[cyber] I: Sisyphus-20080516 packages: +3! +40 (7799)

QA Team Robot =?iso-8859-1?q?qa_=CE=C1_altlinux=2Eorg?=
Пт Май 16 01:41:32 MSD 2008

	3 ADDED packages

docs-weblinks_tatar - Web links to Tatar Internet Resources
* Thu May 15 2008 Artem Zolochevskiy <azol на altlinux> 0.1-alt1
- initial build for Sisyphus

perl-Test-Dynamic - Advanced automatic test counting for Test::More
* Thu May 15 2008 Mikhail Pokidko <pma на altlinux> 1.3.3-alt1
- first build for ALT Linux Sisyphus

startup-school-rescue - The system startup scripts for rescue disk
* Thu May 15 2008 Hihin Ruslan <ruslandh на altlinux> 0.4.2-alt2.4
- fix mbrresc
* Fri May 02 2008 Hihin Ruslan <ruslandh на altlinux> 0.4.2-alt2.3
- new version
* Mon Apr 28 2008 Hihin Ruslan <ruslandh на altlinux> 0.4.2-alt2.2
- add rescue-0.4.2-mbrresc.diff
* Mon Mar 10 2008 Evgeny Sinelnikov <sin на altlinux> 0.4.2-alt2.eter1

	40 UPDATED packages

WindowMaker - A window manager for the X Window System
* Thu May 15 2008 Alexey Voinov <voins на altlinux> 0.92.0-alt3
- WPrefs.app moved to /usr/libexec. [#8414]
  Don't forget to update your local settings!
- Fixed fallback fonts when there's no ttf-fonts-ms installed [#13015]
- Fixed hiding of app-switching panel [#7352]
- Fixed environment corruption resulting in losing managed heads on restart [#9519]
- Fixed autostart/exitscript scripts [#13904]
- Shadowed window frames are raised on unhide now [#9237]
  (patch by Artem Delendik <u2u at nm dot ru>)
- little spec cleanup
* Sun Feb 19 2006 Alexey Voinov <voins на altlinux> 0.92.0-alt2

alterator-l10n - translations for all alterator modules
* Thu May 15 2008 Vladislav Zavjalov <slazav на altlinux> 0.4-alt2
- modify with new alterator-lilo
* Tue May 13 2008 Stanislav Ievlev <inger на altlinux> 0.4-alt1

alterator-lilo - alterator module for lilo setup
* Thu May 15 2008 Vladislav Zavjalov <slazav на altlinux> 0.3-alt8
- change labels in QT UI
* Thu May 15 2008 Vladislav Zavjalov <slazav на altlinux> 0.3-alt7
- fix bug with "skip bootloader" checkbox
* Tue May 13 2008 Vladislav Zavjalov <slazav на altlinux> 0.3-alt6

alterator-net-eth - alterator module for tcp/ip connections configuration
* Thu May 15 2008 Stanislav Ievlev <inger на altlinux> 2.1-alt3
- fix cache initialization
* Tue May 13 2008 Stanislav Ievlev <inger на altlinux> 2.1-alt2

alterator-notes - alterator module for view license and release notes
* Thu May 15 2008 Vladislav Zavjalov <slazav на altlinux> 1.0-alt6
- rebuild with new alterator-l10n
* Thu May 08 2008 Vladislav Zavjalov <slazav на altlinux> 1.0-alt5

alterator-wizardface - alterator's wizard like module aggregator
* Thu May 15 2008 Stanislav Ievlev <inger на altlinux> 0.5-alt4
- fix (replace with-widgets with make-widget)
* Wed Apr 16 2008 Stanislav Ievlev <inger на altlinux> 0.5-alt3

apache2-mod_geoip2 - Apache2 module for finding the country and city that a web request originated from
* Thu May 15 2008 Victor Forsyuk <force на altlinux> 1.2.3-alt1
- 1.2.3
* Tue Apr 08 2008 Victor Forsyuk <force на altlinux> 1.2.2-alt1

asterisk1.4 - Open source PBX
* Thu May 15 2008 Denis Smirnov <mithraen на altlinux> 1.4.20-alt0.rc3.20080415
- 1.4.20-rc3
* Fri May 09 2008 Denis Smirnov <mithraen на altlinux> 1.4.20-alt0.rc2.20080415

bb - BB - the portable demo
* Thu May 15 2008 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 1.3-alt0.3
- buildreq
- spec macro abuse cleanup
* Thu Feb 24 2005 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 1.3-alt0.2

