[cyber] I: Sisyphus-20100718 REBUILD x86_64 status

ALT beekeeper beehive на altlinux.org
Вс Июл 18 19:02:22 UTC 2010

This is a summary of the x86_64 package rebuild test finished at 18.07.2010.

Numbers in [square brackets] describe how many weeks corresponding
packages cannot be rebuilt.

Orphaned packages that cannot be rebuilt for 16+ weeks are
usually removed from the repository without further warnings.

List of 1 orphaned packages that cannot be rebuilt for a very long time:

kernel-modules-dahdi-hpc-skif-2.2.1-alt1.132635.7 [16]

List of 22 orphaned packages that have no assignee to send information
about rebuild failures:

alleyoop-0.9.5-alt1 [14]
anjuta-1.2.4-alt8 [14]
buzztard-0.5.0-alt3.svn20090724 [14]
cyclades-serial-client-0.93-alt2 [0]
dcd-1.1.1-alt5 [0]
ffmpegthumbnailer-1.5.4-alt1 [3]
gabedit-1:2.2.0-alt1 [14]
gnome-applets-extra-music-2.5.1-alt1.1 [14]
gnomebaker-0.6.4-alt2 [14]
gnubiff-gnome-2.2.11-alt3 [14]
jtalk-20060521-alt1 [0]
libdv-1.0.0-alt4 [15]
liborigin-20080225-alt1.qa1 [4]
monkey-bubble-0.4.0-alt3 [14]
o3read-0.0.4-alt2 [0]
ooo2txt-0.0.6-alt1 [0]
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIC-0.11-alt1 [12]
screenie-0-alt3.git20090118 [13]
tango-icon-theme-extras-0.1.0-alt1 [0]
wmdrawer-0.10.5-alt6 [15]
xchat-gnome-0.26.1-alt1.1 [14]
xmms2-0.6-alt8 [7]

List of 35 packages that cannot be rebuilt for more than one week:

altervoice-0.1.0-alt1 [2] (msp, на qa)
cinelerra-2.1-alt1.20091107.2 [3] (ruslandh, на qa)
emacs-cedet-1.0-alt0.12.pre6 [8] (@emacs)
emacs-ilisp-5.12-alt3.20060325.qa1 [8] (@emacs)
emacs-jdee- [8] (@emacs)
fpc-docs-2.4.0-alt1 [10] (dubrsl)
gnokii-0.6.28-alt1 [2] (raorn,mike)
gnome-disk-utility-2.30.1-alt1 [8] (shrek)
grass-6.2.3-alt2 [8] (zver,boyarsh, на everybody)
imapsync-1.286-alt1 [8] (boris, на everybody)
kernel-modules-wanpipe-rt-smp-3.5.6-alt2.132637.2 [7] (mithraen, на kernel)
kernel-modules-wanpipe-rt-up-3.5.6-alt2.132637.2 [7] (mithraen, на kernel)
kernel-modules-wanpipe-sec-def-3.5.6-alt2.132635.2 [7] (mithraen, на kernel)
libgdiplus-2.6.4-alt1 [2] (shaba, на mono)
libgpod4-0.7.93-alt3 [1] (aspsk, на qa,real,stanv)
libgtkmm3-2.90.0-alt1 [7] (aris, на gnome, на everybody)
libimobiledevice-1.0.2-alt1 [1] (aris)
libopal-1:3.6.8-alt1 [3] (lav, на gnome, на qa)
libopensync0-0.22-alt3.1 [1] (@mobile)
mpeg4ip- [3] (ender, на everybody)
ngrep-1.45-alt3 [4] (ldv)
obexftp-0.23-alt2.1 [1] (week)
opennx-0.16-alt7.svn481 [7] (boris, на everybody)
openoffice.org- [4] (shrek)
perl-UCS-0.5-alt1 [6] (kirill, на cpan)
perl-Wx-0.96-alt1 [4] (dubrsl, на qa)
python-module-pypcap-1.1-alt1.1 [4] (george, на qa)
qt3-3.3.8b-alt8 [4] (zerg)
quilt-0.46-alt0.1 [4] (lav, на qa)
tiles-0:2.0.5-alt2_1jpp5 [6] (viy)
vdr-1.7.14-alt3 [2] (sbolshakov)
wanpipe-3.5.6-alt7 [5] (mithraen)
xbmc-9.11-alt2 [3] (sbolshakov)
xmoto-0.5.3-alt1 [2] (dans, на everybody, на qa)
xpvm-1.2.5-alt1 [4] (boris, на everybody)

Sincerely yours,
ALT beekeeper

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