[cyber] I: Sisyphus-20101230 bugs: +4 (2246)

QA Team Robot qa на altlinux.org
Чт Дек 30 01:44:32 UTC 2010

	2 NEW bugs quickly RESOLVED

#24835	make-initrd-plymouth	major   	NOTABUG
failes: put-file: /var/lib/plymouth/boot-duration: No such file or directory

#24836	arepo           	normal  	FIXED
Добавление wine-gecko вызывает ошибку

	4 NEW bugs

#24837	branding-altlinux-sisyphus-graphics	major   	-
Выносит KDE4

#24838	wine-vanilla    	normal  	-
Redundant dependences

#24839	openmpi         	normal  	-
Insecure LD_LIBRARY_PATH handling in /usr/lib/openmpi/bin/mpivars.sh

#24841	coreutils       	major   	-
"split" sets wrong restrictions for suffix length


#24379	libxml2         	blocker 	-
xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc() breaks SAX2 error handler

	10 RANDOM bugs

#3520	wireshark-base  	enhancement	LATER
ethereal: privsep is required

#7083	mkimage-profiles-desktop	enhancement	-
[server-4.0.1] [FR] serial and other installation methods

#9590	ivman           	normal  	-
ivman does not want to execute 'sudo' until it is restarted manually

#9722	transcode       	enhancement	LATER
добавить поддержку кодека dirac

#11173	w3c-libwww      	normal  	-
w3c-libwww собран с unresolved=relaxed

#14172	sound_handler   	major   	-
При выявлении работающего ARTSD не учитывается владелец демона

#15414	hplip-gui       	normal  	-
Утилиты не работают корректно в неUTF локали

#16707	fontconfig      	enhancement	-
doesn't know Erzya and Moksha orthograhies

#16792	openoffice.org  	enhancement	LATER
openoffice.org has a lot noarch data in %_libdir

#18418	seamonkey-psm   	critical	-
Не работает seamonkey-psm

Total 2246 pending bugs (311 blocker/critical/major bugs).

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