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LIO lionews на mail.ru
Вс Ноя 12 18:17:16 MSK 2006


11.11.2006 0:05 вы писали:

G> I have samba version 2.2.8a on Solaris; we need to change all ip address in
G> Our company due to moving the office.

G> The Domain controller and the other entire computer had been ip change, I
G> Also change the ip of the server that have samba and reconfigure the 
G> smb.conf, from this point all users that try to get in the samba server
G> Cant.

G> What can I do?

G> Do I need to reinstall the samba again?
Yes, you need, but not to reinstall, you need to upgrate your samba.
How about to install samba3?  2.2.8a is vvverrrry old!

Check you smb.conf again. Check log - may be you find some helpfull
messages there.

Binary yours,

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