[Hardware] насчет swsusp + i855GM [Suspending with i915 and DRI (possible solution?)]
Konstantin A. Lepikhov
lakostis на anti-leasure.ru
Ср Янв 12 17:36:50 MSK 2005
JFYI как возможный workaround (хотя надо смотреть патчи для xorg).
----- Forwarded message from Bernard Blackham <bernard на blackham.com.au> -----
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2005 22:12:25 +0800
From: Bernard Blackham <bernard@>
To: dri-devel@
Subject: Suspending with i915 and DRI (possible solution?)
Organization: Dagobah Systems
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.6+20040907i
I have an Intel i855GM chipset in my laptop, running Xorg 6.8.1 with
i810 and i915_dri for DRI, and kernel 2.6.10 with the i915 kernel
module. DRI is all well and happy, and glxgears achieves about
800fps. I use Software Suspend 2 ( from
softwaresuspend.berlios.de, and upon suspending and resuming, I
found that GL apps would freeze when trying to be launched (as has
been reported before).
So I did some digging and poking, and wrote the attached little C
program that calls I915_RESUME_DMA in the i915 drm driver, and
surprisingly, this lets me run GL applications once more without
restarting X.
If I simply run it after resuming and returning back to X, I can run
GL applications again. Even more interestingly though, is if I run
it after resuming but before returning back to X, existing GL
applications don't lock up and continue to run, with some small
- on the first suspend invocation (from a freshly started X), Xorg
will consume 99% CPU (though still be otherwise functional) until
I kill glxgears *and* switch VTs to text and back to X. On
subsequent suspend invocations, this doesn't happen. If I'm not
running glxgears or a GL app when suspending, it doesn't happen
- glxgears' reported fps will drop from the usual 800fps on a
freshly started X, to about 200fps on a suspend/resumed one, but
CPU usage is pretty close to zero indicating that it's certainly
not software-GL. I can still play tuxracer after resume with no
noticable differences.
- running tuxracer whilst suspending and resuming results in a
garbled screen (fair enough though :). You can make out enough of
the screen to exit tuxracer and restart it again... I guess I'll
have to stop tuxracer whilst suspending for now ;)
So this is really just a quick hack but is it worth considering
moving into something like the X dri driver? (eg, on vt switch?)
And is it just working for me out of pure luck? :)
I can imagine that to restore full DRI would take much more work
(textures and the like).
Bernard Blackham <bernard at blackham dot com dot au>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#define DRM_IOCTL_I915_INIT 0x40
typedef struct _drm_i915_init {
enum {
I915_INIT_DMA = 0x01,
I915_CLEANUP_DMA = 0x02,
I915_RESUME_DMA = 0x03
} func;
unsigned int mmio_offset;
int sarea_priv_offset;
unsigned int ring_start;
unsigned int ring_end;
unsigned int ring_size;
unsigned int front_offset;
unsigned int back_offset;
unsigned int depth_offset;
unsigned int w;
unsigned int h;
unsigned int pitch;
unsigned int pitch_bits;
unsigned int back_pitch;
unsigned int depth_pitch;
unsigned int cpp;
unsigned int chipset;
} drm_i915_init_t;
int main() {
drm_i915_init_t init;
init.func = I915_RESUME_DMA;
int fd = open("/dev/dri/card0", O_RDWR);
if (fd == -1) {
return 1;
if (ioctl(fd, DRM_IOCTL_I915_INIT, &init) == -1) {
return 1;
return 0;
----- End forwarded message -----
WBR, Konstantin chat with ==>ICQ: 109916175
Lepikhov, speak to ==>JID: lakostis на jabber.org
aka L.A. Kostis write to ==>mailto:lakostis на pisem.net.nospam
...The information is like the bank... (c) EC8OR
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