[Sisyphus-cybertalk] I: Sisyphus-20070426 bugs: +5 -5 (1897)
QA Team Robot
Чт Апр 26 04:22:35 MSD 2007
2 NEW bugs quickly RESOLVED
#11618 unixODBC normal FIXED
Bad compatibility with mysql-connector-odbc package
#11621 php-mime_magic normal INVALID
странности с зависимостями
5 NEW bugs
#11619 logrotate enhancement -
[FR] Обновить до версии 3.7.1
#11620 gnumeric minor -
Неправильное положение в меню
#11622 f-spot normal -
Exception at first startup with mounted usb hard disk
#11623 openoffice.org normal -
Печатает не то, что показывает
#11624 courier-imap major -
нерабочий authpam "из коробки"
#10161 php-imagick normal FIXED
Не устанавливается php-imagick : конфликт версий php-libs
#10648 libfuse normal DUPLICATE
fuse modules mount files with assuming local encoding
#11067 xterm normal FIXED
background not erased correctly
#11610 gnome-control-center normal FIXED
Missing require for dbus-tools-gui
#11615 libslang major DUPLICATE
Не нормальный старт jed'а
10 RANDOM bugs
#2573 enlightenment enhancement -
menu & C locale
#2912 alt-entities enhancement -
Rename to alt-xml-entities for clarity
#6294 postgresql enhancement -
Multi-Version/Multi-Cluster PostgreSQL architecture
#6561 alterator-install2 major -
Server HP Proliant 380 + RAID Smart Array 5i Controller
#7317 tsclient normal -
misspell in description
#7497 MPlayer-skins normal -
unexpanded macros
#7890 gnome-volume-manager normal -
не создаются иконки съемных носителей
#8567 gnome2-media-common enhancement -
Require gstreamer(audio-hardware-sink) instead of gstreamer-oss and gstreamer-alsa
#9631 php5-mysql major -
old libmysql, please rebuild
#10707 terminfo blocker -
terminfo khome/kend mismatch with default xterm behavior
Total 1897 pending bugs (278 blocker/critical/major bugs).
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