[cyber] I: 4.0/branch packages: +2 (6857)

QA Team Robot qa на altlinux.org
Чт Окт 7 01:53:21 UTC 2010

	2 UPDATED packages

typo3-dummy - Dummy site for TYPO3
* Wed Oct 06 2010 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 4.2.15-alt0.M40.1
- 4.2.15
* Fri Aug 06 2010 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 4.2.14-alt0.M40.1

typo3_src - A free, feature rich, Content Management Framework/System
* Wed Oct 06 2010 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 4.2.15-alt0.M40.1
- 4.2.15: critical security fixes, see
  + remote file disclosure (no auth required)
  + several XSS in backend (valid backend login required)
  + remote file disclosure in EM (valid backend admin login required)
  + privilege escalation possible for backend user having permission
    to create other backend users due to improper user input validation
  + DoS with php crash in t3lib_div::validEmail()
  + XSS protection incomplete in RemoveXSS()
* Fri Aug 06 2010 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 4.2.14-alt0.M40.1

Total 6857 source packages.

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