[cyber] repocop-experimental +1! -1 +5 (664)

repocop на repocop.altlinux.org repocop на repocop.altlinux.org
Пт Фев 18 02:04:41 UTC 2011

	1 NEW repocop-experimental added to the list
ananas-0.9.5-alt5.x86_64	iconsdir

	1 repocop-experimental REMOVED from the list
sopwith-1.7.1-alt1_11.x86_64	iconsdir

	5 NOT FIXED repocop-experimentals
389-ds-	checkbashisms
dnsmasq-2.56-alt1.x86_64	checkbashisms
openldap2.4-servers-2.4.24-alt2.x86_64	checkbashisms
xterm-268-alt1.x86_64	checkbashisms
xterm-268-alt1.x86_64	iconsdir

Total 664 repocop-experimentals.

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