[samba] Unable to connect to Samba server
David P.
craquerpro на yahoo.es
Ср Июн 12 12:42:45 MSK 2013
I'm trying to access the filesystem of a Samba share from Linux.
I don't have access to the remote Samba server, but I have guessed that it
Samba 3.0.33-3.28.el5
by issuing
smbclient -L myserver
If I issue this command:
smbclient //myserver/myshare mypassword -U mydomain\\myuser -d 10
these are the most relevant error messages:
Failed to get kerberos credentials: kinit for myuser на mydomain failed (Cannot
contact any KDC for requested realm)
Cannot reach a KDC we require to contact cifs/saprepository@ : kinit for
myuser на mydomain failed (Cannot contact any KDC for requested realm)
Connection to \\myserver\myshare failed - NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
I have tried with the latest 4.0.6 version and also 3.6.9.
On the other hand from Windows XP and Windows 7 it works flawlessly.
Why cannot I access the Linux Sambar server from Linux and I can from
Thanks in advance for any help.
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