[cyber] I: Autoimports/Sisyphus 20230205 packages: +13! -3 +55 (36721)

autoimports на altlinux.org autoimports на altlinux.org
Вс Фев 5 03:04:58 MSK 2023

	13 ADDED packages

perl-Alien-Font-Vera - Access to Vera truetype file
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.013-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-App-Greple-xlate - translation support module for greple
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.04-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-App-Perl-Module-CopyrightYears - Tool for update copyright years in Perl distribution.
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.03-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Blockchain-Contract-Solidity-ABI - Contract ABI utilities
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.006-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Fedora-RPM-Spec-License - Handle Fedora RPM spec license string.
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.02-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-File-KeePass-Agent-KDBX - A KeePass 2 agent
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.902-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Git-Repository - Perl interface to Git repositories
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1.325-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Music-Chord-Progression-NRO - Generate Neo-Riemann chord progressions
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.0400-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Music-Chord-Progression-T - Generate transposed chord progressions
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.0100-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Music-Chord-Progression-Transform - Generate transformed chord progressions
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.0109-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Perinci-Examples-HTML - Examples related to HTML form generation
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.001-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Terse-Plugin-CHI - Terse response cache
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.01-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Terse-Plugin-UA - Terse LWP::UserAgent plugin.
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.01-alt1
- initial import by package builder

	3 REMOVED packages

perl-Convert-Base32	0.06-alt1
perl-File-KDBX	0.906-alt1
perl-Pass-OTP	1.5-alt1

	55 UPDATED packages

perl-Acme-CPANModules-PortedFrom-Python - Modules/applications that are ported from (or inspired by) Python libraries
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.005-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Wed Feb 10 2021 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.004-alt1

perl-Acme-CPANModules-WorkingWithXLS - Working with Excel formats (XLS, XLSX) or other spreadsheet formats like LibreOffice Calc
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.002-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Fri Nov 04 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.001-alt1

perl-AnyEvent-Future - use L<Future> with L<AnyEvent>
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.05-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Tue May 07 2019 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.04-alt1

perl-App-DBBrowser - Browse SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL databases and their tables interactively.
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 2.314-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Sat Jan 14 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 2.313-alt1

perl-App-Greple - extensible grep with lexical expression and region handling
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 8:9.02-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Fri Dec 23 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 8:8.60-alt1

perl-App-ManUtils - Utilities related to man(page)
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.002-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Sat Nov 19 2016 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.001-alt1

perl-App-ModuleBuildTiny - A standalone authoring tool for Module::Build::Tiny
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.032-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Mon Jan 16 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.030-alt1

perl-App-ansiecho - Command to produce ANSI terminal code
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1.04-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Mon Dec 19 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1.03-alt1

perl-AsposeSlidesCloud-SlidesApi - Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for Perl
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 23.01-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Wed Dec 28 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 22.12-alt1

perl-Babble - RSS Feed Aggregator and Blog engine
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.090010-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Wed Dec 14 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.090009-alt1

perl-Business-GoCardless - Top level namespace for the Business::GoCardless
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.37-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Fri Sep 02 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.36-alt1

perl-CPAN-Audit - Audit CPAN distributions for known vulnerabilities
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 20230202.003-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Mon Aug 22 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 20220817.001-alt1

perl-Chemistry-OpenSMILES - OpenSMILES format reader
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.8.5-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Wed Dec 14 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.8.4-alt1

perl-Chemistry-PeriodicTable - Provide access to chemical element properties
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.0501-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Thu Jan 12 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.0400-alt1

perl-DBI-Log - Log all DBI queries
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.11-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Mon Jan 16 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.10-alt1

perl-DNS-Zone-PowerDNS-To-BIND - Generate BIND zone configuration from information in PowerDNS database
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.010-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Wed Dec 14 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.009-alt1

perl-Data-Dataset-ChordProgressions - Provide access to hundreds of possible chord progressions
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.0303-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Tue Oct 25 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.0109-alt1

perl-Data-Dump-Color - Like Data::Dump, but with color
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.249-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Thu Jul 01 2021 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.248-alt1

perl-Data-Dumper-Interp - Data::Dumper for humans, with interpolation
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 4.111-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Sun Jan 29 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 4.108-alt1

perl-Data-Validate-OpenAPI - Validate and untaint input parameters via OpenAPI schema
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.3.0-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Fri Nov 04 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.1.0-alt1

perl-Date-Parse-Modern - Provide string to unixtime conversions
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.4-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Sun Jan 29 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.3-alt1

perl-File-HTTP - open, read and seek into remote files and directories transparently
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1.01-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Sun Feb 28 2021 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1.00-alt1

