[riscv-reports] [#73688] sisyphus_riscv64 FAILED srpm=openxray-1.6.02_2921-alt1.src.rpm

Girar sisyphus_riscv64 awaiter recycler noreply at basealt.ru
Thu Feb 20 03:32:30 MSK 2025


subtask  name      riscv64
   #100  openxray   failed

2025-Feb-20 00:29:57 :: shared task #73688 for sisyphus_riscv64 started by recycler:
2025-Feb-20 00:29:57 :: message: sync_with_sisyphus
#100 build openxray-1.6.02_2921-alt1.src.rpm
2025-Feb-20 00:30:04 :: [riscv64] #100 openxray-1.6.02_2921-alt1.src.rpm: build start
[riscv64] #define __SIZE_MAX__ 0xffffffffffffffffUL
[riscv64] #define __UINT_FAST8_TYPE__ unsigned char
[riscv64] #define __P(args) args
[riscv64] #define LUA_NUMBER double
[riscv64] #define __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL 4
[riscv64] #define __WCHAR_T 
[riscv64] #define _T_WCHAR 
[riscv64] CMake Error at Externals/LuaJIT-proj/CMakeLists.txt:187 (message):
[riscv64]   Unsupported luajit target architecture (see output above)
[riscv64] -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
2025-Feb-20 00:32:29 :: [riscv64] openxray-1.6.02_2921-alt1.src.rpm: remote: build failed
2025-Feb-20 00:32:30 :: [riscv64] #100 openxray-1.6.02_2921-alt1.src.rpm: build FAILED
2025-Feb-20 00:32:30 :: [riscv64] requesting cancellation of task processing
2025-Feb-20 00:32:30 :: [riscv64] build FAILED
2025-Feb-20 00:32:30 :: task #73688 for sisyphus_riscv64 FAILED

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