[riscv-reports] [#74523] sisyphus_riscv64 FAILED srpm=python3-module-pydanclick-0.5.0-alt1.src.rpm

Girar sisyphus_riscv64 awaiter recycler noreply at basealt.ru
Wed Feb 26 18:42:39 MSK 2025


subtask  name                       riscv64
   #100  python3-module-pydanclick   failed

2025-Feb-26 15:40:15 :: shared task #74523 for sisyphus_riscv64 started by recycler:
2025-Feb-26 15:40:15 :: message: sync_with_sisyphus
#100 build python3-module-pydanclick-0.5.0-alt1.src.rpm
2025-Feb-26 15:40:24 :: [riscv64] #100 python3-module-pydanclick-0.5.0-alt1.src.rpm: build start
[riscv64]             FieldName("c"): "c from child",
[riscv64] E       AssertionError: assert {} == {'a': 'a from...c from child'}
[riscv64] E         
[riscv64] --
[riscv64] >       assert "--ports JSON STRING   port binding" in result.output
[riscv64] E       AssertionError: assert '--ports JSON STRING   port binding' in 'Usage: cli [OPTIONS]\n\n  A fake Docker client.\n\nOptions:\n  --image TEXT          [required]\n  --mounts JSON STRING\n  --ports JSON STRING\n  --help                Show this message and exit.\n'
[riscv64] E        +  where 'Usage: cli [OPTIONS]\n\n  A fake Docker client.\n\nOptions:\n  --image TEXT          [required]\n  --mounts JSON STRING\n  --ports JSON STRING\n  --help                Show this message and exit.\n' = <Result okay>.output
[riscv64] --
[riscv64] =========================== short test summary info ============================
[riscv64] FAILED tests/test_docstrings.py::test_parse_attribute_documentation - Asserti...
[riscv64] FAILED tests/test_examples.py::test_complex_types_example_help - AssertionErr...
[riscv64] =================== 2 failed, 94 passed, 1 xfailed in 1.89s ====================
[riscv64] INFO     : Command's result: FAILURE
[riscv64] INFO     : Command's error: Command '['python3', '-m', 'pytest']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
2025-Feb-26 15:42:38 :: [riscv64] python3-module-pydanclick-0.5.0-alt1.src.rpm: remote: build failed
2025-Feb-26 15:42:38 :: [riscv64] #100 python3-module-pydanclick-0.5.0-alt1.src.rpm: build FAILED
2025-Feb-26 15:42:38 :: [riscv64] requesting cancellation of task processing
2025-Feb-26 15:42:39 :: [riscv64] build FAILED
2025-Feb-26 15:42:39 :: task #74523 for sisyphus_riscv64 FAILED

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