[Music] Fw: [linux-audio-user] Audio 3-D Demo --- Any Interest in Software?]

Yury Aliaev mutab0r at rambler.ru
Thu Jan 8 11:22:05 MSK 2004

Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:


> Greetings Linux Audio Users.
> A few weeks ago, I mailed to the user list a URL regarding some audio 
> software I have been working on over the past two years.  For those
> who missed it:
> http://home.earthlink.net/~davidrclark/linux_audio_users/

Слона-то я и не приметил... Внимательно обошёл все ссылки, погуглил даже 
малость, и -- ни одной ссылки на исходники.

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