[cyber] I: Sisyphus-20100514 packages: +6! +10 (9913)
QA Team Robot
qa на altlinux.org
Пт Май 14 01:23:19 UTC 2010
6 ADDED packages
alterator-printers - simple alterator module for printer administration
* Wed May 05 2010 Lenar Shakirov <snejok на altlinux> 6.0-alt1
- PageSize always A4
- fixed for work on modern branchs:
+ Confirmation "on-leave" removed
+ 'surround "/std/base"' removed from mdl.scm
- backends fixed and cleaned
- backend cups: LANG=C for lpstat
- printer-drivers-utils package merged
- printers drivers cache generating added
- error catching/displaing emproved
- woo-write calls reduced
* Thu Aug 20 2009 Lenar Shakirov <snejok на altlinux> 5.0-alt5
cacti-plugin-quicktree - QuickTree is a 'shopping basket' for cacti graphs
* Thu May 13 2010 Alexey Shabalin <shaba на altlinux> 0.2-alt1
- initial build
jboss-parent1 - JBoss Parent POM
* Thu May 13 2010 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0:1-alt1_1jpp5
- jpp6 import
kernel-modules-virtualbox-addition-hpc-skif - VirtualBox modules
* Thu May 13 2010 Evgeny Sinelnikov <sin на altlinux> 3.1.8-alt1.132635.7
- Build for kernel-image-hpc-skif-2.6.27-alt7.
* Tue May 11 2010 Evgeny Sinelnikov <sin на altlinux> 3.1.8-alt1
- Update to new release
* Sun Apr 04 2010 Evgeny Sinelnikov <sin на altlinux> 3.1.6-alt1
- Update to new release
* Thu Mar 11 2010 Evgeny Sinelnikov <sin на altlinux> 3.1.4-alt1
kernel-modules-virtualbox-hpc-skif - VirtualBox modules
* Thu May 13 2010 Evgeny Sinelnikov <sin на altlinux> 3.1.8-alt1.132635.7
- Build for kernel-image-hpc-skif-2.6.27-alt7.
* Tue May 11 2010 Evgeny Sinelnikov <sin на altlinux> 3.1.8-alt1
- Update to new release
* Sun Apr 04 2010 Evgeny Sinelnikov <sin на altlinux> 3.1.6-alt1
- Update to new release
* Wed Mar 10 2010 Evgeny Sinelnikov <sin на altlinux> 3.1.4-alt1
python-module-graph - library for working with graphs in Python
* Thu May 13 2010 Vladimir V. Kamarzin <vvk на altlinux> 1.7.0-alt1
- Initial build for Sisyphus.
10 UPDATED packages
alterator-net-eth - alterator module for tcp/ip connections configuration
* Thu May 13 2010 Mikhail Efremov <sem на altlinux> 4.8-alt1
- create/destroy bridges.
* Wed Mar 03 2010 Mikhail Efremov <sem на altlinux> 4.7-alt3
easymock-java5 - Easy mock objects
* Thu May 13 2010 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0:1.2-alt1_6jpp5
- fixes for java6 support
* Sun Feb 21 2010 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0:1.2-alt1_4jpp5
jacorb - Free Java implementation of OMG's CORBA standard [10M]
* Thu May 13 2010 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0:2.3.0-alt1_19jpp5
- jpp6 import
* Tue Mar 31 2009 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0:2.3.0-alt1_17jpp5
jboss-deploy-maven-plugin - JBoss Deploy Maven Plugin
* Thu May 13 2010 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0:1.2-alt1_3jpp5
- jpp6 import
* Thu Jun 04 2009 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0:1.2-alt1_1jpp5
kernel-image-std-ng - The Linux kernel (the core of the Linux operating system)
* Thu May 13 2010 Valery Inozemtsev <shrek на altlinux> 2.6.32-alt13
* Mon Apr 26 2010 Valery Inozemtsev <shrek на altlinux> 2.6.32-alt12
koffice - Set of office applications for KDE [45M]
* Thu May 13 2010 Sergey V Turchin <zerg на altlinux> 4:2.1.2-alt1
- new version
* Thu Apr 22 2010 Sergey V Turchin <zerg на altlinux> 4:2.1.1-alt0.M51.1
Note: changelog entry for 4:2.1.1-alt1 not found.
python-module-objects.inv - Resource for build documentarion by Sphinx
* Thu May 13 2010 Repocop Q. A. Robot <repocop на altlinux>
- online db update 20100513. At your service.
* Mon May 10 2010 Repocop Q. A. Robot <repocop на altlinux>
servletapi4 - Java Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 API classes
* Wed May 12 2010 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0:4.0.4-alt2_6jpp5
- fixes for java6 support
* Mon Jan 05 2009 Igor Vlasenko <viy на altlinux> 0:4.0.4-alt1_6jpp5
upx - The Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
* Thu May 13 2010 Fr. Br. George <george на altlinux> 3.05-alt1
- New version
* Fri May 29 2009 Fr. Br. George <george на altlinux> 3.03-alt2
wine - Environment for running Windows applications (Etersoft edition) [15M]
* Thu May 13 2010 Ilya Shpigor <elly на altlinux> 1:1.1.44-alt1
- new version 1.1.44
* Tue May 04 2010 Ilya Shpigor <elly на altlinux> 1:1.1.43-alt2
Total 9913 source packages.
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