[cyber] I: Sisyphus-20080229 x86_64 unmets: +1 -10 (187/77)
QA Team Robot
Пт Фев 29 04:03:06 MSK 2008
1 NEW unmet dependency detected:
kernel-modules-kqemu-std-def#1.3.0-alt0.1.pre11.132632.3 kernel-image-std-def = 2.6.24-alt3
10 unmet dependencies have been RESOLVED:
bsh2#0:2.0-alt1_0.b4.2jpp1.7 /etc/bsh2.conf
cfv#1.18.1-alt1 python2.4(codecs)
cfv#1.18.1-alt1 python2.4(copy)
cfv#1.18.1-alt1 python2.4(getopt)
cfv#1.18.1-alt1 python2.4(os)
cfv#1.18.1-alt1 python2.4(re)
cfv#1.18.1-alt1 python2.4(sha)
cfv#1.18.1-alt1 python2.4(stat)
cfv#1.18.1-alt1 python2.4(struct)
cfv#1.18.1-alt1 python2.4(time)
Total 77 packages have 187 unmet dependencies.
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