perl-Geo-Coder-US-Census - Provides a geocoding functionality using http:://geocoding.geo.census.gov for the US.
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.06-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Fri Jun 15 2018 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.05-alt1

perl-Graph-Maker-Other - Create Graph.pm graph theory graphs of various kinds.
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 19-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Wed Mar 03 2021 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 18-alt1

perl-HealthCheck-Diagnostic-DBHCheck - Check a database handle to make sure you have read/write access
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1.0.0-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Mon May 04 2020 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.500.3-alt1

perl-LaTeX-TOM - A module for parsing, analyzing, and manipulating LaTeX documents.
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1.04-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Wed Sep 04 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1.03-alt1

perl-Lemonldap-NG-Common - Common files for Lemonldap::NG infrastructure
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1:2.0.16-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Mon Sep 19 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1:

perl-Lemonldap-NG-Handler - The Apache protection module part of Lemonldap::NG Web-SSO system.
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 2.0.16-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Mon Sep 19 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux>

perl-License-SPDX - Object for SPDX licenses handling.
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.03-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Sun Jan 29 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.01-alt1

perl-List-Keywords - a selection of list utility keywords
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.10-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Thu Jul 01 2021 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.08-alt1

perl-MIME-DB - Media Type Database, a port of the mime-db JavaScript package
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1.52.0-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Fri Aug 13 2021 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1.49.0-alt1

perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-Routes-Restful - Have a Hash make some Mojo routes
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.04-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Sun Feb 26 2017 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.03-alt1

perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-SecureCORS - Complete control over CORS
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 2.0.5-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Thu Feb 18 2021 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 2.0.4-alt1

perl-Number-ZipCode-JP - Validate Japanese zip-codes
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.20230131-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Mon Jan 02 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.20221228-alt1

perl-OpenAPI-Render - Render OpenAPI specifications as documents
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.3.0-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Tue Oct 25 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.2.0-alt1

perl-PDF-Table - A utility class for building table layouts in a PDF::API2 object.
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1.005-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Sun Jan 29 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1.004-alt1

perl-PDL-Graphics-Gnuplot - Gnuplot-based plotting for PDL
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 2.023-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Sun Jan 29 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 2.022-alt1

perl-PICA-Data - PICA record processing
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 2.06-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Wed Dec 14 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 2.05-alt1

perl-Perl-Dist-APPerl - Actually Portable Perl
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.3.0-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Tue Dec 06 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.2.1-alt1

perl-Plack-Component-Tags-HTML - Plack component for Tags with HTML output.
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.10-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Wed Dec 14 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.09-alt1

perl-Pod-AsciiDoctor - Convert from POD to AsciiDoc
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1:0.101000-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Tue Jan 03 2017 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1:0.1-alt2

perl-Pod-CopyrightYears - Object for copyright years changing in POD.
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.02-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Thu Jan 12 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.01-alt1

perl-PostScript-PPD - Read PostScript Printer Definition files
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.0400-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Mon Nov 09 2020 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.0300-alt1

perl-RxPerl - It's new $module
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 6.22.1-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Sun Jan 29 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 6.14.0-alt1

perl-SPVM - Fast array and numeric operation, and provide easy way to C/C++ Binding
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 2:0.9689-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Sun Jan 29 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 2:0.9686-alt1

perl-Story-Interact - tools for writing (and reading) an interactive story
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.001007-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Sun Jan 29 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.001006-alt1

perl-String-Query-To-Regexp - Convert query to regular expression
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.003-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Mon Dec 19 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.002-alt1

perl-Template-Plugin-DataPrinter - Template Toolkit dumper plugin using Data::Printer
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.016-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Thu Apr 29 2021 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.015-alt1

perl-Test-DB - Temporary Databases for Testing
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.10-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Fri Jan 15 2021 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.07-alt1

perl-Text-ASCIITable-EasyTable - Create ASCII tables easily
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1.001-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Sun Jan 29 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.03-alt1

perl-Travel-Status-DE-DeutscheBahn - Interface to the DeutscheBahn online
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 4.05-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Sun Jan 29 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 4.03-alt1

perl-UUID4-Tiny - Cryptographically secure v4 UUIDs for Linux x64
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.003-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Mon Nov 22 2021 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.002-alt1

perl-Variable-Declaration - declare with type constraint
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.06-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Wed Jan 30 2019 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.04-alt1

perl-YAML-Safe - Safe Perl YAML Serialization using XS and libyaml
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.82-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Sun Jun 05 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.81-alt1

perl-idi - Easy Command-line MIDI
* Sat Feb 04 2023 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.0305-alt1
- updated by package builder
* Wed Dec 14 2022 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.0304-alt1

Total 36721 source packages.

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