[cyber] I: Sisyphus-20160424 x86_64 beehive_status: +29 -4 (505)

ALT beekeeper hiver на altlinux.org
Вс Апр 24 13:22:47 MSK 2016

	29 NEW error logs

	testBufferedRead(org.apache.james.mime4j.message.StringInputStreamTest)  Time elapsed:
	0.005 sec  <<< FAILURE!
	junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<23> but was:<52>
	at junit.framework.Assert.fail(Assert.java:57)
	Results :
	Failed tests:
	org.apache.james.mime4j.message.StringInputStreamTest#testBufferedRead	expect...

	Selecting python-dev for 'python-devel'
	E: Couldn't find package python-module-wx2.9
	hsh-install: Failed to calculate package file list.

	of sources.list
	E: Package libwxGTK2.9-devel has no installation candidate
	hsh-install: Failed to calculate package file list.

	Selecting xorg-server for 'xorg-x11-server'
	E: Couldn't find package kernel-source-nvidia-36128
	hsh-install: Failed to calculate package file list.

	t/get_elements.t ......................... ok
	#   Failed test 'Errors correct with no params'
	#   at t/get_errors.t line 30.
	#     $expected->[0] = 'bad foo'
	#   Failed test 'Errors correct with no params'
	#   at t/get_errors.t line 88.
	t/get_errors.t			       (Wstat: 512 Tests: 6 Failed: 2)
	Failed tests:  1, 5
	Non-zero exit status: 2
	Result: FAIL
	Failed 1/90 test programs. 2/625 subtests failed.
	make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255

	newnode.line = self.line
	AttributeError: can't set attribute
	The full traceback has been saved in /usr/src/tmp/sphinx-err-p_Ierx.log, if you want
	to report the issue to the developers.

	Selecting python-dev for 'python-devel'
	E: Couldn't find package python-module-wx2.9
	hsh-install: Failed to calculate package file list.

	# coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
	ImportError: No module named sphinx_rtd_theme
	The full traceback has been saved in /usr/src/tmp/sphinx-err-A3xHhz.log, if you want
	to report the issue to the developers.

	import sphinx_rtd_theme
	ImportError: No module named sphinx_rtd_theme
	The full traceback has been saved in /usr/src/tmp/sphinx-err-OaQIV8.log, if you want
	to report the issue to the developers.

	import sphinx_rtd_theme
	ImportError: No module named sphinx_rtd_theme
	The full traceback has been saved in /usr/src/tmp/sphinx-err-fQQGQH.log, if you want
	to report the issue to the developers.

	import sphinx_rtd_theme
	ImportError: No module named sphinx_rtd_theme
	The full traceback has been saved in /usr/src/tmp/sphinx-err-Uv2L7Z.log, if you want
	to report the issue to the developers.

	def makefile(self, mode="r", buffering=None, *,
	SyntaxError: invalid syntax
	Linking ../changelog.rst to changelog.rst
	/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/python-module-gevent-1.1.0/doc/gevent._socket2.rst:6: WARNING:
	missing attribute mentioned in :members: or __all__: module gevent._socket2, attribute
	of gevent._ssl3.closing:12: ERROR: Unexpected indentation.
	of gevent._ssl3.closing:13: WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected
	of gevent._sslgte279.closing:12: ERROR: Unexpected indentation.
	of gevent._sslgte279.closing:13: WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line;
	unexpected unindent.
	for (i_type, i_string, i_target, i_aliasname) in items:
	ValueError: too many values to unpack
	The full traceback has been saved in /usr/src/tmp/sphinx-err-LUiMCc.log, if you want
	to report the issue to the developers.

	import sphinx_rtd_theme
	ImportError: No module named sphinx_rtd_theme
	The full traceback has been saved in /usr/src/tmp/sphinx-err-lQrgx4.log, if you want
	to report the issue to the developers.

	WARNING: sphinx.ext.pngmath has been deprecated. Please use sphinx.ext.imgmath instead.
	Extension error:
	Config value 'math_number_all' already present

	File "conf.py", line 16, in <module>
	ImportError: No module named sphinx_rtd_theme
	The full traceback has been saved in /usr/src/tmp/sphinx-err-eyBQK8.log, if you want
	to report the issue to the developers.

	preparing documents...
	Recursion error:
	maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp

	import sphinx_rtd_theme
	ImportError: No module named sphinx_rtd_theme
	The full traceback has been saved in /usr/src/tmp/sphinx-err-H5EKvf.log, if you want
	to report the issue to the developers.

	# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions
	ImportError: No module named sphinx_rtd_theme
	The full traceback has been saved in /usr/src/tmp/sphinx-err-yy_L5J.log, if you want
	to report the issue to the developers.

	File "conf.py", line 147, in <module>
	ImportError: No module named sphinx_rtd_theme
	The full traceback has been saved in /usr/src/tmp/sphinx-err-z4bHWx.log, if you want
	to report the issue to the developers.

	/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/python-module-notebook-4.0.4/docs/source/index.rst:5: WARNING:
	toctree contains reference to nonexisting document u'config'
	/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/python-module-notebook-4.0.4/docs/source/notebook.rst:226: ERROR:
	Unknown target name: "basic output".
	looking for now-outdated files... none found
	loading pickled environment... done
	Theme error:
	sphinx_rtd_theme is no longer a hard dependency since version 1.4.0. Please install
	it manually.

	Selecting python-dev for 'python-devel'
	E: Couldn't find package python-module-wx2.9-devel
	hsh-install: Failed to calculate package file list.

	raise AttributeError(name)
	AttributeError: TestSPARQLAlgebra
	of rdfextras.sparql.components.GraphPattern:8: ERROR: Unexpected indentation.
	of rdfextras.sparql.components.GraphPattern:9: WARNING: Block quote ends without a
	blank line; unexpected unindent.
	of rdfextras.sparql.components.DescribeQuery:3: WARNING: Definition list ends without
	a blank line; unexpected unindent.
	of rdfextras.sparql.components.ParsedOrderConditionExpression:3: ERROR: Unexpected
	/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/python-module-rdfextras-1.0/docs/sparql/evaluate.rst:14: WARNING:
	autodoc: failed to import class u'NotImplemented' from module u'rdfextras.sparql.evaluate';
	the following exception was raised:
	raise AttributeError(name)
	AttributeError: NotImplemented
	/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/python-module-rdfextras-1.0/docs/store/performance.rst:None: WARNING:
	image file not readable: _static/store/time_to_store_triples.png
	(tdef[0], state, cls, err))
	ValueError: uncompilable regex
	in state 'root' of <class 'pygments.lexers.rdf.SparqlLexer'>: bad character range
	The full traceback has been saved in /usr/src/tmp/sphinx-err-bRszPv.log, if you want
	to report the issue to the developers.

	test_ann.TestANNWrapper.test_knn_returns_corrent_number_of_neighbors(#ANN 1.1.2 ... ok
	Failure: UnicodeDecodeError ('utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x71 in position 40:
	invalid start byte) ... ERROR
	test_ann.TestANNWrapper.test_knn_returns_nearest_neighbor(array([[ 0.64240976,
	0.75217773]]), array([ 0.9891722])) ... ok
	test_ann.TestANNWrapper.test_knn_returns_nearest_neighbor(array([[ 0.65612138,
	0.61988593], ... ok
	ERROR: Failure: UnicodeDecodeError ('utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x71 in position 40:
	invalid start byte)
	Traceback (most recent call last):
	return _ANN._kdtree___repr__(self)
	UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x71 in position 40: invalid start byte
	Ran 18 tests in 0.084s
	FAILED (errors=1)

	import sphinx_rtd_theme
	ImportError: No module named sphinx_rtd_theme
	The full traceback has been saved in /usr/src/tmp/sphinx-err-YY2O0C.log, if you want
	to report the issue to the developers.

	WARNING: sphinx.ext.pngmath has been deprecated. Please use sphinx.ext.imgmath instead.
	Extension error:
	Config value 'math_number_all' already present

	import sphinx_rtd_theme
	ImportError: No module named sphinx_rtd_theme
	The full traceback has been saved in /usr/src/tmp/sphinx-err-4cMTWb.log, if you want
	to report the issue to the developers.

	import sphinx_rtd_theme
	ImportError: No module named sphinx_rtd_theme
	The full traceback has been saved in /usr/src/tmp/sphinx-err-TKM7aP.log, if you want
	to report the issue to the developers.

	import sphinx_rtd_theme
	ImportError: No module named 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
	The full traceback has been saved in /usr/src/tmp/sphinx-err-_nrvvi5w.log, if you want
	to report the issue to the developers.

	loading pickled environment... not yet created
	Theme error:
	sphinx_rtd_theme is no longer a hard dependency since version 1.4.0. Please install
	it manually.

	4 error logs REMOVED from the list

Total 505 error logs.

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