[Sisyphus-cybertalk] I: Sisyphus-20060607 bugs: +3 -3 (2091)

QA Team Robot qa на altlinux.org
Ср Июн 7 03:05:25 MSD 2006

	3 NEW bugs

#9678	mc              	normal  	-
utf8 prompt patch

#9679	dbus            	major   	-
Start up the session daemon as part of an X session

#9680	mp3info         	enhancement	-
[FR] mp3info не показывает теги idv3 version 2

	3 RESOLVED bugs

#5561	libncurses-devel	blocker 	FIXED
Missing dependencies on libncursesw

#9561	scim            	normal  	FIXED
ошибки при установке пакета

#9670	cups            	normal  	FIXED
файл /var/run/cups не принадлежит ни одному из пакетов

	10 RANDOM bugs

#1926	binutils        	enhancement	-
consider GNU linker optimization

#2279	gedit           	trivial 	-
Forces system-wide settings on each install/upgrade

#4361	net-snmp        	critical	-
Зависание snmpd при запросе hrSystemNumUsers

#7497	MPlayer-skins   	normal  	-
unexpanded macros

#7889	sisyphus        	enhancement	-
cumulative upgrade

#8129	kernel-modules-intel536ep-std-up	normal  	-
новая версия (4.71) доступна

#9133	clamav          	normal  	-
Uncorrect owner of main.cvd

#9227	freeciv-client  	major   	-
civclient падает с assertion failed

#9318	libnspr-devel   	normal  	-
Неверно оформлено определение

#9435	libbluez        	normal  	-
libbluez provides libsdp.so.2

Total 2091 pending bugs (352 blocker/critical/major bugs).

Alexey Tourbin
X-Avatar: QA-Robot 0.3

* ALT Linux hosts free software conference for developers:
* I need some money to gain some basic freedoms.  As for Sisyphus,
  I am interested in building data models for automated analysis
  and testing.  Disclaimer: I am not looking for a full-time job.
* Girls, I miss you!  Send me your nude pictures!!

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