[Music] Fw: [linux-audio-announce] Linux Install Party and "Free Software for Music" workshop]

Alexandre Prokoudine avp at altlinux.ru
Mon Sep 29 15:00:14 MSD 2003

----- Forwarded message from Patrice Tisserand <Patrice.Tisserand at ircam.fr> -----

From: Patrice Tisserand <Patrice.Tisserand at ircam.fr>
To: Linux Audio Announce <linux-audio-announce at music.columbia.edu>
Subject: [linux-audio-announce] Linux Install Party and "Free Software for Music" workshop
Date: 29 Sep 2003 11:27:53 +0200

Please distribute it to your interested colleagues

Resonances 2003 : Linux install party and "Free software for music"

Ircam organizes within the Resonances 2003 event a Linux install party
and a workshop dedicated to free sofware for music. 

The "Free software for music" day will make a tour on free musical and
professional audio software, the evolution of Linux towards an easier
use, compatibility with audio equipment, audio drivers and MIDI. 

Date : Thursday, October 23rd, 2003, 10:00am to 06:00pm 
Venue : Ircam, Studio 5 
Access conditions : Free entrance upon registration :
Sylvie.Benoit at ircam.fr 

The Linux install party is dedicated to musical free software, to make
you discover the AGNULA distributions and the Planet CCRMA packages. 

Date : October 18th-19th, 2003, 12pm to 8pm 
Venue : Ircam, salle Olivier Messiaen 
Access conditions : Free entrance upon reservation :
Francois.Dechelle at ircam.fr or 
Patrice.Tisserand at ircam.fr

More info:
Resonances 2003:
Resonances 2003: Free Software for Music:
Resonances 2003: Linux Install Party:

linux-audio-announce mailing list
linux-audio-announce at music.columbia.edu

----- End forwarded message -----

Alexandre Prokoudine		| "When you set yourself on fire and aim 
ALT Linux Documentation Team	|  for the sky, you hope to leave behind 
E-mail: avp at altlinux.ru		|  some sparks of heat and light"
JabberID: avp at altlinux.org	|                             Neil Peart
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