[Ruby] eRuby + apachi = uninitialized constant ERubyRun

Ilya Palagin =?iso-8859-1?q?tux_=CE=C1_fioc=2Ekz?=
Пн Сен 30 22:23:45 MSD 2002

Здрасьте еще раз!
После сборки eRuby безуспешно пытаюсь его запустить.
При открытии файла apache дает ошибку:
[Tue Oct  1 01:09:03 2002] [error] mod_ruby: error in ruby
(eval):43: (eval):43: uninitialized constant ERubyRun at Apache (NameError)
         from (eval):43:in `value'

Вот  мой mod_ruby.conf:
LoadModule ruby_module /usr/lib/apache/mod_ruby.so

# # If ClearModuleList is used in your httpd.conf, you should use AddModule
# # to activate the ruby module.
AddModule mod_ruby.c

# If the ruby module is installed, this will be enabled.
<IfModule mod_ruby.c>
   # for Apache::RubyRun
   RubyRequire apache/ruby-run

   # exec files under /ruby as ruby scripts.
   #<Location /ruby>
   #    SetHandler ruby-object
   #    RubyHandler Apache::RubyRun.instance
   #    Options ExecCGI

   # exec *.rbx as ruby scripts.
   <Files *.rbx>
     SetHandler ruby-object
     RubyHandler Apache::RubyRun.instance
     Options ExecCGI

   # # for Apache::ERubyRun
   RubyRequire apache/eruby-run
   # # handle files under /eruby as eRuby files by eruby.
   # <Location /eruby>
   #   SetHandler ruby-object
   #   RubyHandler Apache::ERubyRun.instance
   #   Options ExecCGI
   # </Location>
   # handle *.rhtml as eruby files.
   <Files *.rhtml>
     SetHandler ruby-object
     RubyHandler Apache::ERubyRun.instance

   # # for Apache::ERbRun
   # RubyRequire apache/erb-run
   # # handle files under /erb as eRuby files by ERb.
   # <Location /erb>
   #   SetHandler ruby-object
   #   RubyHandler Apache::ERbRun.instance
   #   Options ExecCGI
   # </Location>

   # # for debug
   # RubyRequire auto-reload

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