[Sisyphus-cybertalk] I: Sisyphus-20060503 bugs: +6 (2059)
QA Team Robot
Ср Май 3 03:05:22 MSD 2006
6 NEW bugs
#9499 ss5 enhancement -
[FR] some spec improvements
#9500 cogito blocker -
Don't use %_lib* in noarch packages
#9501 zsh enhancement -
Add pmount/pumount completion
#9502 nagios-nrpe blocker -
апгрейд бесследно сносит конфиг
#9503 nagios-nrpe enhancement -
собрать с ключом --enable-command-args
#9504 rp-pppoe-client normal -
/etc/init.d/pppoe: exit status always 0
10 RANDOM bugs
#2766 emacs21-X11 normal -
Different font faces in two frames with identical modes
#5068 net-snmp-utils normal -
Wrong package for net-snmp-config
#6012 gnome-applets-extra-sensors normal -
Не работает по причине ограниченного списка поддерживаемых сенсоров
#6571 sed minor -
missing manpage for subst
#8173 ALDConvert normal -
неправильные пробелы в LaTeX-выводе
#8385 apache enhancement -
More hints on vhosts in default configs
#8493 dhcp-server normal -
Перестал отдавать адреса?
#8941 e2fsimage major -
corrupt symlinks in created image
#8975 libdirectfb normal -
Please compress Changelog
#8978 linux-libc-headers normal -
Please compress Changelog
Total 2059 pending bugs (346 blocker/critical/major bugs).
Alexey Tourbin
X-Avatar: QA-Robot 0.2
I need hardware and bandwidth for Sisyphus testing and pro-active QA work.
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