dnstop - Displays various tables of DNS traffic on your network
* Thu May 15 2008 Victor Forsyuk <force на altlinux> 20080502-alt1
- Version from 2008-05-02.
* Tue Jun 19 2007 Victor Forsyuk <force на altlinux> 20070510-alt1

dvipng - Makes PNG graphics from DVI files
* Thu May 15 2008 Victor Forsyuk <force на altlinux> 1.10-alt1
- 1.10
* Wed Nov 22 2006 Victor Forsyuk <force на altlinux> 1.9-alt1

firefox-beagle - Beagle Indexer for Firefox
* Thu May 15 2008 Alexey Shabalin <shaba на altlinux> 1.1.0-alt1
- 1.1.0
* Tue Feb 05 2008 Alexey Shabalin <shaba на altlinux> 1.0.2-alt2

foobillard - A game of playing billard
* Thu May 15 2008 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 3.0-alt3.a
- buildreq
- minor spec cleanup
* Mon Jan 01 2007 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 3.0-alt2.a

galculator - GTK 2 based scientific calculator
* Thu May 15 2008 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 1.3-alt2
- buildreq
* Sat Sep 08 2007 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 1.3-alt1

gnome-audio - Sounds for GTK and GNOME events
* Thu May 15 2008 Alexey Shabalin <shaba на altlinux> 2.22.2-alt1
- 2.22.2
- add Packager
* Sun Apr 06 2008 Alexey Shabalin <shaba на altlinux> 2.22.1-alt1

grip - Grip is an audio ripper/encoder front-end
* Thu May 15 2008 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 20080515:3.1.3-alt6
- buildreq
- spec macro abuse cleanup
* Tue Jan 30 2007 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 20070130:3.1.3-alt5

gscmxx - Graphical frontend for Siemens mobile phones
* Thu May 15 2008 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 20080515:0.4.1-alt3
- spec macro abuse cleanup
- buildreq
* Fri Aug 20 2004 Gor <vg на altlinux> 20040820:0.4.1-alt2

gst-ffmpeg - GStreamer streaming media framework plug-in using FFmpeg
* Thu May 15 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <shrek на altlinux> 0.10.3-alt3
- rebuild
* Tue Jan 29 2008 Igor Zubkov <icesik на altlinux> 0.10.3-alt2

gst-plugins-bad - A set of GStreamer plugins that need more quality
* Thu May 15 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <shrek на altlinux> 0.10.7-alt2
- rebuild
* Thu Apr 24 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <shrek на altlinux> 0.10.7-alt1

gst-plugins-base - An essential set of GStreamer plugins
* Thu May 15 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <shrek на altlinux> 0.10.19-alt2
- rebuild
* Thu Apr 03 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <shrek на altlinux> 0.10.19-alt1

gst-plugins-good - A set of GStreamer plugins considered good
* Thu May 15 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <shrek на altlinux> 0.10.8-alt2
- rebuild
* Thu Apr 24 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <shrek на altlinux> 0.10.8-alt1

gst-plugins-ugly - A set of encumbered GStreamer plugins
* Thu May 15 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <shrek на altlinux> 0.10.7-alt3
- rebuild
* Thu Feb 21 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <shrek на altlinux> 0.10.7-alt2

gstreamer - GStreamer streaming media framework runtime
* Thu May 15 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <shrek на altlinux> 0.10.19-alt2
- disable gst-debug
* Thu Apr 03 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <shrek на altlinux> 0.10.19-alt1

gstreamer-pitfdll - GStreamer DLL loader plugin
* Thu May 15 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <shrek на altlinux>
- rebuild
* Thu Feb 21 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <shrek на altlinux>

installer - Installer common files
* Wed May 14 2008 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh на altlinux> 0.4-alt17
- splash support
- exclude SCSI cdrom devices
* Wed Apr 30 2008 Stanislav Ievlev <inger на altlinux> 0.4-alt16

libat-spi - Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
* Thu May 15 2008 Alexey Shabalin <shaba на altlinux> 1.22.1-alt1
- New version (1.22.1).
- Add Packager
* Mon Mar 17 2008 Alexey Shabalin <shaba на altlinux> 1.22.0-alt1.1

libgmime - MIME library
* Thu May 15 2008 Alexey Shabalin <shaba на altlinux> 2.2.19-alt1
- 2.2.19
* Mon Mar 24 2008 Alexey Shabalin <shaba на altlinux> 2.2.18-alt1

