[cyber] I: 5.0/branch packages: +1 (8602)

QA Team Robot qa на altlinux.org
Чт Июн 25 23:58:48 MSD 2009

	1 UPDATED package

pidgin - A GTK+ based multiprotocol instant messaging client
* Thu Jun 25 2009 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 2.5.7-alt1
- 2.5.7 rebuilt for Sisyphus
  + solves Yahoo Messenger problems (protocol 16 support)
- restored Packager: to shaba@
- minor spec cleanup
* Wed Jun 24 2009 Alex Negulescu <a на wdu> 2.5.7-alt0
- initial build of 2.5.7, which permits connecting to all messenger servers
* Fri May 22 2009 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 2.5.6-alt1

Total 8602 source packages.

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