[Hardware] Re: KM400A Встроенное видео & ALT Linux

Ludmila A. Bulatova labulat на coltel.ru
Вт Фев 24 19:55:59 MSK 2004

Вот цитата с
Мне не помогло. Уже нужны более компетентные руки и голова ;-(

The "via" driver contributed by VIA which is in XFree86 CVS is 
also available in Red Hat Rawhide XFree86 RPM packages and 
reported to work ok on EPIA boards.

Those unfamiliar with what rawhide is and where to get it can 
locate it via the Google search engine: http://www.google.com

I also have these rpms on my ftp site at:


If you're using another Linux distribution or OS, you can 
probably take the source code tarball and patches out of my 
raw source code and patches directory, or from the src.rpm and 
get it working in another distro/OS.  Your distro should be able 
to also easily update their XFree86 releases with the new driver 
and have it working in 4.3.0 without much work.

While it's not difficult, distro maintainers can contact me on
packagers-list at xwin.org if any advice/help is required and I'll 
try to offer any help I can.

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