[Freeschool] Fwd: [school-discuss] Open Admin for Schools 1.91 released

Michael Shigorin mike на osdn.org.ua
Чт Сен 8 23:11:12 MSD 2005

----- Forwarded message from Les Richardson <les/celery.richtech.ca> -----

Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 09:43:24 -0600 (CST)
From: Les Richardson <les/celery.richtech.ca>
To: schoolforge-discuss/schoolforge.net
Subject: [school-discuss] Open Admin for Schools 1.91 released

Hi All,

A bugfix version of OA 1.90 is available as 1.91. This includes all bugs 
that secretaries and admins have found over the last couple of weeks. It 
includes all fixes available in the OA Updates area.


Les Richardson

----- End forwarded message -----

 ---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux.ru>
  ------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/
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