[cyber] I: Autoimports/Sisyphus 20140619 packages: +10! (24513)

autoimports на altlinux.org autoimports на altlinux.org
Чт Июн 19 03:21:09 MSK 2014

	10 ADDED packages

perl-AI-MaxEntropy - Perl extension for learning Maximum Entropy Models
* Tue Jun 17 2014 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.20-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-App-GitHooks-Plugin-PerlCritic - Verify that all changes and addition to the Perl files pass PerlCritic checks.
* Tue Jun 17 2014 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1.0.2-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-CPAN-Distribution-ReleaseHistory - Show the release history of a single distribution
* Tue Jun 17 2014 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.002000-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-File-Kvpar - read and write files containing key-value paragraphs
* Tue Jun 17 2014 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.01-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Media-Type-Simple - MIME Types and their file extensions
* Tue Jun 17 2014 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.30.2-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-MooX-NewDefaults - Alter attribute defaults with less pain
* Tue Jun 17 2014 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.001000-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-MooseX-Role-REST-Consumer - Take a REST inside Moose
* Tue Jun 17 2014 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.003-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Puppet-Show - Optional Tk Gui for Puppet::Body
* Tue Jun 17 2014 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 1.007-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-SimpleDBI - some function base DBI
* Tue Jun 17 2014 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.01-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-X11-GUITest-record - Perl implementation of the X11 record extension.
* Tue Jun 17 2014 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0.15-alt1
- initial import by package builder

Total 24513 source packages.

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