[cyber] I: Sisyphus-20160705 bugs: +1 -1 (2889)
QA Team Robot
qa на altlinux.org
Вт Июл 5 07:44:18 MSK 2016
1 NEW bug
#32246 mono4-full normal -
Не находит libgdiplus.so
#32244 attr normal FIXED
getfattr Segmentation fault on x86_64
10 RANDOM bugs
#12990 urw-tex normal -
broken symlinks to /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1/*
#15313 mono-debugger blocker LATER
mono-debugger version does not agree with mono version
#18114 xauth normal -
Неверно обрабатывается отсутствие прав доступа к Xauthority
#23307 gnome-libs major -
/usr/bin/gnome-moz-remote is broken and evil
#27354 make-initrd enhancement -
add iSCSI support
#29854 installer-feature-network-shares-stage3 normal -
70-network-shares.sh -> /etc/xinet.d/vsftpd is missing
#30609 xorg-font-encodings critical -
doesn't work anymore
#30633 NetworkManager-vpnc-gtk enhancement -
support Vendor=juniper
#30752 flac normal -
Обновить до flac-1.3.1
#31592 emacs24-erc minor -
it's not nice that an autoloaded function can be missing if the subpkg is not installed
Total 2889 pending bugs (323 blocker/critical/major bugs).
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