.56-alt1 [3] (george, на everybody)
qgmailnotifier-2008.2-alt1.qa1 [3] (drool, на qa)
qgoogletranslator-1.2.1-alt2.1 [3] (cas, на everybody)
qmetro-0.7.1-alt1 [3] (mike, на everybody)
qmidiroute-0.4.0-alt1 [3] (ildar, на everybody)
qorganizer-3.1.5-alt2 [3] (drool, на everybody)
qrdc-0.0.1-alt1 [3] (cas, на everybody)
qshare-2.1.5-alt1 [3] (drool)
qtbrowserplugin-2.4-alt3 [3] (cas, на everybody)
qtdbf-1.0.0-alt1 [3] (drool, на everybody)
qtmib-1.1.1-alt2 [3] (evg, на everybody)
qtsmbstatus-2.2.1-alt2 [3] (drool, на everybody)
qvkeyboard-1.0.0-alt2.qa3 [3] (drool, на qa)
qxkb-0.4.4-alt1r36.2 [3] (george, на everybody)
rosenpass-0.2.1-alt1 [5] (vt, на everybody)
rviewer-0.5-alt1 [3] (cas, на everybody)
scim-1.4.18-alt1 [3] (oddity, на qa)
sphinx-2.3.2-alt4 [9] (rider, на everybody)
synkron-1.6.2-alt1 [3] (drool)
thunderbird-115.9.0-alt1 [10] (pav,cas, на everybody)
tubularix- [3] (george, на qa)
vargus-viewer-1.0.2-alt2 [3] (lav, на everybody)
wally-2.4.4-alt1 [3] (drool, на everybody)
x11spice-1.2-alt1 [3] (cas,snejok, на everybody)
yate-6.1.0-alt4 [3] (lav, на everybody)

Sincerely yours,
ALT beekeeper

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