[Sisyphus-cybertalk] I: Sisyphus-20060130 bugs: +9 -10 (2011)

QA Team Robot =?iso-8859-1?q?qa_=CE=C1_altlinux=2Eorg?=
Пн Янв 30 03:05:23 MSK 2006

	9 NEW bugs

#8972	libcdio         	trivial 	-
Please compress Changelog

#8973	xvid            	trivial 	-
Please compress Changelog

#8974	kdenetwork      	normal  	-
kopete: падает при попытке открыть настройки

#8975	libdirectfb     	normal  	-
Please compress Changelog

#8976	id3lib          	normal  	-
Please compress Changelog

#8977	gimp-print      	normal  	-
Please compress Changelog

#8978	linux-libc-headers	normal  	-
Please compress Changelog

#8979	libcairo        	normal  	-
Please compress Changelog

#8980	aMule           	normal  	-
aMule update request

	10 RESOLVED bugs

#5116	lsdvd           	minor   	FIXED
Bad encoding specification in summary & description

#8604	aiksaurus       	normal  	FIXED
lib/lib64 confusion for x86_64 build

#8958	bing            	trivial 	DUPLICATE
minor bug in spec

#8959	ettcp           	trivial 	DUPLICATE
minor bug in spec

#8960	fix-mime-charset	trivial 	DUPLICATE
minor bug in spec

#8961	lsdvd           	trivial 	DUPLICATE
minor bug in spec

#8962	multitail       	trivial 	DUPLICATE
minor bug in spec

#8964	prozilla        	trivial 	DUPLICATE
minor bug in spec

#8965	tsclient        	trivial 	DUPLICATE
minor bug in spec

#8966	vobcopy         	trivial 	DUPLICATE
minor bug in spec

	10 RANDOM bugs

#761	apt             	major   	-
apt-get remove request doesn\'t resolve in a removal of the specified package

#810	apt             	enhancement	-
APT: run download methods with less permissions

#2924	startup         	major   	-
attempt to modify /etc/adjtime before r/w /

#5531	apt             	minor   	-
Неудобная работа apt-get с CD в Master 2.4

#6076	synaptic        	minor   	-
keyboard navigation through package list scrolls the list to late

#7038	acc             	enhancement	LATER
[FR][3.1] running 'acc' as user results in weird behaviour

#7848	pam0_mktemp     	major   	-
переустановка pam0_mktemp не чинит права /tmp/.private

#8085	gnome-desktop   	normal  	-
странное меню программ

#8836	guile16         	normal  	-
srfi-1 bug

#8925	ices2           	enhancement	-
Отсутствует стартовый скрипт

Total 2011 pending bugs (339 blocker/critical/major bugs).

Alexey Tourbin
X-Avatar: QA-Robot 0.2

I need hardware and bandwidth for Sisyphus testing and pro-active QA work.

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