libsynce - Core libraries needed to use SynCE
* Thu Apr 17 2008 Eugene V. Horohorin <genix на altlinux> 0.11.1-alt1
- 0.11.1
- update buildreq
* Thu Jan 31 2008 Eugene V. Horohorin <genix на altlinux> 0.11-alt2
- add %post and %postun spec sections
* Wed Jan 09 2008 Eugene V. Horohorin <genix на altlinux> 0.11-alt1

nbtscan - NBTScan - NetBIOS Name Network Scanner
* Thu May 15 2008 Igor Zubkov <icesik на altlinux> 1.5.1-alt2
- add Packager tag
* Sat Aug 27 2005 Igor Zubkov <icesik на altlinux> 1.5.1-alt1

openpref - OpenPref - Preference game for linux
* Thu May 15 2008 Igor Zubkov <icesik на altlinux> 0.1.0-alt4
- add Packager tag
- convert menu file to desktop file
- buildreq
* Wed Mar 21 2007 Igor Zubkov <icesik на altlinux> 0.1.0-alt3

perl-BSD-Resource - BSD process resource limit and priority functions
* Thu May 15 2008 Alexey Tourbin <at на altlinux> 1.29-alt1
- 1.28 -> 1.29
* Tue Feb 27 2007 Alexey Tourbin <at на altlinux> 1.28-alt2

perl-DBD-Pg - PostgreSQL database driver for the DBI module
* Thu May 15 2008 Alexey Tourbin <at на altlinux> 2.7.2-alt1
- 2.6.4 -> 2.7.2
* Sun May 04 2008 Alexey Tourbin <at на altlinux> 2.6.4-alt1

perl-Encode - Character encodings
* Thu May 15 2008 Alexey Tourbin <at на altlinux> 2.25-alt1
- 1.24 -> 1.25
* Wed Mar 12 2008 Alexey Tourbin <at на altlinux> 2.24-alt1

python-module-cjc - Console Jabber Client
* Thu May 15 2008 Fr. Br. George <george на altlinux> 1.0.0-alt3
- Updated to CVS 679
* Wed Dec 27 2006 Fr. Br. George <george на altlinux> 1.0.0-alt2
Note: changelog entry for 1.0.0-alt2.1 not found.

python-module-m2crypto - Support for using OpenSSL in python scripts.
* Sun Mar 16 2008 Fr. Br. George <george на altlinux> 0.18.2-alt1
- New version
* Wed Dec 27 2006 Fr. Br. George <george на altlinux> 0.17-alt1
Note: changelog entry for 0.17-alt1.1 not found.

stardict - StarDict dictionary
* Mon Apr 21 2008 Alex Murygin <murygin на altlinux> 3.0.1-alt1
- new vesrion [13847]
- added patch for menu macros
- removed advertisement plugin [13542]
- added libGConf-devel to buildreq (gconf2_install macros)
- added librarian to buildreq (scrollkeeper-preinstall)
- enabled espeak plugins
- added new plugins to common
- removed patches 
* Tue Nov 06 2007 Alex Murygin <murygin на altlinux> 3.0.0-alt1

whatmask - Whatmask - Convert between different netmask types and display helpful network information
* Thu May 15 2008 Igor Zubkov <icesik на altlinux> 1.2-alt2
- add Packager tag
* Wed Jan 18 2006 Igor Zubkov <icesik на altlinux> 1.2-alt1

xmms-in-vtx - Plays VTX files containing music from the ZX Spectrum
* Thu May 15 2008 Igor Zubkov <icesik на altlinux> 0.8.1-alt3
- add xmms to Requires
* Thu May 15 2008 Igor Zubkov <icesik на altlinux> 0.8.1-alt2
- add Packager tag
- clean spec
- buildreq
* Tue May 23 2006 Igor Zubkov <icesik на altlinux> 0.8.1-alt1

xmms-out-arts - KDE aRts output plugin for XMMS
* Thu May 15 2008 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux> 20080515:0.7.1-alt4
- buildreq
- minor spec cleanup
* Fri Dec 03 2004 Ivan Fedorov <ns на altlinux> 20041203:0.7.1-alt3

xorg-x11-drv-radeonhd - AMD r5xx/r6xx driver for Xorg
* Thu May 15 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <shrek на altlinux> 1:1.2.1-alt1
- 1.2.1
* Fri Apr 11 2008 Valery Inozemtsev <shrek на altlinux> 1:1.2.0-alt1

Total 7799 source packages.

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