[Music] [site] http://dmusic.com

Michael Shigorin mike at osdn.org.ua
Sun Jun 15 16:02:25 MSD 2003

И еще наткнулся:

http://help.dmusic.com/#What%20is%20DMusic :
What is DMusic? 

Aside from being the oldest online digital music community, DMusic is a
hosting platform for artists.  We have built website technology to allow
musicians to plug their official websites in to our platform, enabling
them to add far more interactive components to their website than they
normally could. DMusic.com is a portal front end for all of these sites,
plus the hundreds of artists who sign up for simple templated pages they
can administer through the same tools the official websites have.                  

In addition DMusic.com also provides digital music news, reviews,
information and a highly interactive environment for users to interact
with their favorite DMusic musicians and other DMusic users.

 ---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike at altlinux.ru>
  ------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/

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