[cyber] repocop-warning +1! -2 +3 (1491)
repocop на repocop.altlinux.org
repocop на repocop.altlinux.org
Пт Мар 26 01:47:00 UTC 2010
1 NEW repocop-warning added to the list
gtg-0.2.3-alt1.noarch altlinux-find-lang-mo
2 repocop-warnings REMOVED from the list
clementine-0.1-alt1.svn370.x86_64 desktop-exec-fill-code
gtg-0.1-alt1.1.noarch freedesktop-desktop
3 NOT FIXED repocop-warnings
etercifs-4.5.0-alt3.noarch init-lsb
gtg-0.2.3-alt1.noarch freedesktop-categories
kde4base-4.4.1-alt3.src buildreq-xorg
Total 1491 repocop-warnings.
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