[cyber] I: Sisyphus-4.0-branch packages: +3 (5996)
QA Team Robot
Вт Июл 17 15:45:30 MSD 2007
3 UPDATED packages
alterator-browser-qt - X11 Qt interface driver for alterator
* Fri Jul 13 2007 Sergey V Turchin <zerg на altlinux> 2.9.58-alt1
- don't use background pixmap for timeedit clock
* Wed Jul 11 2007 Sergey V Turchin <zerg на altlinux> 2.9.57-alt2
- fix analog clock hour arrow position
- set "main_widget" object name for main widget
* Wed Jul 11 2007 Sergey V Turchin <zerg на altlinux> 2.9.57-alt1
- fix keyboard focus on windowmanager-less popups
- show splashscreen on top only without window manager
- don't draw the inner frame on windowmanager-less popups
- fix set title for main window
* Tue Jul 10 2007 Sergey V Turchin <zerg на altlinux> 2.9.56-alt1
- don't hide splashscreen when clicked by mouse
- override theme:* pixmaps by browser-design
- override whirl.mng by browser-design
* Thu Jul 05 2007 Sergey V Turchin <zerg на altlinux> 2.9.55-alt2
- align progressbar text Qt-style independent
* Fri Jun 29 2007 Sergey V Turchin <zerg на altlinux> 2.9.55-alt1
- fix find icon pixmaps
- fix tab-index attribute
- add rowspan,colspan attributes for all widgets (grigbox childs only)
- internal improvements
* Fri Jun 22 2007 Sergey V Turchin <zerg на altlinux> 2.9.54-alt2
- identify wizardface title text widget for QSS
- load only PNG and JPG for icon pixmaps
* Thu Jun 14 2007 Sergey V Turchin <zerg на altlinux> 2.9.54-alt1
- identify wizardface view widget for QSS
- add design directory
* Fri Jun 01 2007 Sergey V Turchin <zerg на altlinux> 2.9.53-alt1
- add startup animation
* Fri Jun 01 2007 Sergey V Turchin <zerg на altlinux> 2.9.52-alt1
- fix setup columns size for splitbox
- separate initial alterator request to thread
to possible view busy mouse cursor
* Thu May 31 2007 Sergey V Turchin <zerg на altlinux> 2.9.51-alt1
- add splitbox widget
* Fri May 11 2007 Sergey V Turchin <zerg на altlinux> 2.9.50-alt1
- add updated() signal to combobox
* Mon May 07 2007 Sergey V Turchin <zerg на altlinux> 2.9.49-alt1
- add multiple excluding values to constraints
* Tue Apr 24 2007 Sergey V Turchin <zerg на altlinux> 2.9.48-alt4
qmpdclient - Qt4-based mpd client
* Sun Jul 01 2007 Andrey Rahmatullin <wrar на altlinux> 1.0.8-alt1
- 1.0.8
* Thu Dec 21 2006 Andrey Rahmatullin <wrar на altlinux> 1.0.7-alt1
qt3 - Shared library for the Qt3 GUI toolkit [19M]
* Mon Jul 16 2007 Sergey V Turchin <zerg на altlinux> 3.3.8-alt9
- add patches to fix CVE-2007-3388
* Mon Jul 02 2007 Sergey V Turchin <zerg на altlinux> 3.3.8-alt8
Total 5996 source packages.
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