[cyber] I: Sisyphus-20160302 misassigned_bugs: +4 -7 (1268)

QA Team Robot qa на altlinux.org
Ср Мар 2 08:10:59 MSK 2016

	4 NEW misassigned_bugs added to the list
14819	sisyphus_check	ldv на altlinux	imz на altlinux	sisyphus_check rejects FHS 2.3 compliant applications
15376	sisyphus_check	ldv на altlinux	imz на altlinux	[FR] выделение не-полиси-специфичной части
31552	0ad	boyarsh на altlinux	cas на altlinux	Обновление 0 A.D. до Alpha 19
31666	openstack-keystone	piastry на altlinux	snejok на altlinux	wrong initd service file

	7 misassigned_bugs REMOVED from the list
22348	GraphicsMagick	sbolshakov на altlinux	viy на altlinux	fonts paths are wrong
24344	mailman	lakostis на altlinux	bga на altlinux	Вышла новая версия 2.1.14
27980	GraphicsMagick	sbolshakov на altlinux	viy на altlinux	convert convert: geometry does not contain image (unable to crop image).
30568	frozen-bubble	at на altlinux	viy на altlinux	frozen-bubble/perl-SDL: broken with perl-5.20.1
31652	collectd	mike на altlinux	cas на altlinux	Error in systemd service file
31666	openstack-keystone	piastry на altlinux	shaba на altlinux	wrong initd service file
31778	libicu56	shrek на altlinux	aris на altlinux	conflicts between attempted installs of libicu50-debuginfo-5.1.1-alt4 and libicu56-debuginfo-5.6.1-alt1

Total 1268 misassigned_bugs.

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