[cyber] I: p9/branch packages: +1! +6 (18184)

QA Team Robot qa на altlinux.org
Чт Мар 18 03:16:55 MSK 2021

	1 ADDED package

pps-tools - Userspace tools for kernel PPS
* Wed Mar 10 2021 Alexei Takaseev <taf на altlinux> 1.0.2-alt1
- Initial build for ALT Linux Sisyphus.

	6 UPDATED packages

chromium - An open source web browser developed by Google       	[1055M]
* Mon Mar 15 2021 Andrey Cherepanov <cas на altlinux> 89.0.4389.82-alt0.1.p9
- Backport new version to p9 branch.
* Tue Mar 09 2021 Alexey Gladkov <legion на altlinux> 89.0.4389.82-alt1
- New version (89.0.4389.82).
- Security fixes:
  - CVE-2020-27844: Heap buffer overflow in OpenJPEG.
  - CVE-2021-21159: Heap buffer overflow in TabStrip.
  - CVE-2021-21160: Heap buffer overflow in WebAudio.
  - CVE-2021-21161: Heap buffer overflow in TabStrip.
  - CVE-2021-21162: Use after free in WebRTC.
  - CVE-2021-21163: Insufficient data validation in Reader Mode.
  - CVE-2021-21164: Insufficient data validation in Chrome for iOS.
  - CVE-2021-21165: Object lifecycle issue in audio.
  - CVE-2021-21166: Object lifecycle issue in audio.
  - CVE-2021-21167: Use after free in bookmarks.
  - CVE-2021-21168: Insufficient policy enforcement in appcache.
  - CVE-2021-21169: Out of bounds memory access in V8.
  - CVE-2021-21170: Incorrect security UI in Loader.
  - CVE-2021-21171: Incorrect security UI in TabStrip and Navigation.
  - CVE-2021-21172: Insufficient policy enforcement in File System API.
  - CVE-2021-21173: Side-channel information leakage in Network Internals.
  - CVE-2021-21174: Inappropriate implementation in Referrer.
  - CVE-2021-21175: Inappropriate implementation in Site isolation.
  - CVE-2021-21176: Inappropriate implementation in full screen mode.
  - CVE-2021-21177: Insufficient policy enforcement in Autofill.
  - CVE-2021-21178: Inappropriate implementation in Compositing.
  - CVE-2021-21179: Use after free in Network Internals.
  - CVE-2021-21180: Use after free in tab search.
  - CVE-2021-21181: Side-channel information leakage in autofill.
  - CVE-2021-21182: Insufficient policy enforcement in navigations.
  - CVE-2021-21183: Inappropriate implementation in performance APIs.
  - CVE-2021-21184: Inappropriate implementation in performance APIs.
  - CVE-2021-21185: Insufficient policy enforcement in extensions.
  - CVE-2021-21186: Insufficient policy enforcement in QR scanning.
  - CVE-2021-21187: Insufficient data validation in URL formatting.
  - CVE-2021-21188: Use after free in Blink.
  - CVE-2021-21189: Insufficient policy enforcement in payments.
  - CVE-2021-21190: Uninitialized Use in PDFium.
* Sun Feb 07 2021 Andrey Cherepanov <cas на altlinux> 88.0.4324.150-alt0.1.p9

cups - Common Unix Printing System - server package
* Fri Mar 12 2021 Aleksei Nikiforov <darktemplar на altlinux> 2.3.3-alt2.op2
- Updated to upstream version 2.3.3op2 (Fixes: CVE-2020-10001).
- Project moved to OpenPrinting.
- Fixed license.
* Thu Jan 28 2021 Aleksei Nikiforov <darktemplar на altlinux> 2.3.3-alt1

docs-alt-server - ALT Server documentation                      	[21M]
* Mon Mar 15 2021 Elena Mishina <lepata на altlinux> 9.1-alt5
- install-packages-advanced: add epm
- admin: pacemaker, group policy
- fix typo
* Mon Nov 30 2020 Elena Mishina <lepata на altlinux> 9.1-alt4

docs-alt-workstation - ALT Workstation documentation            	[27M]
* Mon Mar 15 2021 Elena Mishina <lepata на altlinux> 9.1-alt3
- system-management: add group policy
- functional: add alt-csp-cryptopro, luks password
- install-packages-advanced: add epm
- fix typo
* Mon Nov 16 2020 Elena Mishina <lepata на altlinux> 9.1-alt2
- update thunderbird
- add recoll settings
- add ALT Media Writer
* Tue Jul 14 2020 Elena Mishina <lepata на altlinux> 9.1-alt1

openssl1.1 - OpenSSL - Secure Sockets Layer and cryptography shared libraries and tools
* Fri Mar 12 2021 Gleb F-Malinovskiy <glebfm на altlinux> 1.1.1j-alt1
- Updated to 1.1.1j (fixes CVE-2021-23840 CVE-2021-23841).
* Mon Feb 01 2021 Andrew Savchenko <bircoph на altlinux> 1.1.1i-alt3
- E2K: Fixed makecontext handling.
* Mon Jan 18 2021 Stanislav Levin <slev на altlinux> 1.1.1i-alt2

pciids - Repository of PCI IDs (pci.ids database)
* Mon Mar 15 2021 Cronbuild Service <cronbuild на altlinux> 20210315-alt1
- repocop cronbuild 20210315. At your service.
* Mon Mar 08 2021 Cronbuild Service <cronbuild на altlinux> 20210308-alt1

Total 18184 source packages.

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