[cyber] I: Sisyphus-20070910 bugs: +3 -3 (2119)

QA Team Robot =?iso-8859-1?q?qa_=CE=C1_altlinux=2Eorg?=
Пн Сен 10 04:22:50 MSD 2007

	3 NEW bugs

#12732	etcnet          	normal  	-
комментарии в правилах iptables и config-fw

#12733	pybookreader    	normal  	-
 Отсутствие зависимости от python-module-pygtk-libglade

#12734	xorg-x11-drv-intel	normal  	-
Игнорирует Option "DPMS"

	3 RESOLVED bugs

#11759	aumix           	normal  	FIXED
GUI window is not launched

#12620	foomatic-db     	normal  	FIXED
foomatic-db / hplip-foomatic future file conflict

#12717	libxine         	enhancement	FIXED
вынести gnome-зависимые части в субпакет.

	10 RANDOM bugs

#5145	amanda          	enhancement	-
[FR] add short tutorial to docs

#5495	mkinitrd        	enhancement	-
mkinitrd and /etc/init.d/splash are using same option for different things

#6287	tetex-core      	normal  	-
Readlink manpage should be eliminated as readlink is no more in tetex-core.

#7122	hpijs           	enhancement	-
[FR][3.1][usability] remove duplicate vendor strings

#7511	xmms-in-mac     	normal  	-
unexpanded macros

#8778	kdepim-kmail    	normal  	-
Падает при удалении сообщений

#8997	propagator      	blocker 	-
USB keyboard & CD-ROM do not working on IBM Bladecenter platform

#11069	firefox         	critical	-
firefox не видит firefox-switch-locales, галочка "check for firefox updates" всегда неактивна.

#11450	netpbm          	normal  	-
picttoppm is missing

#11916	Desktop 4.0     	major   	-
installer hangs on "Generating Xorg config, try "vesa" "

Total 2119 pending bugs (299 blocker/critical/major bugs).

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