[Hardware] Linux bluetooth audio gateway

Михаил Плужников mike.almateia на gmail.com
Вт Июн 21 13:48:18 UTC 2011

Имеется задачка, сделать из стационарного компьютера bluetooth-наушники, что бы можно было 
транслировать на него аудио поток с плеера по blutooth.

Пока, после экспериментов, не удалось продвинуться дальше эмуляции HSP на PC, т.е. плеер 
видит компьютер как обычный комп, а не handset устройство с пофилем a2dp.

Может у кого то была такая задача и её решил?
Помогие, советом или куда копать.

В аттаче конфиги из /etc/bluetooth
----------- следующая часть -----------
# Configuration file for the audio service

# This section contains options which are not specific to any
# particular interface


# Switch to master role for incoming connections (defaults to true)

# If we want to disable support for specific services
# Defaults to supporting all implemented services

# SCO routing. Either PCM or HCI (in which case audio is routed to/from ALSA)
# Defaults to HCI

# Automatically connect both A2DP and HFP/HSP profiles for incoming
# connections. Some headsets that support both profiles will only connect the
# other one automatically so the default setting of true is usually a good
# idea.

# Headset interface specific options (i.e. options which affect how the audio
# service interacts with remote headset devices)

# Set to true to support HFP, false means only HSP is supported
# Defaults to true

# Maximum number of connected HSP/HFP devices per adapter. Defaults to 1

# Set to true to enable use of fast connectable mode (faster page scanning)
# for HFP when incomming call starts. Default settings are restored after
# call is answered or rejected. Page scan interval is much shorter and page
# scan type changed to interlaced. Such allows faster connection initiated
# by a headset.

# Just an example of potential config options for the other interfaces
----------- следующая часть -----------

# List of plugins that should not be loaded on bluetoothd startup
#DisablePlugins = network,input

# Default adaper name
# %h - substituted for hostname
# %d - substituted for adapter id
Name = %h-%d

# Default device class. Only the major and minor device class bits are
# considered.
Class = 0xff0408

# How long to stay in discoverable mode before going back to non-discoverable
# The value is in seconds. Default is 180, i.e. 3 minutes.
# 0 = disable timer, i.e. stay discoverable forever
DiscoverableTimeout = 0

# How long to stay in pairable mode before going back to non-discoverable
# The value is in seconds. Default is 0.
# 0 = disable timer, i.e. stay pairable forever
PairableTimeout = 0

# Use some other page timeout than the controller default one
# which is 16384 (10 seconds).
PageTimeout = 8192

# Discover scheduler interval used in Adapter.DiscoverDevices
# The value is in seconds. Defaults is 30.
DiscoverSchedulerInterval = 30

# What value should be assumed for the adapter Powered property when
# SetProperty(Powered, ...) hasn't been called yet. Defaults to true
InitiallyPowered = true

# Remember the previously stored Powered state when initializing adapters
RememberPowered = true

# Use vendor, product and version information for DID profile support.
# The values are separated by ":" and VID, PID and version.
#DeviceID = 1234:5678:abcd

# Do reverse service discovery for previously unknown devices that connect to
# us. This option is really only needed for qualification since the BITE tester
# doesn't like us doing reverse SDP for some test cases (though there could in
# theory be other useful purposes for this too). Defaults to true.
ReverseServiceDiscovery = true

# Enable name resolving after inquiry. Set it to 'false' if you don't need
# remote devices name and want shorter discovery cycle. Defaults to 'true'.
NameResolving = true

# Enable runtime persistency of debug link keys. Default is false which
# makes debug link keys valid only for the duration of the connection
# that they were created for.
DebugKeys = false

# Enable Low Energy support if the dongle supports. Default is false.
# Enable/Disable interleave discovery and attribute server over LE.
EnableLE = false

# Enable the GATT Attribute Server. Default is false, because it is only
# useful for testing. Attribute server is not enabled over LE if EnableLE
# is false.
AttributeServer = false
----------- следующая часть -----------
# RFCOMM configuration file.

rfcomm0 {
	# Automatically bind the device at startup
	bind yes;
#	# Bluetooth address of the device
	device 00:23:76:E5:F6:4E;
#	# RFCOMM channel for the connection
	channel	1;
#	# Description of the connection
	comment "HTC Desire";

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