[cyber] I: Sisyphus-20220115 REBUILD i586 status

ALT beekeeper hiver на altlinux.org
Сб Янв 15 10:00:52 MSK 2022

This is a summary of the i586 package rebuild test finished at 15.01.2022.

Numbers in [square brackets] describe how many weeks corresponding
packages cannot be rebuilt.

Orphaned packages that cannot be rebuilt for 14+ weeks are
usually removed from the repository without further warnings.

List of 3 orphaned packages that cannot be rebuilt for a very long time:

cmucl-20b-alt3 [20] (oddity, на everybody)
mbootpack-0.6a-alt3 [16] (led, на everybody)
scala-2.13.5-alt2_1jpp11 [20] (viy, на everybody)

List of 15 orphaned packages that have no assignee to send information
about rebuild failures:

arpwatch-2:2.1a15-alt8 [13]
atlas-3.9.35-alt1.qa1 [7]
bullet-2.82-alt1.r2704 [4]
dante-1.4.2-alt3 [13]
gcc7-7.3.1-alt11 [13]
gcc8-8.4.1-alt2 [13]
gcc9-9.3.1-alt4 [13]
ghc8.6.4-cabal-install- [13]
libbctoolbox-0.6.0-alt4 [13]
libbox2d-2.4.1-alt1.1 [13]
megasync- [13]
quvi0.9-0.9.5-alt1 [13]
resolv_wrapper-1.1.7-alt1.1 [13]
sfizz-1.0.0-alt2.git07260b13 [13]
xnee-3.19-alt3 [13]

List of 29 packages that cannot be rebuilt for more than one week:

automake_1.11-1.11.6-alt9 [1] (@core)
codelite-15.0.7-alt1 [6] (grenka, на everybody)
devscripts-2.19.7-alt1 [4] (george, на everybody)
emacs-mode-auctex-11.87-alt3 [4] (viy, на everybody)
faketime-0.2.8-alt1 [3] (ldv)
font-manager-0.8.7-alt1 [7] (aris, на everybody)
fprintd-1.94.1-alt1 [3] (rider, на everybody)
gerbera-1.9.2-alt1 [1] (shaba, на everybody)
ghc8.6.4-sha- [3] (grenka, на qa)
grsync-1.3.0-alt2 [5] (grenka)
gtypist-2.9.5-alt1 [4] (oddity, на qa)
hex-a-hop-1.0.0-alt5 [4] (george, на qa)
idesk-1:0.7.5-alt3.1 [5] (mike,grenka, на qa, на everybody)
igt-gpu-tools-1.26-alt1 [4] (george, на everybody)
krita-4.4.8-alt1 [4] (zerg)
liquidwar-5.6.4-alt6.2 [11] (george, на everybody)
mars_nwe-0.99-alt6 [10] (mike, на everybody)
memtest86-4.0a-alt4 [7] (mike, на qa, на everybody)
p7zip-17.04-alt2 [4] (mike, на everybody)
perl-Gtk3-WebKit-0.06-alt1 [5] (crux, на everybody)
pfstools-2.2.0-alt1 [4] (rider, на everybody)
pinfo-0.6.13-alt2 [9] (ender, на qa, на everybody)
schroot-1.6.10-alt1 [4] (sin, на everybody)
trace-cmd-2.9.1-alt5 [4] (vt, на everybody)
watchexec-1.17.1-alt1 [5] (obirvalger, на everybody)
wine-cpcsp_proxy-0.5.2-alt1 [8] (lav, на everybody)
wine-grdwine- [3] (kondratyuk, на everybody)
wmforkplop-0.9.3-alt8 [5] (mike, на qa, на everybody)
wmhdplop-0.9.9-alt8 [5] (mike, на qa, на everybody)

Sincerely yours,
ALT beekeeper

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