[samba] Не работают smbtree и LinNeighbornhood

Slava Dubrovskiy slava на elan.com.ua
Пт Июл 23 15:09:51 MSD 2004


Подскажите пожалуйста, в чем может быть проблема?
Есть samba как PDC и samba как ее член и + много Win машин. В принципе 
все работает (из win видно сеть), но  smbtree ничего не показывает  :-(

[slava на admin slava]$ smbtree
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
resolve_lmhosts: Attempting lmhosts lookup for name PSV<0x1d>
name_resolve_bcast: Attempting broadcast lookup for name PSV<0x1d>
resolve_lmhosts: Attempting lmhosts lookup for name PSV<0x1b>
resolve_wins: Attempting wins lookup for name PSV<0x1b>
resolve_wins: using WINS server and tag '*'
Got a positive name query response from ( )
Connecting to host=
Connecting to at port 445
Doing spnego session setup (blob length=58)
got OID=1 3 6 1 4 1 311 2 2 10
got principal=NONE
Got challenge flags:
Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x60890215
NTLMSSP: Set final flags:
Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x60080215
NTLMSSP Sign/Seal - Initialising with flags:
Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x60080215
name_resolve_bcast: Attempting broadcast lookup for name __MSBROWSE__<0x1>

Вот конфиг сервера PDC:
        dos charset = CP866
        unix charset = KOI8-R
        display charset = KOI8-R
        workgroup = PSV
        server string = Samba on %h (v. %v)
        interfaces = eth0, lo
        bind interfaces only = Yes
        passdb backend = tdbsam
        pam password change = Yes
        passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
        passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %n\n 
*ReType*new*UNIX*password* %n\n 
        unix password sync = Yes
        log level = 1
        log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
        max log size = 100
        time server = Yes
        add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -s /bin/false %u
        delete user script = /usr/sbin/userdel -r %u
        add group script = /usr/sbin/groupadd %g
        delete group script = /usr/sbin/groupdel %g
        add user to group script = /usr/sbin/usermod -G %g %u
        set primary group script = /usr/sbin/usermod -g '%g' '%u'
        add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g machines 
-c 'Machine Account' -s /bin/false -M %u
        abort shutdown script = /sbin/shutdown -c
        logon script = %U.bat
        logon path =
        logon home =
        domain logons = Yes
        os level = 120
        preferred master = Yes
        domain master = Yes
        wins support = Yes
        ldap ssl = no
        socket address =
        idmap uid = 10000-20000
        idmap gid = 10000-20000
        admin users = slava
        hosts allow = 192.168.1., 127.

С уважением,
Дубровский Вячеслав.

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