[Music] [m@irixx.org: [linux-audio-user] [Fwd: FreeSamples now online]]

Alexandre Prokoudine avp at altlinux.ru
Fri Sep 12 18:38:16 MSD 2003

----- Forwarded message from iriXx <m at irixx.org> -----

From: iriXx <m at irixx.org>
To: linux-audio-user at music.columbia.edu
Subject: [linux-audio-user] [Fwd: FreeSamples now online]
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 11:38:50 +0100
Reply-To: linux-audio-user at music.columbia.edu

might be of use.....


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FreeSamples now online
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 20:33:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: Dennis Miller <dennismi at lynx.dac.neu.edu>
Reply-To: cecdiscuss at concordia.ca
To: cecdiscuss at concordia.ca

Northeastern University is pleased to announce the release of FreeSamples,
a Web site that features new and unusual sounds created by Northeastern
faculty and staff that are available free of charge. The sounds were
created using the various hardware and software resources found in the
labs at Northeastern and incorporate techniques such as convolution, cross
synthesis, LPC, phase vocoding, and a variety of granular techniques.

FreeSamples is a co-production of Northeastern and House of Samples and is
found at http://www.mtlc.net/freesamples/.

----- End forwarded message -----

Alexandre Prokoudine
ALT Linux Documentation Team
JabberID: avp at altlinux.org
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