[cyber] I: 4.0/branch packages: +1 (6860)
QA Team Robot
qa на altlinux.org
Пн Апр 4 01:53:30 UTC 2011
1 UPDATED package
monit - Process monitor and restart utility
* Sun Apr 03 2011 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.2.5-alt0.M40.1
- built for M40 as well (5.2.3+ fixes older memory check
causing syslog spam when running under 2.6.32-ovz kernels)
* Sun Apr 03 2011 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.2.5-alt0.M51.1
- built for M51 (closes: #25292)
* Mon Mar 28 2011 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.2.5-alt1
- 5.2.5
* Tue Feb 22 2011 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.2.4-alt1
- 5.2.4
* Mon Feb 14 2011 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.2.3-alt2
- fixed dhcpd snippet (dhcpd_rc corresponds to rootstrict template
currently, not to rootrc)
* Sat Dec 18 2010 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.2.3-alt1
- 5.2.3
+ mysql protocol test supports mysql 5.5.x and newer now
* Tue Oct 12 2010 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.2.1-alt1.1
- rebuilt against openssl-1.0.0a
* Sat Sep 25 2010 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.2.1-alt1
- 5.2.1
+ bugfix for specific HTTP protocol tests, see CHANGES.txt
* Fri Sep 24 2010 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.2-alt1
- 5.2
+ added support for:
- monitoring processes without pidfile using pattern matching
- swap monitoring
+ allow to override the default action when service doesn't exist
+ added memcache protocol test
+ added openssl FIPS to Monit httpd
+ the 'check system' can now use start/stop program statements too
+ added the option to set the "Reply-To" mail header in mail-format
+ bunch of bugfixes
- updated patch (thanks damir@ yet again for help back then)
* Wed Sep 22 2010 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.1.1-alt1.1.1
- disabled port probe in mysql example by default
(mysqld runs with skip-networking unless reconfigured)
* Fri Jul 23 2010 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.1.1-alt1.1
- mail "root на localhost" by default, "+monit" suffix might not work
* Tue Feb 23 2010 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.1.1-alt1
- 5.1.1
- removed upstream patch (released)
* Mon Feb 22 2010 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.1-alt2
- applied upstream patch for a minor nuisance
* Sat Feb 20 2010 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.1-alt1
- 5.1
- rediffed patch
- buildreq
* Fri Oct 30 2009 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.0.3-alt4
- added ejabberd and cyrus snippets proposed by dkr@
(closes: #20358)
* Sun Jun 07 2009 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.0.3-alt3
- added "with start delay 60" to default /etc/monitrc
(so that a minute would be available for services
to initialize before monit looks down at the system)
- added "include /etc/monitrc.d/*.auto" (disabled by default)
so that auto-added packaged configuration snippets could be
enabled all at once
* Fri Jun 05 2009 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.0.3-alt2
- largely reworked example configuration snippets:
+ dropped atd (part of vixie-cron now)
+ added cupsd, postgresql, proftpd, system, unfsd, xfs
+ added/fixed/adjusted/dropped groups, should be better now
+ use tabs instead of spaces everywhere
+ uniformly use "localhost" instead of ""
+ a bunch of *bin/*rc additions
+ misc fixes/cleanups too
- call for server packagers: http://www.altlinux.org/Monit
* Fri May 29 2009 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.0.3-alt1
- 5.0.3
+ dropped cvs patch
* Tue May 26 2009 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.0.2-alt4
- added upstream CVS patch to fix an issue reported by lav@;
should be a part of 5.0.3 (fixes: #20158)
- spec cleanup
* Tue May 19 2009 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.0.2-alt2
- adapted openvpn config snippet from
* Tue May 12 2009 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.0.2-alt1
- 5.0.2
* Thu Apr 16 2009 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.0-alt1
- 5.0: more than 50 new features and bugfixes
* Fri Feb 27 2009 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.0-alt0.7
- 5.0_beta7
* Thu Dec 25 2008 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.0-alt0.6
- 5.0_beta6:
+ added idfile (/var/run/monit.id) to stock /etc/monitrc
- fixed pidfile path in slapd example
- updated Url:
* Sat Nov 15 2008 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.0-alt0.4
- 5.0_beta4
* Sat Aug 23 2008 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.0-alt0.3
- 5.0_beta3
- fixed typo in sshd example: sshd_dsa_key would check
/etc/openssh/ssh_host_rsa_key not /etc/openssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
(#16818; thanks naf@ for spotting this)
* Sat Aug 09 2008 ALT QA Team Robot <qa-robot на altlinux> 5.0-alt0.1.1
- Automated rebuild due to libssl.so.6 -> libssl.so.7 soname change.
* Sat Apr 19 2008 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 5.0-alt0.1
- 5.0beta1
- incompatible changes:
+ cpu usage test renamed to totalcpu (checks process+children
memory consumption); new cpu checks only the process itself
(just like totalmemory/memory was behaving already)
- features:
+ m/mmonit (web interface)
+ SIP protocol test
+ mail notifications hostname setting
+ sync start (wait for parent service before starting children)
+ start/stop timeouts (30 seconds by default)
+ device service test renamed to filesystem
- bugfixes:
+ restart of a slow-starter no longer may start two instances
+ a few crash or unjustified bail-out conditions fixed
- details: http://tildeslash.com/monit/dist/beta/CHANGES.txt
- strict version requirement for monit-base
- install /etc/monitrc.d/templates/* by default
- fixed #11313 (/etc/monit.d -> monitrc.d FC/SuSE compat symlink)
- removed stale patches
- rediffed/submitted upstream the remaining patch
* Fri Apr 11 2008 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 4.10.1-alt5
- fixed Group:
* Fri Mar 14 2008 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 4.10.1-alt4
- applied patch against monitored service double startup due to
overly fast process status check:
* Wed Jan 09 2008 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 4.10.1-alt3
- updated postfix config snippet
- added nginx config snippet (from bliki.rimuhosting.com)
* Mon Dec 31 2007 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 4.10.1-alt2
- fixed typo in spamd configuration snippet (#13832),
thanks naf@
* Wed Nov 28 2007 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 4.10.1-alt1
- 4.10.1 (minor bugfixes)
* Tue Nov 06 2007 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 4.10-alt1
- 4.10
* Mon Sep 10 2007 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 4.9-alt5
- added monit configuration validity check to initscript
(on start/restart/reload)
* Mon Jun 25 2007 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 4.9-alt4
Total 6860 source packages.
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