[cyber] I: Sisyphus-20171219 bugs: +2 -1 (3189)

QA Team Robot qa на altlinux.org
Вт Дек 19 07:44:20 MSK 2017

	2 NEW bugs

#34354	lazarus         	normal  	-
Новая версия 1.8.0

#34355	pam-config      	normal  	-
"Module is unknown" вместо "Wrong password"


#32978	systemd-services	normal  	NOTABUG
machinectl core dumped

	10 RANDOM bugs

#6961	rpm-build       	enhancement	-
FR: macros with parameter

#8509	etcnet          	enhancement	-
[PATCH] locking for /etc/net

#14780	alterator-l10n  	normal  	-
Этап 6, ошибка в справке о присвоении точки монтирования  фс

#31157	lftp            	enhancement	-
[FR] убрать desktop-файлик

#31167	mlt-utils       	major   	-
не работает рендеринг (Intel Core i5)

#32606	su              	minor   	-
not authorized to connect to X after 2 invocations of su

#32839	xkeyboard-config	normal  	-
shift(rshift_both_capslock) makes Right Shift not behave as a normal Shift

#32953	sa-content-filter	normal  	-
%postun scriptlet failed when removing sa-content-filter

#32995	rpm-build       	major   	-
[i586] rpmbuild: parseSpec.c:655: parseSpec: Assertion `tmpfp' failed

#33009	boost-devel     	major   	-
boost: linker error

Total 3189 pending bugs (338 blocker/critical/major bugs).

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