[cyber] I: Sisyphus-20111105 REBUILD x86_64 status

ALT beekeeper hiver на altlinux.org
Сб Ноя 5 18:32:42 UTC 2011

This is a summary of the x86_64 package rebuild test finished at 05.11.2011.

Numbers in [square brackets] describe how many weeks corresponding
packages cannot be rebuilt.

Orphaned packages that cannot be rebuilt for 20+ weeks are
usually removed from the repository without further warnings.

List of 1 orphaned packages that cannot be rebuilt for a very long time:

libjogl-1.1.1-alt7 [34]

List of 5 orphaned packages that have no assignee to send information
about rebuild failures:

banshee-2.0.1-alt1 [12]
libxml-ruby-1.1.3-alt1 [0]
lxde-lxlauncher-0.2-alt1.1 [0]
ruby-gettext_activerecord-2.1.0-alt1 [0]
ruby-net-ssh-2.0.15-alt1 [0]

List of 26 packages that cannot be rebuilt for more than one week:

FlightGear-data-2.4.0-alt1.1 [4] (mike, на qa,andyc, на everybody)
ImageMagick- [1] (rider)
Mayavi-3.4.2-alt1.svn20110127 [4] (real,vvpi, на python, на qa, на everybody)
R-base-2.12.2-alt1.qa3 [7] (at, на qa, на everybody)
crossfire-1.11.0-alt1.qa2 [6] (eugvv, на qa, на everybody)
gnutls26-2.10.5-alt1 [1] (ender, на everybody)
golly-2.2-alt1 [1] (george, на qa)
gutenprint-1:5.2.7-alt1 [11] (shrek, на everybody)
hermesxd-20110822-alt1 [3] (real, на everybody)
howto-html-en-20100803-alt1 [4] (azol, на everybody)
kde-icon-theme-korilla-1.3.5-alt1 [4] (zerg, на everybody)
kdelibs-3.5.12-alt11 [11] (zerg, на everybody)
largo-themes-1-alt1 [7] (voins, на everybody)
lazarus-0.9.31-alt8 [9] (ashen, на everybody)
otrs-2.4.9-alt1 [6] (zidex, на everybody)
plplot-5.9.7-alt1.svn20110504.1 [3] (real, на everybody)
qemu-0.15.1-alt1 [9] (shaba, на everybody)
qemu-kvm-0.15.0-alt2 [9] (rider, на everybody)
qutim-4: [3] (nenderus, на everybody)
rocksndiamonds-emc-1:2.0.0-alt2 [4] (zerg, на everybody)
samba4-4.0.0-alt1.alpha16 [1] (shaba, на everybody)
sugarcrm-5.5.0-alt1 [6] (zidex, на everybody)
valgrind-3.6.1-alt1 [11] (ldv,vsu)
vtk-5.8.0-alt1 [1] (real,sin, на python, на qa, на everybody)
wanpipe-3.5.20-alt1 [8] (mithraen, на everybody)
xCAT-client-2.5.1-alt0.4 [1] (stanv, на everybody)

Sincerely yours,
ALT beekeeper

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